Ricochet (20 page)

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Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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amongst all the yellow ones.

"Hey - I've seen your ass before," Rick said.

"That time Alex and Ben were kidnapped by sub-

stealers, and the chief had to ride in and rescue us

from their scary dungeon of doom. Remember that

one? We were chained up, side by side, and they

filmed our naked asses from behind."

"I remember," Matt said in a small voice. He

could feel the steady, calming sound of Rick's

heartbeats and began to count them too.

"So, it's fine. It's not as if you don't have a

beautiful ass." Rick continued to stroke his hands

over it. "So, what are you counting right now?" he


Matt glanced over his shoulder in surprise, to

see Rick gazing down on him, one eyebrow raised.

"Uh… two things - your heartbeats, which are

very nice, rhythmic, and steady by the way, and the

brown threads running through the couch," Matt


"You can count two things at the same time?"

"Yes. If I concentrate and if I… um… really

need the distraction."

"Guess it has to be pretty bad if you need that

distraction right now then," Rick said, his hand

still gently caressing Matt's bare ass.

"Well, yes. I'm upturned over a dom's knee

about to be spanked!"

"And if this was a punishment? How would it

feel then?"

Matt thought back to Emily's cold, impersonal

flicks of the switch on the back of his thighs.

"Well, that's unpleasant, but it doesn't scare me.

I'm not afraid of pain." He glanced back at Rick

again, needing him to understand this. "Um… I

actually quite like it if it's done right, which really

it never is."

"So just being hurt, when there's no chance of

pleasure, you can handle that?"

"Yes. I know, I'm weird, but I worry about

being disappointing, and nobody has ever expected

me to enjoy a spanking before, so…" Matt made a


"And you worry about disappointing yourself

too," Rick said, which wasn't an insight Matt

would have expected from him. "You're scared of

it never being good and don't want to get your

hopes up?"

"Maybe, yes." Matt buried his face in arms


"What are you, Matt, right here, right now?"

Rick asked, still smoothing those sweet little

circles over Matt's bottom.

"Well, uh… what do you mean? I'm Matthew

Lake. I'm twenty-five. I'm an actor…"

Rick leaned down and spoke into his ear.

"No. Not right now. Right now, you're a sub over a

dom's knee. That's all you have to be right now.

Nothing else. You don't have to impress me, or be

anything for me except what you already are - a

sub, responding to a dom he trusts."

Matt felt a shiver run through his body at that.

"You want to feel what it's like to be in this

position. Not think it. Feel it," Rick said

insistently, his breath warm against Matt's ear.

Matt wondered how he'd never realized what a

deep, rich voice Rick had before. It was a true

actor's voice - warm, mellow and compelling. It

would be very easy to zone out listening to such a


"You're a submissive about to be spanked by

a dom. Your ass is naked and vulnerable. You

can't move." Rick placed his other hand on Matt's

back, lightly resting it there, keeping him in place.

"You can't do anything but submit. That's all you

want to do because it's who you are, deep inside,

in that special place you're so afraid of."

Matt closed his eyes.

"You know you can stop this any time you

want, by getting up, or by saying 'no', or asking me

to stop, and it's fine if you do that. You're

completely safe. You can relax."

Matt felt his body start to lose its tension.

"What are you feeling now?" Rick asked.

"I'm wondering if this will go okay, or if I'll

wimp out…"

"No - I asked you what you're feeling. Not

what you're thinking."

"Oh. Right. Okay. Well, I'm scared. Excited.

Nervous." Matt felt a shiver of anticipation.

"Good. That's good, Matt."

"It is?"

"You're a sub over a dom's knee about to be

spanked. That's exactly how you should be feeling

right now. You need to really enjoy that thrill and

excitement - it's part of the pleasure. Now, I want

you to imagine how good you look to me right

now. You're lying here, with your pants around

your ankles, and your shorts down by your thighs,

and right in front of me is this beautiful naked ass."

"Beautiful?" Matt said skeptically.

"It is to me," Rick replied, stroking it more

firmly. "It's pale, and so soft, and right now, it's all


Matt felt a warmth spread through his body at

the words.

"Think of all the subs who've been in this

position - lying where they belong, over a dom's

knee, surrendering to a dom's touch," Rick said.

"That's not what you are, Matt; it's who you are. A

sub. Offering himself up to a dom. "

And that was it, at its most basic. It was who

he wanted to be and what he wanted to experience,

and yet he found it so hard.

"You're mine to spank, Matt," Rick said,

gently tapping his ass. "All you want to do is

surrender to me."

Matt relaxed even further, sinking down on

Rick's big, solid thighs, feeling them cushion and

support him.

"This ass needs some color," Rick said,

marking out a light, rhythmic beat on his ass.

"Remember those pictures of spanked asses that

excited you as a teenager? Remember how the cool

subs in high school used to show off their asses in

recess, so you could see the marks their doms had

put on them? Remember how that made you feel."

It was like Rick was in his head, during his

most formative years at high school. Some of the

more precocious subs had loved showing off their

spanking marks - it was like a teenage badge of

honor. They had been teen subs playing with teen

doms and none of it had gone beyond a few light

swats, but Matt had always felt left out. He'd never

been one of those cool subs - he hadn't even kissed

a dom until he was seventeen, and that had ended

up being a disaster.

"You always wanted to know what it felt like

to have a dom's handprint on your skin," Rick


Matt pressed his bottom up eagerly into

Rick's gently tapping hand, wanting more, and was

rewarded by a much harder spank.

"Naughty, Matt. I decide when and how, not

you. You can't take control of this. You're a

helpless sub over a dom's knee, taking a spanking."

Matt quivered. That was exactly who he was.

He wasn't Matt any more, with his ridiculous

counting fetish. He wasn't even Matthew Lake from

Collar Crime
, lying over Rick O' Shea's knees. He

was a sub being handled by a dom in an age-old

way, and responding as a sub should.

Rick resumed his tapping and now it seemed

to be more intense. "I'm not going to stop until this

ass is glowing," he promised. Then suddenly he

bestowed a harder slap on Matt's ass, followed

immediately by more tapping… then another

unexpectedly hard spank and some more soothing


Now Matt couldn't predict whether he'd be

tapped or spanked, and he tensed and relaxed a

few times in anticipation.

"Turn your head off, Matt. You don't know

when or where," Rick told him firmly.

Matt took a few deep breaths and tried to do

just that. He let his mind wander, no longer trying

to figure out the rhythm being played on his ass,

and he felt an odd sensation kick in, like he was

floating on water, far out to sea.

"Good boy," Rick murmured, and Matt felt

like purring in response. He sighed and let go of

the last piece of his tension. There were more

spanks than taps now; Rick's hand was hard and

flat, and each spank made a sharp sound

accompanied by a delicious sensation of warmth in

his ass. There was a flash of pain each time too,

but it soon faded into a gentle afterglow of


"What are you?" a rich, deep voice asked


"A sub," he replied dreamily.

"That's right. A sub surrendering up his ass to

take what a dom chooses hand out. You have no

control, Matt, so give it up… give it all up…"

The spanks were coming harder and faster

now, but instead of resisting, Matt eagerly

received each one. His cock was hard, and he felt

he should be embarrassed about that, but he wasn't;

he was enjoying the spanking too much. The slaps

rained down, a steady cascade building in

intensity, focusing all his attention on his naked,

vulnerable, exposed ass.

The warmth became a heat, and the heat

intensified, making his ass a fiery mass of

sensation. There was an edge of pain too, but that

seemed to make the pleasure all the more intense.

The spanks became harder, reaching a crescendo,

and he found himself floating up into the air on a

haze of something wonderful.

"Endorphins," someone said, and he heard a

chuckling sound, but he could barely concentrate

because he was flying now, swooping through the

air, feeling completely blissed out. He didn't need

to count, or think, or worry. He could just lie here

and take what this dom wanted to give him.

He was aware of something happening, of

some kind of climax being reached, and an

explosion of pleasure that seemed to burst out from

every corner of his being.

He dimly registered the pace of the spanks

slowing down, until all he could feel was a light

tapping sensation again. Then even that stopped

and his ass - his blazing, thoroughly spanked ass -

was being gently stroked. It was so sensitive now

that each light brush of Rick's fingers created a

ripple of pleasure/pain that made him sigh.

Then, slowly, he realized that the stroking had

stopped too - some time ago - and he was just

lying here, in a haze of pleasure.

He blinked and raised his head blearily to

look around.

"Hey, it's okay. You're just starting to come

down. No rush," Rick said.

"Wha…?" he croaked, and then he thumped

his head back down again, unable to complete a

coherent thought, let alone a sentence.

He heard a laugh and felt Rick's hand stroking

his hair.

"Fucking idiots," Rick muttered. "How the

hell are some doms even allowed to call

themselves that? You're the most natural born sub I

ever laid hands on. How come nobody found a

way to reach you before?"

Matt didn't get the feeling this was a

conversation he had to participate in, so he just

continued to lie there, across those strong,

supportive knees.

"Did any of those morons even think about

how to find the sub within you, or was it all about

them?" Rick said, continuing to run his fingers

gently through Matt's hair. It felt so good that Matt

didn't want it to stop. He wanted the universe to

come to a halt, so he could remain trapped in this

moment of time forever, ass up over a dom's knee,

his freshly spanked buttocks on display, floating as

high as a kite on endorphins.

Slowly, as if in a dream, he drifted back

down to earth. Then he found himself being gently

lifted and moved, so he was lying on his side on

the couch, and he saw that Rick was standing in

front of him with a glass of water in his hand.

Rick turned his head sideways and smiled

down on him. "Are you back with me now,


"I think so," Matt whispered.

"Good. Here you go." Rick handed him the

glass, and Matt sat up - carefully - and perched

gingerly on his sweetly sore bottom. He took a sip

of the water and felt normality starting to creep

back in.

"I didn't want to leave," he said, cradling the

glass between his hands. "That place… it was so


"That place was your sub-space," Rick told

him, crouching down in front of him. "And it's

beautiful because it's where you get to express an

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