Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1) (18 page)

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Authors: MT Stone

Tags: #The Pleasure Pros

BOOK: Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1)
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“What are you so smiley about?” Carter
seethed as he came storming from across the room with his daughter trailing
behind him.


“Just look at the monitor.”
It had risen to a stunning ninety-four


“You guys are amazing together,” his daughter
cooed as she punched her finger against the screen of her iPad.
“This is by far our biggest live show


“You’re just lucky it worked out, Gunner!”
Carter said, going toe to toe with me.
“This could have just as easily been a disaster.”


“I’m sorry, sir, but I had to follow my gut,”
I replied, while his daughter continued to crunch the numbers.
totally into that stuff.




I was beginning to regain some of my senses
when I heard several people talking right next to me.
It is a really weird, creepy feeling
when you realize that your legs are still spread in the air.
The first voice I recognized was
Wow, that was absolutely incredible.
There is creepy Carter.
Then I began to hear another familiar
It was the voice of a woman
that I thought I should know.


“Can someone take off this blindfold,


“Sure.” Gunner lifted my head slightly and
gently slid them off.
“Are you


“Am I okay?
I don’t have a clue actually.” I blinked
my eyes trying to regain my focus.
“Am I bleeding or missing any limbs?”


“No.” He laughed.
“Everything is intact.
We ended with a ninety-four, no…
ninety-five percent approval rating.”


“Great, whatever that means.”
I turned my head to see what he was
looking at.
What are you doing here?”


“Polly,” Carter scoffed.
“This is my daughter, Suzanne.”


She stood there motionless with a dumb smile
on her face, trying to avoid eye contact.
I looked over at Gunner, who had already begun to untie one of my legs.


“Did you know about this?” I asked him, my
anger piercing right through the incredible sex induced buzz.


“Carter told me to contact you after you sent
that first text,” he said nonchalantly.
“That was the first time I had ever heard the name Raven.”


“Well played, man,” Carter said slapping him
on the shoulder.
“Let’s get out of
here,” he said, turning back to his daughter.


I’m in the goddamn twilight zone
I laid my head back down and returned to
my incredible buzz.
“You have some
explaining to do, sir. But right now, I just want you to untie me.”


“You aren’t just saying that to get me to
finish untying you?” Gunner asked with a smirk.


If you don’t get me untied in the next sixty seconds, though, there is
going to be trouble!”


Those are big words coming from a girl who can’t move her arms and only
has one free leg,” he countered.


“Hey, it only takes one leg for me to kick
you in the ass!”


Right now you have no right to give me that look, sir.


Watching him untie the ropes, I patiently
waited to be completely unbound.
Once again my growing feelings for Gunner had left me feeling
The fact that Carter
had threatened to reveal my true identity only added to my frustration.
Since our show had been another record
breaker, I had my doubts that he would want to ruin everything.
However, the fact that he had held a grudge
for so many years made him rather unpredictable.
The only thing muting my rage for the
moment was the incredible state of mind that Gunner had left me in.
have never felt like this before, it’s amazing.


Once I was free, I ran my hands along my
breasts and rib cage, amazed by how much pain I had been able to endure.
Other than some pinch marks and pink
skin, it hadn’t done any noticeable damage.
guys definitely know how to push you to the edge.
The only positive of that night’s
session, was that it had erased any doubts that I had about being able to make
it through the more painful levels.
Gunner helped me get up from the table.
It was a struggle to walk at first until
my hips loosened up and then my head finally began to clear.


“Are you okay Jillian?” Gunner asked, looking
directly into my eyes.


“Now you are using my real name here?” I
shook my head in disbelief.
sorry, but you just lost the right to call me that.”


“I thought we were getting past this stage,”
he replied.
“I felt a real bond
with you this past week.”


“You played a key role in deceiving me,” I
replied, appalled by his lack of understanding. “And, now Carter just
threatened to reveal my identity if I don’t make it through all ten levels
without using my safe word.”


“Carter is in complete control, because he
has dirt on all of us.
I had no
choice but to do what he asked.
It’s been that way ever since I made a deal with the devil,” he
explained as we walked back to the dressing room.


“What’s his daughter’s excuse?
Is she under his spell too?
I never even knew he had a daughter… or
a wife for that matter.”


“I’ve never met his wife, either.
Apparently, Suzanne showed up one day
after finishing boarding school.
She wanted to go into the real estate business with him, so he sent her
to Stanford for an MBA.
where she learned about online marketing.
She’s the one who made this place so successful.”


“Were those kids even hers?” I asked,
thinking back to that day in the coffee shop.


Carter knew you were a single mother, so he told her to use them as an
icebreaker,” he confessed.


“I didn’t think you knew anything about it?”
I cornered him.


“I said I didn’t know who you were.
I only knew they were scheming and that
it involved someone who had history with Carter,” Gunner stopped abruptly.


“You should have warned me… and I wouldn’t say
we had history!”
My anger only grew
as my head continued to clear.


“I should have told you before you signed the
contract, but I didn’t want you to run,” he replied, putting his arm around
“After that first night,
I knew we had chemistry, and I wanted to see how far I could take you.”


I stood there motionless, not saying a
I knew that Carter had
probably been manipulating him, but I also wanted him to stop and think about
If there was more to our
relationship than what went on in the dungeon, then he was going to have to
prove himself.


“Are you and I okay?” He bent down looking me
directly in the eyes once again.


“I’m committed to doing six more levels with
you, but right now I need to get dressed.
Where is Amber?” I suddenly remembered that we had come together.


“Yeah, sure, get dressed and we’ll take a
peek,” Gunner replied sheepishly while tuning the monitor to the room that
Amber and Sapphire were using.


Reaching down to pick up my dress, I noticed the
marks Sapphire had left on my inner thighs as well as my hands.


“They’ll be gone in a couple of days,” Gunner
assured me as I ran my fingers over them.


Gunner is lucky he came back when he did, otherwise I would be
even more furious with him.
Judging by the screams that were coming
over the monitor, she wasn’t being much easier on Amber.
She had apparently substituted her for
I made a mental note to get
even with her one day as well.
Carter was first on the list and she had become a close number two.


“What is she hitting her with?” I asked,
hearing Amber scream even louder.


“Piano wire,” Gunner scoffed.
“That’s a little advanced for level


“It really has to hurt when she does it on
your foot like that.”


“She’s big into foot play,” he replied.
“And, yes, it hurts like hell.”


She then began tickling Amber’s feet with one
hand, while using the Hitachi on her clit with the other.
She was driving her absolutely
I knew it was wrong, but I
found myself becoming a bit aroused by watching my friend in distress.
I had to wonder if this whole ordeal was
unleashing some sort of inner pervert.

Chapter 19



By the time Sapphire released Amber, she was
just as sex-drunk as Raven had been earlier.
Raven and Sapphire exchanged glares when
they met each other briefly in the hallway.
I warned Raven that she would have to
play nice for now, because she will meet her again in level seven.
At least I’ll be involved in that scene, so I can make sure it doesn’t
get out of hand.


Even though I was excited by how well the
show turned out, a bigger part of me felt bad about how things had gone with
I should have told her that Carter and his daughter had tricked her
into coming to the dungeon
first, I had no idea who Raven was, so the whole situation seemed
Once I figured out it
was Jillian, I didn’t mention it because I thought that she would walk
She had already been so
hesitant about signing the contract; I knew that I would lose her.
our first session had already been recorded by the time I realized who she was,
so it probably wouldn’t have made a difference anyway.
If she had tried to walk away, he
definitely would’ve used it against her.


My mind shifted.
I thought back to the expression on
Raven’s face the moment I pulled the zipper.
that was priceless.
It had
looked as if her eyes were going to pop right out of her head.
I smiled to myself just thinking about
There’s that feeling in my chest and stomach again.
I’m a grown man, so why do I keep
feeling like this every time she leaves?
It’s stupid.
Raven is pissed
at me anyway, so I might as well cool it.


Fuck… I hope she realizes that I really am on her side and not




The ride back to Amber’s house was interesting
to say the least.
Once she came out
of her haze, she had a rollercoaster of emotions similar to what I went through
the first couple of times.
funniest part was that she spoke to me as if I hadn’t been there.


“I see why you like Gunner,” she started out
as we pulled onto the highway. “He’s really hot.”


“Yeah, he is but…”


“Sapphire is hot, too, but in a
different way,” she said, completely cutting me


“Actually, that chick is fucking scary!”


“Yeah, but it’s a good scary.
Like when you go to a horror flick,” she


“This doesn’t happen at a horror flick,” I
replied showing her my hands.


She did that to you?”
Amber’s eyes widened.


“I have worse ones on my thighs.
She most likely would’ve done more damage
if Gunner hadn’t come in and stopped her.”
That bitch.


“I don’t think I’ll go back,” she said with a
slight quiver in her voice.
can’t have marks like that at work!”


“At least you have that option.
You can just walk away with no
consequences.” I sighed.


“And you can’t?” she asked, her eyes widening
once again.


Carter is going to tell the world who I am if I don’t make it through
all ten levels.”


“What a fucker!
Isn’t that blackmail or something?”


“Probably, but it’s not like I can go to the
police or anything.”


“What are you going to do?”


“I’m going to complete all ten levels and
then I’m going to get my revenge,” I told her giving my best evil eye.


“How are you going to do that?” Her demeanor
suddenly shifted to intrigue.


“I don’t know yet.
I’m just going to wait for the right
time and place.
When it presents
itself, I’m going to pounce.” I had to smile at the thought of it.


“You are way calmer than I could ever
I’m not cut out for that kind
of drama,” she admitted.
“I would
completely freak if he threatened me like that.”


“Don’t sweat it.
He has no reason to threaten you.”


“Well, just to be on the safe side… I’m


I didn’t reply.
It didn’t really matter to me one way or
I was going down the path
with or without her, so she had to do what was right for her.
I was just hoping that I could trust
Gunner to take me down that road.


“What was level four like?” she asked after a
brief silence.


“Once Gunner took over… I can’t even describe
it,” I told her, raising my eyebrows and shaking my head.


“Isn’t it weird?
It’s like crazy bad and crazy good all
at the same time,” she shook her head, matching mine.


“That’s exactly right.
I have never had a more painful
experience or more intense pleasure than in that single moment when he ripped
those clothespins off me.”




“Yeah, he called it a zipper.
I had clothespins all the way from my
nipples to my
both sides.
When he pulled the string,
they all flew off at the same time,” I explained.


That must’ve hurt,” she scrunched up her face.


“You wouldn’t even believe it, but he did it
right during an orgasm and together they were just completely
I can’t even begin to
describe it.”


“I know,” she replied, sitting back in the
“I think I might go for
another level or two, but I’m not sure I can totally trust Sapphire.
She is kind of scary,” she finally


“You should get hooked up with Renegade,” I
“He looks a lot like
Blade is good looking, too,
but he’s the scariest of them all.”


“How would I make the switch?
Text the number again?”


“Don’t worry, I’ll mention it to Gunner.” I
“He’ll get the two of you
hooked up.
I really don’t think you
want to go back to your boring old life, do you?”


“No, I was just thinking about that,” she
replied with a dazed look on her face.
“I wish it didn’t have to be so extreme one way or the other.”


“You and me both.”
my thighs hurt.


After picking up Hannah, we headed for
I managed to hold myself
together because I didn’t want her to worry, but my head was swirling with
mixed emotions.
Ever since I had
felt Gunner’s cock in my mouth, I had been looking forward to level six.
Being so close to him without being able
to have him had been absolute torture.
Now however, it appeared that everyone had been involved in deceiving
Even if Carter has a hold over Gunner, he could’ve given me some sort
of warning.




Later that evening after Hannah was in bed,
my thoughts once again turned back to Gunner.
How could he drive me into a state of
pure bliss one moment and make me so angry the next?
My phone rang just as I slipped on a
silky robe.
It was Gunner’s ring
He must have sensed the
turmoil he was putting me through.


“Can I help you?” I asked coldly.


“I just wanted you to know that you’ve been
on my mind since the moment you left,” he replied in his sultry tone.
“How are you doing?”


“I’ll live,” I replied in the same cold


“I’ve been going over everything in my head
and there is no way I could’ve saved you,” he explained.
“By the time I realized who you were, it
was already too late.”


“What do you mean it was too late?”


“He already had you on video.
You know he would’ve used that against


“That may be true, but I still should’ve had
the right to make that choice.”


“I know Jillian, and for that I am truly
sorry,” he replied trying to get back to where we had been only hours before.


“You have six more sessions to make it up to
me Gunner,” I replied, emphasizing his dungeon name.
“When is our next show?”


“I talked to Carter a while ago about
Now that we are doing live
shows we can only do one per week,” he explained with a hint of disappointment
in his voice.
“Suzanne has found
that they get the best results from spacing them out.”


“Suzanne… that little bitch.
I still can’t believe that she played us
perfectly,” I replied as another source of anger was reignited.


“She was in theatre growing up, so she
definitely knows how to play a part,” Gunner explained.


“That makes sense.
Have you ever done any scenes with her?”
I asked, feeling a stab of unfounded jealousy.


“No.” He chuckled a bit.
“I think she prefers to stay behind the


“She’s pretty, though.”


“Yeah, she’s pretty enough, but I don’t think
Daddy would ever let that happen,” he said, spawning another evil thought in my
devious little mind.
Maybe I’ll include her in my little plan for
She and Carter drew me
into this, but she’s above it all?
We’ll see about that.


“Did I lose you?” he asked after the
abnormally long pause.


I was just thinking about something,” I replied, not wanting to share my
thoughts at the moment.
“By the
way, my friend Amber wants to work with Renegade for the next few levels. Can
you make that happen?”


“No, unfortunately,” a hint of disgust crept
into his voice.
“He and Sable have
been sneaking around for months and finally got caught last Tuesday night.”


“So Carter fired them?”


“No, but he threatened Renegade.
He got so pissed that he walked off the
set and no one has heard from him since.”


“Wow, doesn’t he have a lot to lose?”


“He doesn’t give a shit!
That’s why we call him Renegade.” He
“If you try to tell him
what to do, all you get in return is the middle finger.”


“Shit… Amber really wanted a guy for the next
levels instead of Sapphire.”


There was a long pause before Gunner said,
“The only two choices right now are Blade or me.”


“Then Blade will have to do.
I’ll let her know,” I replied making a
quick decision for her.
“Are we on
for next Friday?”


“That’s what I originally called about.
Carter is giving us the prime spot,
eight o’clock on Friday night.
hoping for another record breaker.”


“What are you going to do to me this time?” I
inquired, keeping things in a business tone.

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