Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) (9 page)

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Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #monster sex, #good fantasy books, #best romantic novels, #medieval romance, #reluctant sex, #Defloration, #love stories

BOOK: Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)
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Miri screamed in a loud whisper.  "My gods, what are you doing?"

Princess Miri's Indecent Desires

n an unprecedented turn of events,
Miri did something no one ever would have expected.  Something so astounding,
so amazing, that after she'd asked her father if she could do it, and he of
course agreed(because he always agreed), everyone in attendance fainted.

they didn't actually faint, but they didn't know what to say and many of them
needed to sit and asked for someone to fetch them a cold drink.  The way they
looked at her, they acted as if she'd just told them she'd had sex with a troll
or something.  Which, she had actually had sex with a troll, but she hadn't
told anyone except Allysin about that.  And Allysin wouldn't have told anyone,
so Miri's secret was still safe.

didn't think her request was that strange.  She merely asked for everyone in
the castle prisons to be released.  Her father agreed that they could do that. 
Miri easily convinced the chamberlain and the economic advisor, too.  The
chamberlain could use the ex-prisoners to help build his vents in the servants
quarters or whatever, and the economic advisor could put some of them to work
to increase their monetary reserves.

won, really.  Most of all Miri, but everyone else could bask in her glorious
victory, too.  She didn't mind.  At least not this time.

the prisoners weren't really dangerous.  What kind of idiot put dangerous
criminals in a castle prison?  If they escaped, the first thing they'd do would
be to go after the King, or maybe the Princess, which was Miri, and she really
disliked that idea.  No, the castle prisons only contained people who'd
performed petty crimes, or more especially people who annoyed Miri so she had
them jailed.  Which was less and less people as the weeks passed, but there
were still a few and she wanted them out.

she had an idea, and the prisons seemed like a wonderful place for it.  First
off, she wanted to teach her pet troll, Thump, some proper manners.  Second,
she was trying to teach him how to speak better.  He could say a few things
now, which was nice, but she was certain he could say more.  Like, everything. 
She wanted him to say everything possible that he could want to say, which was
to say she wanted him to say all of the things she wanted him to say.  And
Thump didn't seem to mind, but why would he?  Of course he wouldn't.

lastly, she wanted a place to be alone with him.  For other reasons, and sex. 
Mostly sex.

past week had been blissful!  After Allysin found out about Miri's and Thump's
sexcapades, Miri didn't have as much need to hide them anymore.  Mind, she hid
it from most everyone, but seeing as she was sharing a room with Allysin, she
needed to be mindful of her roommate most of all.  But since Allysin knew, all
Miri needed to do was ask for privacy and the girl left for an hour or so,
Thump and Miri did their thing, and no one was the wiser.  Also, Allysin worked
for a good eight hours a day, so that was more time, and if Miri ate dinner
fast she could squeak in a free half hour, and if she woke up early sometimes
she could sneak in a quickie while Allysin was sleeping.

thought this was possibly how addictions began, except that was ridiculous.  An
addiction to having sex with a troll?  Was that even a thing?  No, she didn't
think so.  And it was fun, and they liked each other, and she did other things
with him in between their bedroom romps.  It was more like dating, except
better dating than she'd ever partaken in before. 

she dated Roy, before she dumped him, everything had felt stiff and awkward and
weird.  Maybe that was fine for some people, but Miri hated it.  With Thump, it
was all natural and fun and silly and sometimes strange, but that was fine. 
Also, he didn't get mad at her when she yelled at him, which was a plus.

that led to this, and this led to her standing atop the stairs that descended
into the dungeons, speaking with the guard captain.

that all of them?" she asked the armored man while peering down into the
deep, dark dungeon.

Princess," he said.  "Everyone has been escorted out and freed, as
per your wishes and the King's orders."

good," she said.  "Now you don't need anyone to guard the prisons
then, right?"

looked at her strangely, but didn't ask any bad questions.  Not that she'd have
him jailed for it, because she wanted the prisons empty for the time being, but
she didn't have any good answers for his bad questions.  It was better if he
never asked them in the first place.

don't suppose we do," he said, slowly.  "Do you have something in

wasn't really a bad question, but she didn't think it was good, either. 
"Yes.  I'm going to bring Thump down there."


That was a bad question!  "Training," she said.  It was the first
thing that came to her mind.

the guard captain asked.

you know?  I'm teaching him how to speak better.  Also, to think for himself
sometimes.  He's a bit reliant on me and I'm
with that, but I don't mind if
he wants to do his own things once in awhile.  We're learning history, too. 
It's very educational."

going to teach him lessons in the castle prisons?" the man asked. 
"Do I have that right?"

glared at him and put her hands on her hips.  "It was
idea.  If I want Thump to think
for himself, I need to let him have ideas once in awhile, now don't I?  I'm not
saying it's a
idea, but everyone needs to
start somewhere, you know?"

she thought, was her stroke of genius for the day.  Yes, she would just blame
it all on Thump.  How wonderful!  No one could really argue with her about it. 
How could they?  If they wanted to disagree, they could take it up with Thump,
and Thump would just look at them funny, because that's what he did.

the guard captain said, shrugging.  "Whatever suits your needs.  I'm
taking a vacation, then."

smiled brilliantly at him and waved extra fast as he left.  "Have a
wonderful break!  Tell me all of the fun things you do!"

got her thinking.  Maybe she and Thump could go on a vacation sometime.  To an
island!  With beaches!  Oh, wonderful.  She could wear a bathing suit and they
could play on the sand and make castles and swim in the water and eat tropical
fruits.  Thump was the perfect height to reach up and grab a coconut from a
tree, then with his strength he could crack it in two and feed her bits of
sweet coconut flesh.  That sounded nice.  She thought Thump would like the
idea, too.

later.  At least not anytime soon.  She needed to find him and figure out what
exactly they were going to do in the dungeons.  She had a few plans, but
nothing set in stone.  Planning everything was dull and not fun, she found. 
There needed to exist a possibility for surprises.

to Allysin's room, she was stopped by one of the maids.  "Have you seen
Allysin?" the girl asked.

I look like I've seen Allysin?" Miri said, glaring.

I don't know, which is why I asked you."

frowned.  The girl had a good point.  "No, I actually haven't seen her. 
Is she missing?"

was supposed to help me in the kitchens, but..."

I see her, I'll yell at her for you," Miri said with a nod.

thank you, Princess!"

that.  People didn't usually thank her for offering to yell at anyone.  In
fact, the maid hadn't even cowered in her presence, either.  She found that
unsettling for a moment, but she supposed it was fine.  It didn't matter that
much, did it?

she finished going to her room, and saw Allysin, and...

My gods, what are you doing?"

was not supposed to happen!  Not at all!  Never!  Miri looked on, shocked, as
Thump and Allysin lay in the bed together, sweaty and sex-addled and obviously
having just had sex.  A couple times, from the looks of it, seeing as Allysin
was completely drenched in Thump's sticky, white cream.

Allysin glanced towards the door, which Miri promptly shut so she could yell at
her friend without anyone seeing.  "I didn't expect you back so

frowned deeply and marched up to the bed.  "You didn't expect me back so
soon?  So you were going to keep this a secret from me, were you?"

that was the plan," Allysin said.  "I mean, I knew you'd be angry,

course I'm angry!  He's my troll!  You can't just go touching him without my

touched me, too!" Allysin protested.

stared at Thump, who was looking curiously timid all of a sudden. 
"Thump!" she shrieked.  "Did you touch her?"

he said, nodding his head up and down twice.

regretted teaching him how to speak.  Or, she didn't really regret it, but she
didn't like him speaking right now.  If he'd just stayed silent she could've
pretended none of this happened, or something.  Maybe they'd gotten in a food
fight?  While unclothed, on a bed.  That made perfect sense.

Thump.  You can't go touching Allysin.  You don't know where she's been.  She
could be dirty, you know?"

Thump said.  "Clean."  To show exactly what he meant, he reached his
massive hand over and placed it on Allysin's crotch.  His middle finger slipped
into the servant girl's slit easily, lubricated by way of the mess of his cum
covering her body.

caught off guard, arched her back.  "Fuck!" she said.

gaped.  Her troll and her friend were partaking in sexual actions right in
front of her!  Mind, it was possibly somewhat Miri's fault, because previously
she'd accidentally gotten it stuck in Thump's head that cleaning involved
fingering her(or in her case, it involved jerking him off), but still.

kept at it, despite Miri's shocked expression.  Allysin bucked her hips against
his hand as he shoved his finger hard into her and curled it, presumably
rubbing against her g-spot.  Miri watched, entranced, curious.  She'd never
seen someone else have sex before, but she found she somewhat enjoyed it.  The
look on Allysin's face was delicious, like some pained ecstasy.  And, really,
that's what she deserved, Miri thought.  If she wanted to screw around with a
Princess's belongings, she better be willing to accept the punishment.

waltzed up to the side of the bed closest to Allysin and stared down at her
friend while Thump kept her writhing and squirming.

she said.

girl barely managed to open her eyes and look towards Miri.  "Y-yes?"

Miri said, "are a dirty tramp and I don't like it, so I'm going to make
Thump fuck you.  That's your punishment."

yes, yes, yes," Allysin said, her words coming out almost as one. 
"I'm fine w-with... do it!"

should teach her!  Miri didn't really think it'd teach her anything, but she
wanted to watch.  For curiosity's sake.  It intrigued her, really.  And aroused
her.  And Allysin and Thump had already gone at it quite a few times, so why
not one more?  Miri felt benevolent today, having freed the prisoners, so she
would both punish and reward Allysin.  If the girl could walk straight after
this, she'd highly reprimand Thump.

Thump wasn't quite up to the task at the moment.  Gods, what did Allysin do to
him?  His cock hung there, flopped onto the bed covers, and still quite
impressive but not really hard.  He looked intent, though, slamming his finger
into Allysin's sloppy cunt with the focus of an expert craftsman. 

paused to watch for a moment, interested in the way Allysin's pussy looked
quite a bit different than her own.  Not entirely, of course, and it probably
had something to do with having Thump's monstrous cock recently crammed in
there, but it was different.  Something about the labia, a slightly different
color, and longer seeming, too.  The girl's lower lips could almost wrap around
Thump's finger as he shoved it into her.

time for that, though.  She needed to rectify an issue.  Crouching on the bed,
she crawled towards Thump's cock and picked it up between her hands.  It was
too big by far, nearly as large as her forearm even though he wasn't fully
erect, so she needed to put some muscle into lifting it.  Thump's body jerked
in alarm, hesitating from pumping his finger into Allysin so he could look at
Miri for a moment, but she shooed him away and bade him go back to work.

slid her fingers up and down Thump's cock, coaxing it back to its full size. 
His shaft twitched in her hands, hardening a little.  She leaned her head down
and licked at his cockhead, tasting it.  He was a little sweet, interestingly. 
Maybe that was from Allysin?  Or, she didn't recall tasting him before, so
maybe he was always like this?  That theory could use testing later.

enough, through effort and hard work, Miri had him as erect as possible. 
Allysin had climaxed during this time, and Thump almost stopped his misguided
cleaning, but Miri urged him to keep going.

Allysin said, bouncing on the bed as Thump finger fucked her.  "I really
need a rest from... from..."

she could say anything more, Allysin scrunched up her face and bit her lower
lip.  The servant girl let out a loud yelp and her body tensed hard.  Was this
what an orgasm looked like from an outsider's perspective?  Miri watched in a
trance, finding it all completely wonderful.  This was really good!  Fuck, she
hoped she looked that sexy when she orgasmed.  Or, of course she would, and
probably even moreso than this.

Allysin screamed as Thump's finger plopped out of her.

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