Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1) (11 page)

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Authors: MT Stone

Tags: #The Pleasure Pros

BOOK: Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1)
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After tonight, though, I had another point of
contention… Carter Randolph.
He had
cornered me at the firm’s Christmas party when I worked there.
He basically told me that unless I was
willing to sleep with him, I wouldn’t stand a chance in the real estate
I had previously made it
clear that I had no desire to sleep with him, so in desperation had resorted to
I was so upset at the time
that I didn’t sleep for a week.


After graduating from college I quickly
realized that he had blackballed me.
I couldn’t get an interview or even a returned phone call.
Thankfully, a friend of my father’s was
a real estate broker and he agreed to give me a chance.
It was a good decision on his part, as I
brought a ton of business to the table.
That’s when I learned that there is no greater fuel for success than
anger and revenge.
I can’t believe I’ve run into him
What are the odds?
If I’m going to have to put up with him
on an ongoing basis, it will definitely be a deal breaker.


Sunday Morning




This is ridiculous
, I thought
as I woke up obsessing about Raven once again.
There had only been one other sub in the
past three years who had piqued my interest and that one was purely
She was one of the few
who had completed all ten levels before disappearing, never to be seen or heard
from again.
I still thought about
her from time to time, but there had never been any point in trying to find
All subs were off-limits, so
unless she came back to the dungeon, I had to write her off.


Sapphire had initially intrigued me as well,
with her vibrant personality and incredible sexual appetite.
She had rocked my world as she took me
through my ten levels of training, but she was the consummate dominatrix.
No one would ever steal her heart
If she ever does settle down, it
will probably be with another woman.
She claimed to be bisexual, but in practice, she strongly favored
working with females.
I wonder what Amber thought of her first


I told Sapphire to reach out to her after I
received the text from Raven.
I’m sure
Amber had expected to hear back from one of us guys, but Sapphire had a way of
convincing otherwise straight ladies to take a walk on the wild side.
either loved it or we will never see her again.
If she loved it, Raven’s odds of
sticking around will increase as well.


After a few more moments of contemplation, I
decided to send Sapphire a text.


Did things work out with your new sub last night?


After several minutes of waiting, I heard
back from her.


You know me… blew her fuckin’ mind!


Thought so, we heard her all the way down the corridor.


Yeah, she’s a screamer!


So she’ll be back?


I hope so.
She’s fun.

I hope so, too. Raven will be much more
apt to make it if she has her best friend going through the levels with
Once subs get past level six,
things get increasingly kinkier and emotionally taxing.
The last few levels are actually more
psychologically challenging than they are physically demanding.
In order to make it, she is going to
need some support and reassurance.


Reality began to sink in, though, as I
thought about how many girls had come and gone in the past years and how few
had ever made it to the top.
It’s definitely a rare breed.
It will take a small miracle for her to
make it to level ten.

Chapter 12



When my phone buzzed in the early morning
hours, I knew it had to be Amber.
blinked several times trying to gain my focus.
don’t feel like I’ve slept at all.
When my eyes finally adapted, I saw that her message was short and to
the point.




Is everything ok?


I need to talk to you.


Ok. I’ll meet you


Since I had showered the night before, I just
washed my face, pulled back my hair and threw on a sweatshirt with some
It was so early and I was so
tired that I didn’t really care what I looked like.
The only reason I was up and out of bed
so quickly was because I was dying to see what Amber had to say about her
She will probably be freaked out and claim to have hated it, but I
heard her screams firsthand.
definitely weren’t screams of anguish!


Walking into the coffee shop, I was relieved
to see that Amber looked exactly the same as I did.
loves company
, I thought as I shot her a smile.


“Well, how was it?”
As if I couldn’t tell by the glow on her


“Oh my god!” she exclaimed, shaking her head
in apparent disbelief.
“I don’t
even know where to begin.
I haven’t
slept all night.”


“It’s a little overwhelming isn’t it?”
I placed my hand on hers.


“I don’t even know how to describe it,” she
replied, still shaking her head from side to side.


“Did you like it?”


“That’s the problem,” she continued to shake
her head.
“I’m totally straight and
I’ve always considered myself to be a bit of a prude, but I absolutely loved
I can’t stop thinking about it.
I want to go back right now!”


My mind eased as I heard those words flowing
from her mouth.
It wasn’t just me.
It wasn’t that I was falling in love
with Gunner or that I had somehow turned into a raging slut.
It was apparently a perfectly normal
reaction to what we had both experienced.
Of course, that assumed that both Amber and I were both normal, which
may have been a bit of a stretch.


“I know. I haven’t slept for two nights,
either!” I admitted, happy that we shared a similar reaction.
“I’ve been driving myself crazy because
I don’t know if I can stop.”


Why would you want to stop?” She looked at me with an expression of
utter disbelief.


“Because… I don’t know.
I’ve been feeling guilty.
What if Hannah or my mother found
I don’t know.”
Judging by the facial expression Amber was
giving me, it was clear that I had been overthinking my situation.


“I’m just going to pay five hundred per
session and go as far as I dare,” she said in a perfectly rational moment of


You have an extra five grand laying around?”


“I don’t care if I have to rack up a credit
card or take out a second mortgage,” she laughed, taking another sip of her


“So you’re not going to sign the contract?”


“Yeah, I already signed it,” she
“That’s what makes it all
It’s actually an adult
modeling contract. For the five hundred, I’m buying the rights to each shoot.”


“Oh yeah, that’s what I did, too,” I replied,
suddenly realizing that she hadn’t been offered a paid contract.
I had assumed that everyone was offered
“So which guy did you have?”


“That’s the crazy part!” she nearly
“When I got my call back,
it was that chick we had talked to on the phone.
She was telling me that I should have my
first session with her because she is gentler than the guys and all this


“You had Sapphire?” I gasped.


Have you met her?” her eyes completely lit up like I had never seen


“No, but Gunner told me a little bit about
her,” I replied, completely surprised by the circumstances. “Wow! And you had fun?”


“It was amazing!
After she strapped me in, she got right
up in my face and started teasing me.
I think she knew that I had never kissed another girl before.”




“And, by the time she finally kissed me, I
was so damn wet,” she whispered.
had never been like that in my life.”


“She obviously did a good job because I could
hear you all the way down the hallway as I was leaving,” I teased her.


I never thought about anyone being able to hear me,” she replied with an
embarrassed look crossing her face.
“It seemed like we were the only two down there.”


Gunner and I were in the next room.”


“Jesus, that’s fucked up!” she squealed.
“I’m so embarrassed; I can’t believe you
were listening to me.”


“Honey, I wasn’t really listening because I
was so jacked full of endorphins that I could hardly see straight.
I just recognized your voice.”


“I know isn’t it amazing?
I really do think that I’m already
addicted,” she confessed, which was also music to my ears.


“Me, too.
That’s the other thing I’ve been worried


“I wouldn’t worry about it,” she whispered
with a funny look on her face.
we run out of money, we’ll just have to buy some equipment and do it for each
other.” She burst out laughing.


“I think I’ll stick with Gunner, thanks!”


“Hey, I would’ve said the same thing, but…”




“But she was really, really awesome,” she
whispered with a big smile.


“So when are you going back?”


“I think we should get my niece to babysit on
Then we can go together.”


“So we can hear each other scream?”


“Hey, friends that scream together, stay
together.” She laughed once again.


“I can’t believe you hooked up with
Sapphire,” I said after several seconds of contemplation.
“She’s the one who trained Gunner.”


“Well, he definitely had a good teacher
She was totally amazing!”


I had never seen Amber so giggly and excited
about anything.
She had used the
word ‘amazing’ more times in ten minutes than in the entire time I had known
her. Maybe it was the first time she had ever had an incredible orgasm or maybe
she had just discovered her inner lesbian.
Whatever it was, it definitely made me feel more at ease with my own
At least I’m in lust with a guy!




The song ‘Torture Me’ began to emanate from
my phone just as I was leaving the coffee shop.
It was the song I had chosen as my
ringtone for Gunner.
Now I need to get a sexy, shirtless picture
of him to flash up on the screen,
I thought as I clicked to answer his


“Good morning, Gunner, you miss me already?”


“Actually, I was working on my schedule for
the week and was wondering if I needed to set aside a slot for you,” he replied
in his normal reserved masculine tone.


“So much for giving me a week to think about
it, huh?”


“Well, I like to use my off day to figure out
my schedule,” he said, not able to come up with a better reason for his


“You’re in luck.
I was just talking to Amber and she
mentioned getting a sitter on Friday.
If that’s the case, we will probably both come that night.”


“I’m positive you both will come,” he
countered with a smile I could hear right through the phone.
“What time would you like to come?”


“I would like to come about eight, then again
at eight fifteen, and maybe a third time somewhere around eight thirty.”


“That sounds perfect, I’ll pencil you in,” he
replied, sounding totally business like.
“So can I assume that Amber had a good time with Sapphire last night?”


“That’s an understatement!
I just had coffee with her and she must have
used the word ‘amazing’ a dozen times.” I laughed.


“That’s great!
Sapphire is one of the best,” he
“If you’re not busy this
afternoon, I would like you to meet me at the mansion about one o’clock.”


“Okay…” I replied hesitantly, looking at the
“I have to clean up the
apartment quickly, so it’s not a mess when Evelyn drops off Hannah tonight.”




“It’s Perry’s mother.
She’s the one who picks her up and drops
her off on his weekends.”


“Alright, you go work on impressing the
ex-mother in law and I’ll see you at the mansion at one,” he said, assuming it
was a date.


“Sounds good,” I complied.
Who was I to turn down the opportunity
to hang out with a hot guy on a Sunday afternoon?




12:40 Sunday Afternoon




The primary reason I wanted to meet with
Raven was so that I could introduce her to Jasmine, the makeup artist.
At least that’s what I told myself.
In actuality, Raven had been on my mind
ever since I dropped her off at the Excelsior hotel the night before.
I was actually starting to become
annoyed by the persistent thoughts of her that kept churning up whenever my
mind was idle.
We have no future together as long as I work for Carter.
He’s such a control freak.


I suddenly remembered that I needed to talk to
him about Raven.
I had a feeling
that she would be fully onboard once she saw what Jasmine could do for
If that were the case, he
would need to know the boundaries that she was demanding.
can’t blame her for not wanting a sixty-two year old in the mix.
He gets all hopped up on Viagra and
thinks that he’s the hottest ticket in town.
Hopefully he will be able to keep his
hormones in check when it comes to her so he doesn’t blow it.


“I heard you turned another female last
night,” I yelled to Sapphire as I walked by her and Sable, who were tanning
next to the pool.


“How the hell would you have heard that?” she
fired back as I threw my shirt on a chair and kicked off my flip-flops.


“I talked to
She said Amber couldn’t stop talking about how amazing you were.”


“I was pretty amazing,” she joked as she rose
from her lounger and met me next to the pool.


“You just know how to tap into their lesbian
fantasies don’t you?”

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