Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

Night of Seduction (50 page)

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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Eric sat on the
sofa with his back to the window, while Carl and Cashmere sat on
the sofa facing the windows.

What happened to

Carl asked.

“She had a bad
fall. Hit her head on the footboard of the bed and it caused a
slight concussion.

“What made her

Carl continued to drill.


ll let her

Eric stated as Siri entered the room.


she hugged him, then turned to her friend.


She hugged her.

Thank you
so much for coming by to see me. How was school

Siri sat next to Eric as Carl and Cashmere
retook their seats. As if it was the most normal thing in the
world, Eric put his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close.
She did nothing to resist his embrace; in fact she seemed to
welcome it.

“School was
fine. The children asked about you and sent

Cashmere reached into her bag and pulled out a
number of homemade cards that were all intended to wish Siri

Taking the
cards, Siri placed them on the table.

Please tell them
I said thank you.


The room became
quiet for a moment as it seemed a little tension was building
between the men.

What happened,

Carl asked, not one bit concerned about
irritating Eric by asking the question again.

“I received
some disturbing news and became a little hysterical. I began to
hyperventilate, blacked out, hit my head and that was all she

She waved her hand as if to dismiss the

Carl sat

In all the years I

ve known you Siri,

ve never become hysterical. Is there more to

Eric stood.
Carl was concerned about Siri

s well being. There
was no way he could be angry about that. However, the insinuation
that he may have caused her injuries was a bit much. Looking down
at Siri, who was holding on to his hand, he could see the pleading
in her eyes to let it go.

Cashmere, I believe
Carl and Siri need a moment to talk. May I show you around our


she exhaled a sigh of relief.

I think that

s a wonderful

The two left
the room. Siri remained sitting with her legs crossed staring at
Carl, whose face was impassive.

For a moment you
sounded like your mother,


His expression
changed to appalled, then understanding, then he smiled.

I did.

He sighed.


ll apologize before we leave. I needed to be sure
that he didn

t harm you in any

“Eric would
never raise a hand to me or any woman. I fell, hit my head.

s all there was to it.

She stood, took the
seat next to him, then took his hand.

Eric asked me to
marry him and I said yes.

She smiled.


re the first person

ve told.

Carl smiled as
he squeezed her hand.

You seem so happy and
you look good.

“I took your
advice, and stopped running from him. It was the right thing to do.

ll have to find a way to deal with his career. It

t be easy, but we will survive.

“You know I
will always be here for you. If you ever need me for

“I know and I
love you for it. Speaking of love, I see a little spark between you
and Cashmere.


We are taking our time to get to know each other.

m trying to be the gentleman and wait, but she is
wearing me down. I seem to want to spend every waking moment with

“Ah, I think

ve been replaced,



ll always have a
special place in my heart, but Cashmere is my future, just as Eric
is yours.

He kissed her cheek.

You know, you really are glowing.

She stood
pulling him up with her.

Thank you.

s see if we can find Eric and

Looking down the hallway, she shook
her head.

This place is so big;
I don

t think I will ever find my way

She opened the door, walked across the hallway
into the other condo and could immediately hear the music. Walking
through the rooms, they stopped at what would eventually be the
studio and saw Eric playing the piano while Cashmere leaned against
it. She looked up and watched them walk in. Carl went to stand next
to Cashmere, as Siri sat on the stool next to Eric.

Eric glanced at
her and continued to sing. At the end of the song he kissed Siri
and then looked over at Carl.

Your concern for Siri
is appreciated. As her friend you are welcome to our home

Carl extended
his hand.

Please accept my
apology for offending you before. I can see you care very deeply
for Siri. I just wanted to make sure she was happy and

Eric took his

Apology accepted. We were about to have dinner. I
cooked, so it

s at your own

They all

I think, we

ll pass, but thank
you for the offer.

He took Cashmere


We should be going.

When the two
left, Eric turned to Siri.


s not so bad.

Siri walked
into his arms.


s not.

She kissed his cheek.

I think he and Cashmere are going to make a great couple.

s serious and she


They walked arm
in arm back across the hallway.

She thinks he is
still in love with you. But I assured her the

s eyes said something different.


s all in the eyes, as
Nana would say.



Eric smiled.

Know what I see in
your eyes?


“A lifetime of
love and happiness.

Austin sat at her desk and began sorting through her mail. The day
was a busy one and this was the first moment she

d had to
review the items her secretary had put on her desk. Not seeing
anything pertinent in the stack, she decided to check her emails.
She hated the computer, but that was the way most people today
chose to communicate. She preferred the good old telephone or snail
mail system herself, but as an elected official, she had to be open
and available for her constituents to contact her at any time.
Emails or texting was the quickest form of communication. There
were quite a few messages and she was about to exit when the
subject line on one caught her attention. It said, Personal and

Siri Austin. She immediately clicked
on the file. The message was simple.

Disgraceful pictures
of one of your teachers.

There was a slide
show attachment to the message. She opened the slide show and sat
back. After a number of pictures of Siri and a man flashed across
the monitor, she began to laugh.

Finally, I have what
I need to get Siri out of Carl

s life.

She picked up
the telephone and called the school board members to set up an
emergency meeting for that evening. After she made the calls, she
sat back smiling as if the world had just blessed her with the gift
of life. Indecent exposure would not only get her fired as a
teacher, but there was no way Carl would want her back after this
hit the news. She looked at the message, but could not determine
who sent it. Soon she gave up searching; it wasn

important where the information came from. All that was important
was that she knew exactly what to do now. She saved the pictures to
a flash drive and left for the meeting. An hour later, she had
convinced the board to hold a hearing to dismiss Siri Austin from
her teaching position.

Kerri stepped
off the elevator leading to Eric and Siri

s new home. The
envelope in her pursed weighed heavy on her mind. The certified
letter had been delivered to the house early that morning. The
return address indicated it was from the school board. The
experience was reminiscent of the last time Siri was suspended from
teaching. The fear that the mess with the Latoya woman had reared
its ugly head again was so strong that Kerri could hardly breathe.
Looking down the hallway, she saw Siri standing in the doorway
waiting for her. The smiles on her daughter

s face over the
last few days were priceless. She would give anything not to
destroy that smile, but she knew the letter was going to do just


Siri hugged her tight with excitement.

You have to see what Eric did. It is ridiculous, but I love
him for it.

She took her

s hand and led her to the back of the condo. She
opened a door next to what would eventually be the master bedroom
and walked through.


Kerri stepped
in and began to laugh at the sight. One half of the room was
painted in blue with a crib, changing table, a rocking chair, and
other baby furniture. The other side was a duplicate, only painted
pink. Toys of every kind were piled up from the floor to the

My word,

was all Kerri could
say as she walked through the room looking from item to


m not going to even try to take you into the closet.
It is totally ridiculous,


“Where is

Kerri asked.


s in the studio

Kerri watched
her daughter, with the big smile that reached her eyes. This is
where she was supposed to be in her life, happy and

Have you been to the
doctor yet?

“I go tomorrow.
If everything is okay I can return to work on

Siri replied as a bit of the light left her

Kerri sighed
thinking maybe this wouldn

t be as bad as she

May I see the studio?

“Of course,
come on.

They walked out of the room and across the hall,
with Siri talking a mile a minute.


s been
writing for the last three days, almost non-stop. It is so amazing
to see him like this. He

s in this

she laughed.

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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