Night of Seduction (44 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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She reached
under her into her back pocket, pulled something out and held it

I brought my toothbrush.

He laughed as
he held out a hand to pull her up.

You are a crazy

She put her
hands in her back pockets and shrugged her shoulders.

I don

t know any other way
to be.

They stood
there smiling at each other.


s get out of

He grabbed his jacket off the floor and her purse
off the desk. Walking out the door, he turned to Wendy.

She waved her

All meetings have been cancelled for the weekend
and all emergencies will be reassigned.


he smiled, took Kiki

s hand, and walked
towards the elevator. Kiki looked over her shoulder at the woman
and mouthed,


Wendy returned the smile.

Walking into

s condo would have been a wonderful moment if they had
taken the time to appreciate the structure of the place, the
elegant interior design that had cost him a small fortune, or the
magnificent view of Atlanta. But it was all lost on them. Their
only interests were each other, nothing more, nothing less. The
clothing was discarded from the front door, through the foyer and
up the spiral staircase that was in the center of the first floor.
Hands roamed over every inch of both bodies relentlessly exploring
and discovering until they reached the bedroom. They stood facing
each other as naked as the day they were born and as breathless as
marathon runners crossing the finish line, but they were just
getting started.

Ty took her
hand and walked her over to the bed. He sat on the edge and she
stood between his legs. Gathering her waist in his hands, he pulled
her close and kissed her navel. He reached around and cupped her
rear end squeezing as if his life deepened on them being there. She
slid her hands across his shoulders, down his muscle bound arms,
around to his back, touching, feeling, and needing. He reached into
his nightstand and pulled out a condom. She took the packet from

Let me.

She bent down on her knees and was
pleased with the sight that greeted her. Kissing his inner thigh on
one leg, his member jumped at the touch of her breath near it. She
switched and kissed the other thigh sending surges of sensations
through his body.

Kiki. He dropped his
head to touch hers.

“I know baby.

m admiring.

He moaned as a
response. She opened the package, held the latex in her hand, and
took his member in her mouth. Ty nearly leaped off the bed at her
touch but she held on to his thighs. This was a new experience for
her, but it was there, and so tempting, she just had to feel it on
her tongue. He withdrew from her mouth, took the latex, and covered
himself with the protection. Seizing her waist, he lifted her,
kissed her, and entered her in one smooth motion. They both groaned
at the onslaught, and begin moving to a rhythm as old as time. Two
humans--becoming one with a need and hunger so deep they could not
have stopped if their lives depended on it. Nothing could have
quenched the passion of their two spirits as he drove deeper and
deeper into her throne, searching and finding that glory that only,
he could touch and expose. Holding on to the feeling of total
ecstasy, she screamed out her orgasm. Her inner walls contracted
against him, pulling everything from him rhythmically squeezing his
member from its base to the tip, demanding his release. He cursed
when the release came, but reveled in the feel of it at the same
time. It was too soon, he was not ready for it to end. Holding her,
he turned onto his back bringing her to lie on top of him, never
breaking their intimate contact.

They laid there holding, caressing, and
kissing each other until he began to grow hard inside her again.
Kissing his neck, his chest, his nipples, she slid down his body
then sat up, and began slowly moving her body against him. The
power and control of the position was what she loved. She
controlled how deep he would go and she wanted him deep, as deep as
her body would allow. Taking her waist in his hands he raised his
legs behind her as her body bucked wildly, attempting to fulfill
its need. Her release came first. He pumped deeper and harder until
he screamed her name. They both collapsed and eased into a peaceful
sleep; neither knowing that their moment of peace was about to be

The night was
so quiet Siri could hear the crickets outside the window. It was
well after two in the morning, but sleep had eluded her. Her prayer
to get through the night without thinking about Eric went
unanswered. Of course, it didn't help that the radio station was
playing his music and his silky, smooth voice was touching her

all of them. Nor the fact that he had sent her
the sweetest email that morning just to say hi. Neither the call
right before she went to bed to say good night. She turned over and
pulled the pillow over her eyes.

She sighed. A
minute later, she pushed the pillow aside and gave up the hope of
sleep. Walking over to her desk, she eased into her chair and
pushed the power button on her laptop. Waiting for it to power up,
she picked up the Essence magazine that had a picture of Jason and
TeKaya on the front cover with several other couples. The caption

Our Future

. The computer beeped
and she placed the magazine back on the nightstand and opened her
emails. One message had come through since she logged off earlier.
Clicking the message, she put her elbow on the desk and her hand
under her chin contemplating which task from Kiki she was going to
complete first--the interview questions or the acknowledgment page
of the book. Looking up at the monitor, she saw the message
addressed to her and Eric. It must be a picture from TeKaya, she
thought as she clicked it open and anxiously awaited the

She gasped at a
picture of her and Eric in an intimate embrace. Printed at the
bottom was one simple statement

I have more! Siri
stood so quickly the chair rolled back. She went to sit back down
but ended up falling on the floor. She jumped up and retrieved the
chair then stared intently at the picture. "Oh my

Oh my God." No other words seemed to come to mind. The
picture was taken in her kitchen the last time the two of them made
love. But if she and Eric were together, who took the

"Carl!" She thought. Is that why he showed
up so quickly the night TeKaya was arrested? She stood and began to
pace. Would he have taken the picture? And if he did why?

She sat on the
bed with her face in her hands. "Oh God, the book. Negative
publicity was the last thing she needed. If this hit the media, it
would bring up the divorce scandal. Max said as long as nothing
came out of the woodwork we would be fine


t fine. Her cell phone chimed and she picked it up
recognizing Eric

s number.

Eric. Did you see this?

She cried losing
control at this point.

Did you see what was
on the computer? Eric this is on the computer. Anyone can see

She screamed into the phone.

How did
this happen? How did they



She was not
pulling in air. She touched her chest but couldn

t call for
help, she couldn

t do anything, then
darkness descended and she collapsed.


Eric kept calling out.

Siri baby! I

m sorry!

m so sorry! I

ll be right there.

he called out again. But there was no reply. When
he reached the house, emergency vehicles were parked out front with
lights flashing. He ran in just as they were bringing her down the
steps. Kerri was in the living room dressed and shoes in hand. Eric
panicked, seeing her so still with oxygen tubing in her

Siri, baby, please open your

The attendant
touched his shoulder.

Sir, please let us
get her to the emergency room.

Kerri touched
his arm.

You ride with her, I


“No, no, you go
with her I


Eric walked to the waiting vehicle talking to her
along the way.


s going to
be alright Siri. I promise you, it

s going to be

An officer came
over to him.

Follow behind me sir.

ll get you to the hospital.

Eric did not
know his way around Richmond so he had no choice but to follow the
officer. Along the way, he called Ty

s cell phone number
again, with no answer. He hung up the call and dialed his house
number. He answered on the third ring.

Not fully
awake, Ty listened but did not understand what Eric was saying, but
he did hear the urgency in his voice.

Hold up

he said into the receiver. He sat up and in the
process woke Kiki.

Eric man, please calm
down and tell me what

s going

As he listened,
he stood and searched for his cell. Remembering they undressed
coming up the steps he pulled out a pair of shorts.

I got you. What hospital?


ll be
there in an hour.

He hung up the house phone, threw it
on the bed, then ran down the steps.


s wrong

Kiki asked concerned with his actions.

Was that Eric?

she asked as he came
back up the steps with his cell phone.

Yes, baby, it
was Eric.

He spoke into his cell phone.

Have the plane fueled and ready to fly to Virginia in
fifteen minutes.

He disconnected the call and dialed
another number.

Get me a run down on
Latoya Wright

s actions for the
last week. Then tap into Eric

s PC and see what was
received. No, you don

t have his permission
just do it or find another damn job.

He disconnected that

Seeing he was
getting dressed in a hurry. Kiki began doing the same.

Did something happen to Siri?


He grabbed a
shirt and his blackberry chimed.



m sending you a copy

the technician on the other end stated.


m receiving it

He held the phone until the picture popped up. He sat
down on the bed not believing what he was seeing.

Track it.

he said a little too calmly for

“What is it

she asked.

He looked at
her, wanting to share, but couldn


I can

t tell

he said shaking his head.


m sorry. I can


Seeing the look
of despair on his face, she went to him.

Okay babe. I

She hugged him and he held her tight
putting his head in the crook of her neck.

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