Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) (10 page)

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Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #monster sex, #good fantasy books, #best romantic novels, #medieval romance, #reluctant sex, #Defloration, #love stories

BOOK: Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)
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pet troll looked towards her, but Miri shook her head.  "No more cleaning
for now," she said.

gods," Allysin said, panting.  "I don't think I can take any more of
that.  He's a beast."  So that there were no misconstrued feelings,
Allysin added, "In a good way, Thump.  You're very skilled.  I like your

course he's skilled!" Miri shrieked, outraged.  Not really outraged, but
she wanted to sound it.  "I trained him.  And he's mine.  Also, you're not
done yet.  Thump, ravage her into submission and then come find me in the dungeons,
alright?  I expect you to do a good job, but don't take too long!"

helped Thump line his cock up with the entrance to Allysin's arousal-slick
slit, then she patted him on the shoulder and left.  All she could hear from
the room as she walked away were the stifled cries from her friend and a few
quick grunts from Thump.  Miri might have felt worse if Allysin's cries
consisted of something other than "Fuck!" and "Faster!" and
"Right there!" but they didn't, so she thought everything was fine.


you really just take an hour?" Miri asked once Thump finally came to find
her in the dungeons.  She expected him to take maybe ten minutes, twenty at the

he said.

think you need to learn how to ravage someone a bit faster than that.  That's
too long.  We'll work on that later."

Thump said, nodding.

Miri said, taking a deep breath.  "Do you like Allysin better, or

stopped to think about it.  This looked difficult for him.  He scrunched up his
face and put a thick finger into his ear, moving it around.  After a few long
moments, he said, "Thump like Miri."

good!"  She grinned, thoroughly pleased.  He'd thought it all for himself
and she hadn't even needed to tell him what to say.  His training was going wonderfully! 
She liked this.  "Come, give me a hug, alright?  Be gentle, though.  I'm
not as big as you."

stomped towards her and leaned down to pick her up.  He was nearly twice her
height, so they could never hug on even ground, but she liked hugging him a
lot.  He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her into the air, then
pulled her close to him in an embrace.  She returned the hug, putting her hands
under his arms and squeezing him as hard as she could.  His squeeze for her was
dainty and soft.

a good troll, Thump."  To emphasize her praise, she kissed him on the
cheek.  "Alright, put me down now."

put her on the floor as delicately as if he were dealing with a butterfly.

got us the entire dungeons.  Isn't that neat?  We can use it for training, and

Thump said, but he looked confused.

let me show you."

wandered the dungeons.  She showed him to some of the prison cells, with metal
bars rising up from the floor and digging into the ceiling.  Then the guards
watch area, with a few menacing chains on the walls and a table with a deck of
cards in the middle.  They never used the chains, and always used the cards. 
Not very intimidating, but the look of it seemed scary.

then, the best part of all, the opposite entrance(or exit) to the dungeons. 
This wasn't at all why Miri wanted to have the dungeons to herself, but it was
a pleasant bonus.  Dungeons being underground, they were similar to a good wine
cellar in those regards.  And in the castle, the wine cellar adjoined the
dungeons at one of its entrances.  Mind, the wine cellar wasn't completely
connected, but if she went up the back stairway in the dungeons to get up to
the castle again, but took a detour, that's where she'd find the wine.

stared at the kegs and bottles and racks.  "Wat for?" he asked.

she said, "is wine.  Have you drank wine before?  It's an alcohol.  It can
get you drunk.  Also, sometimes they have very nice flavors.  I like some red
wines, but Riesling is my favorite.  Do you want to try some?"

shrugged.  Well, she would forgive him that.  He didn't know what it was, so
obviously he wouldn't be too enthused by it, but she planned on teaching him of
the wonders of a good wine.  Marching over to one of the racks where she knew
they kept the good Riesling, Miri scanned through them and picked out a few

come here," she said.  When he lumbered over, she handed him four to hold,
then took two more for herself.

he asked, lifting one of the bottles and moving to put it in his mouth.

Miri almost dropped her own bottles in a panic.  The sharp sound of her voice
made Thump wince and move the bottle away from his mouth.  "You can't eat
those, you'll get hurt!"

stared at her, dumbfounded.

I'll show you what you do with them when we return to the dungeons,

nodded, but still looked very confused.

kind of a little dumb sometimes," she said.  "It's alright, though. 
I still like you."

that, Thump smiled a huge, happy smile, filled with crooked teeth and drool
slobbering down his lips.

gods, Miri thought to herself as they carried the wine back into the dungeons. 
He's so ugly!  But adorable, too.  He was not the most wonderful thing to look
at, but Miri really liked him for that reason.  Thump didn't care what he
looked like.  Honestly, Thump probably didn't care about a lot of things.  If
she made him walk around the castle in a loincloth all day, he was fine with
it.  If she yelled at him, he looked abashed for awhile, but he didn't get too
upset with her.  Sometimes he pouted, and she had to give in and go baby him
for a bit, but that was fun, too.

with Thump was fun.  If Miri didn't know any better, she might think she was
falling in love with him.  Except, of course the idea was asinine.  Maybe if he
was more human, could communicate with people and...

Probably not.

guards kept clay cups in the watch room for drinking water.  Not the most
sophisticated drinkware, but given the circumstances it would suffice.  Miri
fetched two cups, told Thump to sit on the floor by the table, then found a
corkscrew somewhere—they shouldn't have corkscrews down here!  They must have
been filching the wine—and removed the cork from one bottle of wine.  Pouring Thump
a full cup of the sweet spirits, she pushed it towards him and watched his

stared at the cup, curious, then lifted it up.  The thing barely fit in his
hand, so he pinched it carefully between two fingers, then upended the contents
into his mouth all at once.  With a huge swallow, he downed the wine in one

a bit excessive," Miri said, frowning.  "You're supposed to taste it
first.  Get a feel for the rich tones and flavors of the wine.  Every wine is
different, you know?"

stared at her as if she were the daft one here.  "Wat?"

sighed.  She poured him another glass and slapped his hand away so he couldn't
drink it all at once again.  Doing the same for herself, minus the hand
slapping, she picked up the glass and took a sip.  Swishing it in her mouth to
let the wine's flavors roam across her palate, she reveled in the unique taste
of it.  This was definitely a good bottle of Riesling.  It had a nice tartness
to it, and tasted slightly of pear.  Content with enjoying the flavor, she
allowed the smooth liquid to slip down her tongue and into her throat as she
swallowed.  It left a faint tingle as it trailed its way into her stomach.

Miri said, explaining, "You sip the Riesling first.  Then you swish it in
your mouth a little, and let the flavor set in.  Once you're satisfied, you
swallow.  Do you understand?  You can taste little differences with each wine
if you do that.  It's nice."

nodded.  She highly doubted he understood, but she'd let him try it.

picked up his cup.  He tossed the entire contents in his mouth.  To his credit,
he didn't swallow it down right away.  He swished it as if he were rinsing out
his mouth after brushing his teeth, letting his cheeks puff up, and then he
just sat there.

you taste it?" she asked.

waited.  He raised a brow.  He wrinkled his nose.  Then he nodded up and down
fast, delighted.

good.  You can swallow it now."  Once she said it, he did just that. 
"Isn't it good?"

he said, excited.  "Thump like."

good," Miri said, nodding idly.

stared at his cup with rapt intent.  It was empty, and he looked disturbed by
that fact.

Miri said slowly.  "I was thinking—you need to learn to be more fierce
sometimes, you know?"

looked confused, but mostly he always looked confused so this wasn't too

thing is, you're a troll," Miri pointed out.  "And you're kind of
big, right?  You look dangerous, but you aren't really dangerous.  But what
happens if someone tries to kidnap me!  Oh gods!"

jumped off the ground and stood at his full height.  "Nope!"

looked so ridiculous that Miri burst into laughter.  Falling from her chair,
she rolled around on the floor.  Thump stared down at her and tried to help her
up, but she couldn't stop from laughing.  When she finally did, she took his
hand, wiped some tears from her eyes, and grinned.

That's what I mean?  You're excited about helping me, and that's good, but you
aren't particularly dangerous looking.  I think we need to fix that.  Let me
explain how, alright?"

she did just that.


cowered in the corner of one of the prison cells.  The door to the cell was
wide open, but she couldn't leave.  There was a dangerous and dreadful troll
outside, just waiting for her to attempt an escape.  This was some sort of
test, a vicious trial set forth by the vile princess of the kingdom.

she told Thump this story, he shook his head, indicating she wasn't vile.  She
had to explain to him a few times that she wasn't the princess right now, she
was playing a captive in the dungeons.  Even still, she wasn't sure he fully
understood, but he stopped protesting for awhile.

Miri cowered in the dungeons.  She wore only her undergarments(she'd left her
dress hung nicely in the watch room).  What evil cads they were in this place! 
To leave her like this, where the malicious troll might defile her at any
moment!  Egads!

then he came.  Thump, the troll guardian of the prisons, crashed through the
hallways.  His footsteps thudded, echoing along as he made his rounds.  She'd
heard rumors about this.  The troll had a propensity towards deflowering
beautiful virgin maidens.  This, Miri thought, was probably why they'd trapped
her in the dungeons in the first place.  Though of course she was already
deflowered, and Thump couldn't even begin to understand how flowers had
anything to do with people, but she wouldn't budge about this part of her

troll sniffed the air.  He could smell her fear, her sweet, virginal smell. 
She knew she needed to hide, to escape from his prowling eyes, but there was
nowhere for her to go.  Pressing her back against the wall as hard as she
could, she hoped he might overlook her and pass her cell by.

didn't.  Out of all the prisoners in the dungeon(which was just the one, sort
of; Miri), he chose her.

stomped into her cell carrying an opened bottle of wine, and openly ogled her.

Thump said, "Thump confuse?"

inched away from the wall and stood up, walking towards him.  "It's fine,
Thump.  Let me explain it again.  Listen good, alright?"

nodded, looking at her with a mix of adoration and attention.

you're the big bad troll guarding the dungeon and I'm the prisoner.  And you're
hungry for human!  What you're going to do is pour the wine on me, and then
lick it off.  That will symbolize your wild, rabid nature.  Then you can do
whatever you want, but you won't actually eat me.  It's just the story.  Do you

no eat Miri!" her pet troll sounded absolutely horrified at the prospects.

smiled at him.  "No, no.  Of course you won't.  It's just the story.  So
you can learn to be more vicious just in case, you know?  You probably won't
need to, but it doesn't hurt to learn it."

Thump said.  "Yah."

huh."  She nodded.  "Are you ready to continue?"


walked back to her corner, sat down, and continued cowering against the wall.

the gods!  The troll warden was huge.  He wore a pristine white loincloth that
contrasted with his mottled skin.  His breath was sour and tinged with the
scent of alcohol.  Was this it?  Was this the end of her?  The castle guards
had no true control here, and so if this troll took her, whatever his intents,
she was done for.  No one was coming to save her.

troll stepped forwards, his gaze intent on her.  He lifted the bottle of wine
in the air, waving it around, then he grabbed her foot.  In Miri's story, he
pulled her roughly across the floor towards the center of the cell, but in
actuality he helped her up and she walked there, then sat down so they could
continue.  The troll pinned her to the floor and sloshed the wine all over her
body, soaking her white panties and bra until they turned a deep red.  Mind, it
was a white wine, and she wore pink panties and a pink bra, but that didn't
sound as nice in her mind so she changed it for the story.

peeled the panties from her body, eliciting a fearful screech from Miri.  He
lifted her underwear into the air, then wrung it out above his mouth, letting
the mix of wine and her fearful arousal drip into his open maw.  Completely not
fierce or dangerous looking, Thump swished the wine around in his mouth, then
sat there for a second, before nodding his head up and down and looking very
happy.  After he swallowed, he got back into character.

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