My Soul Keeper

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: My Soul Keeper
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Six week later - Shamar

















3 months later - Shamar


Sneak Peek at upcoming Novel Empathy… By Ker Dukey.

Coming this Fall

Coming soon

My Soul Keeper

Copyright © 2014 Ker Dukey

Published by Ker Dukey

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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For the lovers

Love can be instant, so powerful it stills your breath, consumes and owns your soul. If you’re lucky enough to find it… devour it

For my fans

Strap in, you know I like it bumpy! Thank you for coming on another crazy ride with me

Boom! Baby! …

There’s a break in the clouds. Brilliant shining light bleeds through the space resembling a leak, as if Heaven opened a window and its purity is peeking out. It’s peaceful, like gravity no longer exists. My soul is reaching to touch the Heaven I’m being shown.

“There you are.”

A sinking feeling comes over me, similar to falling from my bed half-asleep. Travel sickness follows and a familiar stirring hits my stomach.

“Did you fall asleep again?”

I open my eyes to see the familiar blonde hair and brown eyes of Leah, my best friend

“I must have. You do tend to take your time.” I raise an eyebrow. She giggles as she drops her bag and collapses down next to me with a dramatic sigh.

“I got preoccupied with all the naked flesh on display in the locker room,” she breathes, her eyes glassing over, a coy smile playing on her lips.

“Leah! You were supposed to see Coach, not the players.”

“He was busy.” She smirks. “So what are the plans for tonight? Jacob said you said no to Mia’s party?”

“I don’t want to leave Mom. She’s due any day now.”

“Oh, come on. She can call if she needs you. We only have a few months left before college starts, let’s enjoy our youth.”

A small chuckle escapes my lips. “I still plan on being youthful in a couple of months, Leah.”

She nudges my shoulder with hers. “Well, you can. Your type of beauty never fades but mine will. I need to flaunt it while I have it. These tits won’t always stand here on their own you know.”

My mouth pops open, and I stare at her wide-eyed before shoving her playfully. “Oh my God! You are so delusional.”

“You’re just a prude. You’re going to have to give up the V-card sooner or later. No one goes to college a virgin, Simone. Come out tonight, please? Let me give you a makeover. Let’s shock your sexy boyfriend.”

“Jacob likes me just how I am, thank you. And there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin. The time just hasn’t been right. I’m
a prude.”

Jacob has wanted us to take the next step for a while but I’ve just always felt lacking in the chemistry department. To look at, he is gorgeous, so why do I not get the flutter that people talk about when you’re with the one, or the ache Leah always says she has when she’s horny? I just feel like I’m always waiting. For what, I don’t know.

“Yeah whatever. You could treat him to some flesh every now and again.
to find the right time,” she says with a devilish grin.

“Fine, I will make an effort to show some skin and come, but I’m taking my car just in case I need to leave.”

“Well, yeah, you’re my designated driver.” She winks before glancing over her shoulder. “Oh, God. Here comes Prim.”

I look behind Leah to see who she’s looking at but with the nickname she used I already know she’s referring to my other best friend, Gabrielle. She calls her Prim for prim and proper because she’s straight-laced. She likes to be my reasonable voice when Leah’s trying to lead me astray.

We’ve all been friends since freshmen year when we were assigned to a history project together. We got an A thanks to Gabrielle’s knowledge of everything history-related. Leah was so thrilled that she invited us both to her party. After holding Leah’s hair up for her while she vomited half the contents of the keg she bribed a senior to buy, we stayed with her the night and have been friends ever since, although the only thing they have in common is me.

“Hi, guys.” She waves half-heartedly.

“Simone, we still renting movies tonight?” She looks down on me with her pale green eyes that have always amazed me; they’re so light, like opal with a tinge of mint green. I’ve never seen eyes like hers. They match her soft porcelain skin tone and platinum blonde hair. She reminds me of Legolas from
Lord of the Rings

“Nope, we’re going to Mia’s party, Prim. And so are you. It’s my mission to get you both de-virginized if it kills me.”

Gabrielle looks over to Leah and shakes her head. “It just might,” she mutters.

“Excuse me? What does that mean, Prim?” Leah questions with a raised eyebrow. Gabrielle smiles brightly.

“I just mean by the time I find anyone I really like, you’ll probably be old and grey. I wish there were better guys around.”

Her reply doesn’t surprise me; she doesn’t like any guys and she tells me I’m too good for Jacob. She believes in soul mates and tells me mine is still out there. According to her, Jacob is not him. I’m not sure if I buy the soul mate thing, but I know Jacob and I will probably go our separate ways when college starts. That might be why I’m holding out on him. Do I really want to give him my virginity just because that’s what he and, apparently Leah, wants? Maybe I’m over thinking this whole thing and should just get it out the way. I was told it’s painful and not all that pleasant the first time. Maybe it’s best to be with someone who will care about me and walk me through it.

“Let’s go. The guys are ready,” Leah announces, waving to Jacob and Liam who have just finished practice. I pull myself to my feet and hold my hand out to help her up. Dusting myself off, I grab my bag and walk toward the parking lot. Jacob jogs toward us. His wavy, messy blonde hair bounces around, then flops to rest when he comes to a walk beside me.

His light brown eyes smile down at me, lifting his full lips, which press against my skin in a chaste kiss as he takes my bag from me. He has an athletic build from being quarterback of the football team. Every girl in our school wants to date him, which Leah makes me aware of on a daily basis.

“Hey, you,” he says, throwing my bag over his shoulder. I smile and link my arm with his. “So are we going tonight?” He looks between Leah and me for an answer.

“Yes we are. You can pick us up at eight… But if I need to leave I’m taking your car.”

He stops, picks me up, swinging me, making me screech then giggle.

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