Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series)
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“I wasn’t indicating that you did, I was just merely making a statement.  Both have been dealt with and will not be returning.  I will need you to take Marisa’s place as a servant for me.”

“Sir, it would be my honor to do as you wish.  May I ask a question?”

“You may,” he nodded.

Will I still be able to remain in my current room?  I rather fancy the view sir.”

“You have been obedient and kind, and have done everything that’s been asked of you, so yes, you may remain in your current room.”

“Sir, I am unsure of the duties that Marisa was expected to uphold in your palace.  Can you please explain them to me?”

“Yes Alyssa.  You will be expected to serve our guests and you will not make eye contact with them unless you are given permission by me or by them.  You will not argue with a guest in my home.  If there is a problem, you will either come to me personally or alert one of my guards and we will take it from there.  You are expected to pleasure the men who come through here via oral sex.  There will be no sexual penetration of any sorts as I have others that are used for that purpose and you have not been properly trained to meet those needs. 
Do you have any further questions?”

“No sir,” I replied. 

“Good.  Now run along to your room and get some rest, our guest will be arriving soon and he doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

“Very well sir.”

“Just one more thing Alyssa, tonight you will serve our guest naked so he can see your true beauty,” he said leaning back in his chair taking another drag off of his cigar.

“Sir,” I nodded.

I walked slowly up the stairs until I reached the top and entered my room once more.  I was curious as to what had happened to Marisa but I could only assume that she had either been returned to her cell or murdered.  Judging by Kristof’s reaction, I assumed that both Marisa and the governor were dead.  If my memory were ever to return I would have to keep it secret or risk being killed.

I was just about asleep when I heard the voices of two men outside my door. 
I recognized one of the voices to be Kristof, the other I didn’t know.

“I don’t care who she is, see to it that we don’t have another issue like the last one.  I don’t care what you have to do to her, make sure it gets done.  She’s very obedient which makes me uneasy.  She’s either playing us o
r we were successful at erasing any memories that she had in her previous life. I haven’t decided what I believe yet.  Give her the serum so she won’t remember anything and after he’s done with her, then throw her back down in her cell so she can finish her training.”

“Sir?” the man questioned.  “Our orders were for this one to be denied any social interaction
, not punished like the others.”

“Do you question me Alexi?” Kristof asked in his thick accent.

“No sir, I’m just following orders sent down from the Grand Master.  She’s worth a lot of money to him.  We are to take care of her until he comes here to complete the transaction.”

“Very well, see to it that she’
s well cared for; once the money’s exchanged, kill her.”

The door swung open, I felt a sharp prick and everything around me went black.
  It was the last time I would recall ever having a life before I became Alyssa.  That is who I was now and I lived to serve my master’s guests. 



Dear Brooke

You have now been missing for six months and I have searched for you everywhere.  The day you disappeared I thought you had left me because I wouldn’t leave the “fixing” business; I see now that you were right.  I have put you in danger when my whole intention was to keep you safe.
  I have remained at the castle in hopes that you will come home to me soon and since this was the last place I saw you, I remained here.  I won’t leave until you come back to me.  I have lost so much but losing you has been the hardest. Every morning I wake with tears in my eyes when I realize you’re not next to me.  The nightmares have also returned; but I can deal with those.  What I can’t deal with, is the nightmare that I live each day without you. I promise I will find whoever has taken you and they will pay with their life.  When it comes to you Brooke, there is nothing that will ever keep me away. 

I love you always,



I knew she was the one the minute I stepped in the conference room to interview her.  The way my name rolled off of her tongue, “Mr. Prescott”, and when she shook my hand it sent sinful messages straight to my cock.  She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, with those full pouty lips, beautiful green eyes and petite curvy body. Damn I wanted to squeeze her ass and feel it cupped in my hands.  The way she looked at me, like she wanted to devour me, I knew she felt the connection between us.  Her body language spoke volumes and I thought I would test the waters.  I leaned forward, staring into those beautiful green eyes and asked, “how about we go back to my place when we’re done here?” and she nodded yes. 
Fuck me!  She isn’t even paying attention to what I’m asking her.
  I wanted to rip off that matronly get up she was wearing and lay her on that conference room table and have her for lunch.    

When David asked if I would be interested in teaching her the ropes, I immediately said “yes.”  I had to know her, be close to her and I was pissed when I found out she lived with that douche bag, Stefan.  I was dating Misty, trying to ditch my bad boy ways, what a mistake that was.  The bitch was a complete psycho, completely out of her mind.  I was trying to end the relationship long before Brooke came into the picture, Misty just didn’t get it. 

I purposely followed Brooke around in the building.  I often found myself in the security room watching her work through the security cameras.  When she would leave to grab coffee downstairs, I would follow her, making myself available for whatever she needed.  Other times, I would hide and watch her.  I wondered what she smelled like, how she tasted, how her mouth would feel against mine; around my cock.  I had it bad for her and I didn’t care how creepy it seemed that I was following her.  

Brooke was unlike the women I normally dated.  There was
innocence about her, a shyness and her intelligence was damn sexy.  I craved to be next to her, to know her better than I had ever known any other woman.  Sure, I had dated Hollywood starlets who were beyond glamorous but that gig got old after a while.  It was always the same old bullshit.  For women who seemed to have everything, money, good looks, fans; their insecurities were less than attractive.  Not to mention, most had been around the block way too many times.  That wasn’t the type of woman I was looking forward to taking home to mom.  Brooke was the total package and I fully intended on making her mine.  I just needed the right opportunity to make her understand and see how much I felt for her, how much I truly needed her.

Brooke was always on my mind, so much so Tristan gave me shit about being pussy whipped over a woman’s pussy I hadn’t even had yet.  I honestly would have done anything to have that pussy and the night that Brooke sent me that reply text saying that Stefan was cheating on her, was the perfect opportunity.  There was no way that I was ever going to let her go once I had her.  I wouldn’t make the same mistake that I’d made with Christina but in some ways I already had.  I should never have let Brooke leave me that day at lunch to confront Stefan alone.

What the fuck was I thinking letting her leave to go to that asshole when I knew what a violent piece of shit he was.  He was the governor’s number one, go to boy for getting high profile politicians and celebrities out of trouble.  Being part of the team meant that I also had to do any cover ups that were asked of me.  Most of the time, I didn’t mind but when I found out what Stefan had done to my girl, I lost my shit.  There was no way I could cover up his misdoings when it came to her and since I had refused to protect that scum bag, piece of shit the governor found someone else to do it.  My lack of control is what caused Brooke’s case to be pushed under the rug and thrown out of court. 

It took everything I had and Tristan to stop me from beating the shit out of Stefan.  Brooke’s face was black and blue along with
other parts of her body by the time he was finished with her.  Anger doesn’t even begin to describe what I felt when I picked her up in that parking lot.  He’s lucky he’s still alive.  Then the governor dumped the biggest bomb shell on me the night of Amber Martinelli’s murder.  I was asked to do another cover up for that pompous prick, Stefan; and this time I had to.  I had fallen in love with Brooke and the more time we spent together the more I had to lie and deceive her.  Everything I had done was for her safety and one day, I hoped that she we would understand, forgive me and love me as much as I loved her.


I left the governor’s mansion just after ten that evening.  I knew I couldn’t go back to my place without revealing everything I had just learned to Brooke.  If I told her what I knew, she would no longer be safe and knowing her, she would have run off putting herself in even more danger than she was already in.  I pulled up outside of the large mansion in Cherry Hills where I grew up, hoping that my mother wasn’t out at some gala.  I needed to talk to her and there was only one thing I was after when I entered the house. 

“Hey sweetie,” she said leaning in and kissing my
forehead as I entered the grand foyer.  “What are you doing out at this hour?”

“I had a late meeting and I thought I would stop by and say hi on my way home.”

“It’s late Dylan, your father is already in bed.”

“That’s ok mom.  I actually wanted to talk to you anyway.  If you’re heading off to bed I can come back tomorrow.”

“Oh don’t be silly Dylan.  I always have time for my baby.  What is that you need to talk to me about?” she asked taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen.

“Do you still have grandma’s ring?  You know, the one that grandpa gave her when they…”

“Yes Dylan, but…”

“Mom, I want to marry her.  I’m crazy about her and I know there’s nobody else out there for me.  I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else.”

Taking my hand my mom rubbed her fingers over mine.  “Dylan Darling, are you sure?  We haven’t even met this girl.  I’ve only heard you talk about her. I know you have deep feelings for her but are you sure you’re ready for marriage?  Is she ready for marriage?  You two haven’t known each other very long, how do you even know if you’re truly compatible?”

“I understand your concerns
mom and you will meet her, soon, I promise.  Trust me mom, she’s the one.  I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love her.”

“More than Christina, Dylan?  Do you love Brooke more than you loved Christina?”

“Mom…,” I sighed.  “I can’t even compare the two, I was young and then with what happened; yes, I love Brooke more than I loved Christina.  And I don’t want to talk about her anymore.”

“Dylan, you’re still hurting over her.  Do you really think it’s fair to Brooke, asking her to marry you when you’re still not over Christina?”

“It’s not like that mom.  What happened to Christina was tragic, yes.  But it’s been years and I’m not in love with her anymore, I had to let her go a long time ago.”  Tears pricked my eyes and my mother walked over and hugged me.

I know baby, I just want you to be sure.  Your happiness means everything to me.  If Brooke is the one that you want to spend the rest of your life with then you know I will support any decision you make.”

“She is; I need her like I need my next breath.  I don’t think I could go on living if I didn’t have her in my life.” 

“Well then, the ring is yours,” she smiled.  “Does Brooke know how lucky she is to have you?”

“I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one, mom,” I laughed.

“I think you’re both lucky to have each other.  So, when will I see some grandkids?”

“Mom!  Let us get married first,” I scolded. 

“I’m not getting any younger Dylan, you better get to work on it right away after the wedding.  Oh, that reminds me, you can get married at the Prescott Mansion.  That would be beautiful.” 

“I think you’re getting ahead of yourself mom.  I was actually thinking of taking her somewhere she’s always wanted to go for the wedding but I would need your help planning it.  I want her to be involved but I want the location to be a surprise.”

“Where did you have in mind dear?”

“The castle in Ireland.”

“Oh, what a splendid idea.  You’re such a romantic Dylan, just like your father.”

We spent the rest of the night reminiscing about old times when I was young boy and my high school years.  She continually tried talking about Christina but that was a time in my life that I now needed to forget.
  Since it was late, I decided to stay at my parent’s place.  And damn it if that’s not all I could think about when I went to my room and tried to crash.  Visions of Christina ran through my mind as I looked up at the ceiling in the dark.   

Christina was a beautiful girl, the one I thought I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  We met our sophomore year in college and hit it off immediately.  We were inseparable, going to parties, movies and doing what every college student does once they have freedom from their parents; we moved in together.  She was fun and adventurous the type of girl that loved to watc
h football on Sunday’s, all day.  She was every guys dream come true.

BOOK: Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series)
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