Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) (3 page)

Read Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) Online

Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #monster sex, #good fantasy books, #best romantic novels, #medieval romance, #reluctant sex, #Defloration, #love stories

BOOK: Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)
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was hard now.  Very hard.  She thought she could make him harder, though. 
Miri's hands stroked along his long shaft faster, back and forth.  By the gods
he was huge.  Granted, she had dainty, small hands, but it would take five of
them to measure the entirety of his cock.  And she could only wrap her hands
entirely around it if she used both hands together.  Her fingers overlapped a
little this way, but still, he was large.

rod shifted beneath her ministrations, and the delightful pulsing veins turned
a bright, angry purple.  Thump grabbed blindly for her, having closed his eyes
once she started working him harder, but she ducked away and slapped at his

sit still and let me clean you!" she screeched at him.

didn't sit still, but he didn't try to grab for her anymore, either.  She
pumped his shaft in her hands faster and faster, staring with rapt curiosity at
his twitching, bulbous cockhead.  It grew larger now, stretching until it
looked like a mushroom.  She wondered what that meant, except obviously she was
doing a good job.  She knew she could make him harder!  This experiment was a
great success.

scrunched up his face like he was in pain, and a thick jet of sticky white cum
exploded from his bulging cockhead.  His ball sack took notes from his face and
tightened close to his body when he shot another spray of cream at her.  One
more finished him, and all the while Miri kept pumping him hard and fast,
watching, astonished.

stopped when only a few thick drops of cum remained, oozing from his cock when
she squeezed his shaft hard and forced them out.

hair was covered in white, along with her face.  She thought she might have
some in her nose, which was disgusting.  He'd missed her eyes, thankfully, but
she'd also kept them half shut just in case.  This was really gross.  She
definitely needed a bath now.

water in the tub was overflowing.  Dammit  She'd forgotten to turn it off, she
was so intent on jerking Thump off.  Scrambling for the faucet, slipping on the
water on the floor, she toppled to the ground.  Her pretty royal dress(or not
so pretty now, with globs of white goop from her face having dripped onto it)
became drenched.

tired from the exertion, collapsed on the floor next to her.  His body thudded
into the water, sending up splashes.

stupid troll," she shouted at him.  "What use are you?  I do a nice
thing for you, help you clean off, and you just lay in the water when I need
cleaning up?  I could use some help here!"

rolled over and stared at her, some glimmering sense of recognition in his
eyes.  He did that when she gave him a command and he was about to follow
through with it, but the command she'd given this time, at least by her
standards, was very vague.

got to his knees and reached for her.  With all the daintiness of a troll, he
removed her dress, which was to say he grabbed at the corset part and ripped it
straight in half.  He lifted her into the air by her waist and peeled the dress
from her body, the flimsy tatters of cloth falling to the ground.  Now he held
her aloft in only her panties and a matching, black and white lacy bra.

me," she said, glaring at him as he dangled her about.  "What are you

grunted.  When she looked down, she saw his softening cock was not quite soft
any longer.  It strained upwards, looking like it wanted to make a comeback,
but wasn't quite there yet.

she said, staring at it.

maneuvered her in his hands, wrapping one hand neatly around her waist while
the other was free to do what it willed.  And, apparently what that was at the
moment was to sneak a finger through the defenses of her panties and prod at
her pussy.  She gasped at first, caught off guard, but he kept poking her and poking
her.  His calloused finger slid along her labia, wet from the water and her
previous arousal from the excitement of her experiment.  Slick to the touch, he
stroked her slit as if it were soft butter that he wanted to spread on toast,
up and down.  His rough fingertip touched against her clit and she squirmed in
his arms.

legs kicked wildly, but out of habit more than dislike.  She liked to keep them
rooted firmly in place when she masturbated, wanted to find something to push
her feet against, except Thump kept her dangling in midair, unable to find
purchase on anything.  He rubbed her pussy, rough and hard, having no idea what
he was doing except that most likely he thought he was cleaning her like she'd
cleaned him.  That was the only idea she could come up with in her current
sex-addled state.

stopped for a moment, then looked around.  For what?  She didn't know until he
grunted acknowledgment and found the bottle of oil she'd used on him.  Tipped
over and on the flooding floor, it now had nothing in it.  Thump stared at it,
one eyebrow raised, confused.

he glanced at his cock.  It was rising higher, returning to full glory, but
that wasn't what he looked at.  On the tip, remaining from before, were the
viscous remains of his cum.  His expression turned happy, eyebrows raising and
a gleeful expression on his face.  He used the finger he'd used on her to
stroke along the glistening tip of his cock, coating it in his cream.  When he
finished it looked kind of like a dessert covered in whipped topping, except
quite a bit grosser.

squirmed, shaking her head.  Oil was fine, somewhat, even if it left her
feeling odd and sticky inside afterwards, but this was a little strange. 
Granted, he'd blown his load inside of her before, but that was different. 
This was secondhand, after the fact, and it bothered her.

it did bother her up until he pressed his finger against her thigh and pushed
it upwards, leaving a trail of creamy goo on her leg.  He wriggled the thick
digit beneath her panties again, then popped it right into her slit.  No
teasing this time, no rubbing up and down, he just pushed it right in.  She
gasped and her body tensed for a second, surprised.  So easy!

fingers were thick, too.  Not as thick as his cock, but thick enough to do the
job.  His index finger curled inside her, digging around, and the cum on his
finger coated her inner walls.  He wasn't very good at this, not much
experience, but then he lucked out; his large, rough fingertip touched against
her g-spot.  She wriggled on his finger and moaned loudly.

was always a fast learner.  Maybe not the smartest, but he understood the
difference between a bad job, a good job, and a great job.  Currently he was
moving towards doing a great job, and he seemed to recognize this.  His finger
didn't move from its current position except to press along her perfect spot. 
Miri tensed and arched her back, really really wishing she had something to
press her feet against so she could tense her thigh muscles.  Thump never let her
fall, but she felt like she might at any minute.

he let go of her waist with his one hand.  She still didn't fall, but it was a
very odd sensation.  Impaled on his finger by her pussy, he held her aloft
one-handed by her crotch.  His other fingers moved to support her rear and his
thumb found a good spot on her clit.  Purposefully or unbeknownst to him, she
didn't care, because fucking gods she was about to cum.

orgasm wracked through her and she abandoned herself to him.  For all she cared
she could fall on the ground right now and it would hardly matter because this
was wonderful.  The pleasure soared through her from two points, g-spot and
clit.  Thump didn't stop, kept it up, and pushed Miri to an ever higher
climax.  Her body spasmed but he managed to keep her held high in the air.

he still didn't stop!  She became oversensitive to the pleasure and squirmed,
but he kept on working her.  She needed a break!  Except Thump didn't like
breaks, apparently.  Just a small break maybe, nothing much, but no.

kept squirming, flailing around, trying to think of words to say, but the only
thing that escaped her lips was "—Just, agh!  Fuck!"

hesitated.  Miri blinked, confused, not sure what she'd said.  He was lowering
her to the ground, making her kind of disappointed.  Really, it was a bit too
much, but if he'd kept it up she thought she could have had another orgasm,
which would have been delightful.  One of those hard and heavy ones, forced
through her body like the ringing from a bell when the bellman slammed it with
his thick hammer.

had a similar idea, but not quite.  He didn't lower her all the way, he lowered
her onto his hardened cock, pushing past her panties.  The slick head of it,
still lubed up from when she'd jerked him off, slid into her folds.  When she
was planted on it, he just dropped her.  She screamed, falling, feeling all of
him sliding through her, and then she stopped.  He'd caught her about the waist
once he'd entered her fully, and held her suspended there.  For some reason she
had the idea that if he let her go she'd remain in the same position, held up
by only his cock.

he lifted her back up.  The length of him was agonizing at this angle and she
felt every vein and curve of his dick inside of her.  So thick and large, and
much much better than his fingers.  Without even trying, he pressed all the
right spots inside of her, and one of his veins pulsed and twitched and rubbed
at her g-spot.  The fabric of her still-worn panties brushed against her clit
with every movement that he made.

he dropped her again.  She slid down his cock, every feeling rolling by fast. 
It reminded her of country carriage rides down long roads when the driver gave
the horses leeway to gallop.  Carriage wheels clattering on the dirt road and
the carriage jumping up and down and Miri looking out the window and screaming
with glee.

now, oh, she was screaming alright.  For notably different reasons, though. 
Thump lifted her up again with one hand, then dropped her back down his shaft
and caught her at the end with his other.  He used her pussy as his personal
cock sleeve, up and down and all over again.  She grabbed his thick chest hair
with her hands and pulled, holding on for dear life.

was so hard and fast that she didn't recognize when her orgasm started, but it
was definitely there.  She pulled herself forward, screaming into his chest as
he fucked her, muffling her voice as best she could.  Even if the door of her
room was thoroughly blockaded, she knew if anyone heard her they'd find a way
to break in.  And then what?  How did she explain that, oh, yes, she was fine,
but the door was blocked off.  Also, the floor was flooded, and her dress was
in shreds and what was all of that white goop drying on her hair and face?

it, she didn't even care.  Thump ravaged her, sliding her up and down his pole
over and over again.  Miri's orgasm was relentless, constantly building up to
higher and higher peaks.  She didn't know when it would stop, or if it would
stop, and she wondered momentarily what it would be like to live life like this
forever, in a constant heightening of pleasure.  Possibly very wonderful or
tiring, depending.  Right now it was wonderful, though the fatigue was setting
in.  Her limbs grew sore from all the flailing and clenching she was doing.

orgasm went over the edge and her inner muscles clenched down hard on Thump's
cock.  He had dropped her, but the force of her hold on his cock with her pussy
kept her from falling all the way down his shaft.  She remained there, halfway
up, squeezing his rod with all her might.  Her feet kicked at the tops of his

was having issues of his own now.  His cock jerked around, rocking her back and
forth while she held onto his chest hair.  He seemed to have forgotten his
hands and holding her, and focused entirely on the joining of their bodies. 
His balls clenched and he exploded inside of her, his cum fighting against
gravity, up and into her.  He'd spent himself earlier, but still had plenty to
spare.  It sloshed inside of her before having nowhere else to go but down,
dribbling out, dripping past her labia and then leaking down the length of his

whole body felt sore, but she didn't want to release herself.  Tremors from her
orgasm gripped through her, even when she thought it was over, and whenever
this happened Thump's cock twitched hard and rocked her.  It felt, oddly, like
riding around on a sexual rocking horse.  The imagery made her laugh, and at
laughing she loosened up, then fell off his softening cock.  Thump caught her
from behind and cradled her in his arms, then lowered her to the ground.

ground, which was now more like a lake, with lukewarm water about two feet high
in her bathing room.

she screeched at him.  "Don't put me down in this mess!  It's gross. 
There's oil and water and your ridiculously thick cum.  My fucking god, can't
you just cum like a normal person?  I don't exactly know how that is, but you
need to learn."

looked at her cockeyed, confused.

give me that look, you!"  Miri was too tired to get up, so she simply sat
in the water and shoved her hand up, pointing her finger at him.

still looked confused.  He pointed at his cock, then made a jerking off gesture
with his hand.

think," Miri said, haughty, "that that's enough cleaning for today. 
You seem to get the gist of it.  I need to—how are we going to get rid of this
water?  What am I going to say?  The chamberlain's already complaining about
the bed.  You've really ruined this, you know?  I've half a mind to ban you
from taking a bath, except I don't want you to smell horrible."

frowned and tried to clean up the watery mess by scooping it into his hands and
putting it into the overfull bathtub.  It didn't work.

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