Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1) (14 page)

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Authors: MT Stone

Tags: #The Pleasure Pros

BOOK: Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1)
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“That was cheating. Now you will have to pay
the price for that,” he said as he pulled back and turned up the intensity once
again before setting down the remote.


was worth it.




It was time to punish Raven for her
feistiness, so I cranked up the intensity before retrieving the Zapper.
The Zapper was like a mini cattle prod
and it was my tool of choice for the night since she had admitted to being
afraid of electric shocks.
nipples were still tender from the previous session, so they seemed like the
logical place to start.


“Which nipple should I zap first?” I asked as
I triggered it in front of her so she could see the zap of electricity and hear
the terrifying sound up close.


“Neither!” she screamed instinctually.


“Well, one of them is getting zapped, so you
have to decide which it will be,” I picked up the
remote and turned it up to the seventy-five percent setting.
“Does that help you think?”


,” her voice quivered due to the intensity of the vibrations
coming from below.


“I’ll just pick one,” I said, placing the
Zapper on her left nipple.


“No!” she screamed as if she had already
experienced the pain.


“This one then?” I quickly switched sides,
which garnered the same exact response.


It was obvious that she had no idea that the
Zapper was a completely harmless shock of static electricity.
She began babbling incoherently as I
moved it back and forth along her chest.


“Are you going to follow instructions now?”


There was no response, just a continuation of
her babbling.
I turned off the
, lifted her head and looked straight into her eyes.


“Are you going to follow instructions?”


There was no verbal response, but the look of
defiance she gave me instantly made me rock hard.
I reached over and zapped her left
nipple, releasing the best scream yet, and then cranked the
back up to the seventy-five percent setting.
By now, I could feel my cock pulsing
with every heartbeat, as I once again positioned myself directly in front of
She leaned toward me and I
turned the knob to ninety percent.


,” she
yelled once again before pulling back.


“Get up here and suck it.
Otherwise I’m going to zap your other
nipple,” I warned her.


“No, please, sir,” she pleaded, leaning forward
to appease me.
Her body instantly
began to shake and quiver.


It felt like a slice of heaven as I watched
those beautiful lips wrap firmly around my throbbing head.
I thought back to all of the times that
I had seen her face outside of my office window and wondered if she was as
gorgeous in person as she was on those billboards.
was no fucking
that’s for sure.
She moaned incessantly as she leaned
even further forward trying to take me deeper into her mouth.
I strained in the opposite direction
after seeing that she had reached the end of the strap that was restraining her


,” she
moaned as the
continued to stimulate her
inside and out.


I turned it on full blast before taking her
head with both hands and burying my cock as deeply into her mouth as I
There is nothing quite as sexy as a woman trying to scream with a cock
halfway down her throat.




Holy shit, holy shit, oh my fucking clit, holy shit…
was all that kept streaming through my mind as the
hammered away relentlessly at my G-spot and
On top of all that, I now had
Gunner thrusting into my mouth giving me more cock than I ever dreamt I could
I could hear him gasping
above me, but all I could see was his huge rod pounding in and out of my mouth
as he used me like a fuck doll.


I tried to scream out as another wave of
orgasm washed over my entire body.
I consciously had to keep from biting down on his cock.
My entire body clenched in a fit of
overwhelming climax that sent me spiraling completely out of control.
fucking shit!


I was able to lift my bottom just enough to
allow for a slight recovery before Gunner once again grabbed the sides of my
head and pulled me toward him.
that point, my over-sensitized clit seemed as if it was on fire, every little
vibrating nub was driving me right back into oblivion.
shit, oh holy shit…
my internal mantra continued.


“I’m almost there,” were three very welcome
words as he pulled back and quickly stroked his cock several times before
blowing his load all over my chest.


Thank God!
I can’t
take anymore!
“Turn this fucking thing off!” I pleaded, as my body continued to
go through a series of convulsions that I feared would cause permanent nerve


“Holy shit that was hot!” Gunner spouted as
he finally shut down the
“Shit, we weren’t supposed to do that
for at least another level.”


“Do what?” I asked in an almost an
incomprehensible state of confusion.


“Carter warned me after our last session that
I was supposed to focus on pain instead of pleasure,” Gunner confessed.
“But fuck, I couldn’t resist shoving my
cock into you one way or another!”


“Who gives a shit what Carter thinks,” I
mistakenly said out loud.


We’re being recorded, so watch your
mouth,” he snapped, placing his fingers on my lips.


“Can’t we just delete it?” I whispered back.


“No,” he shook his head.
“That was way too hot to delete, even if
I could.
I think you just made your
first ten or fifteen grand, baby.”


“You have to be joking!”


“No, it was perfect.
You had such a genuinely scared look on
your face as we began and by the middle, it had transformed into a look of
defiance,” he said with a sincere look of pride.
“You can’t script shit like that.
The members are going to totally eat it


It was at that moment that I had the complete
realization that I had made the gigantic leap from being a real estate
professional and single mother to being a porn star.
the fuck does that even happen?
My mind was so warped and confused at that point that I could barely
manage to dress myself.


Gunner was talking about having someone edit
out the part where I dissed Carter and that it was going to be the biggest hit
of his career.
The only thought
that kept flashing through my mind was the fact that thousands of people would
be watching me have an orgasm while being throat fucked by Gunner.
made it sound so romantic.
It was
really hot, though!
Every level is
more insane than the last one.


“Do I even want to know what you are going to
be doing to me by the time we reach level ten?”
I asked him with complete
“I can’t even imagine
when I’m this fucked up after the third one.”


“You’ll just have to wait and see.” He
laughed, giving me another quick kiss on the lips.
“I definitely have to quit being so easy
on you, though, especially when it comes to the discipline.
Otherwise I’ll lose you.”


Oh yeah, this has been way too easy so far…


“Red!” I yelled as we started walking back to
his car.
“I just remembered the
safe word.
I should’ve used it
about ten seconds before you came on my chest.”


“I’m glad you didn’t.” He chuckled.
“That would’ve been a very painful


I’ll have to be sure to cut him short sometime when our roles are
Actually, there are several
things that I am going to do to him.

Chapter 15



I awoke from a deep sleep to the sound of
Evelyn ringing the doorbell repeatedly, while Hannah pounded on the door.
It took a few seconds for me to get my
bearings. For a brief moment, it seemed as if the whole weekend could’ve
possibly been nothing more than a dream.
After three or four steps toward the door, I definitely knew that was
not the case.
Thank God I have several days to recover
, I thought as I unlocked
the door to greet my little cutie and her venomous grandmother.


“Did you just get up for Christ’s sake?” She
interrogated in her persistent Jersey accent.
Living on the west coast for several
decades had done nothing to soften it.


“I haven’t been feeling well the past day or
I think it might be a nasty
virus,” I replied, releasing a cough in her general direction.


“Well, I’m too busy to be sick, so I’ll see
the two of you in a couple of weeks,” she said, hastening her retreat.


That worked beautifully.


Hannah said, giving her a little wave.


“Goodbye, sweetie, I’ll see you in two


“Are you okay, Mommy?” Hannah asked with a
grave look of concern.


“I’m just fine.
You guys just caught me in the middle of
a nap.
I didn’t want her to know I
was sleeping for no reason.”


“You aren’t supposed to lie, Mommy,” she
said, lowering her eyebrows and crinkling her forehead in disgust.


“I know, sweetheart… I know.”


After spending the evening baking cookies
with Hannah, everything seemed to be returning to normal.
She got ready for bed, I read her a
book, and after she drifted off to sleep, I just sat there for a few minutes
watching her.
She is so angelic.
remember being her age.
was so black and white back then.


My stomach began to churn nervously once
again, so I went back to finding ways to distract myself.
I checked the closet to make sure that I
had something clean to wear for work in the morning.
After steaming one of my favorite
outfits, I decided to wash my face and go to bed early.
It had been a physically and emotionally
draining weekend and it had left me exhausted.
A smile crossed my face when I heard
Torture Me
playing on my phone in the
other room.
There’s Gunner.


I retrieved my phone from my bedside table
and glanced down at his text:


Joey edited the first two videos and uploaded them late this
Carter’s daughter sent
out a promo email to the members and things have already exploded.
The two combined have over 200k views,
46 comments, and the ratings are 96% positive!


That all sounds pretty good, huh?

Not pretty good, AMAZING!


That’s awesome.


I knew I was right about you.
You’re going to be a star!


: )


A star, that’s funny.
a porn star is not even in the same universe as being a real star.
It could’ve easily
been another night of staring at the ceiling, but luckily I was too tired to
worry about anything.
I had no idea Carter had a daughter
, was
my last thought as I crashed for the night.




7:30am Monday




Holy shit!
hundred and forty thousand people have watched our first two videos.
It will be half a million or more by the
end of the day.


Carter was right when he said that members would go crazy for an
amateur, instead of the usual porn stars.
Everyone was always fascinated when the
girl next door did something totally out of character.
Raven definitely came across as the girl
next door.
She hadn’t seemed very
excited by how successful the video launch had been the night before, but I
knew that would change once she realized what it really meant.
More than half of the members who
watched them were paying fifty cents to register for the release of video
three, and most were spending another dollar to register for Friday’s live
Raven was about to have her
first big pay day and I couldn’t wait to tell her about it.


Are you up yet?


Yeah, getting ready for work.


Call me when you are driving.
Great news!




Just when I started to feel like a bit of
normalcy was returning to my routine, Gunner sent me a text at seven thirty in
the morning.
I need to get ready, get Hannah to daycare, and have at least one
strong cup of coffee before I can even think about sex videos.
I looked back at the previous text from
him telling me how many people had watched the first two videos
I’m sure that number has grown, but I don’t think anyone had to pay to
watch them.


As I finished getting ready, I began to think
back to our initial conversation about Sapphire and how she had made over seven
hundred and fifty thousand dollars last year.
By the time I dropped Hannah off at
daycare, my apprehension had transformed into excitement.
The moment I pulled back onto the street,
I gave Gunner a return call.


“You should call in sick and skip work,”
Gunner said the moment he answered my call.


“That good, huh?”


“It’s absolutely amazing.
Carter was right about you,” he replied.


“How much are we talking here?” I asked impatiently,
wanting to know the magnitude.


“So far you will make about twelve thousand
when we release last night’s video and about thirty when we do Friday’s live


“Thirty thousand dollars?” I replied as my
mind did a flip-flop.


“Yeah, forty two thousand for both so far and
it’s only been about fourteen hours,” he confirmed with amazement in his
“It will probably be over
sixty by the time Friday rolls around.”


“If it’s sixty thousand by Friday, I’ll quit
my job.”


“You promise?”


“I swear to God!”


After hanging up with Gunner, I still went to
the office.
I think I needed some
quiet time in the office to balance out the crazy-assed weekend.
Once I arrived however, I had a hard
time even picking up a file.
returning several emails, I found myself staring blankly out the window,
contemplating the numbers Gunner had thrown at me.
Sixty thousand dollars was more money
than I had made in the past year, and the housing market showed little sign of
improving any time soon.


I pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote $750k
on the left side of the page.
I wrote down Gunner’s name, along with multiple O’s.
I had to smile as I looked at the
wonderful short list of positives.
On the right side of the page, I wrote down three negatives:
Hannah, Mom, and porn star.
The thought of being labeled as a porn
star made me absolutely sick.
thought of my mother or daughter finding out made me want to throw up on the
If I could be guaranteed that they would never find out, it would be a
much easier decision.


I sent Gunner a text to get the website where
the videos were being shown.
wanted to see some of the member comments.


You aren’t going to watch your own videos are you?


I just want to read some of the comments.


They are almost all positive.
Members think you look like a taller version of Tori Black.


Is that good?


Very good.
She’s one of the
most popular porn stars around.
Several have mentioned Megan Fox, too.


Is there something I
can do to keep them from questioning my true identity?


What I did was create
a secondary profile that was fake as well.
In that fake profile I told them that my real name was Ben Smith and
that I was from Denver, Colorado.
Just tell me what you want it to say and I’ll take care of it.


Raven St. Clare - My real name is Stephanie Smithfield from Pittsburgh,
I graduated from
Pittsburgh High School and was a waitress until I recently moved to
year-old MILF with a five year old child.


That will help calm
their curiosity.
You need to set up
a Facebook page that reiterates all of the same info.
We’ll throw a few sexy pics on there
later on.




I sat back in my chair feeling a little
better about everything.
I had my
fake name and a fake back-up name.
Since Jasmine could do such a miraculous job with my makeup, there was
almost no chance of anyone recognizing me in future videos.
Taking everything into consideration,
the left side of the page strongly overpowered the right side.
should go to gym.
I definitely need
to start working out and tanning.


After I finished setting up a Facebook page
for Raven St. Clare / Stephanie Smithfield, I contacted my old personal trainer
and set up a time to meet her later in the afternoon.
With four and a half days to go until my
first live show, I had time to squeeze in a couple of workouts and tanning
The workouts will help me burn off some of this nervous energy,
It’s driving me crazy.




Knowing how sensitive Raven was regarding her
true identity, I immediately went to work helping her create an additional
layer of protection.
The members
seemed to be delighted to learn more about the real girl behind the Raven
Once a Facebook page was
available that corroborated her bio, no one would bother digging any further
into her identity.
Coming from the
highly regulated financial world, I had been very discreet when I got involved
in the business
After several years, my parents and
friends still asked me about the stock market as if I was an active
They had no idea what I did
for a living and I had always been intent on keeping that way.
she can remain completely incognito, this will be a great gig for her.
I hope she can pull it off.


After taking care of Raven’s background
information, I had to stop by Carter’s office.
I had been procrastinating all morning
because I knew he was going to bust my ass about going too easy on Raven in the
past two sessions.
Since the
members were eating them up, though, I didn’t really think he would be such a
dick about things.

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