My Soul Keeper (19 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: My Soul Keeper
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“Shamar,” I whisper as I breathe him in. His arms cradle me and I can feel his warmth, his want deep inside me. I bring my lips to his and, as his lips brush mine, I shudder and he gasps. His hands reach into my hair. As his lips crush deeper to mine, I move my body so I’m straddling him. I feel his need pushing against his jeans and I lower myself against it, rocking gently. The friction feels incredible and our breathing accelerates.

“Simone,” he groans and I rock again. His tongue devours me and heat floods my body, an electric current heating everything he touches. I drink him in, soaking up every touch, committing him to memory. His lips move to my neck, fluttering down to the collarbone. I rotate my hips to gain the pressure I need. I feel a building in my stomach, heat pooling there and vibrating through me.

“Shamar, oh God,” I moan as pleasure explodes through me, igniting me like a fireworks display. His hands reach under my top and graze my breasts, prolonging my pleasure.

“You’re so beautiful,” he moans into my chest.

“Make love to me,” I beg him, shamelessly.

His head rises. He looks into my eyes and his turquoise eyes speak to my soul. I’m so in love with him. A tear drops to his cheek and I feel my heart stop as I swipe it from his perfect face.

“I love you, Simone.”

My heart picks up speed and a warmth like no other floods my veins. I feel like I’m glowing, but then there's tightness in my shoulders. A huge whooshing sound breaks my gaze from Shamar’s and a great weight pulls me backwards. I’m standing, giant feathered wings around me. I turn and knock a table and chairs clattering into the empty pool.

“You got your wings.” Shamar beams.

“Oh my, are they on me?” I ask, shocked. He chuckles.

“Yes, they’re your wings. God, they’re beautiful.”

I look to him but there’s only awe showing on his face.

“Simone, you are a vision,” I hear from behind me. I turn too quickly and knock more tables over. Shamar stands and touches my wing; it feels as if he’s touching part of my skin. His eyes drink me in and I feel the need pulsing deep down again.

“Charmeine, Liam is sleeping.” Liam’s mother is staring at me.

“Actually, I came to tell you Michael’s asking a lot of questions about Muriel.”

Shamar exhales hard. “Thank you for coming to tell us.”

“I will check on Liam while I’m here if that’s o…” She doesn’t finish because Shamar’s father appears in front of her. She stumbles back and drops her gaze.

“Charmeine, what are you doing here?” His tone is angry.

“She’s here to see her son,” I answer for her.

“You told him who you are? How dare you?” he shouts at Charmeine. She shakes her head, her face pale.

“What do you mean?” Shamar asks, his voice strained. His father lets out a frustrated sigh and walks towards him.

“Shamar, have you ever wondered why you can go to Heaven freely? You’re part Angel, son. From your mother’s side. I’m sorry she told you. She had no right.”

I feel my wings shrink and I look behind me to see where they went; there’s nothing, not even a mark, left.

“Charmeine is your mother,” I whisper.

Shamar drops into the seat and Charmeine lets tears fall to her cheeks. It’s a weird feeling but sorrow from death’s presence and the tears from an angel combined physically hurts my soul. A crushing ache is making me want to weep. I go to Shamar, but Leah’s voice stops me. Liam comes into view with Leah huddled under his arm

“My mom called, I think she’s drunk. I need to go check on her, she sounds incoherent. I don’t want her burning the house down trying to cook herself a drunken feast,” Leah says, rolling her eyes. This isn’t the first time her mom’s drank too much.

“I don’t want us splitting up,” Shamar informs her.

“I’ll take them, get her mom into bed and be back ASAP,” Charmeine offers, before wrapping them in her embrace. No more explanations are given before me and Shamar are once again alone.

Shamar takes a shower while I try to eat some snacks he bought from the vending machine. The door opens and he props himself against the frame. Steam pours from him like he’s a flame; wet drips bubble on his skin then run down his body. I lick my lips as I follow a drip down his chest to his stomach. Tipping over his abs like road bumps, it drips past his bellybutton and soaks into the towel hanging below those sexy Vs men have.
Oh my God, I think I’m panting.
I trace the journey of the drip back up and catch an amused Shamar grinning at me.

“Enjoying the view, Simone?” he asks huskily, but his grin falters. As his eyes drop to my lips, I bite down on my bottom lip.

“Simone,” he moans as he approaches me. I stand and look into his glossed over eyes. I run my hand down his chest and my palm tingles with the contact. I pull back and raise my sweater up and over my head; he gasps as he takes in my exposed skin.

“Simone,” he moans again and I can see the conflict in his eyes. He wants me. He doesn’t know if I’m ready, but I am. I’m so ready.

I unclasp my bra and pull it down my arms, letting it fall to the floor; his eyes become hooded as they settle on my breasts. I shuffle my feet, feeling a little nervous as I unbutton my jeans and slip them down, stepping out of them. My white cotton panties are next. I take a deep breath and slide them down my legs. He hisses and I feel my body tremble.

“You’re breath-taking, Simone.”

I reach forward and grasp his towel. He follows my hands with his eyes and I tug, making his towel drop… Oh my God, he is stunning. And
. I feel the nerves niggle at me. He brings his hands forward and cups my face.


It’s then that I realise I’m holding my breath. I find his eyes; they’re so intoxicating. I could swim in them forever. I feel a calm wash over me, erasing the nerves.

“Why do I feel so relaxed around you? It’s so weird, the effect you have on me.”

“Mmmm.” He brings his lips down and speaks between gentle nips of my bottom lip. I feel his naked chest against mine and the contact of his hard-on as it rests against me. Sparks fly within me, making every nerve hyper aware. “I have the ability to calm, Simone, to change the mood. I must get it from my mom. I’ve never thought of why before but she’s the Angel of Harmony. It’s her ability too, so I’m guessing that’s where it comes from.”

His lips are soft and warm and I want to feel them all over me. My mind catches up with what he’s saying.
He alters my mood, makes me feel calm
and relaxed.
Oh God, is
why I feel this way about him? He’s doing what Lucas was doing? Is anything I feel real or is it everyone altering the way I feel?

He senses my sudden stiffness. “Relax. We don’t have to do this. Let’s just hold each other. You feel amazing against my bare skin. Simone, I love you so much. You really are Heaven on Earth.”

I feel my emotions tug and a million butterflies take flight in my stomach, tickling up my spine. I’m unsure of my emotions. Can he make me feel this way too? Or is it me?

“What’s wrong, baby? I can sense your nerves.”

He can feel what I’m feeling. What if he can do other stuff too, like mind read? Calm washes over me again and I look up to see him smiling down at me; he’s so beautiful.

“Stop doing that,” I snap.

His eyebrows pinch together. “Doing what?”

Putting space between us. I instantly miss his warmth as the cool air licks at my sensitive skin.

“What’s wrong? You’re scaring me, Simone.”

The room floods with light and a whooshing and then Charmeine comes into view, her wings wrapped around her. She opens them and Leah steps out from beneath them. It happens too fast for me to have time to react.

“Holy mother of God, wowzer!” She’s staring at a very naked Shamar, who rushes to grab the towel from the floor. He wraps it around his waist. She turns to me and wiggles her eyebrows.

“Simone, I hate your tits.” Her statement shakes me into realising I am also naked. I turn and reach for the blanket of the bed to cover my body.

“Hey,” Leah shakes her head, pointing at my body, “Like I’ve been trying to tell you for years, that body should not be covered up. You’re a bitch with a perfect figure. Oh, and did I mention I hate your tits?”

She sounds like my Leah again, her worry and trauma gone for a few minutes. I see Shamar’s in peripheral view; he’s laughing. “I did tell you I’d be quick. Is this the end of something we need to talk about?” Leah asks, flicking her finger between me and Shamar. I notice when she points to Shamar that it’s below his waist.

“You might have been quick, but I’m not.” He winks at her and I see her cheeks flush and she bites her lip. I feel jealousy rear its head but I shake it off.

“Wow I bet… hmmm.” Her eyes rest on his groin. He shifts and squirms; it’s actually quite amusing to watch her rattle him.

“Leah, put your tongue away. And your libido. He doesn’t need the ability to mind read with you ogling him like that. It’s pretty clear to everyone what you’re thinking, including his

“Yeah this has become uncomfortable. I’m going to get dressed.” He smiles at me as he heads towards the bathroom.

“Me too,” I say, hoping they get the hint.

“We’ll talk,” Leah threatens. I plonk down on my bed.

“Where’s Liam?” Shamar calls out to Leah.

“He wanted to pick up a change of clothes. I’m going back for him now,” Charmeine answers before disappearing.

I slip my clothes back on. Thoughts of what transpired with Shamar plague me. Leah’s fallen asleep on the bed.

The door opens to the bathroom and Shamar stands braced against the frame, gazing at me.

“What you thinking about, Simone?” His eyes are hooded again and his tone is deep. Sexual tension clouds the room.

“You can’t read my mind?” I ask, surprised at my own seductive voice.

He steps forward, pushing off the frame with his shoulders. He stalks toward me like a predator; he grasps my hips and tugs me forward, making my breath whoosh from me and shoot back in with a gasp.

“I can’t read your mind but I can read your body.” He moans and crushes his lips to mine. I let his tongue dance with mine, swirling, tasting. I pull away, breathless.

“I don’t know what’s real anymore,” I murmur. “What’s really me, Shamar?”

He strokes my cheek. “I know things are confusing. You just found out your whole life has changed. I’ll help you seek all the answers you have about your parents.”

I shake my head. “I mean my feelings. What are you or Lucas or anyone
me feel and what is actually me? I’m so confused, Shamar. I have all these feelings for you, but are they mine or am I being manipulated into feeling them?”

Hurt flashes across his face and I feel guilty. He pulls away from me, shaking his head.

“I would never manipulate you to feel things for me. I’m nothing like Lucas. How can you think that?”

I walk toward him to close the gap he’s created.

“I don’t think you’re like him. I just…”

He steps back. “Okay, then I’ll give you some space.” His voice is laced with pain. He doesn’t look at me as he flops down on the bed.

“I would say nice to see you’ve dressed, but then I’d be lying.” Leah winks at Shamar.

“I thought you were sleeping” I mutter to her.

“LUCAS TOOK HIM!” Charmeine cries as she appears in the room.

Fear is what I’m feeling. Far that he will hurt someone I care about just to make me go to him, and the fear of knowing I will if it meant saving him.

“He will try to use him to exchange for Simone,” Shamar informs us and I let out a heavy breath.

“I’m so sorry, Leah. I will get him back.”

“We will get him back, but I won’t risk you,” Shamar states.

“He is your brother, Shamar,” Charmeine reminds him.

He looks to her with pain in his eyes. “Yes, I actually worked that out. Thanks.”

The sun kisses the horizon as dawn awakens the birds.

“Let’s go back to Simone’s. We can come up with a plan there.”

I nod at Shamar’s suggestion and pull Leah to her feet.

I look down discreetly at an incoming text telling me to meet Lucas or he’ll kill Liam. I reply.

I will be there, don’t hurt him

The chaos around me now makes me miss my old, normal mundane life. I watch out the window on the drive back to my house, a place that doesn’t feel like home anymore, it holds lies and death. The sky is beautiful; there are clouds floating over it like waves on the ocean. There’s a slight wind today, pushing the clouds along like a sea current. My eyes feel heavy and I’m feeling the usual pull, the floating then the embrace and light all around me, the feathers surrounding me. My eyes flurry open, I panic that I’m actually being held. I push away and the golden room around me echoes as my footsteps tap the floor.

“Simone?” A beautiful man speaks to me. He has blue eyes and dark hair. His wings pull back and retract into him. He reaches a hand for me and I know I can trust him. I take it and he embraces me; he feels familiar.

“You can’t be here,” he whispers.

Air fills my lungs in a whoosh as my eyes adjust to the familiar scenery; I’m still in the car. What was that? I look to everyone else and no one seems to have noticed anything. Was I dreaming?

“I need to find more information but I don’t want to leave anyone here vulnerable to Lucas,” Shamar tells us as we enter my house.

“I can get us away if I need to,” Charmeine assures him. He nods.

“No heroics, no waiting to see what he has to say. Just get them out of here. Promise me.”

“I promise to keep them safe.”

I feel guilty knowing I’m going to make her break that promise.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He leaves. Just poof, gone. No goodbye, no eye contact. I want to cry. I feel lonely instantly.

I love him. I still feel that even though he’s gone. My mind starts flooding with paranoia
. What if he’s not gone? What if he’s still here, just out of sight?

“How would we know if someone’s here, but invisible?”

I feel so stupid saying it aloud. Leah’s eyebrows are in her hairline.

“You would see him. So would I,” Charmeine says.

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