My Soul Keeper (18 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: My Soul Keeper
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When we get back to Simone’s, I force her to eat something. Just as she’s putting a sandwich to her lips, my father appears with a very ill-looking Gabrielle. Simone drops her sandwich when she sees blood running from Gabrielle’s nose and ears.

“What happened to her?” she asks as he pushes Gabrielle to a sitting position.

“I played with her soul. It gets hard on the body to take and return a soul over and over in a short space of time.”

She pales and looks to me. I mentally flinch and outwardly roll my eyes at my father.

“What did you find out? And why can’t I see her soul’s light? There’s no darkness, either. There’s nothing.”

“Once the soul has left the vessel, the body is still alive unless it dies. When I take souls for their final destination, those bodies have died, but if it’s not the soul’s time and the body is fine, it’s still alive, therefore it doesn’t need the spark from the soul.

I look at him, confused.

“When the soul first enters the vessel, its light ignites its life force. It kick starts the body, if you like. Over time, the souls light can dim or brighten, depending on the path the soul takes. But once removed from the body, the light goes with the soul. When it’s shoved back in, it doesn’t show again because the body doesn’t need to be ignited again. It didn’t die.” He looks at the confused faces surrounding him and exhales, irritated.

“When I took her soul, it was like closing the blinds to the windows of her soul. Although I put it back, the blinds stayed closed. There’s light or dark still there, you just can’t see it through the blinds, understand? She can tell you what else you want to know. I have work to do. I’ll be back if you need me, and to take her. I quite like her.”

Simone shivers and leaves the room. She returns with a glass of water, which she hands to Gabrielle.

“Tell us what you know,” I command.

She tips her head up. “He will come for me.”

I know she means Lucas and she’s probably right.

“So tell us quick,” I warn her.

“I’m sorry, Simone. I have been guarding Destined for four hundred years. I’m sick of watching everyone else live but me. Why don’t I get to have my own life? I have to be whatever’s needed - a friend, a sister, a wife, or a lover. Lucas came to me and he offered me my freedom.”

I laugh and gain a flurry of wary looks.

“Some freedom, Gabrielle. You should know better.”

“My freedom comes when he has her.” She sneers at me.

“Well, that will never happen.”

“He will take everything you love, Simone. You will go to him eventually.”

“What does he want from me?” Simone asks.

Gabrielle smiles. “What all the boys want from you. Your innocence.”

“Why?” Simone whispers.

“So he can use you to gain entry into Heaven.”

A collective gasp echoes through the room. I feel my heartbeat accelerate.

“How can he do that? She can’t take him there. She didn’t even know what she is.”

“He plans to marry her, make her his queen, and…” She looks to Simone and I see a flicker of sympathy flash through her eyes.

“And what? Plant his seed inside her?”

Simone’s body shakes and I can feel her fear and sorrow. I calm her body as my own body rages.

“I don’t understand. How will that gain him entry?” Liam asks.

“Simone is the purest soul that has ever been. She can enter Heaven if she wishes. Lucas is the darkest. If he can corrupt her by getting her with child, he will send her to Heaven then use his pull to his son while it’s still in her womb, it’s his blood, and he can follow anywhere. He will gain entry to Heaven and wage war from within. Then he will rule both above and below until his son comes of age. The power that a child born from such corrupted purity will have will be immense.”

“Oh my God, is this why you made me feel so ashamed for wanting to go further with Jacob? Because you were saving me for Lucas?”

“Yes. He needs you to be pure…”

She looks between us; she realises she’s said too much.

“Pure? A virgin?” I confirm and she drops her head.

“Do you know what he’s going to do to me now? For telling you this?” Tears leak onto her cheeks.

I feel the atmosphere change and Gabrielle’s face turns to terror as Lucas appears, darkness surrounding him like smoke billowing from a fire.

“No one could possibly know, Gabrielle. Their minds can’t conjure up the torture I plan for you.” His deep voice booms like he’s talking down a tunnel.

She begins to shake and sob. I scurry to my feet, pulling up Simone with me. I urge her into Liam’s arms.

“Get her out of here,” I shout to him. Lucas laughs darkly and flicks his finger at the door. It slams shut.

“You are getting right on my last nerve.” He raises a hand toward me and squeezes. I feel like he has a vice grip on my throat; it’s tight, shutting off the airway. I struggle and drop to my knees. Simone cries out and struggles to break free from Liam’s grip, but he holds her tight. I try to warn her with my eyes to stay away, run, but the hold intensifies as my tear ducts leak.

“This is where you should be. On your knees at my feet. When I take sweet Simone and make her mine, I will keep you as a pet to watch as I destroy Heaven and slowly dim that bright light you’re so in love with.”

“I’ll never be with you,” Simone’s shaky voice calls out to him.

“You will.” He twirls his finger like he’s stirring something in mid-air. Dark smoke begins to form a figure.

“Leah,” Liam cries out and rushes forward.

“Stop.” Lucas raises his hand and Liam comes to an abrupt stop, like he’s hit a wall.

“One for the other. Give yourself to me, Simone.”

“Argh!” Liam growls in pain. His features contort to the agony he’s feeling from something Lucas is doing to him.

“No!” Liam shouts, his eyes on Leah.

She looks withdrawn, sadness plaguing her eyes as she reaches a shaky arm out toward Liam. I feel a wind on my face and hear a whooshing noise all around me as light floods the room, then fades. Maliki and the Angel Daniel comes into view.

“Shamar?” Maliki rushes to me.

“Daniel, how nice to see you brother,” Lucas announces darkly.

Daniel’s shock is apparent. He rears back, and white wings spring free from his shoulders, expanding across the width of the room, knocking anything in their path to the floor.

“We’re here for Gabrielle,” Maliki informs, gesturing to her huddled form.

Lucas’ face twists into a snarl. “People keep wanting what’s mine.”

Gesturing towards her with an outstretched hand, he roars, “She belongs to me. COME TO ME.”

She obliges on shaky legs. Once she’s in his reach, he grabs her throat.

“Don’t,” Maliki tells him. He flicks his wrist and there’s a sickening crunch. Gabrielle falls, lifeless, to the floor.

Daniel reaches into his left wing and pulls out an Angel blade. He charges Lucas. A commotion of violence breaks out; Maliki is thrown through the room, colliding with furniture as his heavy frame lands in a heap. Daniel’s connecting blows to Lucas with his fist are having little impact. Lucas’ dark laughter chills the air. He reaches for Daniel with ease, forcing him to the ground. He reaches down, spinning Daniel to face away from him. He takes the top of Daniel’s wings and forces him to his knees, facing us. I still can’t move, the feeling of being choked is in full effect around my neck. Everything happens so quickly. Lucas puts his foot between Daniel’s shoulder blades and a devastating look falls over Daniel’s face. Simone’s earth-shattering screams fill the room.

Lucas kicks forward, ripping Daniel’s wings from his body, before he reaches forward and twists his head, snapping his neck. A light flashes in the room, heavy rain pelts the house, and Simone crumples to the floor. Her sorrow fills the air with a hurt that feels like the sun will never rise again.

My father appears, taking a few seconds to take in his surroundings.

“Gabrielle appeared on my list,” he says.

“Her soul is mine,” Lucas demands.

“Release my son, now,” my father commands.

Lucas face falters; there is weakness evident in his eyes
. Why is that?

“Give me my soul then I’ll leave,” Lucas tells him. My father reaches into Gabrielle, receiving her soul, which he then willingly hands to Lucas.

“Now release my fucking son before I take

Lucas eyes bore into my father’s but there’s uncertainty there. “You can’t do that,” he growls.

“Don’t test me.”

“I’ll be sending a few friends for…” He looks around the room and lets his eyes fall on Liam. “Him. Let’s see how much you can stand. Your woman broke easily. I think she even enjoyed it, she has a filthy mouth.” Lucas smirks at Liam and disappears. The grip around my throat instantly lifts and Liam falls forward. My father turns to us.

“Angels will come for him, take Simone out of here,” he tells Liam, now cradling a sobbing Leah and Simone.

“Okay,” he chokes out.

He guides them to Simone’s car. When they pull away, my father reaches in to Daniel and pulls his bright soul from him. Light flashes in the room and a loud whooshing surrounds us. There’s a thud on the ground, making it vibrate; everything on the floor lifts into the air in slow motion, and then crashes back down.

“Michael.” Maliki drops his head in respect.

“Who did this?” Michael asks, then reaches his hand to my head and takes the scene from my mind. I’m grateful Simone was behind me and all he sees are Lucas and Daniel.

He drops his hand. “Why?”

“He came to retrieve the Guardian Gabrielle. She had given her soul to Lucas and was corrupting the books of the destinies,” I speak before Maliki can.

“Muriel….” Maliki begins, but Michael stops him.

“What of Muriel? Why did you speak her name?”

“We believe she’s in the underworld,” I intervene, trying to stall Maliki before he talks of Simone.

“Not possible. Her light would fade and she would die down there.”

My dad continues, “If she died, I would know. I would have to retrieve her soul.”

“So where is she?” I speak my thoughts aloud.

“Why? What does this have to do with a keeper?”

“Gabrielle was using one of Shamar’s souls for a destiny that was not written,” Maliki informs him.

“Where is Gabrielle now?”

“Dead, and her soul taken to the underworld.”

“So where does Muriel fit into this?” Michael asks.

Maliki takes a step forward, but my father stops him. “I was searching for her is all.”

Michael turns his glare upon him. “Still putting your love in places you shouldn’t? How long has it been? Yet you still seek her, still love her?” He looks him up and down and turns to Maliki. “This is unacceptable. I will inform the Grigori to put all their attention on your destinies and to read the books to make sure no one’s paths have been corrupted by Gabrielle’s treachery.”

“My guardians can do that,” Maliki replies, offended.

“I will be investigating all guardians on this matter, Maliki. This is too big an offense to be left. I will come for you.” Maliki nods. Light floods the room, and then disappears with Michael.

“Maliki, you can’t tell him of Simone.”

“You are a dear friend, Shamar, but this is too big. Daniel was killed. I will give you until Michael comes for me.” He disappears before I can answer.

“Shamar, I need to go, but I’ll be back,” my father says.

I sense Simone’s soul and go to her. She’s lying on a bed in a motel. Leah is next to her, sleeping.

“It’s been a long day.” Liam’s voice comes from behind me; his hair is wet from a shower.

“How is Leah?”

“She hasn’t said anything yet.”

“She’s a tough soul. Her light hasn’t diminished, Liam.”

He nods and goes to a table situated in front of a window. The wood is cheap; there are carvings of people’s names etched into it. The room is dingy, the drapes a dark green that match the wallpaper and duvet.

“It was the first hotel we came to,” Liam tells me, as if he can read my thoughts.

“You should try and get some sleep.”

He huffs and goes to the bed, taking a pillow and dropping it to the floor, lying down.

The hours pass and the only noise that fills the air is the sound of breathing. Occasionally, muffled laughter from the people walking past breaks the stillness. I step outside and take in the night; the sky is clear and the stars blink down at me. The crisp touch of the wind breezes against my skin. I go to the chairs spread in front of an empty pool; the paint is cracked, and dirty toys litter the bottom.

Leaning back into the chair, I feel so helpless. I need a way to save Simone. There’s no way I will allow him take her.

“Shamar.” Her delicate musical voice croons my name and my heart skips as her warm touch strokes over my shoulders. She climbs into my lap, igniting my desire and love for her.

Her head rests on my chest and I cradle her, feeling the soft touch of her skin. Her breath heats me like a flame, but her sadness breaks my heart.

I feel sorrow so deep. When Lucas killed Daniel, it was torture. I didn’t know him but it felt like my soul did. It was such a weird feeling. Leah looks broken and it’s all my fault. My insides feel jumbled like a spin cycle on the washing machine. Shamar’s touch comforts me as it always has and I need it, I need to feel him. I need guidance and his love.

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