My Soul Keeper (8 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: My Soul Keeper
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“I’m sorry. Please… just don’t go out with that asshole. Please just don’t make me see you with anyone else. School’s nearly over, then we can go our separate ways at college. Please Simone, promise me.” I nod my head in agreement.

He releases me, and kisses my forehead before jumping into his truck. I watch him leave, then go through the back to the garden. Lying on the hammock, I look up to the black sky. There are no clouds, just the blue stars blinking at me.

I can’t blame the guy for trying to win Simone back but I was so relieved when she told him she didn’t want to be with him. I don’t understand why, after all this time, someone is affecting me in such a way. I need to find out more about her but can’t risk Gabrielle finding out I’m having contact with her Destined. I know I’m breaking rules but it’s almost like she’s a drug and I can’t get clean; I don’t want to get clean.

She’s lying in her garden when I go to her. I feel my heart dance in my chest when she inhales my scent from my jacket that’s still draped around her. The smile on her face could lighten the dark sky above us. I don’t stay long, I have to go collect Matthew’s soul.

“Hey, Matthew.” He smiles up at me from his bed, sweat glistens on his forehead. “It’s time, buddy.”

He nods his head; he knew I was coming to take him. In the end, they say the soul knows when it’s time.

I stroke his forehead and watch his vessel give in, watch the soul detach. I retrieve it, letting it flow into me. The autopsy will say he had a heart defect never picked up on at birth.

My job is not easy, but it’s something I’ve gotten used to. Not all souls are the same. Some have an age limit; they can only remain in the vessel for a certain amount of time. Matthew’s time is up. His death will lead his older brother to become a heart surgeon, and he will save a very important person’s life in the future. He’s a Destined. His Guardian, Maliki, has been my friend for over three hundred years; he always shares their destinies with me, leaving me with another reason Gabrielle’s secrecy exasperates me.

“Shamar, walk with me.” Maliki speaks from behind me. I turn to follow him into the street. “What troubles you, Shamar? You know this is destined to happen.”

I smile up at my friend, his pale green eyes looking into mine. “I have been doing this job long enough to know that, Maliki. It’s not Matthew. I have met a girl who enthrals me, which has never happened. She has such a bright soul; it’s like none I’ve ever seen.”

He stops walking, placing his hand on my arm. “You’re in love? Is that even possible, Shamar?”

“I didn’t say I’m in love. I’m intrigued by her soul.”

He continues to walk again.

“She’s a Destined. Gabrielle is her Guardian and she’s very protective, secretive about this charge.”

“We all love and are protective of our charges, Shamar. I share with you because you have a part to play and I trust you. If I can, I will find out some information on this soul, but be warned. You might not like what I find. You can’t have her if she is destined for another.”

I nod but he notices my grimace.

“I think it best that you stay unseen by her until I can find out more.”

I know he’s right. If she is destined for someone, then I can’t be there mixing up her feelings.

I’m engulfed in warm, brilliant light. A soft silky feeling tickles my skin as I’m wrapped in a cocoon of feathers. Guitar riffs and a gravelly voice fill my mind. I’m pulled from the comfort of the light and wake to music blasting from my alarm. I groan as I reach for the snooze button. Rubbing down my arms, I remember the peaceful comforting dream that I’ve had since I was a child. My mom’s silhouette fills the doorway to my room.

“Hey, honey. Would you mind feeding Junior while I take a shower?” I throw back my duvet and reach for him with a smile.

“Thank you. I’ll be quick.” She hands me his bottle.” I’ve been pumping to see how much he’s taking. I need to get him to eat more so he sleeps longer,” she moans, sounding exhausted.

“Go have a shower, Mom. Take your time.”

She exhales hard and nods a thanks.

After drinking three ounces of milk, Junior is officially milk drunk. I bring up his wind before laying him down in his cot, tucking in his blankets and kissing his velvet soft head. I take my own shower and get ready for school. On the way out the door, I check my phone to find texts from Leah.


I reply quickly. YES. TLK WHN C U

When I pull up, Leah is waiting for me; she opens my door before I even take the keys out of the ignition. “What happened?” she asks.

“We talked. I told him it was over and we can still be friends.”

Her mouth drops open, like she’d been waiting for something juicer. “And he just accepted this? Because he was out of his mind at the party and then Lucas said something to him and he almost lost it.” Her brow lifts.

“I have no idea why or what Lucas said to him. I’m not interested in Lucas.”

She snorts and gives me a look like I’m in denial.

“Okay, yes, he is very hot and I do think about him naked too often, but that’s all. It’s lust. I actually really like someone else.”

She puts her hand out to stop me. “Wait - who? No, don’t tell me. It’s the mall hottie.”

I laugh and sigh. “He’s just… he’s different. I can’t explain it. I shouldn’t be thinking about dating again so soon but I can’t help how he makes me feel.”

“So has he asked you on a date?”

“No, actually.”

I promised Jacob I wouldn’t date until college but he doesn’t go to school with us, so maybe…

“Simone, what are you thinking about? I lost you.”

I sigh again. “I have class now. I’ll meet you at lunch,” I pull the classroom door open and head to my seat. Other students file in and eventually the buzz around the room quiets.

“Can we talk?”

I look up from my seat, straight into the pale green eyes of Gabrielle. The pain of her betrayal stings. “I have a free period after this class. I’ll meet you out front,” I tell her.

Once class lets out I find Gabrielle waiting for me as soon as I step out the door.

The sun beats down, warming my skin as I gesture for Gabrielle to walk with me to the field.

“So?” I ask her.

She swipes a tear from her cheek. “I took the week off school so you didn’t have to see me, but Simone,” she breathes, “I miss you. I’m so sorry. I can’t explain what happened. I was drinking and-”

I stop her mid-sentence and midstride. “You don’t drink, Gabrielle.”

“I know,” she sobs. “I thought I would try and loosen up a little. Leah always says I’m prim and before I knew it, I was very drunk.” She looks to the grass and I feel sorry for her. God, how pathetic am I? She seduces my boyfriend and I’m feeling sorry for her, feeling guilty about it.

“Listen, it really hurt, what you did, but I don’t want to argue with you. I’m not saying I can go back to what we were-”

“Okay, I understand. I just want you to give me a chance to make it up to you.”

“Time. Time is what I need.”

She nods and swipes the remaining tears from her face. I watch her walk back towards school. I carry on my walk onto the field. Some of the cheerleaders are practicing their cheers in their free period. I spot Amanda sitting, looking exhausted. Her skin is pale and there are dark circles under her eyes. She has her hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. She looks worried. She catches me staring and throws me an evil glare, squinting her eyes and pursing her lips.

“She looks like shit,” I hear over my shoulder. Mia, one of Amanda’s so-called friends and fellow cheerleaders is standing next to me.


“Amanda. I’ve never seen her look this bad in all the years I’ve known her.”

“Maybe she’s ill. She was drinking at the party,” I offer.

“She always drinks at parties. I think Lucas maybe kept her up.” She giggles. “They left together. I think they’re an item or something.” She waits for a reaction, but I don’t give her what she wants.

“Yeah, I think they are.”

I smile and leave her standing there. I feel Amanda’s evil eye follow me behind the bleachers until I’m out of her sight. I go to my favourite tree and lie underneath it, staring up at the sky. The sun bleeds through the branches, creating pretty streams of light that I reach up to wave my fingers through. The peace of the sky soaks into my skin, taking away the anxiety in my body from the run-in with Gabrielle and glares from Amanda. I realize I’ve been sat here a while, so I check the time and head back in.

“Ready for lunch?” Liam chimes in my ear as I stand by my locker, emptying my bag. The morning has drifted by in a haze. My stomach growls its approval and I slam my locker, linking arms with his.

“So, how are things?”

I smile up at him and shrug. “A lot has happened over the last few weeks. Everything is changing.”

“Well, not much longer now and school will be a distant memory.” He pulls open the door to the cafeteria. Leah waves me over to her table and rubs the seat next to her for me to sit.

“Liam, get Simone a salad,” she orders. He stalks off, shaking his head, but goes in the direction of the salad bar. This gains a giggle from me and Leah.

“So, we have to decide who’s going to take you to prom,” Leah informs me.

I groan and sink into my seat. “I was thinking I might miss it.”

A few gasps echo around the table and all the girls shake their heads.

“No way are you missing prom, Simone. Can’t you bring the hunk from the mall?”

I see a few raised eyebrows go up in question, their ears pricking to listen in to our conversation as I shoot Leah a knowing glare. She grimaces and bends down to my ear to whisper, “Can’t you bring the hunk from the mall?”

I shake my head. “A bit late to whisper it now, Leah. Everyone heard you.”

“Heard what?” Jacob’s voice booms over my shoulder as he plants his tray on the table and takes a seat next to me. Liam reaches over, placing my salad in front of me then takes a seat next to Leah.

“Thanks, Liam.”

“Heard what?” Jacob asks again.

“Nothing,” I say, shaking my head slightly.

“Leah asked Simone if she was taking her new hunk to the prom,” Mia gladly informs him. Leah throws a fry at her; she screeches and removes it from her plate.

“Gross. Do you know how many calories are in those things? And why are you sitting at this table? Simone’s not even with Jacob anymore, that was your only reason for sitting at our table.”

Her friends nod and look to Leah with disgust at her choice of lunch.

“Oh no. You better go work out, just in case the calories from one fry infect your finger and make you fat. I’ll sit where I want, bitch, and if you butt your nose in again, I’ll come over while you sleep and inject you with cholesterol,” Leah retorts.

“Bite me.” Mia sneers.

“No way! Do you know how many calories are in your ass?”

Liam laughs and looks to me. “So who’s the hunk?”

I feel the pink blush heat my cheeks. “No one. They misinterpreted our,” I wag my finger between me and Leah, “conversation.”

“Whatever,” Mia says, flicking her hair.

“So, you don’t want me to take you to the prom?”

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