Ricochet (27 page)

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Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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just for investigating crimes involving collars," she

mused. "It seems a strange premise for a show."

"Yet the writers come up with new shit every

week!" Rick beamed. "Matty has just got a great

new plot line."

Matt wished Rick hadn't reminded him of that.

"It's a major plot line, and I'm nervous," he

explained to his mother. "That's why Rick came

around this evening - to cheer me up. He didn't

know you'd be here."

"It's a regular arrangement," his mother told

Rick. "We always eat Chinese food for dinner and

catch up on the last Friday of the month. We both

lead very busy lives, and this is our together time."

"But it's nice to do something different - just

this once," Matt said. He was suddenly aware that

there were seven different colors on the pizza box,

and he hadn't even realized he'd been counting


"Sit down, Matt." Rick seemed to sense his

anxiety, and he grabbed Matt's hand and pulled him

down beside him onto the couch. "Look - this is a

big pizza. Why don't we eat this, and you can save

the Chinese food for tomorrow?"

"No, thank you. You go ahead," his mom said.

"I'll wait for the Chinese food. I don't like it when

my plans change."

Matt glared at her, thinking she was being

very rude. "I'll have pizza. I feel like it,' Matt said,

rearranging the trays on the coffee table so they

lined up with the edge.

He felt almost naughty as he took a slice of

the pizza. This wasn't normal last-Friday-of-the-

month food, so it felt reckless and rebellious. His

mother's pursed lips gave him a pang of anxiety as

he raised it to his mouth but he fought it down. He

wasn't murdering anyone; it was only pizza!

"Even if you don't get the show, you have to

admit Matty is great as Ben," Rick said, taking a

giant mouthful of his pizza.

"Matt does a fine job, but I don't approve of

the way the show presents subs," Elspeth replied.

"Really?" Rick frowned, still munching on his

pizza. "How come?"

"Well, for example, the character you play is

an appalling example to impressionable young

subs. He seems to think there's something 'cool'

about getting into trouble, being cheeky and

playing tricks on people. There is nothing

humorous about the level of discipline Alex

Tanner requires on an almost daily basis, and

frankly, having read the news recently, it would

appear that you carry that attitude over into your

real life." She gave him a pointed look. "Now, the

papers would have us believe that you're a dom,

and if that's so, you should be setting a better

example. I'm sure you wouldn't want any sub of

yours running rampant the way Alex Tanner does

on the show."

Matt stared at her in frozen horror and for a

moment there was silence in the room. Then Rick

let how a deep, bellowing guffaw. "Oh lady!" he

gasped, laughing so hard he had to put his pizza

down, "I think I love you!"

At that moment the Chinese food arrived,

which was a huge relief to Matt. He brought it into

the living room and helped his mother to serve

herself a portion of her favorite dishes.

Matt was aware of Rick watching, with a

look of amused disbelief on his face, as they

fussily arranged the food on her plate, in exactly

the same positions and proportions as always.

Matt could only imagine how he and his mother

must look to Rick. It was a relief when the food

was finally arranged to her satisfaction, and she sat

back on the sofa with a tray on her knee and her

napkin neatly tucked into her blouse and began


"So…" Rick nudged her with his elbow.

"Elspeth - you're a sub right?"

His mother gave him a startled look. "I don't

see that's any of your business."

"Nah - it's just that I'm usually pretty good at

charming subs, and yet I sense I'm failing here, so I

thought I'd check."

"I am a sub - but not the kind of sub who falls

for a dom's easy charm, although I'm sure you're

used to subs falling at your feet in droves," she

said disapprovingly.

"Well yeah. I kind of am." Rick grinned at

her. "C'mon - help me out here, Elspeth! I'm not all


She turned her head slowly and looked at him

disapprovingly. "Oh, I'm sure that looking as you

do, you're used to having things all your own way."

"Looking as I do?" Rick raised an amused


"Come now, you're clearly aware that you're

extremely good-looking; but as I've told Matt all

his life, beautiful is as beautiful does."

"Mom! Rick can't help his looks!" Matt said

imploringly. "We work in TV - there are beautiful

people all over the place. It doesn't mean they're

not very nice - take Daniel, he was voted sexiest

sub in the world five years running when he was

younger but he finds that whole thing embarrassing;

it's just part of the industry we're in."

"Hell yeah - I tease Daniel about that all the

time." Rick nudged Elspeth again, giving her a

knowing little wink.

She leaned away from him pointedly. "I don't

judge any person by their looks; I judge them by

their deeds, and I've read a little too much about

your recent deeds, Richard. I believe you were

punished at the Justice Hall a few weeks ago?"

"What can I say? I'm a bad boy dom. Don't

tell me you haven't fallen for a few of those in your

time?" Rick gave her a conspiratorial wink.

"Absolutely not," she retorted, seemingly

determined to be immune to his charm. "I don't

know why any sub would find a chaotic, naughty

dom in any way attractive."

"Please, mom - Rick is my guest," Matt said


"No, Matt - I like a good argument!" Rick put

up his hand. "So, you think I should improve huh?

That's what life is all about, is it?"

"Not just you." Elspeth put her fork down and

turned to study him again. "I think we should all try

to be better, to strive for perfection and be the very

best that we can be."

"Ah. Right. That explains so much." Rick

reached out and squeezed Matt's shoulder.

"I know my own behavior isn't always

perfect, and I often find myself reflecting on how I

can improve." Elspeth sighed. "I'm feeling very

bad for not being as welcoming towards you as I

should have been this evening. That is how I've

fallen short today, so please accept my apologies."

She gave him a lukewarm smile.

"Accepted - and please accept mine for

barging in on your evening with Matt. I realize

your time together is precious," Rick said, in a

tone of complete sincerity. Elspeth sniffed, but she

looked somewhat appeased.

"So, let's start again," Rick said. "Tell me

about Matt, Elspeth. You raised a great kid - you

must be so proud of him."

"I try not to let myself feel pride. It's not for

me to raise myself above others, but Matt is a fine

young man, definitely." His mother gazed at him

with a warmth she rarely showed anyone else. It

wasn't her fault she viewed the world with such a

critical eye. Her family hadn't been the nicest

people in the world, and she'd built up a lot of

walls around herself as a coping mechanism. She'd

worked hard to get away from them but had led an

isolated life as a result, unable to really connect

with anyone.

"Mom is a great mom," Matt said, wanting

Rick to understand. "It wasn't easy for her raising

me on her own, but she always made sure I had

everything I needed."

"No dom in the picture?" Rick raised an


"No." His mom dabbed her mouth with her

napkin. "I never found a suitable dom to share my

life with, and I felt that having a child was too

important to leave to chance." She smiled at Matt.

"So I went to the temple."

"Matt is temple born?" Rick let out a slow

whistle. "Wow - I had no idea!"

Matt smiled back at his mom. He liked this

story; as a kid, it had always made him feel so


"I wanted to bring Matt into the world in

purity, to conceive and bear him in a spirit as

close to perfection as possible," Elspeth said. "So

I participated in a conception ritual at the temple,

and I'm delighted that Matt was the result."

Many same gender couples went to other

same gender couples in order to conceive - a

reciprocal arrangement that suited them both, and

they shared the children arising from it. Since the

advent of artificial insemination, more chose to go

down that path.

However, a tiny minority of people chose to

go to the temple, and perform an ancient rite of

conception that had great spiritual significance.

The temple priests and priestesses were doms and

subs who were committed to helping others to bear

children, and they lived their lives in that service.

"What's it like? I've seen movies and

documentaries and stuff but even so…" Rick

leaned forward. "Is it true that you have sex while

the priestesses and priests watch? Do they chant

while you're - you know - doing it?"

Elspeth looked at Rick sharply, but Matt

could see he was intrigued, as people so often

were about temple rituals. His mom clearly saw

that too, because her expression softened.






conception ritual is a way to… well, excuse my

expression - have intercourse." Elspeth lowered

her voice primly.

Rick looked like he was trying hard not to

laugh. "Right. There have been a few jokes like

that, yeah."

"But nothing could be further than the truth! I

had to meet with my personal guidance priestess

several times before the temple would agree to

perform the ritual. The whole process takes months

- they have to make sure you want a child for the

right reasons and that you have the resources to

take care of one. I worked very hard for several

years to save up for Matt."

Rick squeezed Matt's knee. "He was worth


"Yes, he was." For once they agreed on

something, and they exchanged quick smiles.

"Once I had been accepted for the ritual, I went to

the temple at the best time for my body to

conceive. The priestesses bathed me in the sacred

waters to cleanse me and prepare my body for the

coming ritual, and then I was escorted to the

conception room. It's a beautiful place - very warm

and comfortable, with sacred symbols inscribed on

the walls. I met the dominant priest who would

perform the intimate part of the ritual only on the

day. His identity was kept from me - a child born

out of the ritual is a gift from the temple, not any

individual priest or priestess. I don't remember

him very well, but I do remember that he had very

kind blue eyes." She smiled at Matt. "He was a

good dom, with a very spiritual aura. He was very

gentle with me during the ritual."

"Wow. This is amazing. See - I always knew

there was something special about you, Matty!"

Rick looked genuinely enthralled by the story.

"Several priests and priestesses are present

throughout the ritual," his mom continued, looking

pleased by how well her story was being received.

"They dedicate their bodies to the service of

others, and there are strict rules as to how the

conception ritual takes place. Of course I was

alone, but when there are couples seeking a child,

then they both participate in the ritual, and the

priest or priestess performing the intimate part of

the ritual takes care to involve them both."

"I've often wondered what it must be like to

serve at the temple," Rick mused thoughtfully.

"You have to have a calling," Matt told him.

"It's not like the movies make out - it's not about

orgies and all that crap."

"It's most certainly not!" His mom looked

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