Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) (5 page)

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Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #monster sex, #good fantasy books, #best romantic novels, #medieval romance, #reluctant sex, #Defloration, #love stories

BOOK: Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)
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he said.  "This—this could be—perhaps we should talk first?  Cuddle?"

she thought.  Talking was great!  She'd talk all he wanted just as soon as he
shoved his cock inside of her.  She helped him along, using her hands to guide
his hips in between her spread legs.  When he opened his mouth to say something
else, she slapped her palms on his ass and pulled him forward.  His cock glided
between her slick folds, piercing into her slit, and delving deep.

words failed.  Instead, his mouth opened wide, he let out a mixture between a
squeak and a groan.

love you," Miri said.  "This is so wonderful.  I love you, Roy. 
Please, please—"  Fuck me?  No, she couldn't say that.  He was timid
enough as it was.  "Make love to me.  Show me your passion."  That
should do it, she hoped.

nodded and went to work.  Dutifully, he removed his cock from her pussy and put
it back in.  Then again, and again.

was—she didn't really know how to describe it.  It wasn't that Roy was bad,
because maybe he wasn't?  He wasn't very good, though.  She could definitely
feel a sensation, a minor tingling building up inside of her.  It wasn't
strong, though.  Not only was his cock not as large as Thump's, but he had no
idea how to wield it.  Though how did Thump know?  He probably didn't either,
but he let instinct guide him.  Roy didn't know what he was doing, and he acted
like it, so his inexperience showed through more.

breathed hard, squishing into her.  His body pressed against her stomach and
she could barely breath, but she didn't want to frighten him into stopping by
telling him this.  Anyways, sometimes less breathing helped with focusing on
her impending orgasm.  She'd done similar things before when playing with her
toys, and it interested her on occasion.

that she was about to have an orgasm, nor was one anywhere close to impending,
but maybe when it built up this would help?

Roy breathed out, thrusting into her harder.

was it, she thought.  He was getting the hang of this.  Just a little more.

he repeated.  "I'm... I..."

would have recognized the warning signs in Thump, but in Roy's inadequately
small penis, she couldn't feel the symptoms within her, pressing against the
walls of her cunt.  Nothing at all really, except at the moment of no return. 
Roy fell on top of her, pushing the air out of her lungs, his cock convulsing
inside of her.  His weak seed shot out, shaking and quivering, and then he was
done.  He rolled off of her, his cock shriveling in the process, and lay beside
her on his bed.

was amazing," he said.  With a smile plastered on his face, he turned and
looked at her.  "Was it good for you?"

wanted to scream "Fuck you!" at him, to slap him across the face and
berate him for his lack of stamina.  There wasn't even any foreplay!  And now
he was laying there, beat, acting like this was it.  Apparently it was, too. 
He made no move to roll over, no sign that he was going to go for round two or
at least offer to help bring her to orgasm.  Who did that?

lots of men, but they shouldn't.  Thump wouldn't have done it to her.

fact, now that she thought of it, this whole date was a terrible idea.  She
should have broken up with him in that room when he asked her on a date,
shouldn't have listened to his idea of a present, and when she saw him naked
with a ribbon tied in a bow around his cock she should have pointed and laughed
at him.

Miri said, jumping up and off the bed.  She walked to the corner by the closet
and picked up his shirt, then wiped his dripping cum from her crotch with it,
what little amount there was.  "That was awful.  I've got to go. 

stared at her, mouth agape.  Before he could say anything, she'd slipped her
dress over her head, buttoned it while walking to the door, and left him in his
room alone.

he started to get dressed and chase after her.  Maybe he shrugged and fell
asleep on the bed.  She didn't much care, just as long as she wasn't around to
witness it.

gaining an ornately jeweled clock, that was the worst experience of her life. 
Or at least in the top five.


was back in her room.  It was sort of her room, anyways.  It used to be her
room before she commandeered the chamberlain's room a few months ago, but after
that she'd given it to Allysin.  Allysin, despite being born as a commoner and
being kind of clumsy, was a fairly nice girl.  Probably one of the only girls
in the castle Miri would really consider a friend, even if she yelled at her
sometimes and called her a klutz.

was the sole reason Miri agreed to share the room with the servant girl while
someone renovated her other room, instead of kicking her out and making her
sleep in a closet.  It was a large room, too.  It easily fit the both of them,
and Allysin didn't mind sleeping on a cot.  Or they could sleep in the same
bed, it made no matter.  They used to have slumber parties as little girls, so
it wasn't odd or awkward or anything.

wasn't, but it could've been.  Mainly because Miri wanted Thump to stay in the
room, too.  Thump didn't sleep in the bed, of course, but he was around, doing
troll things, being ugly, and all of that.  Miri had to give him very stern
commands when Allysin was around so he would behave and not give away Miri's
previous devious activities with the brute.

Allysin wasn't here now, and that was for the best.

the guards brought her back to the castle, direct from Roy's chateau, she
commanded someone to go to the kitchens, bring her some greasy food, and
deliver it to her room.  Allysin shouldn't be back for a few hours yet, and the
meal at Roy's place was quite lacking, but Miri didn't actually want or need
food.  She needed something else entirely, and she was intent on acquiring it.

sat on the floor, because he wouldn't fit in a chair at the table.  He was tall
enough where sitting on the floor made him look like he was sitting in a
regular chair anyways.  Miri sat opposite him, with a plate of fried potato
strings covered in melted cheese on the table between them.

Thump," Miri said.  She bit into a piece of potato and sucked up a strand
of cheese that stretched down towards her chest.  "Do you like the

stared at the food, confused.  He looked at her oddly, then put his hand out to
touch the side of the plate.

yes.  Take one, or a couple.  Don't just stuff them all in your hand, you know? 
But take a few and you can eat them."  Miri took another potato strip and
nibbled on it.

delicately snatched up four pieces of potato, complete with a huge smattering
of melted cheese, then stuffed them in his mouth.  He chewed slowly at first, but
then with more gusto, and afterwards he gave her a big smile.

is nice, isn't it?" she asked.  "Have more, go ahead.  It's neat,
right?  This is kind of like a date, but without all the hassle, you

devoured a little more of the plate.  More than Miri, by far, but she wasn't
really hungry in the first place.

she said, "I went on a date today.  With Roy?  You know him, I think? 
Annoying twit who tries to follow me around in the castle?  Looks kind of
goofy?  Not an endearing goofy, like you, but—actually, you're more ugly than
goofy, but that's alright.  I won't hold it against you."

shrugged and stuck his finger in a pool of cooling cheese, then scraped it off
the plate and plopped it in his mouth.

Miri said.  "We had sex.  I wanted to see how it was, you know?  I mean,
you probably don't know, because I can't imaging you wanting to see how sex
with Roy is, but if you were me you might understand.  That's probably too
difficult for you, so don't even bother thinking about it.  Just believe

looked at her, nodded his agreement, then went back to work on the plate.  Miri
pushed the food towards him, giving him free reign to eat the rest.

it wasn't good.  I didn't think it'd be good, but I didn't expect it to be so
bad, either.  Weird, really.  Is that how it always is?"

picked up the plate and dumped the rest in his mouth, chewing heartily.

gave up.  This wasn't going anywhere, and she was sure it wouldn't any time
soon.  She'd teach Thump the basics of conversation later.  For now, she had
other plans, and beating around the bush like Roy had tried to do before
seducing her wasn't going to do it for her.

stood up and pushed her chair in.  While Thump finished eating, she undid the
buttons and ties on her dress and let it fall from her body.  She draped it
over the back of the chair, then sauntered over to Thump, hips swaying back and
forth.  She still wore the undergarments she wore to Roy's, the same high
heels, lacy black panties, and loose, lace undershirt.  Her heels clicked
across the stone floor as she walked alongside the table to where Thump sat on
the ground.

she said, cleaning a stray piece of cheese off his lips with her finger and
popping it into his mouth.  "I need you."

looked at her, unsure at the command.  His eyes were ready, willing, but he
obviously didn't know what to do.

know—um—this is going to sound weird, but..."  She cleared her throat. 
"You know that thing we've done?  The, uh, this?"  She pointed to her
crotch, then to his loincloth-covered cock.  "I want you to do that again,
alright?  Except however you want.  Do trolls have dates?  Just pretend we've
just had a date, and it's afterwards, and you've brought me home to your troll
house and are trying to seduce me.  Can you do that?"

tilted his head to the side and looked at her cockeyed.

Miri sighed.  This wasn't going to work.  She didn't really know what she was
thinking before she started, but it should've been obvious.

turned to walk away, to go back and get her dress and maybe head to the library
to read a book or something.  Thump stopped her, though.  His huge arm grabbed
her waist, his fingers wrapping around the curves of her hip, and he spun her
back around so she was facing him again.

stared at him, curious.  Thump stared back at her.  With him sitting, they were
almost of an even height, looking at each other, eye to eye.

she said.  "I'm done with this sappy bullshit, alright?  Roy tried to be
sappy, to make a huge event of it, but I just want to be fucked.  But I want it
to mean something, too.  Does that even make sense?  I don't think it does, but
that's what I want.  I want everything, and I'm Princess Miri, so I'm going to
fucking get it.  And if you aren't going to give it to me, then just get the
fuck out."

smiled at her.  He liked to smile.  It was a creepy, lopsided curl on his lips,
and his yellowed teeth showed through his mouth, but it was kind of cute once
Miri got past the weirdness of it.  She was going to smile back at him, about
to just apologize and say she had ruined everything and wasn't sure what was
wrong with her today, but it never happened.

pounced into action.  He picked her up by the waist and pulled her into his
lap.  Without hesitation, he ripped off his loincloth and revealed his cock. 
His bulging mass of vein-covered troll cock bounced in front of her, tapping
against her stomach.  Miri gasped, staring at it, shaken by his manhandling of

Thump wasn't finished.  He squeezed her against his stomach, with his erection
pushed up hard against both their bodies, stuck between them, then he stood up
and lifted her into the air.  Her legs dangled for a moment before she wrapped
them around his waist and held herself in place.  Her hands were free, and she
wanted to stroke him, to feel his pulsing shaft grow larger between her
fingers, but he was squeezing her so tightly against him that she couldn't have
touched his cock with her hands no matter what she wanted.

made their way to the wall.  Thump pressed her against the cold, hard stones,
eliciting a gasp from Miri as the coolness sent shivers through her body.  He
held her against the stone, looking at her, then leaned down and licked her

the fuck was that?" she asked, laughing.

didn't explain, though he never talked anyways(if he could), so this wasn't
much different than usual.  Instead of an explanation, he thrust himself
forward, sending his cock upwards.  The shaft slipped along her stomach and up
into her shirt, his cockhead finding a nest in between her bosom.  His cock was
large enough that it sent her breasts bouncing, jiggling to the sides, only to
bounce back and slap against the sides of his erection.

pulled back, keeping her pressed against the wall, then thrust up again.  This
time, with more focus and momentum, his balls slapped against Miri's slit,
momentarily hitting her clit, and making her jump.  Breasts bouncing again, he
didn't give them enough time to snap back and slap against his cock before
pulling back and thrusting upwards once more.

was fast, but not too fast.  Miri watched, enrapt, seeing him using her
stomach, breasts, and shirt, as a thing to fuck.  It was enthralling to her,
mesmerizing, and when his balls slapped against her clit it was even more than
that.  The faint sensation of the pulsing veins on his cock rubbing against her
clit and labia as he dragged his shaft across her crotch sent slow ripples of
pleasure through her body, too.  It was weird, but wonderful.

next time Thump thrust upwards, Miri grabbed the sides of her shirt and pulled
them tight so that his cock found a sheath to enter instead of a loose shirt
and the tantalizing bounce of her breasts.  Up close and personal, she saw the
effect it had on him, and loved it.  When his cock rubbed against the lacy
fabric of her shirt, stretching it, he shuddered and his eyes rolled into the
back of his head.

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