Riding Bitch (4 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Multicultural; Contemporary

BOOK: Riding Bitch
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Ash had definitely learned new things in the thirteen years they’d been apart. The only problem with that, as far as she could tell, was she didn’t have anything to contribute to the mix. Her lovers had been few and boring. Her parents were disappointed that she hadn’t made a permanent connection with any of them, and more than once her father had said he wanted to see his grandchildren sometime before he died. Each time she’d bitten off the response that if he’d minded his own business, there was every chance she and Ash could be parents right now.

Of course that wasn’t for certain; Courtney and Doug had not had children in their time together. Maybe Courtney was pregnant right now, and that was bringing them closer together. If she was, Courtney hadn’t shared that information with her.

Felicia licked her lips and studied Ash. Her thoughts drifted to various ways they would enjoy themselves over the next week. She’d be on top of him, her pussy settled on his mouth while her lips worked up and down his cock. Then suddenly she was on all fours, and he was behind her, thrusting into her so hard that her insides quivered.

She looked up to see if he was watching her. But this time his attention was turned to Doug.

“Felicia!” Courtney’s whispered urgency brought her back to the situation at hand. She saw Ash hand Doug the ring, and Felicia cradled the two sets of flowers she held and then opened her palm to hand Courtney the matching jewelry. The look Courtney gave her said she knew exactly what Felicia had been thinking about. Instead of being angry, her friend winked at her.

That didn’t surprise Felicia. This morning, when she’d shown up on Courtney’s doorstep, her friend had burst into giggles when Felicia had told her about riding to Santa Fe with Ash.

“It’s perfect,”
Courtney had said, holding her close.

“I’m worried I made the wrong decision,”
Felicia had replied.
“My parents are going to be pissed. Plus what happens if we get on the road and it turns to crap?”

The words Courtney said next still echoed in Felicia’s mind.
“You know my parents aren’t happy about Doug and I getting back together, right? Well, I was going to let them convince me to file for divorce, and then I thought, it’s my life, not theirs. Please remember that if you and Ash take this further. Don’t let your parents control you.”

“You always were stronger than me,”
Felicia had responded.

“Bull. Let your love for Ash be what you concentrate on. Don’t think about anyone else.”

Now, as Courtney and Doug exchanged rings, the couple glowed with happiness. Their love was strong and had survived whatever had broken them apart. Ash was once again looking at her, and then their friends were kissing. When it came time to walk down the aisle, he offered his arm, and her fingers tingled when she took it. The sweet burn crept up her arm as they fell into step together.

She imagined herself wearing not a lavender maid-of-honor dress but a white dress with a long train. Or would Ash want something more in the Native American tradition? She wasn’t sure, because they’d never discussed anything like that. She wasn’t even sure what that would entail.

When they were down the aisle and heading toward the ballroom, where Courtney and Doug were already standing in the doorway, their arms wrapped around each other, their lips locked together, Ash leaned toward her.

“You weren’t paying much attention during the ceremony.”

Felicia couldn’t help but giggle. “It was a rerun.”

Ash smiled, but he was shaking his head at her bad pun.

“Still, you could have pretended to take part. I could almost see the ideas flowing through your mind.”

“Because you were starring in them, or because you were having the same ones?”

This was too much fun. One of the best memories she had of her relationship with Ash was trading quips to see who could get the last word in. It looked like that part was going to remain the same.

“My name was listed first on the marquee in mine.”

“Really? I think I should get top billing.”

Ash’s chuckle was almost evil. “I was doing all the work. You were just lying there, taking everything I could give you.”

Her insides turned to jelly. “What were you giving me?”

There was a seductive grin on his face. “Everything.”

“Could you be more—” Felicia was going to say
, but that would lead to a conversation that was best saved for when they were alone.

“Hold that thought,” Ash said. “I’ll go and get us something to drink.”

People were filing into the room, hugging Courtney and Doug, expressing their wishes for a happy life together. Felicia had been surprised that so many people had shown up for the event, given that it wasn’t technically a real wedding. When she’d mentioned it to Courtney, her friend had said many of the relatives were using it as an excuse to visit New Orleans—the famous party city.

For Felicia, it was a free trip, since Courtney and Doug covered it for both her and Ash. But there were at least fifty people here, a great many of them relatives from Courtney’s large family.

Many of them knew her parents, and two of Courtney’s uncles still lived in Shiprock. They knew her parents well. If they made it back home before she did, they would tell her parents about how she and Ash seemed…friendly…at the wedding.

That idea should give her pause, but surprisingly, she found that it didn’t. Her father might have been able to control who she saw at age seventeen; however, at age thirty, she just didn’t care anymore.

The thought was so liberating she wanted to scream it to the world. She’d made a decision, one that would bring her great joy. She hadn’t ever done that. She’d gone to school where her parents wanted her to go, she’d moved back to Shiprock to work because they wanted her close, and she’d stayed away from the man she loved because her father hated him.

But no more. If this week turned into something more permanent, her father was going to have to deal with it. Courtney was right. It was Felicia’s life, and she was tired of doing things that pleased everyone else and left her wondering why she wasn’t living for herself.

She hadn’t come to that realization until Courtney had said the words this afternoon.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Ash said as he approached her, two glasses of champagne in his hands.

She took one and twirled the stem between her fingers. “I’m sorry. I need a quarter. Inflation, you know.”

“I might go as high as a dime.” He took a drink from his glass. “But after that, we’re going to have to barter. How much does an orgasm go for these days? One thought per climax, maybe?”

Heat rushed through her. “Stop saying things like that in public. You’re making me blush.”

His smile made her nipples tingle. “I like seeing you turn red. But it does make me want to know what you’re thinking.” He pulled a quarter from his pocket. “Quarter for your thoughts, and I hope they’re dirty.”

Felicia took a deep breath. She had been thinking some nasty things, but now wasn’t the time to expound on them. “I was just thinking how upset my parents are going to be when they hear you and I are spending time together, and I have no doubt they will before I get back home.”

His face turned serious. “And?”

“And I don’t care.” She clinked her glass against his. “What are you going to tell your folks? Because they hate me as much as mine despise you.”

“It’s none of their business. I’m a grown-up now.”

Felicia blushed. “Yeah, I noticed that last night.”

“I’m happy to hear that.” He took a step closer to her. “Now, to get back to the matter at hand. You weren’t paying attention during the ceremony. Bad Felicia. Especially because I know what you were thinking, and I’m sure it wasn’t about parental units being pissed off. It was about sex. Go ahead, you can admit it.”

“Oh my God.” Felicia put her free hand to her chest. “Have you learned to read minds? Did it take a lot of work? I can see now why you wouldn’t want to cough up a quarter when you already know what I was thinking. Of course if you really knew, you wouldn’t have to ask.”

A dark, seductive look crossed his face. “You’ll regret that later, little miss smart-ass.”

Felicia’s toes curled as his gaze bored into her. But still, she couldn’t resist goading him just a little more. It had been years since she’d had the chance, after all.

“Why, sir”—she faked a Southern accent as best she could—“whatever do you mean?”

“Just remember your sharp tongue tonight when I paddle your sweet bottom.”

That got her attention. “I’m sorry, what was that?”

Before he could answer, Courtney was beside them. She hugged Felicia, then kissed Ash on the cheek. “You two are causing quite a commotion. I think you’re taking the focus off Doug and I.”

Felicia could tell Ash’s “Sorry” was heartfelt, but Courtney laughed it off.

“I think it’s perfect. It means my mother’s not picking on me about renewing my vows with Doug.” Courtney turned to Felicia. “As a matter of fact, I think she’s calling your mother.”

Felicia had a split second of panic, but then she pushed it away. She’d just told Ash she didn’t care, and it was true. At least she hoped it held up when she talked to her mother, which would be easier than talking to her father.

“I hope she gives her my regards.” Felicia took a sip of her champagne. “Did you tell her about the trip?”

“Nope.” Courtney’s wink made her laugh. “I figure it’s nobody’s business. You two just have to promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?” Ash cocked his head just a little, and Felicia could hear the suspicion in his voice.

“When you get married, Doug and I get to stand up for you.”

Before Felicia could even form an answer, she heard Ash say, “It’s a deal.”

* * * *

Felicia looked like a cloud as she twirled around the room. She did a little two-step with her feet, moving back and forth as if they were still on the dance floor; then she turned and fell sideways onto the bed.

Ash wanted nothing more than to fall into her softness, let her embrace him in every way possible. She giggled, and he knew she’d had just a few too many glasses of the bubbly, because once she started giggling, she couldn’t stop.

He stepped over to the bed and looked down. “What are you laughing at?”

“I’m not sure.” She held out her hand, and he took it. He let her pull him down, making sure to land next to her instead of on top. He stroked her belly, savoring the smooth feel of the fabric, imagining the suppleness of her skin that lay just underneath the dress.

He moved his fingers in a figure eight. Beneath his touch, Felicia’s giggles were mixed with sexy sighs that made his dick harden. He wanted to be inside her, wanted to feel her silky walls around him. But before that he wanted to spank her, to see her ass redden as his hand came down on it repeatedly.

Felicia laughed again, breaking the beautiful scene building in his mind of her over his knee as he delivered a sweet, sexy spanking.

“Why are you still laughing?” He sat up, glaring at her in mock anger. “I’m trying to seduce you, and you think it’s funny?”

“More surreal.” She sat up on her elbows and blinked innocently. “I’m not sure you’re really here. Maybe you’re just a mirage, something I dreamed up to fill a hole in my sex-deprived world.”

“I’ve got something to fill your hole.” He took her hand and placed it on his crotch.

“You certainly do.” She wiggled her eyebrows as she squeezed. Heat shot through him. “Can I be on top this time?” The fire inside him turned into an inferno.

He thought about saying no, because he’d enjoyed last night too much and looked forward to a repeat. But then he thought about the smart comments she’d made earlier, and about the spanking he’d promised her. If she was on top, he would have the perfect opportunity to smack her ass.

“Sure, I’ll let you do all the work. Let’s get that dress off you first.” He stood and offered her his hand. When she was standing, he slowly turned her so that he had access to the zipper. The bodice was off the shoulder, so he’d expected a strapless bra. But when the dress dropped to the floor, his dick whined to be let free.

“You’re wearing a corset.” It was so unexpected and so breathtaking. “Oh fuck, Felicia. It’s complete with a garter and stockings. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

She turned and kissed him, her lips gentle against his. “You’ll have to undo the back,” she said throatily.

“No way.” He put his hands on either side of her hips. When he found her panties, he tugged them down. “You’re wearing it, shoes and all.”

When the little piece of satin was at her feet, he said, “Step out.” She did, gracefully moving on the heels, which he guessed to be about four inches high.

“This outfit is every man’s dream,” he said as he stood. “It’s a good thing you’re going to be on top, because if I was, I’m afraid I would pop off too soon.”

He stroked her hips, licking his lips as he felt her. “You’re delectable.”

“Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. When she did so, her breasts pressed upward against their bonds. He tugged the corset down just enough to free them.

“Perfect.” He moved one hand between them and cupped her breast. “Is this uncomfortable for you?”

She nodded just before she claimed his lips again. When she broke the kiss, he wiggled out of her arms. “Let me get undressed.”

When all his clothes were off, he took a condom from the nightstand. He hated wearing these things, but they were a necessary evil. Maybe one day he and Felicia would throw caution to the wind and do it skin to skin. Ash could think of nothing better than to have no barrier between them.

After he’d slipped it on, he settled in the center of the bed and propped his back against the headboard.

“Climb on,” he said, knowing they weren’t the most romantic words that could be spoken, but not really caring. All he wanted was to be inside Felicia again…and to spank her ass.

Felicia got onto the bed on all fours. She crawled toward him slowly, moving as if she were a turtle in a race. He thought about telling her to hurry up, then decided this was one more thing he could use as an excuse to redden her bottom.

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