Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

Night of Seduction (43 page)

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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“I love you,

Tyrone and Kiki
strolled along the canal walk as if they had all the time in the
world. The fact that it was three in the morning did not faze
either of them. They were enjoying each other

s company
and neither wanted their time together to end.

How many

she asked.


t have time for girlfriends,

he smiled down
at her as they walked.


re going to make me
hurt you. I answered honestly, when you asked me. Now you are
backing up on me.

“No, seriously.
In my business I barely have time to get a decent

s sleep and when I do, I take full advantage, because

m never sure when it

s going to happen

She stopped and looked up at him.


re trying to tell me
a fine brother like you doesn

t have a steady place
to get his grove on.

He stopped in
front of her and grinned.

Now, I

t say that.


s what I thought,

she nodded her head
and began walking again.


s not the question
you asked me. I answered the question you asked.


re playing lawyer on me.


s the first prep
instruction from any good attorney,

“Only answer
what is asked, yeah I know.

He stopped in
front of her.

Ask what you want to

He looked down into her eyes.


ve talked about
everything under the sun and the one thing I have learned about you
is you don

t pull punches. So
stop beating around the bush and ask it.

“All right. Are
you married, in a one-on-one relationship, have a significant
other, a friend with benefits or anywhere close to being on the
down low?

He chuckled
standing there with his hands in his pockets looking sexier than

No, no, no, no, and hell no.

He smiled down
at her as if memorizing every aspect of her face.

Yes. To your next question.

Unable to look
away she stepped forward.


s my next

He touched the
tip of his nose to hers.


m going to kiss you?

he said against her


she said.


m going to kiss you back.

His smile
generated pure sexuality as his lips descended on hers. She stepped
closer as she parted her lips to the pressure of his tongue. He
kept his hands in his pockets, because he knew if he held her again
tonight he would not let her go. This was to be savored and
enjoyed. Ending the kiss, he never thought he could be affected by
a first kiss. But that is exactly what entered his mind. This was
his last first kiss. Still within inches of her lips, he

You are a dangerous woman.

He took
her hand and walked over to a seat and they sat and talked until
the sun rose.

The next
morning, Ty walked in the door to find Miriam sitting out on the
balcony. He walked out and sat in a chair next to her.

Good morning Tyrone.

“Good morning,

She took a sip
of her coffee then sat the cup down.

Still want to listen
to Brick House?

Ty smiled and
looked out over the city.


I think I
need to listen a little closer to some Luther.



Siri stretched
and smiled at the masculine fragrance that touched her nostrils.
Slowly opening her eyes, her first sight was

s sleeping face with his lips only inches from hers.
The temptation to kiss them was so strong she

t try to resist.

The moment her
lips touched his, his arms tightened around her and he

Good morning

with a smile.

A soft giggle
escaped her lips.


Siri replied, then began to sit up and

Feeling the change in her body Eric looked
over his shoulder to see Nana sitting in the seat across from


was all she said before standing and walking back into
the house.

At six thirty on Saturday evening, Jason and
TeKaya were pronounced husband and wife. The ceremony was short,
sweet, and so elegant. The sanctuary of the church could have
easily fit a thousand people, but less than ten attended. There
were no flash or flair, just two people in love holding hands and
exchanging vows in a candle lit church with fresh white roses, the
minister, and their families surrounding them. Eric was the best
man, and Siri was the maid of honor with Sierra as the flower girl.
Jasmine was there as the official photographer.

Jason and TeKaya took their guests to Seducci
ns, the
place where they had had their first date, a little over a month
ago. The top floor had been reserved for the wedding party and Eric
serenaded them once again. This time, however, his words were meant
for not only his brother

s bride, but also for
his new found friend, as well as for Ty


Kerri, Miriam,
Nana and Gabby sat at a table in the corner and watched the three
couples. Miriam touched Kerri

s arm.

Well, we got one straight. How long are we giving the next

Kerri watched
Eric and Siri near the buffet table talking. The uneasiness

d witnessed between them on Thursday was now a thing
of the past.

Oh, I

t know. The end of the year maybe?


Gabby chimed in,


m thinking December, a Christmas

“Nope, got to
be sooner than that?

Nana said as if it were a foregone

“Why do you say

Kerri asked confused.


s with child.

All the women at the
table turned and looked at her with mouths gaped wide

“Did Siri tell
you that?

Kerri found the words to


t have

Nana replied and continued to eat.

“Then how do
you know?

Miriam asked.


s in the eyes. The
truth is always in the eyes,


The women then turned to stare at Siri, and
then turned back to Nana.

Nana looked at
them then nodded her head,



Chapter 18

Ty and

he week after the
wedding Ty was restless. Work was still demanding, but going home
to his empty condo was beginning to eat away at him. He invited
Kiki to come to Atlanta for a visit and she agreed. He glanced at
the clock on the wall; it seemed to be stuck on three

clock. Her plane was scheduled to leave Richmond at
four fifteen. But the minutes were not ticking by fast enough for
him. He wanted to see her again and would have flown to Richmond if
she couldn

t make it here. Both
of them were dedicated to their jobs, so coordinating schedules was
going to take some work, but he was willing.


“Yes, Wendy.
There is a Ms. Simmons here to see you. She does not have an

Ty was at the
door before she finished her statement with a smile on his face.
There she stood, all five feet eight inches of her slim, gorgeous
body, with that sassy haircut.


she smiled. The grin on his face must
have spoken volumes. She walked over, kissed him.


m glad to see you, too. Is this your

she asked as she walked by him through the door.
He looked still shocked that she was there, and then turned back to

“Hold all your

she offered.


he said and closed the door behind
him. Kiki had placed her purse on his desk and sat on the edge. He
walked over, took her in his arms, and gave her a proper hello
kiss. Every kiss they had shared since meeting had been like the
first time. Slow, exploring and deep.

When did you get
here? Your flight wasn

t until four

Still holding
on to him she kissed his neck, loosened his tie, and

I couldn

t sleep after we
talked last night, so around five this morning I gave up, threw an
overnight bag into the car and hit interstate 95. And you know what

He was kissing
her neck and savoring the feel of her body.


“It brought me
to you.

He stopped and
pulled away.


he thought for a moment,

ten hours to see


she pushed his jacket off his


t you call me? I would have sent the jet. I

t know where it is at the moment, but I would have
found it.

“I wanted to
surprise you,

she said while pulling his shirt from
his pants. She then threw her hands up.


He began laughing as she threw her
arms around his neck and they fell to the floor. She was kissing
his neck, his chin, anywhere she could touch his skin and he was
doing the same. Then he reached her lips and his body filled with
need. He positioned his body over hers placing the object of her
desire snug within the junction between her legs and they both
moaned at the contact.

Every day since
the night they met, they had talked until the early morning hours.

d shared their wants, their needs, their desires. And
now, they were together and the need to touch each other was
overwhelming. He pushed her arms over her head, intertwined their
fingers, and deepened the kiss. She moved in rhythm with his body
merging the point of his need with hers until their breathing was
out of control. Lifting his head up for air, he puffed two times
and returned to her lips. She began to giggle and so did he.

This brother is glad to see you.

He smiled down
at her and sobered. She had the most amazing eyes; he could see the
world in them.

I want you, but not
like this.

She touched the side of his

I have this really nice condo with a really
comfortable big bed that no one has ever been in but me. We never
discussed it, but stay with me. If you want a hotel room,

ll get you one. But it

ll be a waste of
money and time. So you might as well just stay with

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