My Soul Keeper (37 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

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The Broken Parts Of Us

Sneak Peek at upcoming Novel Empathy… By Ker Dukey.

Coming soon



My Birth name is Damian, fitting really or so I’m told by the woman who named me. “You’re the devils son” she would spit at me; pointing a shaky finger in my cheek in a drug induced haze whenever I would refuse to bend to her whim. I can still feel the impression of her fingertip when her nail would break the skin.

I go by Blake now, it’s my middle name chosen by the midwife who brought me back from the dead. My mother couldn’t even wait for me to be out her womb before her non-parental instincts kicked in, expelling me too early from her body with the cord wrapped neatly around my neck, robbing me of the life I had been gifted by a drunken fondle in a truck outside the back of a bar she worked at.

They say that some people are born with decreased activity in the brain, a cold spot in the front central lobe which affects the way they feel. Where most people have activity, a hot area giving them feelings, emotions and enabling them to love, there are a rare few that have a cold spot; affecting their ability to feel emotions,
. There are theories that say serial killers have this cold spot. Psychopaths. That is why they lack the ability to connect, care.

I don’t have feelings the same way most people do. I may be one of these people/psychopaths. I don’t know; what I do know is, I can fuck the women who claim to love me and leave them before the sweat’s even dried on my skin, knowing they will cry themselves to sleep. I can supply my mother with cash to fund her drug habit, hoping this will be the final hit to finally send her to the afterlife;
I can kill without remorse.

My emotions are corrupted, have been since my life changed in that one night. My ability to give a shit is absent. I don’t care about anyone, with the exception of my kid brother, who was the sole reason I became a killer to begin with. Maybe I would have killed no matter what. Some people are just born cold; born predestined to become evil to mark the world with their darkness; everything has a balance, some paint the world in techno colour. I paint it in red, blood red... Or can circumstance change us? Can evil doings of others force us to change the path we were on? To change the warmth in our souls? Can they dim our light making us cold… dark… evil? I don’t know, I have questioned this before but now, I just accept that this is who I am.

Coming this Fall

Two Amazon bestselling authors join forces.

Ker Dukey & D H Sidebottom

Bring you an erotic paranormal novel

Created for You

Angry of both side’s influence on souls, a truce was agreed by the God’s from both above and beneath. A new soul was created, made half part light from God himself and half part darkness from the seed of Lucifer. The soul was spilt in two, like all souls, and left to live freely until the time that the two halves found each other on earth. When united, they would create a unique soul, made from both darkness and light to create an unbiased ruler of the earth.

The female was light. She was beyond beautiful; her hair shone like the brightest of the suns; her skin so soft, like the touch of the purest silk with eyes the colour of the clearest bluest sky.

She was adored and desired by all. She had gifts, including those of reading emotions and healing worried souls. She was pure.

The male of darkness was also beyond beautiful; he had hair as dark as coal, his striking eyes the colour of the midnight sky. His abilities to alter emotions and make any woman bend to his will, amongst many others, had his town’s people calling him daemon (demon).

God sent an Angel to watch over the half of light and in doing so broke rules set by both sides.

The Angel fell deeply in love with the female of light, as she fell in love with him, therefore denying her prophesy, and the agreed resolution, to meet and claim her soul mate.

Lucifer felt betrayed, so sent out hells demonic, soul retrieving blood wolf to take the Angel’s soul and kill him. The hound after tasting such pure blood went into frenzy, rampaging through the whole town. He tore the town apart but couldn’t collect any souls that he wasn’t ordered to retrieve, therefore the poison from his bite infected the people making them part blood hound (Wolf).

They turned into blood hounds to feed an unnatural thirst for blood. They became strong and territorial; their senses heightened dramatically even in their human form.

The female of light was a unique soul made from purity and light so the poison had a different effect on her. She became a beautiful white wolf with free will, to feed from nature, keeping her mild thirst at bay. She commanded a bond of authority from the others and they listened, following her rule.

The Angel being immortal and made from heaven also changed into a beautiful wolf who could change at will but the hound took his soul like he was sent to do, making the Angel cold and cruel.

Even without a soul he still wanted the female of light for himself. When he let the blood lust take charge, he was soulless and ruthless, killing whoever he wanted.

When the soul of darkness came to their town fleeing from his own, the Angel went after him, biting him many times and savouring the kill. He was interrupted by the female of light as she turned into her wolf form, fighting him off, not knowing that the poison from the bites were infecting the blood of the soul of darkness. It worked differently on him as he was unique and already made from darkness he became what would later be referred to as vampire. He had traits of the blood hound, fangs like the hound. Blood was the only thing that could sustain him like the hound and sunlight was the only thing that could kill him. His strength was immense and his ability to influence increased.

When he woke from the change, his blood lust was uncontrollable, blinding him. He drained the first person he smelled, the female of light, her blood sending him crazy. His new strength was too much to control and he snapped her neck while feeding, killing her, sending her soul into the hereafter to be reincarnated into a new life, a new time.

God wanted justice. He killed the blood hound so this could never happen again. He made Lucifer return the Angel’s soul so he could feel and live with the consequences of his interference with fate. Both sides, darkness and light, agreed that they both played a part in all what had transpired and both would live with the consequences of their actions, therefore resulting in a vow to never intervene again. They would wait for fate, for the soul mates to find each other in a different lifetime.

The Angel was given back his soul. Heartbroken at what had occurred, he blamed himself and swore to protect the towns’ people/wolves where he would also protect the female of lights bloodline and wait for her rebirth.

Through the Dark souls bloodlust he had killed and infected many, his poison changing them to become like him. He eventually learned to control the thirst, taking what he needed without taking the life of the vessel in which he fed from.

The towns’ people/wolves hunted him. Since he killed the wolf of light, the war between both sides would manifest throughout the years.

Coming soon

The Decimation of Mae Swift

By D H Sidebottom

The Devil visited me three times in my life, albeit, my short life. Not in the physical sense you must understand, but very much literally.

He was persistent, if not resolute and tenacious. His ruthless greed to annihilate me was utterly disturbed. I am sure if he had hierarchy, the man at the top would have dragged his arse into Hell prison just for his unscrupulous methods.

I was just fifteen when I first became aware of what he was capable of. This initial taste of him set the playing field for how my life was to be
– for want of a better word.

He mocked me at this point, showed me mercilessly how he played the game, and how he liked to cheat at said game. He ridiculed and taunted until six months later, he won and took something of so much importance from me that I would never be the same again.

His second visit was, in my eyes, so much more cruel and heartless. I know we’re talking about the devil here, and yes, you have a right to say he had no heart, but even then, even when I was so utterly broken, I begged to differ and hoped – no prayed, that somewhere deep in the caverns of his black and tortured soul there was something that beat and confused his emotions once in a while.

But the third visit was somewhat different than the other two. He tried, and at first succeeded, to bring me to my knees once and for all but then something happened. God finally intervened and altered Satan’s intention; he sent hope and morphed the Devil’s minion into an Angel, hoping to break and shatter the anguish and suffering. He gave the ability for me to feel pleasure in pain, order in the chaos and light in the darkness.

But in giving me a reprieve, he also gave me something that would finally and ultimately obliterate me. He gave me the capability to love, therefore giving me the ability to be destroyed.

And Satan made sure that I was destroyed. Cruelly, viciously and sadistically.

I am Mae Swift, and this is the story of my decimation.

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