Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series)
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I was just about to open my mouth and make a smartass comment when Dylan’s family entered the room.  Wade and Rebecca entered first and then Luke, Shayla and their two daughters, Ema and Ally.  Luke resembled Rebecca but had the same stunning eyes as Wade and Dylan. 
  I thought. 
Everyone in this family is gorgeous. 
Dylan introduced my family to his and then me to Luke and Shayla. 

“It’s very nice to meet you both.  I’ve heard so much about you and your beautiful family.  Dylan absolutely adores your little ones.”

“We’ve heard a lot about you as well Brooke.  The pleasure is all ours.  I can’t believe my little brother finally found someone worthy of bringing home to mom.”

I leaned into Dylan and whispered in his ear, “
geez, didn’t you ever bring anyone home to meet your mom and dad?”

“Twice,” he said. 

“Oh?” I questioned raising my eye brows.  “Who is the other girl that you speak of that I’ve never heard about?”  Dylan’s face turned serious, sadness reaching his eyes.  “I will explain another time, but right now let’s just enjoy ourselves, okay?”

“Um…okay?” I said feeling hurt and confused. 

“Don’t over think it Brooke.  It isn’t what you think.  You’re the only one that matters, the only one I want or need.  Get that through your head and don’t doubt me.”  He kissed my cheek and I pasted on a fake smile. 
Great, one more thing he’s hiding from me. 

I was pulled from my funk as Ema and Ally came running up to me and Dylan. 

“Uncle Dylan, is this your girlfriend?” Ally asked tugging on his pant leg. 

Dylan leaned down picking her up making her squeal as he tickled her.  “Yes Ally, Brooke is my girlfriend, isn’t she pretty?”  Ally nodded her head yes, “uh huh.”  I smiled, “how old are you Ally,” I asked.  “I’m free!  See…one, two, free…,” she answered holding up five fingers.
  “You’re such a big girl,” I said stroking her long, blonde hair. 

Dylan was kissing Ally’s face making her giggle even harder when Ema blurted out, “Are you and Uncle Dylan gonna have a baby?”  I nearly choked as Dylan laughed hard. 

“Well sweetie, not today but maybe someday,” I answered. 

“Oh, because my mommy told my daddy that the only reason Uncle Dylan would be getting married to anyone is because he’s gonna have a baby.”  Dylan glared at Shayla.  “No Ema. Brooke is not pregnant; I am going to marry her because I love her.”

“Good, because I think she’s pretty and she’s nice.  Will you play with me Brooke?”

“Sure sweetie.  How about after we eat?”

“Okay.  But can we play tea party?”

“Yes, but as long as it’s okay with your mommy and daddy, okay?”


“Girls,” Dylan interrupted, can I have just minute alone with Brooke please?”

Sure Uncle Dyl, Dyl,” they said nodding, running toward their mother. 

He turned me, pulling me into him, his lips brushing against my ear, “you’re so beautiful princess.”

“So are you Dyl, Dyl,” I said and we both laughed. 

Excuse me everyone, I don’t mean to interrupt but brunch is served.  We all took our places at the table as Dylan’s father made a toast and announced our engagement. 



Dylan and I returned home the evening after we’d had brunch with our families.  It was a lovely day and I had fun playing “tea time” with Ema in the garden.
  She was such a bright, funny little girl; I found that I needed to watch my mouth around her.  She picked up and repeated everything she heard.  I also had the opportunity to sit and chat with Shayla, who actually turned out to be pretty nice.  I didn’t want to start out in a new family with any enemies, especially when I had one too many in my own. 

Rebecca, my mother and I discussed plans for our wedding.  I told them that Dylan wanted to get married at the mansion sin
ce it was a place that he was fond of while growing up.  I laughed listening to the two women discuss and plan what sort of wedding Dylan and I were going to have.  I honestly didn’t care how big the shindig would be, I just wanted to marry the man I loved as soon as possible.  If Dylan had it his way, we would already be married but our parents insisted that we be married in front of family and god.  I didn’t entirely disagree, but I wanted some control over what my wedding would be like.  After all, I had been planning it since I was about the age of five. 

I was lying on the couch
watching the evening news when Tristan entered the room looking for Dylan.  I sat up and pointed to his office.  Tristan nodded and headed down the hallway and shut the door behind him.  I could hear their muffled voices and curiosity got the best of me as I lurked outside of the office door.  Those two were up to something and I was tired of being left out.  The only time the door was shut was when they were discussing matters that pertained to Stephanie and me.  I pulled myself closer to the door trying to get a better take on what they were saying, when I heard Dylan raise his voice.

“What the fuck do you mean they’
re canceling the trial?” he yelled. 

“Calm the fuck down man; you’re going to scare her.”

“This is bullshit Tristan and you know it!”

“I don’t disagree but
you need to pull your shit together Dylan.  You’re no good to her if you react this way.”

“How in the hell am I supposed to tell her this, she’s going to be scared shitless!  I need to get her away from here NOW!”

“Dylan, have you forgotten that he didn’t do anything wrong?  That you and I helped by doing a major cover up for that asshole?”

t fucking remind me, I wish I had euthanized that mother fucker!”

“You know I’d be right by your side man.  I don’t care for that
smug fuck either!”

“I appreciate that Trist, you know I do.  I just don’t know how I’m
going to tell Brooke.  You know this means that whoever attacked Stephanie is still out there and wants to kill Brooke.  Just who in the fuck are we dealing with Tristan?  The team can usually figure this shit out quick, but this…this is just FUCK!!!”

“I wish I knew D.  I’d love to break a fucker’s neck.  Stephanie is doing a lot better but she has a long way to go before she can be on her own again.  It pisses me off!  She’s such a beautiful woman; I don’t understand why anyone would want to hurt her.”

“I hear ya man, I don’t get it either.  All I know is that we need to get them both out of here, out of the country; the sooner the better.” 

“Do you have somewhere in mind, because I’m fresh out of ideas.  I’m not even sure if I could get Stephanie to leave.  What about Mary?  What will we do with her?  We can’t leave her here.  She’s been providing all the care that Stephanie needs and she’s left Thomas.  She has nowhere to go Dylan.”

“When did she leave Thomas?  Brooke hasn’t mentioned anything about it to me.”

“Honestly Dylan, I don’t think Brooke knows; not that she would really care.  From my understanding and experience that guy is one giant asshole.  He should have had his throat slit a long time ago.”

“Yeah, I don’t trust him.  I don’t know what went on in that house but Brooke about lost it the last time we were there.  I plan on getting to the bottom of it eventually; I just don’t think she’s ready to talk about it yet.”

phanie has mentioned some things.  One night she had a nightmare and was mumbling a bunch of ridiculous, sick shit but I let it go.  She was in too much pain and I wasn’t about to start questioning her about things.”

“Either way Tristan, he’s a bad dude.  The further they stay away from him the better off they’ll all be.  I will put a call into my mom and see if she can help get them away from here without it looking too suspicious.”

“Sounds good man, I’m gonna take off and head over to Stephanie’s for the night.  I don’t want her and Mary there alone.”

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.  I’ll talk with Brooke tonight and let her know about the Stefan situation.”

“Good luck man,” Tristan said grabbing the handle and opening the door.

I was grateful for the bathroom just around the corner from the office.  The last thing I needed was to be caught for listening in on their private conversation.  I was nearing the corner when I bumped into Tristan.  He stopped, r
aising a brow at me, smiled then walked away.

“Have a good night Brooke,” he said when he neared the front door. 

“You too, I hollered back.”

Dylan came and joined me on the couch, putting his arms around me and pulling me against his chest. 

“Are you getting hungry princess?” he asked as his lips brushed against my ear. 

“A little, I guess.  I’m still a little full from brunch.  That spread was huge!  How do you all keep from getting fat? I asked.

Dylan chuckled running his hands through his hair.  “Well Brooke, we don’t eat everything on the table and we stop when we’re full.  Plus, we don’t eat like that every day princess.  That kind of feast is only for special occasions.  I think Lucy made some sandwiches and left them in the fridge if that’s what you’d like, or we can just order pizza.”

“Sandwiches sound good, I’ll go get them,” I replied. 

I was in the kitchen trying to take in what I’d overheard in the office.  The only real words spoken I could hear were the ones when Dylan was yelling.  I could hear the panic and anger in his voice.  I figured that we would be leaving soon, I just didn’t know where.  I was tired of being on the run.  Constantly running from my past, the asshole trying to kill me, it was all beginning to take its toll on me.  This was supposed to be the happiest time in my life and it was turning into a pile of shit once again. 

I grabbed the sandwiches, placing them on plates and a bag of potato chips for us to share.  My mood was suddenly less than pl
easant.  Dylan shot me a confused look and asked “what was wrong?”  Shrugging my shoulders, I responded with, “nothing.” 

“That’s bullshit Brooke and you know it.  You were fine ten minutes ago, now you’re pissed off.  What the hell did I do now?”

“Nothing.  It’s just…it’s just, what the hell were you and Tristan talking about in your office?”

“We were discussing Stephanie’s attack and other business related matters.  Why?”

“You’re full of shit Dylan!  I’m tired of you lying to me.  There can be no secrets between us, don’t you understand that?”

“Brooke!  What the hell has gotten into you?  I’m not hiding a fucking thing from you.  I
had every intention of telling you what we discussed after dinner.  Damn it!  Why are you so fucking persistent?” he said running his fingers through his hair letting out an angry breath. 

I placed my hands on my hips, staring Dylan down with my dark, angry gaze.  I was about to answer him when he walked toward me and held me in his arms.  “You were eavesdropping again weren’t you princess?”

“No,” I answered nervously and quickly.

“Yes, you were!  Don’t lie to me.  I can see it in your eyes; you can’t even look me in the eyes.   You jump my shit for not being forthcoming and accuse me of lying to you, when in fact it’s you that is lying to me.  Look, I may not tell you everything that’s going on Brooke and that is to keep your safety in place.  You have to trust me.  Right now, I don’t know who the fuck is trying to harm you and your sister and you damn well need to respect the decisions I am making
on your behalf.  I would never put you in danger and it pisses me off that you question and lie to me about the pettiest shit.”

“Fuck you Dylan!  You shut me out all the time, what the hell am I supposed to think?  You know virtually all of my shit but you don’t share yours.  It’s all a big fucking mystery with you.  What am I supposed to think, how am I supposed to feel?”

“Fuck!  You want to know what Tristan and I were talking about?  I’ll tell you.  Sit your ass down on the couch and don’t say shit until I’m finished, got it?”

Dylan was pissed, really pissed.  I walked over and sat down, crossing my arms across my chest.  I sat and waited like a scolded chil
d, though I knew that wasn’t his intent.  Dylan stood, looking hot in his ripped jeans with the buttons popped and nothing else on.  How was I going to concentrate on anything other than that?  I pulled my hair behind my ears and bit my bottom lip.

Okay Brooke, here’s the deal.  I have no idea who attacked your sister and neither does Tristan.  We’re out of leads; Tristan and I are concerned for yours and Stephanie’s safety.  Your mother has left Thomas and the trial for Stefan has been canceled.  That’s what we were discussing.  Any questions?” he asked taking a seat across from me.

“Just one,” I replied trying to keep my composure.  “Who was the girl that you took home to meet your mother?”

Dylan sat forward speaking in a very calm voice with his teeth gritted together, looking into my eyes and said, “I just fucking dumped all that shit on you and you’re concerned with whom I took home to meet my mother?”

“Yeah Dylan, I am.  Who was she and what did she mean to you?”

BOOK: Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series)
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