Ricochet (22 page)

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Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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"Well what?" Matt deadpanned.

"Matt!" Cara thumped his arm. "We want to

know all the details, and you'd better not leave

anything out."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Matt

smiled smugly.

"Matt!" Casey thumped his other arm.

"Judging by Rick's good mood and all the

practical jokes this afternoon, can we at least take

it that my cunning plan worked?" Karl asked.

"Maybe." Matt gave a nonchalant shrug.

"Okay, I gotta go. See you later!" He made a run

for his car, only to find that having a twin suddenly

attached to each of his arms slowed him down.

"Oh no, you don't get away that easily. You

are coming for a drink with us, and you're going to

tell us everything," they told him firmly, and he

laughingly gave in.

They went to their usual bar, a couple of

blocks away from the studio. It was a dark, grungy

place, which suited them fine as they were rarely

recognized and got to drink in peace.

"So..." Karl set a Coke down in front of Matt

and joined the others in gazing at him across the

booth expectantly. "Come on, Matt. Spill."

Matt flushed and took a gulp of his drink.

"You don't have to feed these vultures all the

gory details if you don't want to," Daniel told him,

and Matt flashed him a grateful smile.

"That's good because… well, I don't think I'm

very good at talking about this kind of stuff, but

yes, Karl, your cunning plan worked, and Rick and

I are now… spank buddies!"

Casey clapped her hands together, Cara put

her hand over her mouth and giggled, and Karl


"Spank buddies? That's it?" he asked.

Matt nodded, feeling his cheeks flush again.

"Yeah, spank buddies," he muttered into his drink.

"And how did he take it?" Cara asked. "I

mean, was he freaked out, or did he just grab you

and throw you straight over his knee?"

"And did he take your pants down to do it?"

Casey asked eagerly.

"Casey!" Daniel scolded.

"Well, I want to know!" She pouted, crossing

her arms over her chest.

Matt was spared having to respond by a tall,

blonde woman coming over to their table. They

didn't usually get recognized by fans in here but it

did occasionally happen, and Daniel always set

the tone by being gracious and happily signing


"Hey, sorry to intrude, but I love your show!

Me and my sub never miss an episode," the fan

said. "Also, I wanted to say thanks," she added,

speaking directly to Matt.

"To me?" Matt asked blankly. Usually, it was

Daniel who got approached because he was by far

the most famous.

"Yeah. See, I'm from a Lenkan family but I

fell in love with a sub from outside of the

community. Because of your portrayal of Ben

Harris, I got the courage to stand up to my folks,

and now I've just collared my boy, and we're

really happy together." She smiled at him


"Wow." Matt felt flattered and unworthy at

the same time. "That's great… I mean, I just say the

words the writers give me to say, but thanks."

He spoke to the dom for a few minutes and

gave her an autograph, then turned back to see

Daniel smiling at him approvingly.

He felt flustered and took refuge in his drink

again. He was still so new at being famous, and

he'd always found it hard being the center of

attention. When he was in character, on set, he

loved performing and relished the spotlight, but

when he was himself, he found it embarrassing.

"Hey - you did good," Daniel told him.

"Thanks. I'm not used to this yet. Two years

ago, I was an office temp between acting jobs and

now I'm being asked for my autograph. You're

always so great at handling the attention - is it

something I'll learn?" Matt asked him.

"You're doing just fine. I was about your age

when I landed the role of Tom Duke in the first

movie, and that was one hell of a

roller coaster ride!"

"How did you handle it?" Matt asked


"I had Suzanna," Daniel said quietly, and Matt

saw Karl's head swivel and his body language

change as he paid rapt attention. "She was my

manager as well as my dom and my spouse."

Daniel's fingers drifted to the collar he still wore

in her memory. "And she never steered me wrong

in all the years we were together, from the moment

we met until her death. I would never even have

got the role in the
movies without


"She was a legend in the business," Karl said.

"Yes, she was." Daniel sat back, and Matt

knew that he wouldn't say anything more on the


"So what were we talking about?" Matt

asked, to fill the sudden silence.

"Spanking." Casey smiled at him sweetly.

"You still haven't told us everything, Matt."

"Look, it worked, Rick is now back to his old

self, and I'm… not unhappy with the arrangement."

Matt grinned. "And that's all I'm gonna say!"

"So, you and Rick - do you think that might

become more than this spank buddy deal?" Karl


"No." Matt shook his head vehemently. "I told

you before, we'd never work! Besides, Rick has a

no reruns policy; he never sleeps with the same

sub twice."

"He what…? What the hell is his issue?" Karl

asked, looking faintly irritated by this news. "I

mean, I knew he liked sleeping around, but he's

actually got a policy about never sleeping with a

sub more than once? That's bonkers!"

"He's a young, single dom who became very

famous very quickly; I think he's just enjoying

himself," Daniel said firmly, clearly signaling the

conversation should change.

"We always wanted to meet twin doms," Cara

said unexpectedly. "So we could all live together

in a big house."

"Maybe you will." Daniel smiled at her.

Casey wrapped an arm around her sister.

"The last twin doms we met were mean, and we've

kind of given up on that dream. We'd settle for a

good dom who'd love us both," she said.

Matt looked up. "Just one dom for the two of


"Yes. We couldn't live apart, Matt, but most

doms are only interested in us for the novelty."

Casey gave a sad little shrug.

"They just want the fantasy of having bedded

twins," Cara added. "We get that all the time."

"Some doms are shits!" Karl growled into his


"We want someone who gets us, who loves us

for who we are and not what we are," Casey said.

"Don't we all," Matt said softly.

The twins went everywhere together and

were so alike that it had taken him some time to

realize they had separate identities too. Cara was

the slightly more sensible one of the two, although

she did have a habit of saying the wrong thing at

the wrong time, whereas Casey was the one most

likely to initiate a hug or worry about how

someone was feeling. Their identity as twins was

important to them, and they adored each other, but







recognition in their own right too. Matt could see

how most doms wouldn't understand that - any

relationship with the twins was bound to bring its

own set of complications.

"You'll meet someone, one day. You're too

great not to," he told them.

"Maybe. There is someone we like… we're

going out on a first date tomorrow night." Cara

glanced at her sister furtively.

"Who is it?" Karl asked, looking intrigued.

Casey put her finger over Cara's lips. "We

can't… I mean, we shouldn't…"

"It's Petra, isn't it?" Karl said, and everyone

turned to look at him in surprise.

"How did you know?" Cara demanded.

Karl shrugged. "I'm new here, so I guess that

gives me a certain outside perspective on you all.

Also, I'm kind of a people watcher, and you're an

interesting group of people to watch!" He winked

at Matt.

"You two and Petra?" Matt thought about it

for a moment. Petra was a stern, no-nonsense kind

of dom but she was warm too, and while the twins

could be a handful with their high-octane energy

levels and airhead ways, they were also

completely adorable. "You know, I think that could

work!" he said, and the twins smiled and hugged

each other.

Karl raised his glass. "To spank buddy deals

and first dates then," he said, and they all drank to


Chapter Nineteen

The next couple of weeks were fantastic.

Rick started each day by spanking Matt, and after

that they both were on a high that lasted all day and

made the set a happy place to be again.

By the end of the second week, Rick decided

it was time to mix things up. They'd only played in

Rick's trailer, so he got in early one morning and

went to Matt's trailer instead, to surprise him.

Rick effortlessly picked the lock on Matt's

trailer and let himself in and then glanced around

the place with a roll of his eyes; it was as

spotlessly tidy as ever, everything arranged at

precise angles that had clearly taken considerable

thought and organization.

"Matty, you need to loosen up and let go

some, buddy," he muttered. "Maybe I can help with


He hid behind the door, waiting in the dim,

early morning gloom of the trailer for Matt to

arrive; he always dumped his stuff there first

before going over to Rick's for his spanking. A few

minutes later he heard footsteps, and then the

trailer door opened, and Matt walked in.

Rick moved up behind him, kicked the door

shut, and grabbed him, fastening his arms around

Matt's chest. Matt gave a startled squawk and

tensed up in his arms.

"Ssh, boy," Rick said quickly, so Matt would

know it was him, and he wasn't being accosted by

a complete stranger.

"Rick? What the hell are you doing?" Matt

responded, wriggling to try and get free. That just

made Rick hold on tighter.

"I said - ssh." Rick placed his hand over

Matt's mouth, pulled Matt up close against him, so

that his back was pressed against Rick's chest, and

whispered fiercely into his ear. "I've seen you,

boy, out jogging in those itty bitty shorts, wiggling

that cute ass at me whenever you pass by. I know

what you want."

Something seemed to click into place, and

Matt relaxed in his arms, so Rick loosened his

hand from over his mouth.

"I don't know what you mean!" Matt replied

indignantly. "I'm just out jogging. I'm not teasing

you, mister!"

Rick grinned - this was good. Matt was

playing along with the scene he'd painted, the way

he'd hoped he would.

"Oh yeah, you were - and you know what? It

worked. Now I'm going to spank this naughty little

ass until you scream, boy."

"No… please… I wasn't teasing!" Matt cried

as Rick carried him bodily over to the couch. He

wriggled in Rick's tight grasp, and although he had

a surprisingly solid layer of muscle on him, he

wasn't a match for Rick's greater size and strength.

All the wriggling and protesting turned Rick

on. The sensation of holding a squealing sub in his

arms brought out something very old in his blood,

and he found himself rising to the challenge.

"Shut up, boy. I'm gonna warm this ass until

it's hot enough to toast marshmallows," he growled

into Matt's ear.

"Please… no…. Please don't spank me, sir!"

Matt managed to yank one of his arms free and,

caught off guard, Rick dropped him. Matt made a

run for the door, and Rick grabbed him on his way

past, surprised by how hard his cock was right

now. A lot of subs meekly and passively offered

themselves up to him for a spanking which was

fine, but Rick loved role-playing. It was the actor

in him - and it looked like the actor in Matt wanted

to come out and play too.

He wrapped his arm around Matt's waist and

pulled him back. "It doesn't matter how prettily you

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