Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) (7 page)

Read Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) Online

Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #monster sex, #good fantasy books, #best romantic novels, #medieval romance, #reluctant sex, #Defloration, #love stories

BOOK: Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)
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oh, what a stomach it was.  Allysin could see it whenever she wanted, but
touching it was another matter entirely.  Thump was no slouch in regards to
physical fitness, and his stomach was perhaps his most exquisite part.  Allysin
could feel every curve of his abdomen, each sculpted section of his abs, as her
fingers traced alongside them and further downwards still.  Thump glanced
towards her, his expression confused, but Allysin just kept on staring at the
book as if it was the most fascinating thing.

kept on until Allysin snuck her fingers below the waist of Thump's loincloth
and began idly stroking his cock.  Mind, she couldn't stroke all of it, as her
vantage point for access wasn't the best, but her fingers circled the base and
she had a good grip of the first few inches of him.  Fuck!  He wasn't even
hard, but his dick was enormous.  If she had to guess, she'd say it was as big
as most average human men's cocks when they were rock hard.

let out a squeaking groan, which sounded altogether not at all trollish or
masculine, then tossed the book aside and stared at her.  His eyes looked at
her face, then her arm, to her hand, all while she kept stroking him.

Thump said loudly.  "Wat do?  Wat—"  He tried to think of some
words.  In her mind, she imagined he couldn't do it well because of her
distraction.  "Wat Allysin do—ing?" he finally asked.

just move this out of the way, alright?" she said.

further ado, Allysin hopped up from her spot beside him, flipped up his
loincloth, and surveyed her good work.  Now, she couldn't quite tell exactly
where he'd been to begin with, but he was definitely starting to get worked up
to where she wanted him.  His cock arched, stuck between soft and hard, looking
as if it hadn't yet made up its mind as to where it was going.  Allysin thought
she'd help it decide.

Thump stared at her, mouth agape, she reached out both her hands and wrapped
them around his erection.  With a far better grip and view of what she had in
her hands, she managed to stroke him like she would any other man.  Or, really,
her experiences in the matter weren't profound or abundant, but she knew the
general idea behind it.

body jerked, his hips flinging upwards and his torso crashing against the bed. 
He watched her, eyes wide and confused.

he said.

she said, matter-of-factly.  "Look, alright?  I'm going to do this thing,
and I just want you to lay back and enjoy it.  Miri does it, doesn't she?"

thought about it for a few seconds.  A few seconds was all Allysin needed, her
hands jerking him up and down faster.  Exhilarated, she watched as his cock
stretched up, growing at least a couple of inches in her hand and becoming
harder in the process.  His shaft twitched in her grip and the veins of his
cock pulsed hard, squirming beneath her fingers.

Thump said, his tone practical.  "Miri not like.  Thump think, no."

probably not," Allysin said, trying to mimic his same tone.  "But
Miri's not here, is she?  What does Thump like?"

this how they did it?  Allysin wasn't too sure on the specifics, but she knew
that men and women seduced others all the time.  Or, maybe not all the time,
but it did happen.  A couple glasses of wine, a charming word or two, and a
person might find themselves otherwise engaged with someone who wasn't a part
of their usual relationship.  Did they need to rationalize it, though?  To
explain it away in the heat of the moment?

had no idea, since she never expected to do it, but then here she was, seducing
Miri's troll, Thump.  And honestly, she felt a little bad about it.  Not too
bad, because she wasn't fully convinced that Miri would find out, or be too
upset about it, but somewhat bad.  Thump wasn't Miri's husband or anything,
right?  Weird, that.  Could a human even marry a troll?

stroked Thump harder, distracting him away from his thoughts and waiting for
him to answer her question.  She wasn't sure what she'd do if he answered her
negatively.  Stop, she guessed?  Except, fuck, she didn't want to.  Her gaze
followed her hands, watched the bulge of his cock whenever it flexed in response
to her handling it.  His cockhead bloomed even further, a thick
mushroom-looking thing.  Allysin enjoyed mushrooms, too.  She wondered what his
cock tasted like?

particular thoughts.  Leaning forwards, at least wanting to inspect him further,
she let her lips part ever so slightly.  Then further, more, until the tip of
her tongue crept out to touch her lower lip.  Without putting too much thought
into it, because she thought she might change her mind if she did, Allysin
pressed her lips against Thump's cockhead and urged them further.

inside of her switched on, like some sort of epiphany.  This, she thought, was
fun.  Fun in an arousing, erotic way.  She glanced upwards, spying the look on
Thump's face and thoroughly enjoying it; a mix of confusion and erratic
pleasure.  Her moist lips slid across Thump's cockhead easily at first, but as
she went further and her mouth opened wider, it became more difficult.

cock was far too huge for her to take all of it in her mouth.  In fact, she
questioned how Miri could take all of it anywhere, but she thought maybe she
would try that out later and see how it went.  Curiosity killed the cat, they
said, but then satisfaction brought it back?  Allysin was all for saving
kittens, especially if it meant satisfying herself in the process.

head of Thump's cock pressed against the back of her throat.  He wasn't even
that far in her!  She tried to push more, a little further, but couldn't.  With
about a third of his cock in her mouth, her lips spread wide and her teeth
barely brushing against his shaft, she wanted to frown but her mouth was
occupied.  Gagging a bit, giving up for the time being, she eased him out of
her mouth, leaving a trail of saliva in her wake.

her own information, Thump's cock didn't taste like a mushroom.  It had a
sticky sweet and salty flavor, though.  Almost, though this was perhaps a
stretch, like a marshmallow-covered salted peanut.

a more passive role now, letting her hands slide up to slip some of her saliva across
the rest of Thump's cock, she watched him.  He looked at her, seeming ready to
make his decision.

like," he said.  "No tell Miri?"

only grinned, before dipping down again to take him in her mouth.  Her head
bobbed up and down on his shaft, hoping to fit more and more of him in her
mouth.  As desperately as she tried, she couldn't manage more than three or
four inches, but by the look on Thump's face this didn't matter.  She used her
hands to stroke the rest of his shaft while her eyes roamed across his body. 

part of him was smooth and shining, the light from the window stretching across
his body and illuminating it.  His thighs were thick cords of muscle bound
together.  His pelvis was either naturally smooth, or else Miri must have used
some creams to remove his pubic hair.  Probably the latter, Allysin thought. 
As she bobbed up and down on his cock, feeling him twitch and grind inside of
her mouth, she watched his abs flex.  His breathing came in sharp, shallow
gasps, and as her eyes trailed upwards she could see his chest heaving up and
down in a similar way with each breath he took.  And then his face.

wasn't the most attractive of people.  Mind, he was a troll, so maybe he was
attractive to them?  But, for a human, he was somewhat ugly looking.  This, in
Allysin's mind, made him better, though.  Atypical.  His mouth hung open, a
slip of drool sliding down his lips, and his eyes remained tightly closed.  He
almost looked like he was in pain, but not quite.  Besides that, he had an
absolutely primal expression, lips curling back to nearly a snarl and his
eyebrows tightening towards a scowl.

looked fierce, masculine, like a dominant beast.  As Allysin stroked and sucked
him, she felt like some masterful hunter planning to tame this wild man of his
savage urges.

panicked, his hands gripping the bed to no avail.  He wanted something, to do
something, but for the life of her Allysin couldn't figure it out.  She
hesitated, slowly her ministrations on his huge cock, but this was apparently
the opposite of what he wanted.  Figuring out where his hands should go, which
was apparently on Allysin's head, he pushed her back onto his cock.

far!  She choked, pushing back, and Thump seemed to realize what he'd done and
moved his hands away in shock.  Allysin shook her head, with his cock in her
mouth, then reached towards one of his hands and moved it back to the top of
her head.  Thump put his other hand on her head carefully.

loved it, letting him take her as he willed, but she just couldn't take all of
him no matter what.  Thump recognized this, understood in a way, and when next
he pushed on her head he was gentler.  Not really gentle, but she wasn't about
to choke on his cock again.  And, well, maybe she hadn't minded the choking too
much?  It was kind of dirty and raunchy and she really loved the fact that she
turned him on so much that he couldn't control himself, wanted to shove her
onto his cock.

build up hastened, Thump's hands coaxing her to go faster and faster.  She
barely had time to go down before she was coming back up again.  Thump was
absolutely wild now, his hips squirming on the bed.  Sometimes instead of
pushing her down, he bucked his hips up instead, thrusting into her mouth. 
Allysin tried to keep a steady grip on his cock, but with his movements
becoming so sporadic, she couldn't seem to do it well.  Instead, she left one
hand to try, while the other gripped at his thigh.

sooner than she held his thigh, she realized his balls were slapping side to
side and hitting the back of her hand.  Well, maybe she'd do something about
that?  Yes, she would.  Thinking it was a better choice to hold onto his balls
over his thigh, she grabbed them firmly in her hand and squeezed them gently. 
They almost reminded her of the hard biscuits the kitchen cooks made for
soldiers leaving for trail duty, except not as hard.  And way more fun to play

balls jiggled in her hand, bouncing around as Thump used her mouth as a fuck
thing.  Allysin slid her tongue around his shaft, tracing every vein on his
cock as best she could when she had a chance.  And then everything stopped.

pressed her down, but not too far.  His cock twitched, squirmed, wanted to get
free, but there was no possible way it was going anywhere.  His balls tightened
in Allysin's hand, moving closer to his body, and then it happened.

came hard in her mouth, his cum exploding into her.  His cream shot at the back
of her throat and she instinctively swallowed.  One jet dealt with, though it
made her eyes water at the abruptness of it, she soon found herself having to
deal with more.  And more.  She couldn't swallow all of it, there was no way,
and so some of it pooled in her cheeks then dribbled out of her mouth.  His cum
seeped down his cock towards her hand, and she coated her fingers in it and
stared at it in wonder.  It was so pearly white and sticky.  And there was so
much of it!  Fuck.

the gods he finished after ten or so spurts, because she couldn't breathe and
wasn't sure how much more she could take of this.  When he moved his hands,
flopping onto the bed with an exaggerated sigh, she popped his cock out of her
mouth and gasped for air.  Ha!  She'd tamed this beast, now hadn't she?  Also,
it struck her that Miri was the only one to have done this before.  Had she
done this exactly?  Allysin didn't know, but the specifics didn't matter.

a mere servant girl in the castle, had partaken in something only a princess
had sampled before her.  This, she thought, practically made her royalty.  And
she'd done a good job of it, hadn't she?  Thump looked satisfied enough, at

was that enough for her?  She had this chance, this once in a lifetime
opportunity, and she didn't want to lose it.  Maybe, just made, she could be
even better than a princess, even if only for a little while.

up along his body, she moved past his still impressive cock, straddling his
stomach.  He lazily opened his eyes halfway and watched her while she climbed
up his body until she could rest her chin on his thick, muscular chest. 

at him, wide-eyed and innocent, she asked, "Are you done already?"

frowned, confused.

think," Allysin said, "we can clean you up and then maybe try
something new?"

Thump said enthusiastically.

there!"  She didn't know what caused the sudden change in him, but she
kind of liked it.

before she knew it, he had his hands around her waist.  Picking her up like a
doll, he flipped their positions, her on the bed while he loomed above her. 
His fingers picked at her clothes, trying to figure out how to remove them. 
She didn't quite know why, but she decided to go with it.

her back and reaching her hands behind her, she undid the buttons of her dress
then slipped the shoulders to the side.  Thump took no time in pulling the
whole thing off of her and tossing it to the floor.  Allysin didn't know if
that was it or not, so she started to unlatch her bra, too, but Thump stopped

he didn't physically stop her, or at least not quite.  With access to her
pussy, he slipped her panties aside and gazed with rapt interest at her
feminine folds.  Surprised at the suddenness of it, Allysin gasped and leaned
forward.  No sooner than she had, Thump rubbed some of the cum soaked across
his cock onto his fingers, then stroked along her slit.

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