Monster Sex Stories (27 page)

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Authors: Lexi Lane

BOOK: Monster Sex Stories
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was in shock. What he said made no sense; she had not been taken by a
dragon. That was impossible. But as her mind tried to make sense of
his words, her body began to remember. She recalled the touch of his
lips on her skin, his mouth sucking her breast, as a human, as a
beautiful man…and then a forked tongue, licking her over and
over. She squirmed on the bed, her hips shifting, as pieces of the
night came back to her. Then she remembered something thrusting into
her, something hard and hot, sending waves of pleasure through her
body. But that something wasn’t human.

then she was falling, the night sky above, the sea below, rushing
toward her. As the fragments washed over her, came together as one
memory, Eva cried out, her hand to her mouth.

That’s not true! That was a dream…it was just a dream!”
Eva shrank further away from Evered.

slow smile curved Evered’s lips.

dream, my dear; the truth. It happened.” He leaned toward Eva.
“And it will happen again, very soon. And in this very bed.”

sat back. “There’s a story here you know nothing about. I
told you: I am the dragon, the savage creature who has burned
villages. The creature your entire kingdom hates. The creature to
whom you have been offered as a sacrifice.”

watched him with wide eyes. He took another swallow from his goblet.

eat, drink. I don’t mind.” He gestured at the platter
between them. She ignored his gesture.

to continue. I am, of course, under a curse. I crossed the wrong
witch. She found me in bed with her sister, who I found to be a much
more agreeable witch. Anyway, she cursed me, turned me into a dragon.
I made the only demand I could; a virgin or I’d destroy village
after village. She agreed and here I am.” Evered spread his

here, my dear, are you.” Evered stood, picking up the platter,
setting it on a small table. He drained his goblet, holding Eva’s
toward her. She made no move to take the goblet.

Well, no use wasting this.” He drained the liquid, setting both
goblets on the table. “No matter. This was neither poisoned nor
drugged. Just good wine.” He removed his jacket, tossing it
across a chair.

something I managed to acquire, along with the rest of what you see…”
he waved he hand around the room “…from the castles I

began unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it free from his breeches,
flashes of his broad chest visible. Eva watched, horror mixing with
something else, something that fluttered in the pit of her stomach,
as he shed his shirt, dropping it across his coat. She saw broad,
smooth skin over rippling muscles. Her fingers suddenly itched to
reach out and touch him, to run her fingers over that smoothness,
feel the hardness beneath.

am cursed to be a dragon whenever I leave this cave; the witch
granted me the small favor of returning to my human form when I am
inside.” Evered looked around the small chamber.

think it’s because the cave is too small for my dragon form, or
she wanted to be able to visit me on occasion, I’m not sure.”
Evered sat in a chair, toeing off his boots. He stood, undoing the
flies on his breeches. Eva flushed deeply as he stripped his pants
down his legs, kicking them aside. He looked down at Eva, hands on
his hips.

before her stood Lord Galef Evered, his body softly lit by the
dancing flickers of candlelight. Against all her will, Eva’s
eyes traveled over his body, his broad chest with darker nipples,
flat stomach tapering to narrow hips, long muscular legs. Even his
feet were beautiful. And then her eyes traveled back to the apex of
his thighs.

had never seen a naked man, let alone a man’s cock. But there
was Evered, naked, his cock resting against his balls, in a thatch of
dark hair between his legs, long and straight. She lifted her eyes to
Evered’s face, meeting his gaze.

Why did you need a virgin?” Eva found her voice, felt the
fluttering in her stomach increase, moving lower, turning into deep
jolts of something else. She squirmed in the bed, her breath coming
faster through parted lips.

came to stand by the edge of the bed, looking down at Eva. She tried
to drag her eyes to meet his gaze, but they kept straying down to his
cock. She knew he was watching her, sensed it made him smile to have
her eyes on his body, on his cock. The heat in her belly grew, her
heart beating faster. She had an intense longing to reach out and
touch his cock, to feel it in her hand, to watch Evered’s
reaction as it grew hard. She clutched the sheets to keep from
grabbing for him.

can be free of the curse if I produce an ‘heir’, so to
speak. The witch demands a child, a human child sired by me…a
boy, no less…one who carries the ability to become a dragon at
her command. She believes this will happen if I mate with a virgin.”
Evered looked down at Eva.

I don’t believe it will work. But I’m willing to try, if
she thinks it will break this curse.”

looked at Evered. His cock had grown harder, now standing away from
his body. Evered reached over, pulling the blankets away from her
body. She clutched at them, but he twitched them out of her hands. He
swept the blankets to the foot of the bed, looking down at Eva’s

are certainly beautiful. I’ve told you that before. I believe
beautiful women should be told how beautiful they are, frequently.”
Evered sat on the edge of the bed. Eva’s eyes again slid down
his body, looking at his cock, now rising straight up his hard
stomach. She swallowed, dragging her eyes back to his face.

you’ve had virgins before, why is there no child? You’re
still cursed…” Eva looked at Evered, and then blinked.
She swore she saw his eyes briefly glow red in the candlelight.

have not been, how shall we say, successful with all my virgins.”
Evered leaned back, rested on his elbow, reaching out to run his hand
slowly over Eva’s leg, caressing her thigh. She realized he was
displaying himself for her, showing her his body, his rippling
muscles, his thick cock, as it grew harder, longer.

didn’t survive mating with me in my dragon form. Hence the
drugged wine I gave you. It’s taken me a long time to perfect
that vintage. Some virgins didn’t survive my earlier efforts;
they died before I even got them out of their clothes. That was most

looked down, watching as his hand moved higher up her leg, sliding
his fingers toward the tender inner skin of her thigh. Eva watched
with fascination as his fingers worked between her legs. She felt
herself growing wet, the persistent throbbing between her legs
growing stronger. Against her will, her legs relaxed, parting

some, there was no chemistry. They were unresponsive to my advances,
quite unable to enjoy the experience.” Evered looked up at Eva.
“But with you, Eva, there is so much chemistry. And you enjoyed
yourself immensely last night.” He sat up.

I guarantee you will continue to enjoy yourself today, and for many
days and nights to come.”

rose and gracefully slid onto the bed next to Eva. She willed herself
to slide away but her body seemed to move by itself toward Evered. He
reached for her, pulling her into his embrace, leaning down to look
at her. He brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

you are beautiful. And I’m going to enjoy this, as you are.”

kissed Eva, his tongue flicking over her lips. Eva opened her mouth,
meeting his tongue, thrust for thrust. After a moment, Evered raised
his head.

sense a change in you, Eva. Not the shy little virgin who I brought
here yesterday.” Evered looked down at her, running his fingers
over her face.

think I’m going to enjoy this even more than I thought.”
He claimed her lips again, searing her with his kiss.

throbbing, the heat in Eva’s belly, was spreading through her
limbs. Even though she knew she wasn’t drugged, she felt the
same floating sensation from the night before. Her limbs felt light,
her thoughts were scattered. Evered’s lips on hers were driving
her wild; the nearness of his body made the blood in her veins sing.

reached up, pulling Evered to her, kissing him hard. He moved over
her, covering her body with his, one hand sliding beneath her back,
the other reaching up to cup her breast. Eva arched against his hand,
moaning softly.

hard cock was pressed against her stomach. With a tentative hand, she
reached down, touching him. She was surprised by how hot his cock
felt, how smooth it was, and how very hard.

ran her hand over his cock, feeling it twitch in her hand. Evered
groaned against her mouth, thrusting himself slowly against her hand
as she tightened her grip, rubbing him with her fingers.

like this…” He placed his hand over hers, sliding it
over his cock. “Like this…gently but firmly.”

looked down between their bodies, watching her small hand on his
cock, sliding her hand over him as he’d shown her. She looked
up at his face, his eyes closed, seeing his smile, his features
suffused with pleasure. Her heart beat faster as her body reacted to
the feeling of his hard cock in her hand.

moved between Eva’s legs, spreading them with his knees. She
felt his cock pressing against her thighs and then it was moving up
her leg, probing, prodding, seeking entrance.

then he was pressing himself into her, holding his cock in his hand,
rubbing it against her clit, sliding it between her legs. She pulled
her legs further back, rolling her hips up to meet his initial

Eva, you’re so sweet, so hot and wet. I want my cock in side
you; I don’t care if the curse is broken right now. All I want
to do is feel myself inside your body. Let me in, Eva. Let me in.”

mind went back to the night before, to that feeling of him thrusting
into her, the brief pain and then the explosion of pleasure. But
tonight was different; there was no pain. There was just the
exquisite pleasure of Evered’s cock sliding into her body,
thrusting slowly into her. Every nerve ending in her body came alive,
every cell seemed to awaken.

thrust her hips up, meeting Evered’s body stroke for stroke. He
buried his head in her shoulder, gasping against her neck. She raked
her nails across his back, crying out as he flexed his hips, driving
himself further into her body. She could feel his hot breath against
her skin, his mouth and tongue on her neck, licking and sucking at
her ear, the tender skin of her neck.

was filing with heat, starting low in her belly, rising through her
body, filling her completely. The feel of Evered’s cock, the
delicious friction of him against her virgin body made her shudder
beneath him.

suddenly she was arching up against him, crying out, her fingers
clutching handfuls of the linen sheets. Fierce waves washed through
Eva’s body, sending her spiraling out of control.

was thrusting rapidly into Eva, almost frantically, seeking his
release. Eva felt his cock throbbing, pulsing inside her. She watched
as he tipped his head back, eyes closed, his mouth open in a silent
cry, thrusting himself deeply into her, holding himself still for a

looked down at her as he thrust into her hard, once, twice…and
then he cried out loudly. She felt his seed flooding into her, his
cock pumping as Evered came inside her. Then Eva cried out again, not
from arousal, but at the sight of Evered’s face.

eyes were glowing bright red, as he looked down at her, filling her
body with his human seed.


took her many more times, as he promised, both in his human form and
as a dragon. She took him willingly in her bed, letting him use her
body, learning to use his for her pleasure. Soon they were equal
partners, she controlling him as much as he controlled her. She grew
to lust after him as much as he lusted after her.

discovered she enjoyed being taken by Evered in his human form,
wherever and whenever he desired her. And he took her frequently, on
any piece of furniture that was close, or on the thick rugs that
lined the cave.

learned to take his cock in so many different positions; on her hands
and knees, while he pummeled her from behind, his hand snaking down
to rub her clit while she bucked and arched beneath him. Or take her
standing, as he pressed her against the cool stone of the cave,
thrusting up into her hard, clutching her breast, his breath hot
against her ear as he came, filling her with his hot seed.

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