Ricochet (23 page)

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Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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beg, boy; I'm still gonna punish this lily-white ass."

He managed to yank Matt's sweatpants down

while Matt flailed around, lashing out wildly with

his fists and not coming close to landing a punch.

Rick threw Matt onto the couch on his belly,

jumped on top of him, and pulled his boxers down

too, revealing his bare ass.

"Oh man!" he breathed, as he took in the sight

of that perfect white bottom, imagining the

pleasure of seeing it for the first time, all over

again. "I'm gonna enjoy this, boy."

Matt tried to pull up his boxers and cover

himself, but Rick grabbed his hands and forced

them over his head, pinning them there easily.

"No - this butt is mine now, and you don't get

to cover it up. I want it on display." Matt turned to

look at him over his shoulder, eyes flashing, and

Rick liked the way his pupils were dilated. He

etched the memory in his head; this was definitely

the way to Matt's sub-space.

Matt flushed and buried his head in the

cushions in embarrassment at his bare ass being on


"You don't have a dom, do you, boy?" Rick

asked, leaning over him.

Matt lifted his head and looked up at him






submissive. "No, sir… how did you know?"

"'Cause this ass is too damn pale." Rick ran

an appreciative finger over Matt's bottom as he

spoke. "If you had a dom, they'd keep it glowing.

Well, you've got a dom now, boy, and there's no

way any sub of mine is going out with an ass this


"Please… no… I'm scared!" Matt whispered,

blinking up at him from tearful eyes.

Rick paused. Matt hadn't said his safeword,

and he seemed to be deeply into the scene, but he

was so damn convincing that Rick wasn't sure

whether he meant it or not.

In that moment of hesitation, Matt suddenly

wriggled his bottom enticingly, moving it upwards

to touch Rick's hand again. "Nobody has ever

spanked me before, sir," Matt said pathetically. "I

won't be able to take it."

Rick relaxed. "Oh, you won't have a choice,

boy. I'll make you take it. So… this is a virgin ass,

is it? Never been spanked before, huh?" He sat

down on the couch next to Matt and placed his

hand on the soft, pale skin. Matt buried his head in

the cushions again, wailing softly.

"I like knowing you kept it fresh, white, and

untouched, just for me," Rick said, hauling Matt

onto his lap in a sitting position, so that he was

facing him.

"I didn't! You don't have the right to touch me

like this. Please stop," Matt whimpered, burrowing

his head into Rick's shirt. He wriggled again, in

another attempt to get away, and it was almost

more than Rick could stand; he was so hard now

that he thought he'd explode.

Rick clamped his arm around Matt to hold

him firmly in place and then paused to stroke his

hair and look into his eyes. Matt gazed back at him,

chin raised defiantly, staying in character and

acting the hell out of the scene. Rick had never had

such a convincing play partner, and he upped his

own game accordingly.

"Too late, boy," he growled. "You should

have thought of that before you teased me. You

need to learn how to be a good sub, and it's my

duty as your new dom to teach you how."

He flipped Matt over his knees, so fast Matt

couldn't have seen it coming, and so precise that it

pinned him instantly into place.

Then Rick raised his hand and brought it

down on Matt's ass, harder than he'd ever done at

the beginning of one of their spanking sessions

before. Matt gave a startled shout, and Rick

soothed his bottom with his hand.

"A naughty sub like you should be kept

marked, so I'm going to put my handprints on you,"

Rick promised. He felt Matt's hard cock press

eagerly against his thighs, confirming his

suspicions about what turned Matt on.

"You need to learn who you belong to - and

with my handprints on your ass, you won't be able

to deny it." Rick could almost see the cogs in

Matt's mind turning; was Rick really going to put

his handprints on him? Usually, Rick left Matt's ass

with a pink, all-over glow after a spanking that

completely faded by the next day, but Rick knew

how to mark a sub's ass with two clearly defined

handprints, one on each buttock, and, seeing Matt's

reaction, he decided to go for it.

Rick fastened his arm around Matt's body and

delivered another hard spank, firmly in the middle

of his right buttock. He planted the next in the

middle of his left buttock and then returned to the

right, making sure to deliver each spank precisely

where the last one had been. He continued this for

several spanks, delighting in how the two spank

marks were slowly starting to build. He knew it

could be hard for a sub to take so much intense

sensation concentrated in those two spots, so he

took a second to soothe Matt's ass with his hand

every few spanks.

"Please sir… please…" Matt whimpered,

looking at Rick pleadingly over his shoulder. "I'm

sorry. I was teasing you, sir! I wanted a dom to

claim me. I wanted you to notice me."

"Well, I sure as hell did," Rick said,

delivering another hard spank on Matt's rapidly

reddening ass. "And now you have to pay the price

for teasing me, boy."

"It hurts, sir!" Matt cried, and Rick decided

there was really nothing he disliked about hearing

Matt call him 'sir'.

"You deserve it, boy. You wanted to be

claimed - well, you should be careful what you

wish for." He delivered another spank, and then

another, knowing how tender those two marks on

Matt's buttocks had to be by now. Matt was

screaming, begging, and weeping, but Rick could

see he was deep in his sub-space and enjoying

every second of it.

"Quiet, boy! Your new dom wants to put his

mark on your skin, so you'll have to learn to take it;

and when I'm done, I'm gonna take you outside

bare-assed and show these marks to the world, so

all the other doms out there will know you belong

to me now."

Matt squealed in response, in what sounded

like a mixture of delight and dismay, and Rick

increased the speed and intensity of the spanks,

taking Matt right over the edge. He was rewarded

when Matt collapsed over his knee like a rag doll,

brokenly begging for mercy as Rick finished

painting two bright red handprints on his white ass.

Rick ended the spanking by gently stroking

Matt's flaming bottom with his hand, admiring his

own work. It didn't feel right to bring the scene to a

close yet though; it still felt too intense for that. He

waited for a few moments and then decided to

push things a little further.

"Now, you're going to stand with that ass on

display for me." He lifted Matt up, hauled him

bodily over to the corner of the trailer, and set him

down there, pressing his nose firmly into the wall.

Matt moaned, swaying slightly, and he shrieked

when Rick yanked his boxers down to his ankles

and pooled them there with his sweatpants,

hobbling Matt into position.

"Let the whole world see what a naughty sub

you've been," he murmured into Matt's ear,

standing close behind him, partly to be sure Matt

was able to stand without being held up.

He could see Matt's cock sticking out rigidly

in front of his body, and he was tempted to put his

hand on it and bring him to orgasm, but he decided

that was taking things too far. They hadn't agreed to

go beyond spank buddies, no matter how intimate

their play sessions were becoming.

He took a few steps back so that Matt would

feel the full force of the cool air wafting around his

flaming ass. He wanted Matt to really feel that he

was being put on display and experience the

delicious humiliation of the moment, even if he

was the only one here to witness it.

What he hadn't expected was the gut punch he

felt when he looked at those handprints on Matt's

pale skin. Maybe it was how Matt was reacting,

his buttocks alternately clenching and unclenching,

his body shaking from the emotion of the

experience. Or maybe it was the intensity of the

scene they'd playacted and how satisfying it had

been for them both. Or maybe it was something

else, something he couldn't even begin to put his

finger on, but something he felt deep in his gut. He

just knew that looking at his handprints on Matt's

bottom connected him deeply to his top-space and

anchored him there.

Rick took a few moments to regain his

composure, and then he stepped back to stand

behind the quivering sub.

"Did you learn your lesson, boy?" he growled

into Matt's ear.

"Yes, sir!"

"Good boy." Rick stroked his ass gently,

soothing him. "You did well. I'm proud of my sub.

I still have a lot of lessons to teach you, but I'm

guessing you won't tease me with this cute little ass

again." He squeezed a handful of flesh, and Matt


"No, sir!" he squeaked. "I promise I won't!"

"Because if you do, you know what I'll do to

it." Rick tapped Matt's flaming ass firmly, eliciting

a startled yelp.

Rick stood behind him, stroking Matt's ass

softly for a few moments, letting the scene wind

down for them both and bringing himself slowly

down from his top-space.

"You okay, Matt?" Rick asked at last,

breaking character.

"Mmmmm." Matt glanced up at him dreamily.

"Did you do it? Am I marked?" he asked excitedly.

"Oh yeah!" Rick grinned down at him.

"Wanna see?"

He didn't trust that Matt was in any fit state to

walk, so he picked him up and carried him over to

the mirror. Then he turned him around, so he could

see the two red handprints glowing on his own ass.

"Oh shit," Matt breathed. He looked up at

Rick from shining eyes and then back over his

shoulder at his bottom again. "I'm marked!" He

looked stunned. "Nobody ever put their mark on

me like that before, Rick, and I love it! That whole

scene was so amazing!"

He tried to walk back to the couch, but his

pants and boxers were still entwined around his

ankles, and his legs were clearly still at the 'made

from Jell-O' stage because he staggered, so Rick

picked him up and carried him back. He helped

Matt adjust his clothing and then lowered him

gently onto the couch.

"I hope it doesn't hurt too much," Rick said,

seeing Matt wince as his ass made contact with the


"Well, it's sore, but I like that! It makes it feel


Rick sat down beside him, swung his legs up

onto the couch, and pulled Matt into his arms, so

that he was lying on his front, resting on Rick's

chest. "You were fantastic. I love how you gave

me something to work with. Most subs don't bring

anything to a scene; they don't try and really play.

Maybe it's because you're an actor," he mused.

"It's because you painted the scene for me,"

Matt told him. "It was like you gave me permission

to… I don't know… be someone else. Someone

without this stupid OCD, who doesn't count all the

time." Matt made a face. "And it was so good!

Although I did almost freak out when you jumped

on me like that at the start."

"Sorry." Rick dropped a kiss on Matt's hair.

"Don't be - it was exciting! I've never done

anything like this before. To be honest, Rick, I've

led a really safe little life. Don't get me wrong - I

hate chaos, or being scared, and I'm most definitely

not a thrill seeker. But this felt exciting while

being safe at the same time."

"Good. So, we can play scenes like this


"Hell yeah! Although, maybe not every day,"

Matt said, laughing. "I'm not sure my ass could

stand it."

Rick dropped another kiss on his head, and

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