Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1) (12 page)

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Authors: MT Stone

Tags: #The Pleasure Pros

BOOK: Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1)
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“You know there’s more to it than that.” She
smirked as she ran her fingers along the waistline of my swim trunks.


“Yes, I remember well.
You definitely have a unique ability to
tease someone nearly to death before sending them into orgasmic oblivion.”


“Speaking of that, I’ve been working with way
too many women lately,” she breathed softly.
“I could sure use some dungeon time with
you real soon.”


“I think we’ll be doing a scene with Raven in
the near future,” I replied, throwing her a bone.


“I was thinking of something a little more
intimate, like you stringing me up and fucking my brains out,” she said loudly
enough to grab Sable’s attention.


“I’m sorry, am I interrupting
Raven’s voice suddenly
came from behind us.
She had
apparently snuck in the side gate without either of us noticing.


“Not at all,” I said without a second of
“Raven, I would like
you to meet Sapphire.”


“Wow the guys were right, you really are the
hot little mama next door,” Sapphire said immediately mesmerized by Raven.


“Thank you, I think,” Raven replied


“Every guy wants to see the girl next door
tied up, punished, and fucked beyond all comprehension,” Sapphire teased as she
circled Raven, examining her from head to toe.
“You are a perfect MILF.”


“Whoa, Sapphire!
You’ve already got her friend Amber
under your spell,” I interjected in an attempt to get her to back off just a


“You just let me know when you need a little
help with her,” Sapphire cooed before turning to go back to her sun tanning.


“Wow, she’s a spitfire,” Raven whispered as
Sapphire rejoined Sable at the other end of the pool.


“I think you have another admirer.” I gave
her a wink.

Chapter 13



It was easy to see why Amber had been so
blown away by Sapphire.
She was a
gorgeous little blonde who had the body of a gymnast and exuded more sexual
energy than anyone I had ever met.
The way she ogled my body with her eyes had left me more than a little
And I’m normally not someone who is easily flustered.


“She was propositioning you when I walked in,
wasn’t she?”


“That’s Sapphire,” he replied with a
“You see how her attention
turned to you the moment she laid eyes on you.”


“Yeah, it definitely seems like she’s a
sexual dynamo.”


“You have no idea,” he said with a
We walked over to a secluded
table in the corner.


“What did she mean by putting something
together with you and me?”
I felt a
definite flutter in my stomach as various thoughts raced through my mind.


“As you heard, she was trying to get some
time with me.
I thought maybe it
would be fun for the three of us to do a scene together,” he replied with a
spark of lust in his eyes.


“Doing a scene with another woman is
definitely beyond my comfort zone at the moment,” I replied emphatically.
“However, after seeing Amber’s reaction,
I’m more interested and curious than I ever would’ve been in the past.”


“It’s a seventh level experience for most
people, but pushing boundaries is what this is all about,” he said as he
dragged his fingers down the length of my arm.


God, he gives me goose bumps every time he touches me like that.
It was as if my body
was on high alert whenever I was near him.
The slightest touch of his hand would immediately crumble my defenses.
Then there were those cool, blue
It felt as if they could cut
right through to the deepest depths of my soul.
I found myself almost entranced by him.
I was watching his lips and so focused on how he made me feel that I wasn’t
absorbing a single word that he was saying.
It wasn’t until his lips stopped moving
and he gave me a strange look, that I realized the depth of my distraction.


“I’m sorry, what were you saying?” I giggled,
struggling to collect myself.


He laughed out, “Holy shit, I completely lost
you there.
Where the hell were


“You do this to all the girls, don’t you?”


“Do what?” he asked, pretending to be shocked
by my question.


“Drive them crazy,” I replied, closing my
eyes and shaking my head.


“I have no idea what you’re talking
Why would you think that I’m
trying to drive you crazy?”
stood there acting as if he was truly puzzled.


“You always make me feel like there is
something between us, when in reality, it’s simply about pushing me through
these stupid levels.”


“No, I don’t drive all of my subs crazy.
How many women do you see here today?”
he asked, panning the courtyard with his hand.




“None. And yesterday there weren’t any either
because we don’t socialize with our subs.
The only time a sub sees me outside of the dungeon is the first time I
pick them up in the limo.
I like to
do that in person to put them at ease,” he said, shifting back in his chair.


“So why did you invite me here?”


“Because it’s different with you.
You and Amber both seem like normal
women, who just want to push the boundaries and live life on the edge for


“Yeah, our lives had gotten so stagnant and
boring,” I admitted with a sigh.
“The men all seem to be the same, either a player or a total snooze


“All the good ones are married, right?”
He smirked.


“All of them except you,” I replied, feeling
an instant stirring between my legs.


As if on cue, a gorgeous young woman came
through the gate and walked directly over to our table.
After Gunner rose from his seat to give her
a warm welcome, he turned and said, “Raven, I would like you to meet your
ticket to stardom.
This is


“Hi, Jasmine,” I said, rising from my chair
and reaching out my hand.
“You must
be the makeup artist.”


“That’s me!” she replied with a perky smile.


“Jasmine has worked on the biggest movie
sets, so she can make you look any way you want.
She has the unique ability to make
anyone unrecognizable while enhancing the best features at the same time,” he
said, trying to put me at ease.


“You have some very striking features,” she
said as she studied my face from various angles.
“I can totally work with your nose and


“Thank you,” I replied, suddenly feeling as
if I was on display.


“You’re a natural blonde?” she asked after
completing her initial examination.


“Well, I used to be, but it seems to be
getting a little darker every year.”


“That happens.
Did you choose a black wig to
create a dramatic look?”


I have dark eyebrows, so I thought I could pull it off.”


“You can, but I’m going to use temporary die
and extensions instead of a wig,” she said while studying my face and
“If I changed your eye color,
what would be your choice instead of hazel?”


“I don’t know, either a striking blue or a
vivid green I guess.”
I had never
really thought about it.


“We’ll start with blue,” she replied, popping
a set of contacts out of their case.


After they were in place, she pulled out her
makeup bag and began to work around my eyes.
Next, she pulled out a small brush and some
dark brown makeup that she used on my forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin.
After that, a bigger brush and a much
lighter color were used for application to the other areas of my face.


“Now we just have to blend it,” she said,
using another brush to go over my entire face.
“This will minimize your nose and
accentuate your lips.”


After only about fifteen minutes, she held up
a mirror and asked me to take a look at myself.


“Wow, that’s crazy!”
I replied as I looked at a completely
different face in the mirror.
Between the black hair, colored contacts, and makeup, no one would be
able to recognize me.
“You are
totally amazing!
I look like Megan
Fox for god sake.”


“That’s exactly what I was going for,”
Jasmine said with flick of her hand.
“I could make you look like anyone or anything if you give me enough
time to work on it.”


“No, this is perfect.
No one is EVER going recognize me like


“Now you see why I brought you here today,”
Gunner stated with a big smile.


It’s not because you like me, but because you want me to be comfortable
going on the camera with you,” I replied testing him.


“Actually, it’s both,” he replied softly as
he shook his head and kept ogling my new look.


“So I take it you like this look?”


“Hey, whatever gets you to the next level is
fine with me,” he said, holding his hands out in front of him.
“I think you look just as beautiful
either way.”


“He’s smart,” Jasmine said with a wink.


“And a killer body to boot!”
He looked so cute as he rolled his eyes
and shook his head.


He knows he’s all that and more.


“You really are incredible,” Gunner told
Jasmine, handing her a couple of crisp hundred dollar bills.
“Can you stop by at about seven on


“Sure,” she chirped.
“I get off at five, so that won’t be a






We’ve got her,
was the
only thought that ran through my mind after seeing Raven’s reaction to the
It seemed all along that
she wasn’t opposed to doing the scenes with me, but she was scared shitless by
the thought that someone might recognize her.
After seeing first-hand what Jasmine
could do, she was quickly running out of excuses.


“Are you ready to start making money, instead
of spending it?” I asked, pulling out the contract and laying it on the table.


“God you make my stomach churn.”
Her sincere nervousness made me smile


“You have to admit, no one is going to
recognize you like that.
nothing standing in your way now, except you.”


She stared at me intently before allowing her
gaze to fall to my chest and slowly work it’s way down my body.
After nearly a minute of silence, she
drew a deep breath, closed her eyes, and sighed.
got her.


“Okay, hopefully I won’t regret this… but
I’ll give it a try,” she relented, slowly pulling the papers toward her.


After going through all of the highlights of
the contract, including the escape clause, she seemed to be comfortable enough
to sign them.


“You can bail at any time, if you change your
mind,” I assured her when she hesitated in the midst of signing.


“I never would have dreamt in a million
…” she said as she completed her signature.


“I know.
That’s what makes you so special.”
I placed my hand on hers to give her a little reassurance.


“Now what?” she asked, batting her new blue


“I just paid two hundred bucks for that
makeup, so let’s go put it to good use.
You can leave today with twenty five hundred bucks in your pocket
instead of paying for it.”


“Really? Just for doing level three?”


“No, you get five hundred per level.
So you’ll get fifteen hundred for the
first three, plus we’ll refund the thousand that you paid for the first two
levels,” I explained.
“But then we
have the right to broadcast them.”


“Oh, I see,” she said hesitantly, suddenly
reverting to being unsure about her decision.


“You were wearing a blindfold for both
I’ll make sure the editor
goes through them with a fine-tooth comb before releasing them.”


“Okay, but please make sure…”


“I will, stop worrying.
Now let’s get you over to the dungeon.”


“I didn’t think you guys worked on Sundays?”
she countered.


“We don’t, so we will have the place all to
ourselves.” I gave her a wink.
you like the vibrator last night?”


“Definitely, but my poor little clit was numb
for an hour afterward.”


“Well, I think you’re going to like the next
one even better.
It’s the king of
vibrators,” I said, guiding her toward the gate.
“Have you ever heard of a

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