Night of Seduction (42 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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He quietly
laughed and pulled her closer.

This is so

Jasmine stood
in the doorway watching the couples dancing. When Garland walked up
he smiled.

Looks like love is in
the air.


she replied.

Now, I know about
Jason and TK. Was suspicious about Eric and Siri. But when did Ty
and Kiki happen?

Garland stood a
little straighter and searched for his sister. When he found her he
frowned, then replied,


t know. But it does look like it


The ride home
had dwindled down to Jason, TeKaya, Eric, and Siri. Ty stated Kiki
was dropping him back at the condo. Jasmine caught a ride home with
a friend, leaving just the two couples. Jason and TeKaya went into
the condo while Eric rode back to the house with Siri. His plan was
to see her home, say good night and have the driver take him

We are going to make it through this night
without making love,

Siri stated on the ride

Eric raised an
eyebrow, as he sat across from her.


re sure about


she replied.

I will never get
you out of my system if we keep igniting the flame every time we
are within five feet of each other.

“Siri you are
never going to get me out of your system. Just like you will never
be out of mine.

“I have to,
Eric. Don

t you understand, I have to,

emphatically replied.


he sighed as he reached out and pulled her into
his arms. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her


m sorry. I

t mean to upset you.

When she

t pull away, he felt all was forgiven.

Will you at least allow me to be your friend? I

t stand no contact with you.

Closing her
eyes and leaning into his chest, she wrapped her arms around his

You mean like telephone calls, emails, cards
every now and then.

He smiled, she
sound so serious as she thought it through.

something like that.

She looked up
at him.


d like


he asked looking down into those wonderful black
eyes. She nodded. He gently kissed her lips.


When they
pulled up in front of the house Siri didn

t move. He
watched as she bit her bottom lip. She wasn

t ready for him
to leave.

Do you think my new
friend will come in and talk with me for a

she asked


re playing with fire

he laughed.

“Friends can
talk, right,

she said as she sat up.



he said as he opened the door and helped her out. He
told the driver to call it a night.

Walking in the
house there was one light on in the living room.

Mommy and Nana must be in bed. Would you like some


he said as he pulled off his jacket
and placed it over the back of the chair.

Siri went into
the kitchen, pulled down a couple of glasses and returned to find
Eric on the side porch. He stood and took the wine bottle from her.
She placed the glasses on the table and sat on the loveseat with
him. He sat back, put his feet up on the table, and relaxed. She
pulled off her heels and put her feet under her.

Tonight was nice,

she smiled as she
sipped her wine.

“Was? This is
the best part. Sitting here talking with my friend, controlling the
raging hormones.



re not


m sorry. I had to say that.

He put the
glass on the table and took her glass and did the same.


she warned.

“Nothing is
going to happen. I just want to hold you while we

She did enjoy laying in his arms. Giving in, she
laid on his chest as he adjusted them on the loveseat.

Okay, tell me what

s happening at


s funny you should
ask about that.

She looked up while she laid on his
chest and told him about her talk with Carl and then about her
encounter with Carl

s mother. When she
told him about Roscoe and Mable, Eric laughed so hard she thought
he was going to wake up the house.


she put her hands on his lips.

“I just got a
visual of that.

“I know. That
was more of a shock then when she smacked me.

Eric sat

When she what?

Seeing the
anger in his eyes, she reassured him.

Oh it was

she moved a lock from his face.

Lay back down. It was nothing.

He eased back
down and pulled her closer. Then she told him about the meeting
with Max and Kiki.


ve told Ty to take a
close look at those contracts, just to make sure everything is on
the up and up.


m sure everything is
fine with the contracts,

she said.


m sure they are, too.
I just want us to be certain. This is business; you

t take people at their word unless

s written.

“After tonight

m not sure Tyrone will be very

“Why do you say

“By morning

m pretty sure Ty and Kiki will be an

“Really? Did I
miss something?

“Where were you

“I was a little
preoccupied. Just like I am now. But I promised nothing is going to
happen and I

m sticking to my word

She kissed his neck.


re tempting fate
woman. Stop that and go to sleep.

He held her with his
hand covering hers and placed it over his heart. This is how he
wanted to fall asleep every night.

TeKaya stood in the window at the condo
amazed at the twilight view of the James River. Being a Richmond
native, she never took the time to appreciate the tranquility of
the river or its beauty. When they arrived, she had been surprised
by the size of the condo and the fact that Eric owned it. Those
same insecurities she had talked to Siri about began to creep into
her system again. Jason was such an established man; he was older,
wiser and came with a readymade family. How was she going to keep
him? Sex was not the way to keep a man, there had to be more.

Whenever she
had moments of doubt, like now, she would reach for the one thing
she knew she was good at, and that gave her so much

her camera. Adjusting
the lens, she captured the bank of the James River as the water
splashed against the rocks. Then another shot of the houses in the
distance. She became so engrossed in what she was doing that she
did not hear when Jason walked into the room.

The vision that caught him when he walked
into the bedroom would forever be etched in his mind. TeKaya was in
his shirt, with her hair down, standing before a window that expand
across the room, curtains pulled all the way back, taking pictures
of the most magnificent backdrop. In that moment, he wished he had
half her talent, her confidence, and her ability to see beauty in
everything and everyone. God she was a sight to behold, and to
think in the next forty-eight hours she would be his wife. On
Sunday morning before they left for their honeymoon, he was going
to church to officially give thanks for having been given such a
gift. What had he done to be so highly favored by the God?
Something made her turn and she saw him standing in the door way. A
flash of worry crossed her face, but was gone just as quickly.

“Is Sierra

she asked as she began clicking pictures of him
leaning against the door. He looked so good with his bare chest and
pajama bottoms hanging low on his hips.


he replied as he walked slowly
towards her bare chest. She continued to click frame after frame
until the raw masculinity of him forced her to stop. Reaching her,
he took the camera, stepped back, and began clicking pictures of
her. It

s amazing what you can be seen through the lens
of a camera that can be missed by the naked eye. Through the lens,
he could see her vulnerability, her innocence, her unyielding love
for him. At that thought, he stopped and held the camera


m scared,

Instantly, her concern was no longer with her own
fears, but instead turned to his.

You took me by
surprise. I didn

t expect it,

t looking for it, no longer believed in it. But, there
you were walking towards the stage with your hair flowing and a
smile a mile long. And I knew love had just walked into my

He placed the camera on the dresser, then held
his hand out to her.

She walked
towards him.

It was your lips that
held me mesmerized. Each time you spoke, I was glued to your lips.

m not afraid of my love for you or your love for me.

m afraid of my youth, my inexperience, and sometimes
my immaturity.

When she reached him, he picked her
up and she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his
waist. He carried her over to the bed and laid her down.

Most of all I

m afraid

ll get tired of teaching me how to make

He could feel
her center pulsating against his skin and almost laughed at the
impossibility of her statement.

I know the physical,
but it

s you that

s teaching me the

He pushed her hair back.

Like the way

re looking at me right now; it

s wreaking havoc
on my senses. The way you

re rubbing your leg
against the back of my thigh, and the way you

re always
touching and kissing me; all are ways you demonstrate your love for
me. It will take me a life time to learn how to love from

She kissed his
throat, his nipples, his chin, and then pulled on his bottom lip
with her teeth. He placed a kiss in the crook of her neck.


He kissed her shoulder, pulled the
shirt open, popping buttons, and covered her bare breast with his
mouth. She caressed the back of his head, holding him securely to
her as sensation after sensation began to flow through her.
Switching to the other breast to pay equal homage, he feared he
might hurt her; he wanted to ravage, her so taking her slowly was
no longer an option. Apparently, her need was just as great, for
she was using her feet to slide his pajama pants down his legs.
Taking her by the waist, with her legs still around him, he entered
her with one powerful stroke.


she moaned as her nails dug into his
skin. He slowly pulled out, pushed forward again, and held.


, she cried and he

Ah. Again, again,

Soon her mind was reeling so fast, she could no
longer form the word. He was now a man possessed with the
determination to bring her nothing but pleasure. Slowing his pace,
he reveled in the warmth of her surrounding him and moaned at the
pure ecstasy of them being together.

Come with me TeKaya,
come with me.

He pulled out and reentered to an
explosion so strong, so powerful they both screamed out. After a
moment, he rolled onto his back and pulled her with him.

I love you, TeKaya.

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