My Soul Keeper (7 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: My Soul Keeper
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“What was that, Simone?” Leah’s high pitched voice stings my ears as I watch him leave, his t-shirt clinging to obvious muscles. I look back to Leah, who is now standing with her hands on her hips, glaring at me.

“I thought you were into Lucas?” she asks.

“I didn’t say I was into Lucas, and it’s crazy, I don’t know. I just felt so comfortable, relaxed, like I know him.”

I can’t explain the effect he has on me. My whole system is on the fritz lately. Lucas makes me have lustful thoughts whenever I’m around him, but the tropical-eyed angel makes me feel beautiful, cared for and safe. Then there’s the electric pull that crackles in my veins when he touches me; desire like a million lightening bugs taking flight inside me. God, I’ve turned into a hormonal freak that fantasizes in class and makes out in malls.

“I don’t understand what’s happening with me, Leah.”

She starts laughing hard. “You’re just horny, which is normal. I love this new you. I think you should sample both. you deserve it.” She laughs again and I slap her arm in horror.

“Leah I couldn’t do that.”

“Why? Have you seen them? They’re both sin incarnate.”

Linking our arms she drags me into the next store.

I watch her scope out some short dresses from the racks before pulling me into the dressing room at the back of the shop. She opens a red velvet curtain and ushers me inside, thrusting a pile into my arms.

“Try these on and show me each one.”

I groan and hang the dresses on the hook in the small cubicle, drawing the curtain closed. I shimmy out from my jeans and top. The first dress is a red satin; it clings to me like leather in the summer. It hugs my ass and is only a couple of inches lower than my actual cheeks. It’s strapless, and I’m grateful for my perky breasts. They’re not too big but they’re not small. I’m lucky gravity hasn’t noticed. Pulling back the curtain I step out.

“That’s the one. Wow, Simone. How Jacob let you go is crazy. He is going to cry when he sees you in this.”

“It’s so short, Leah. And red. And tight.”

“Exactly. Seriously, you look incredible.”

I shake my head and go back in the cubicle, stripping the dress off and pulling my jeans back on. I hear muffled voices outside. When I step out, Amanda and her band of evil bitches confront me.

“Well, look who it is. The prude who couldn’t satisfy Jacob.”

“Fuck off Amanda,” Leah snaps.

“You were never meant to be with him, anyway. I’m head cheerleader. Jacob was meant to be with me.”

“You’re welcome to him, Amanda,” I reply shaking my head at her stupid rules of high school dynamics.

She screws her face up. “I don’t want him now. I have Lucas.”

My eyes widen and she wastes no time continuing. “So, stay away from him. I’ve seen you all over him but he’s mine. Understand?”


“What am I saying? You’re too much of a prude for him, anyway. He likes a real woman, not a frigid bitch like you.” She picks up a long, dated, flowery dress and throws it at me. “Don’t forget your outfit.”

She walks off laughing and her little minions follow, sniggering.

Leah glares at me with raised eyebrows. “Please let me kick her ass?”

I shake my head and smirk. “No, we’ll be clever,” I say. Pulling the curtain and taking the red dress from the hook, I say, “Let’s go find some shoes to go with my new dress.”

“Oh my God, I love the new you,” she squeals.

I walk into Jessica’s house arm in arm with Leah. I found four-inch black shoe boots that, with my dark hair flowing loose and alongside my black clutch, set off the red dress perfectly. I’ve let Leah talk me into a deep red lipstick and smoky eye makeup. She looks gorgeous in her black fitted backless dress that she’s teamed with bright blue pumps just to keep an edge to her look.

I’m completely out of my comfort zone in such a provocative dress but when I see Amanda’s jaw drop before she sneers a cuss at me, I smile.

“Wow, Simone, you rebelling or what?” Liam asks, pulling me to the side.

“What if I am?”

“Don’t let their weakness change who you are.”

I look into his eyes and see real concern. Liam’s always been there for as long as I can remember, in the background, but he’s never said anything like this to me before.

“Thanks for the pep talk, Liam, but I’m not letting anyone change me.”

He shakes his head. “Just don’t do anything you wouldn’t normally do just to spite Jacob.”

“Look, I know he’s your best friend but he was the one who wronged me. I’ll do what the hell I like.”

I push past him. He calls out after me. “I’m your friend too, Simone. Don’t forget that.”

I smile tightly over my shoulder and head to the kitchen for a drink. I reach for a red plastic cup and fill it with beer from the keg, gulping it down and refilling. I overhear two girls gossiping in the corner about Daniel’s death, and I step closer.

“So apparently Ant’s dad, who’s a cop, said Steven’s head was twisted all the way around and both his hands were shattered, which is just plain weird.” I sense Lucas before I see him. The creep of his burn sparking in my neck then travels up my arm, igniting. I look to see his hand there.

“Hmmm, sweet Simone, don’t you look devilish,” he groans in his deep, sexual voice.

“Lucas.” Amanda’s bitchy voice invades my ears and his grip tightens. Irritation pours from him and it feels like it enters me from his touch.

She pulls his arm from me. “I really need to show you something,” she whines, dragging him away.

“Simone.” I look up to see Jacob and I pour another drink.

“Jacob,” I reply sarcastically.

“Why are you dressed like this? Are you trying to make me jealous? Because it’s working.”

I stroke down the front of my dress and smile coyly. “Do you like my dress Jacob?”

His eyes drink me in and I see a simmer of his attraction behind them. “Yes, can we talk?”

“Mmmm, nope.” I laugh and head for the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the room. I find Liam and Leah gyrating together and I position myself behind Leah, holding her hips and flowing with her to the beat. It’s not long before my whole body heats up and arms slink around my waist, pulling me against Lucas’s hard body.

“I love the dress, Simone,” he breathes against my neck, and I feel it pull at my core.

“How do you make me feel this way?” I stutter.

“Because you want me. Give yourself to me,” he whispers.

I turn to face him. I feel a cold splash over my back, making me gasp in shock. I turn to see Amanda with an empty cup.

“Oops,” she sniggers.

The liquid soaks through my dress. I push past her and head for the door; Lucas tugs at my wrist and turns me.

“I don’t know what I want, Lucas, but you’re clearly taken, anyway and I don’t need the drama. Stay away from me please.”

I yank my wrist free and hurry to the front door, swinging it open. I make my way down the path and onto the street. The night air brushes my skin and whips at the dampness on my back, making me shiver.

“Simone,” a familiar voice calls. I turn into the angelic eyes of my mall make out guy.

“Oh, hey. How do you always appear out of nowhere?”

He smiles. “I saw you inside. I was coming to say hi when I saw you leaving.”

He pulls off his jacket and slings it around my shoulders. His clean scent assaults my senses. I can’t help inhaling deep and soaking him in.

“Are you heading home?” he asks. His voice soothes my nerves, which were worn from the drama that unfolded inside.

“I drove here with Leah. She’s my ride.”

“Let me walk you?”

“I don’t even know your name.”

His smile is breath-taking. “I’m Shamar. Pleased to officially meet you.” He offers his hand and I slip mine into it.

“Simone. Nice to meet you.”

I take my phone out to text Leah that I’ve gone home and start to walk down the path with Shamar, which is an unusual name, intriguing me further.

“So are you new in town?” I ask.

“Yes,” he replies and offers no more.

“I haven’t seen you at school. Do you go somewhere else?”

He lightly laughs. “I graduated a long time ago.”

“Oh my God, how old are you?” I panic.

He puts his hand up and reaches for mine to reassure me. “I meant earlier in the year. I graduated early so I could move and not need to start a new school.”

I exhale and laugh. “Thank God. I was scared I’d been getting it on with an old man for a minute,” I joke.

“Getting it on? Is that what we’re doing?” He smirks.

Embarrassment heats my cheeks. “No. Oh God, that sounded awful.”

“It’s okay. I’m just messing with you, I know what you meant. So, why are you always running from parties?”

I roll my eyes and shrug. “I just seem to have bad luck when it comes to parties lately. I’m always the responsible friend. I don’t drink too much, if at all. I stay usually to clean up, yet I’m finding myself getting into shitty situations. Maybe I should just get drunk and act stupid with everyone else, loosen up a bit. My friend Leah says I need to.”

I look up to Shamar, who’s stopped and is gazing down at me. “Simone, everyone is different. Just because you prefer to have respect for yourself and have a higher maturity than your friends, that isn’t a bad thing. Life throws us into shitty situations but no matter what, you can’t let it change you or change what’s in your soul. You’re a good person.”

His hand cups my cheek. His gaze is filled with longing and it moves me; I feel like I’m floating. I hear a car screeching and then a door slam shut. Shamar's hand drops and his lips lift into a small smile.

“Simone, who’s this?” Jacob strides toward me full speed, pointing at Shamar.

“A friend. What are you doing Jacob?”

“Leah said you left. I was coming to talk. What’s with all the new guy friends? Is this to punish me for your slut friend?” I hear his words but I feel too calm to let him anger me anymore tonight.

“We do need to talk. Jacob, can you drive me home?”

He relaxes his stance and unclenches his fists, giving Shamar a dirty smirk. “Yeah, of course, baby. Come on.”

“Go to the truck. I’ll be there in a second.”

He tenses and huffs as he walks to his truck. I look up into Shamar’s eyes.

“I’m sorry. I need to air this out with him to give us both closure. Thank you for being there for me again.”

I slip off his jacket but he stops me and pulls it further onto my shoulders. “Keep it on. It’s cold and you’re wet. I’ll get it another time. Gives me an excuse to see you again.”

He smiles while his thumb strokes my cheek. I hold onto his wrist as he caresses my skin. “Thank you,” I breathe.

Jacob honks repeatedly on his horn, making Shamar break contact.

The drive to my house is silent. When Jacob pulls into my drive, he cuts the engine and rubs over his face with both hands.

“I love you, Simone.”

I exhale hard and take his hand. “Listen, Jacob. We were together a long time and I love you, but when all this happened, it hurt.”

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

“Let me finish. When it happened, I was hurt, but more for losing my friendships. It made me realise that maybe we stayed together because it was routine. I forgive you but I don’t want to be with you.”

His fist comes down hard on the steering wheel. “Fuck that. Simone, I waited for you and now what? I don’t fucking get you. That’s bullshit.”

I scoot further into my corner and put my hand on the door handle. “Is that all I was, Jacob? Just a means to an end? Did you just want to get in my pants?”

He laughs hard and glares at me. “Don’t be a bitch. I was with you because I love you and I think I earned the right to get in your pants.”

“How can you say this stuff to me? I can’t believe this is really you.”

He rubs over his face again and a tear drops from his face. “I’m sorry, Simone. I don’t know what I’m saying. That fucking douche Lucas was saying shit to me at the party and I just feel angry and weird. Fuck!”

He punches the dashboard again. I open the door and jump down from the truck. By the time I get around the front of the truck, he collides with me, grabbing me into a tight embrace.

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