Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series)

BOOK: Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series)
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Book 2 of
the Fixer Series








By Alyson Raynes


By Alyson Raynes

d by Alyson Raynes

Copyright © 2013 Alyson Raynes

All Rights Reserved

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. 

This is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to actual persons, places, events, business establishments or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book is intended for readers eighteen years and older.  Contains strong sexual content and profanity.






This book is dedicated to all of my readers.  Words cannot express how grateful I am for each and every one of you. 

A special thank you goes to my
family for being by my side and supporting me through everything.  You are always so encouraging, cheering me on to be the best I can be.  I love you always and forever. 

To my friends, I cannot thank you enough for your continued support.

Special thanks to Jacki for being such a wonderful friend and helping me by showing me the ropes. There are not enough words to express my gratitude.  I enjoy our chats and look forward to many more years of friendship.

To Kari and Cara for holding my hand, helping me along the way and believing in me and showing me the ropes in this very new world of writing.  You ladies have been amazing! 

To all of the bloggers that promote, share and review my books.  I cannot thank you enough and I appreciate everything you do for me. 

To Kim, Paula, Tara, Renee, Sandy and Tabitha, I could not have done this without you.  I feel blessed to have each and every one of you in my life.

To Kari at K23 Design and Photography for making the most beautiful book covers for my books.  You truly are a rock star! 

Thank you to everyone for your support. 

Alyson Raynes Books

Fixer of Deceit (Book 1 in the Fixer Series)

Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series)



Table of Contents



pter 1

er 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

pter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

pter 18

apter 19

er 20




Dylan had received a peculiar phone call from the governor, leaving me stranded and alone in his magnificent, downtown penthouse.  The events of the evening draining me free of any energy I had left.  I wanted to ask where he was going, but I had a gut feeling I knew the answer to that question.  It was his job to clean up a scene before anyone found out the gruesome details of a crime.  Then again, I found myself curious, wondering if Dylan himself had manufactured the hit on Amber Martinelli to frame Stefan. 

I stepped out onto the terrace overlooking the city.  The lights were bright, twinkling as the roar of late night traffic lingered in the air.  A cold front was moving in and a slight chill
moved through me.  Knowing how Dylan felt about me, I knew he would do anything to keep me safe.  Committing murder wasn’t beneath him and it was dangerous for me to think that he could be involved in Amber’s.

Needing answers, I re-entered the grand living room.  If anyone knew the whereabouts of Dylan it would be Tristan.  Certainly he was hanging around in the penthouse somewhere.  I knew that Dylan would never leave me alone out of fear that I would run and risk my own safety.  Yes.  Tristan was my new babysitter.  All I had to do was find him.

I turned the corner walking
toward the light I saw illuminating from under the door.  I knew Tristan had to be in there.  I was just about to knock when I heard the door bell ring.  Lucy answered the door as I was walking into the foyer to see who had come to visit.  It took everything I had to compose myself as I walked toward Misty.  

,” I said.

“Brooke?  What are you doing here?”

“I live here.  What are you doing here?”

“I’m looking for Dylan.  I need to talk to him, in private.”

“He’s not here.”

“Cut the crap Brooke.  Where is he?”

“I don’t know.  He stepped out for a while.”

“So, you’re living with him now?  Are you two dating?”

“Misty, what goes on between Dylan and I, is none of your business.”

“Well Brooke, that’s where you’re wrong.  It is my business.  He belongs to me!  I was here first.”

I took a deep breath.  I wanted to strangle her.

“Misty, I’m not going to get into a pissing matc
h with you.  Stop acting like a

fifteen year old little girl and get a grip!  Dylan is not your possession.  He doesn’t love you.  I’
ve heard him tell you time and again to get over it.  Now I’m telling you, GET OVER IT!  Stay away from him Misty.  I’m warning you.”

“Well now…
now who’s acting like a fifteen year old girl?”

I clenched my fist by my side.  I was ready to punch her right in the mouth.

“GET OUT BITCH!” I screamed. 

Tristan came running out of the office and into the foyer. 

“Ms. Stone?  Is everything okay?” I gave him a serious look.

“Yes.  Ms. Adams was just leaving.  Please show her to the door.”

“This isn’t over Brooke.  Not by a long shot.  He’ll choose me.  I can promise you


I looked over at Tristan.

“Now Tristan!  Get her out now!”

Misty turned and gave a frustrated breath as Tristan escorted her out the door.

“Are you alright?”
Tristan asked.

“I am now.  Tristan, where is Dylan?”

“Ms. Sto…Brooke, don’t worry.  He’ll be back soon.  He asked me to stay with

you, you’re safe.”

“Damn it Tristan!  What the hell is going on?  I need to know where he is.  Does it

have something to do with Stefan?”

“I can’t answer that Brooke.  You’ll have to ask him that yourself.”

“Is my car still in the garage?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good.  I’m leaving.”

Tristan chuckled.  “Where will you be going?”

“None of your damn business but I’m not staying here.”

“You won’t be going anywhere.  I’ve been instructed to do whatever it takes to

keep you

I was getting really mad.  If Dylan wasn’t going to be around; neither was I.

“The only way you’re going to keep me here is against my will.  You’ll have to

chain me to the place.”
  A smug smile came across Tristan’s face.

“Oh, that can and will be arranged.  Remember?  Dylan gave me orders to do

whatever it takes.”

“Fuck you!”
I spat at him as I walked into Dylan’s room.  I pulled the covers down and climbed into bed and conceded to the demands of my exhaustion.   

At 3 a.m. I woke from a terrible dream.  I was drenched in sweat and crying.  Dylan was screaming my name as he was being beaten and tortured.  I tried to reassure my
self that it was only a dream but I was sure something awful was happening.  I got up and went to the kitchen for some water, hoping I would see him lingering in the living room.  He was nowhere to be found.  The office light was on and I quietly walked to the door.  I heard Tristan talking to someone on the phone.

“Don’t worry man.  She’s fine.  I’ll take care of her.  Yes.  I’ll see you

He hung up just as I walked in.

“Who was that Tristan?”


“Where is he?”

“Brooke.  He’ll be here in the morning.  He can explain everything to you when he

returns.  You should go back to bed and get some rest.
  He also wanted me to let you know that you won’t be going into work tomorrow.”

“What?  Are you freaking kidding me?  I have to.  They’re going to fire me.  He

can’t keep me locked in here like a prisoner.”  Tristan gave a hard laugh.

“I doubt very highly that you’re going to get fired Brooke.  After all, Dylan owns

the company.  He’s only looking out for your safety.”

“Cut the crap T!”

“Brooke.  Did you just call me T?”  Tristan laughed.

really going on?  Why can’t I leave to go to work?  What has Dylan

done?  First he was afraid Stefan was going to come after me, now this shit.”

“Brooke.  Stefan is out on bail.”

“What?  How?

“He knows some very powerful people and right now, well, he’s been asking

about you.”  I covered my mouth with my hand.  I felt like I was going to be sick. 

“Oh god.  What does he want with me?”

“We don’t know.  Dylan is looking into it.  You have to trust him.”

,” I said as I headed back to bed.  I was in shock.  I didn’t understand why in the hell Stefan couldn’t just leave me alone. I lay there looking up the ceiling as my mind drifted off into a million thoughts.  I was restless, unsettled, hoping that I would feel Dylan slide into bed next to me, but he never came.


I sat in the living room watching the media circus surrounding Amber’s death.   Stefan had been let out on a five million dollar bond and was getting ready to hold a press conference later that afternoon.  The slightest mention of his name made me sick. My phone rang and I hoped like hell it was Dylan.  It wasn’t.


“Brooke, it’s mom.” There was panic in her voice.

“Mom, what’s wrong?”

“It’s Stephanie.”

“What  happened?  Where is she?”

“Brooke, is Dylan with you?”

“No.  Why mom?  What’s going on?”
I was really getting worried.  I’d never heard my mother’s voice shake like that before. 

“Sweetheart, Stephanie was walking her dog in the park last night and she
was assaulted.”

“Oh my god mom!  Where is she?”
Tears ran down my face as panic set in. 

“She’s at St. Christopher’s Hospital.”

“I’m on my way.”

I hung up and searched for my car keys.  Damn it!  I didn’t need this now.  Where
the hell did Dylan hide my keys?  Tristan walked out in jeans and a t-shirt.  The man was stunning. 

“I need my keys.”

“What’s going on Brooke?”

“It’s my sister, she’s in the hospital.”
  I was crying even harder.

ll take you.”

We rode the elevator down to the garage and Tristan held the passenger side door
of my car open.  I guess I wouldn’t be driving after all.

He revved the engine as we pulled out.  I said a silent prayer for both my sister and Dylan.  I still had no idea where he was.  I was worried beyond words; everything seemed to be getting worse as the day wen
t on. 

“Tristan, any word from Dylan
?” I asked. 

“No Brooke.  He said he’d be home this morning.”

“I’m really worried about him.”

“I’m sure he’s fine.  He’s probably tying up some loose ends and then he’ll be home.  He can take care of himself Brooke.  Let’s just focus on your sister and the situation we’re facing right now.”
  I let out a deep breath.  I reached over and placed my hand on Tristan’s. 

“Thank you Tristan.”

“It’s no problem Brooke.  Everything is going to be just fine.”  I wanted to believe him but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.  Who would want to hurt my sister?  She was kind to everyone.  My phone rang, and the picture popped up showing it was Mandy.

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