Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1) (16 page)

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Authors: MT Stone

Tags: #The Pleasure Pros

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“Then your secret will be safe,” he smiled
and tossed the ice cube onto the floor.
“Oh shit, sweetie, I’ll bet Sapphire’s whip is going to hurt even more
against wet skin.
Maybe those ice
cubes weren’t helpful after all.”


You mother fucker.
I closed my eyes and forced back the tears of rage that were
burning behind my eyes.
I can make it through this.
All I need to do is focus on my
As soon as my
attention turned to my breathing, I realized that I was already in a state of
full panic.
My heart was pounding
in my chest and my breathing was choppy as hell.
I tried to calm myself and take control
as Carter said something to the camera before strolling to the back of the


I can do this.
He’s not going to break me.
I tried to flood my
mind with positive thoughts, but there was already too much adrenaline coursing
through my veins.
I can’t catch my breath.
I was able to shift my position just
enough to release a bit of pressure that had been on my rib cage.
a little better.


Unfortunately, Sapphire was standing there
watching me as I repositioned.
moved in closer and came to a stop right in between my outstretched legs.
I have to admit, she looked pretty
amazing with her long blonde hair, studded collar, and black leather suit that
covered her from head to toe.
She definitely looks intimidating right now.


“It looks like someone’s restraints are a bit
too loose,” she taunted as she grabbed the rope that was tied to my left thigh
and gave it a tug.


“No, ma’am,” I replied, hoping that she would
leave the rest alone.


“I just saw you move and my subs don’t move,”
she snarled in my ear as she reached for the rope securing my other thigh and
gave it a tug as well.


“Ouch!” I screamed out as the rope bit into
my sunburned leg.


“I think someone needs a ball gag,” she said
scornfully, the result of me inadvertently screaming in her ear.
She grabbed one from her pocket and slid
it over my head, pushing the ball deep into my mouth.


I instinctively used my lips and teeth to
push the ball back out, much to her displeasure.


“I’ve got a fix for that,” she seethed, tying
a cord the back of the gag and cinching it to the table behind me.
“Now, I think you’re ready.”


“Yes, ma’am,” I tried to say despite choking
on my own spit.


“Call me ‘master,’” Sapphire demanded as she
came nose to nose with me.


“Yes, master,” I complied.


I can do this.
I won’t let her break me.

Chapter 17



I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt as I
reluctantly traded subs with Sapphire.
I hadn’t gotten overly detailed when I warned of what was about to
happen to her.
I hadn’t wanted her
to spend the entire week worrying.
Sapphire had been trying to pressure
me into a relationship ever since I completed my initial training with
Over the past few years, we
had hooked up on several occasions, but I knew deep down that it would never
work out.


A few months ago, Carter caught us in one of
the hot tubs at the mansion.
that incident he warned both of us, so I made it clear to Sapphire that any
further activities would be restricted to the dungeon.
Needless to say, she was rather unhappy
with my decision.
To stoke the fire
even more, Sapphire had been in the editing bay the previous Sunday when Joey
was working on Raven’s first two videos.
According to him, she got more and more agitated as she watched our
onscreen performances.
I’m sure she
could tell how I felt about her and she must have gone to Carter to express her
That has to be the real reason he switched us tonight.
I really wish I were the one being
punished, instead of Raven.


“You must be Amber,” I stated the obvious as
I walked into the room.
“How did
two nice girls like you and Raven end up in a place like this?”


“Primarily out of boredom… and a little
curiosity.” She laughed, fidgeting in her cuffs.


She was strapped into the same chair that
Raven had been in her first night.
She had long, beautiful legs like Raven, but a much fairer skin
Her cute little freckles
looked as if they had been carefully sprinkled across her body.


“I love your puffy nipples,” I told her as I
rolled one of them between my fingers.


“You are really sexy, too.
No wonder Raven likes you,” she said
returning my compliment.


A loud scream broke the silence and I knew immediately
it was Raven.
This isn’t fair.
She and I
have been forming a bond of trust and this will fuck it all up.


“That was Raven wasn’t it?” Amber asked as I
placed a suction cup on her nipple.


“Yeah, she’s going to have a tough night,” I
replied as her nipple was sucked into the cup.


“My god that hurts.” Amber gave me a scolding


“This is only the beginning, doll.”
I placed an identical one on the other
nipple and pumped that one up just as tight.


Amber was a sweet, personable redhead who was
looking for a little adventure, but my thoughts were completely consumed by the
dark haired woman in the room next door.
Over the course of the next hour, I brought Amber to several orgasms,
but the whole time I was wishing that I
next door
with Raven instead.




I can do this.
won’t hurt me.
I’m strong enough to
take it.
My stream of positive thoughts continued as Sapphire’s heels clicked
across the floor.
I turned my head
to the left as much as I could.
could just barely see what she was doing.
She had picked up a flogger, but Carter pointed to something hanging on
the wall.
What the fuck is he doing?
My heart skipped a beat when I saw that it was a whip.


“He must really have it in for you,” Sapphire
“Do you know what this


“No, master,” I struggled to say.
ball gag.


“It’s called the Scorpion,” she replied with
an evil smirk. “Have you ever been bitten by a scorpion?”


“No.” I once again felt tears pushing into
the corners of my eyes.


“A sunburn, damp skin, and the scorpion.” She
shook her head.
“He’s got one hell
of an imagination.
I would never
dream of doing this to someone as pretty as you.”


She cracked the whip and the tip actually
left a mark on the table next to me.
She better not hit me with that or
I’m going to…
The whip cracked
again and this time a sharp pain ripped through my left hand.
of a bitch that hurt!
I groaned
loudly, keeping my words to myself.


“Do you want me to use this on your bottom?”
she whispered in my ear as she came around to the side of the table.


“No, master,” I replied, my left hand
continuing to throb.


“Would you like to be flogged or caned


After thinking for a split second, I decided
to take a calculated risk saying, “I would like to be caned, master.”
My sincere hope was that she would do
the opposite of what I asked.


“Why would anyone choose to be caned instead
of flogged?” she questioned, trailing the tip of the scorpion up and down my
“You aren’t trying to trick
me, are you, Raven?”


Are all of these people fucking mind readers?
Maybe I should stop trying to outsmart
“No, master,” I muttered, feeling sick at the thought of being caned by


“Even though you are trying to steal my
boyfriend, I’m not going to use the cane on you,” she said in a vindictive
“I am going to flog the hell
of you, though.”


My mind was trying to process everything when
another crack of the scorpion split the air and a searing pain shot through my
other hand and up my arm.
Son of a bitch!
God dammit!


“Don’t I get a thank you for going easy on
you?” she demanded, placing her fists on her hips.


“Thank you, master! I’m sorry, master!” I
My right hand was now
throbbing just as bad as the left one.


“That’s better.
You better start being more grateful you
boyfriend stealing bitch.
I’ll use that scorpion on your ass!”


“Yes, master.”
I definitely didn’t want the scorpion,
especially since she didn’t know that I was unable to use my safe word.
Once again, I sat there listening to the
click of her heels and yet again I saw Carter say something to her.
going to get even with that son of a bitch one day.


“This one is from the boss,” she smiled,
before hitting me directly between the legs with the flogger.


“Thank you, master,” I gasped, completely
taken by surprise.
The pain
emanated all the way up through my abdomen.
I’m going to kick that little bastard in the nuts.
I made a mental note as Sapphire began to
slap my ass with her flogger.


The sting of the flogger against my sensitive
skin made me grateful that she wasn’t using a cane or the scorpion.
I began to focus my attention on how I
was going to torture Carter.
I was
hoping that it would give me the level of distraction I needed in order to make
it through my first real level of punishment.
She continued to slap my ass cheeks,
going back and forth between them.
The pain continued to grow with each slap and I released a groan each
time she took a stroke.
This isn’t so bad.
I can handle it.


Fuck!” I screamed into the ball gag as
she took several strokes against my
hurts like a son of a bitch!


“Open your eyes,” she demanded.
“I want you to look at me the whole


“Yes, master.”
She set down the flogger and picked up a
set of chopsticks.


What the hell is she going to do with those?
Even though I was
confused, I honestly felt somewhat relieved.
Chopsticks seemed pretty benign compared
to many of the other tools that she had at her disposal.


“I think you are going to like this,” she
cooed, slipping a blindfold over my eyes.


Being blindfolded with Gunner was quite
erotic because for whatever reason, I trusted that he wasn’t going to hurt
Sapphire, however, was
apparently jealous of how much time Gunner and I had been spending together, so
being blindfolded with her was absolutely terrifying. The fact that Carter was
in the room seemed to double my anxiety level.
My heart was pounding so hard that I
could feel it in my throat by the time one of the chopsticks began probing the
arch of my foot.
Oh shit!
I immediately knew that she intended to
arouse the most sensitive areas of flesh that she could find.


“I’m betting you have sensitive feet,” she
taunted, randomly poking the sole of my left foot.


I released a muffled scream as the intensity
of the sensation completely overwhelmed my senses.
My feet had always been so sensitive
that I couldn’t stand to have them tickled.
In fact, my immediate fear was that I
could possibly wet myself.
How embarrassing would that be in front of
thousands of people?
I know Carter
would probably love to see that happen… but it won’t
I tried desperately to think of
something… anything …to distract myself as she continued to prod the arch of my
left foot with that damn stick.
Please stop, please stop
, kept going
through my mind.


Just when I approached the point of losing
all control, she stopped.
Thank god!
I heard her snicker.
I’m sure she could tell by my reactions
that she was absolutely killing me.
Then I felt that damn stick drag across the bottom of my right
I’m going to lose it!


“You act as if you don’t like this,” she said
after only a few seconds.


“I don’t, master.” I gasped, choking once
again on the ball gag.


“Then why are you dripping wet?” she asked in
an authoritarian tone.
I could feel
the tip of the stick probing between my lips.


“I don’t know, ma’am.”


“I think you are lying to me again!” she
“On top of that you didn’t
call me ‘master’!”


“I’m sorry, master,” I tried to quickly
correct myself.


“I thought the boss was being too tough on
you, but I guess he was right.”


I cringed as I heard her heels clicking
across the floor again.
At this
point, I felt as if I could’ve jumped right out of my skin.
have to slow my breathing.
Focus on
, I told myself after realizing that I was nearing a full-blown
panic attack.
I continued to talk
myself through it while trying to ignore any sounds going on around me.
In fact, I was so distracted that I
didn’t hear what she said upon her return.


“Answer me!” she demanded.
A scorching blast of pain shot through
my right inner thigh.


Oh my god.
My eyes instantly flooded with tears and
my mind snapped to attention.
What did she ask me?
I wasn’t sure if I should ask that
question or not.
I didn’t want to
infuriate her any further.

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