Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

Night of Seduction (20 page)

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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Later, Siri
crawled out of bed, put on a nightshirt, and went down to the
kitchen to put away the food that had been forgotten. While in the
kitchen, Eric came up behind her, eased his arms around her waist,
and kissed the area right behind her ear.

You left me
alone in a vulnerable state. He said as he rubbed his growing need
against her backside. She bent forward giving him a better feel and
it was on again.

Running his
fingers across her nipples, they hardened instantly; the cotton
material was no match against the heat he was generating from his
touch. Trailing her body with his hands, outlining her breasts, her
waist and reaching her behind he cupped the two melons in his hands
and squeezed. Siri braced herself against the table with a need to
feel his natural heat on her skin. As if sensing her need, he
raised the shirt over her behind and kissed her lower back.

You are beautiful all over,

he whispered.

So smooth,

he said gliding his hand to her front
until he touched the heart of her heat. She lurched forward from
the raw need that began to consume her with every stroke of his

So hot, so wet.

She felt one hand
leave her body, but the other was causing so much havoc on her
senses, she really didn

t care. All she knew
was she did not want him to stop the torture. She heard when his
jeans hit the floor and smiled with anticipation of what was to


she moaned.


he replied still massaging her core.

Tell me what you want.

He leaned further on
her back and whispered while placing kissing between her shoulder

Tell me Siri and it shall be

His hand ran down her back, while the other
continued to ignite the fire between her legs.

“You, Eric. I
want you inside me.

There was no sound sweeter to his ears. He
pulled his hand away, bent her further at the waist and his
lifeline entered her with a vengeance. From the first touch he was
possessed. Nothing could deter him from giving her what she wanted,
what he needed. Each thrust had a meaning, a purpose, a
determination to please her. He pumped fiercely until he was on the
verge of explosion, but this was not for him, this was for her. He
reached around and stroked her bud with the same intensity of his
thrusts. Her body tensed encouraging him to bring her full circle.
She cried out his name as her inner lips began contracting around
him causing him to lose all control releasing his seed into her
body like a waterfall. They both collapsed on the table, neither
able to speak or move.


ll never be able to
sit at this table again.

Siri said after
moments of sheer ecstasy captured her body. He reached up and
clasped his hands with hers. Still lodged inside of her, he could
not believe his desire was building again.


m taking you back up stairs. I

m going to
make love to you again and again and again.

He kissed her

Until you tell me to

“Well I hope
you brought your toothbrush.

They laughed as he
reluctantly pulled out and carried her back up stairs. They
awakened a few hours later in each other arms. He stretched his leg
across hers pulling her closer. Facing each other on the pillows,
he smiled.

This is how

re supposed to wake up after making

Siri blushed
and bit her bottom lip.

I have never
celebrated like this before.

He sat up on
his elbow and brushed her hair from her face.

Tell me
about your book.

“Really? You
want to know about my book?

“I want to know
everything. I want to know your success, your failures, what makes
you happy, what makes you sad.

He kissed the tip of
her nose.

So tell me. Is it
suspense, romance, or mystery?




A slow smile
creased his lips,


He laid back with one hand behind his
head looking at the ceiling and gathered her in his other arm. He
was sure this was going to be a story about her first marriage. If
it was, he wanted to be there to ease her through the rough

Tell me the story.

She placed her head on his shoulder, a leg
over his and her hand around his waist then began telling him the
story. Neither thought about the patio door that was left open.

Jason, TK,
Miriam, and Kerri stood in the foyer of what TK selected as their
new home. As soon as they walked through the door, TK turned to the
realtor and stated,

This is it. This is
our new home.

Jason immediately signed the papers
and wrote a bank draft for the full cost of the house. He did not
want any delays on taking control of the property. The agent,
removed the

for sale

and sat in the first floor office of the house to
complete the paper work.

Jason was very
pleased with her choice because it was one of the six estates
located in the same gated community as Eric

s home. She

t aware of that yet, but he would tell her later. It
was important to him that this be her decision without influence.
She would be moving away from her family and he wanted her to be
happy. He stood in the foyer and looked up at the spiral staircase
leading to the second level where TK stood talking to his mother
and smiled. He could see the house filled with her laughter and his

“She is a
beautiful girl,

Kerri said as she came to stand next
to Jason.

Not taking his
eyes from TK, he replied,

Yes she is. If anyone
had asked me six months ago if I would be getting married I would
have laughed them out of the room. But now, I

t imagine a time without her. It

s the
strangest thing.

“You truly love
her. I can see it. And she is in love with you.

s going to fight you about moving


She already has. I had to promise to purchase a
home in Virginia too. But it doesn

t matter. Wherever
she is, is home for me.

TK looked down
over the banister.

Hey Jason, I think we
have picked out Sierra

s room and

s too. She is coming with us isn


He looked up at
her worried face.


t asked her yet, but I

m sure she

“Oh good, I

t wait to meet her.

Miriam came
around the corner.

TeKaya, come look at
what I found in the master bedroom.

The two went
running down the hallway as Jason laughed.


t know which one is the most adorable, TK or my


I can

t believe

m losing my baby.

Jason hugged
his soon to be mother-in-law and replied,

You are not
losing your baby; you are gaining a son, or two. Depending on how
Eric is making out with Siri.


That is going to take time. She went through a

“I know and so
does Eric. But he is determined to make Siri his and I believe he
will succeed. Now what can I do to get that worried look off your

“Just make my
daughter happy.

“That is a
given. How about I take all of my favorite women out to


t we go shopping for the house?

TK and Miriam
came walking down another hallway from the back of the

Jason and I are meeting with a decorator

“A decorator?
Oh lord. Next she

ll be calling me
talking about,


s do lunch why don


, and I

m not going to
understand a thing she is saying.

“Now, Kerri,

s not that bad. The boys come to spend a month with me
every year in Paris. I

m sure we can
convince them to bring you along.


s eyes widened with

Paris, you say. Mmm,
add a trip to the Cannes Film Festival and you two have a


Jason replied as they all

Later that
evening, the mothers went shopping while Jason and TK sat at an
upscale restaurant in the Buckhead area of Atlanta. When he saw a
friend of Latoya

s enter the
restaurant, Jason knew there was going to be some drama.

A friend of Latoya is heading in this

“Is that a

TK asked as she looked up.

“Not for me,
but I don

t want it to be one for you.

She reached
over and touched his hand.


t worry about me. I
can take care of myself.


the flamboyantly dressed man pushed

s shoulder with a flick of his wrist.


s so nice to see you
about and everything,

he said with sassiness to his



s my girl

he asked cranking his neck as he placed his hands
on his hips

“Latoya was
fine the last time I saw her,

Jason coolly

“Uh-huh. And
who is this?

He asked placing one hand on his
chest for emphasis.

Jason put his
fork down and looked at TeKaya.

This is my
e, TeKaya Kendrick.


twisted and turned.

My goodness Jason you

t be serious. Fianc

He walked
away and retuned.

Do my girl know? I
mean you do know she plans on you and her doing that marriage


t know if she knows, Adrian. But you are welcome to
ask her.


for real. I mean you

re for real


Jason replied finding it hard to
refrain from laughing.

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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