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Authors: Lexi Lane

Monster Sex Stories (26 page)

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my girl, you seemed to have enjoyed your wine.” He held the
goblet out to her. It was empty. Eva shook her head again; she
remembered taking only a sip.

leaned forward, tiling her face to him with his finger.

wine wasn’t poisoned, my dear. But it was drugged. Didn’t
your father tell you not to trust strangers?” Evered threw his
head back, laughing. “Poor naïve girl.”

slid gracefully from the table, walking behind Eva’s chair. She
felt his hands on her shoulders, his fingers massaging her. Her mind
had gone empty, the bubbles from the wine filling her head with a
golden light, but making thought impossible.

the feel of Evered’s fingers on her body soon became her entire
focus. His fingers were warm, softly skimming over the fabric of her
gown. She leaned back in the chair, tipping her head back against
Evered’s body, her eyes closed. She felt Evered’s fingers
sliding up her neck, running over her chin, her cheeks. She smiled,
vaguely wondering why, when she should be screaming, running from the
cave. But all she craved now was the touch of his fingers on her

moved his hands lower, sliding them down her neck, over her breasts,
cupping them as he leaned over her shoulder. She felt his hot breath
in her ear.

beautiful you are. But you haven’t told me your name yet, my

she sighed. His hands were doing things to her body, wonderful
things, starting a fire deep in her belly. She reached up, covering
his hands with hers as he squeezed her breasts.

Lovely name.” She felt him kiss her neck, his lips warm and
soft as he trailed kisses over her skin. “Lovely girl. I sense
a dragon’s fire smoldering in you, Eva, just waiting for the
right breath to set it ablaze.”

felt him lifting her, holding her gently around her waist, pulling
her out of the chair. Turning, she found herself looking up at

for a moment, she thought she was looking into the glowing red eyes
of the dragon.

bent his head to hers, claiming her lips in a brutal kiss. His hands
seemed to be everywhere on her body: her back, cupping her breasts,
clutching her ass, pulling her toward him.

felt the hard contours of his body pressed against hers; his muscular
chest beneath the fine linen shirt, his flat stomach. And then the
hard bulge of his erection, insistently pressing into her stomach.

tongue was probing her lips, seeking entrance. She hesitated only
briefly, opening her mouth, letting his tongue explore the soft
recesses of her mouth.

had little experience with men; as a princess her life had been
sheltered, her access to anyone so very limited. And her father had
considered men undesirable, had made sure she would remain a virgin
as a condition of her sacrifice.

now, as Evered plundered her mouth with his tongue, every cell in Eva
that had been held in suspension until now came alive. Eva wound her
arms around Evered’s neck, pulling him closer, tentatively
thrusting her tongue against his, the feeling of his slick warm
tongue against hers sending shivers down her spine.

she was moaning against his mouth, as his hands pulled and tugged at
her robe. As if from, a distance she heard fabric tearing, felt the
coolness of the cave air on her flushed skin.

then she was naked, Evered holding her in his arms. He broke away
from their kiss, looking down at her, his eyes traveling over her

my, Eva, you are beautiful, more than I had ever hoped for. They’ve
sent me some very ugly princesses over time; no wonder they were
virgins. But you, how have you remained pure with a body like this?”

waiting for an answer, Evered bent his head, kissing her neck,
trailing a line of kisses down her shoulder. He cupped her breasts,
running his thumbs across her nipples. She looked down, watching them
grow hard at his touch, gasping as a whole array of sensations
flooded through her body.

had never been with a man, but she had discovered on her own how much
pleasure she got from her own body. She’d spent many nights in
her room, her hands exploring her naked body, touching herself, hands
fondling her own breasts, squeezing and pinching them. But the
sensations she’d created were nothing compared to what Evered
was doing to her now. She tipped her head back, gasping softly.

lowered his head to Eva’s breast, licking her skin, kissing her
flesh. He flicked his tongue over her hard nipples, kissing them,
pulling them into his mouth, over and over. Finally he took one hard
nipple into his mouth, at first sucking softly, then with more force,
finally greedily pulling her breast into his mouth.

was moaning now, holding Evered’s head against her breast,
winding her fingers through his hair. She was dizzy from the wine and
excitement, her mind filled with scattered images: lying with Evered
in a large bed, his handsome face above hers as he entered her body,
his kisses in the candlelight, seeing his naked body in the dim
light. Watching his face as he took his pleasure in her body.

suddenly Evered broke away, gasping. Eva looked at him, his image
fuzzy, fading away from her. She felt herself falling, caught in a
set of talons, lifted and carried out of the cave, her mind drifting
away. Dizzy, she closed her eyes.

she was dreaming she was flying, the wind caressing her naked skin,
rushing past her ears. She opened her eyes to the night sky, a
million brilliant stars suspended against the black velvet of the

was cradled in the talons of the dragon, held gently as he circled
higher and higher in the sky above the sea. Her body thrummed with
excitement as they rose, so high Eva thought she could reach out and
touch the stars.

eyes filled her dream, as the cool night air rushed past her skin.
Then she felt something warm and wet probing between her legs, the
delicious sensation of having her clit licked making her squirm. She
looked down, seeing the dragon’s talons rising around her,
holding her, looking down at the snout of the dragon between her
spread legs. She watched as his forked tongue flicked out again,
brushing against her clit, felt her body arching in response.

the rush of the night wind she heard her own voice, crying out in
time to the probing of the dragon’s tongue, as he licked her
clit, probed between her legs. She ran her hands over her own
breasts, pinching the nipples until they grew hard, thrashing and
twisting in the dragon’s hold.

dragon’s tongue was driving her wild; suddenly she was arching
her back, her hips rising, her body wracked by waves of pleasure.
Opening her eyes, she looked up at the dragon’s face, as he
looked down at her, those red eyes glowing against the night sky. She
felt his hot breath against her skin, heard his voice from a

my dear. You are quite a tasty morsel. But I’m only getting
started with you.”

heard the words, but they slipped away from her before she could
understand them. She was flying again, her mind filled with those
damned tiny bubbles from the wine.

then the dragon was holding her beneath his body, his sinuous tail
sliding between her legs, spreading them apart. The talons that held
her relaxed, and she was lying on her back on the dragon’s
tail, the scales hard but flexible beneath her, surprisingly warm.
She wanted to run her hands over them, to feel the hard muscles she
sensed beneath the scales. But she was distracted by something hot
and slick that was prodding her, sliding against her thighs, seeking
entrance to her body.

in her dream, Eva wanted whatever it was that was touching her,
wanted it desperately, wantonly, to repeat the sensations the
dragon’s tongue had produced. So she spread her legs further,
rolling her hips up as the hot hard thing thrust into her. She cried
out, a brief pain flaring through her body, soon replaced by a liquid
heat, a heat that grew and intensified as the thing in her body began
moving, thrusting into her over and over, stretching her, the
friction inside her building, taking her to an incredible peak.

opened her eyes; the hazy image of the dragon’s body was above
her, smooth black scales stretched over her, his massive head thrown
back, wings beating the air. He opened his mouth and Eva saw flames
against the night sky. She heard him roar, a deep sound that echoed
through her mind.

thing inside her pulsed and throbbed, suddenly filling her with
exquisite warmth. Her body reacted, arching up as she cried out,
thrashing, twisting from side to side, her own liquid heat melding
and flowing with the thing that prodded and pushed inside of her.
Looking up, she saw the dragon’s eyes, glowing red, as he
filled her with his dragon seed. Then she felt the scales of the
dragon sliding out from beneath her, felt her world tilt and spin.

she was falling, the night sky above disappearing as she plummeted
toward the earth. The sea came rushing toward her. She thought she
screamed, but the wind was so loud in her ears she wasn’t sure.

then she was plucked from the sky by the dragon, cradled against him,
wrapped in his talons. She looked up, his red eyes briefly meeting
hers. She thought for a moment that he looked frightened. But dragons
were never frightened. And then she drifted back into sleep, the tiny
bubbles filling her mind, her body deliciously relaxed.


sound of footsteps on stone woke Eva. She remained still, her eyes
closed, not quite sure where she was. It wasn’t the castle;
this wasn’t her room, or her bed. The linen, while soft, wasn’t
as soft as the linen on her bed in the castle.

her eyes, it all came back to her: she was in the cave of the dragon;
she was the virgin sacrifice to save her village. She sat up, looking
around the small chamber. The walls were hung with tapestries, much
softer in color than in the other room, depicting scenes of gardens
in bloom. The furniture was delicate, carved with fleur-de-lis and

was a rap on the stone; Lord Evered was standing in the archway of
the room, holding aside the heavy draperies that covered the opening.
Eva realized she was naked. Instinctively she pulled the blankets up
to her chin. Evered walked into the room, carrying a tray with an
assortment of fruits, cheeses and bread, a flask and two tall silver

morning, Eva. I trust you slept well.” He set the tray on the
bed, settling next to it. He poured a clear liquid from the flask,
handing her the goblet. She shook her head.

no more drinks. You tricked me with the wine.” She moved away
from him, sliding toward the other side of the bed.

so much tricked you as omitted information. I told you what you
wanted…needed to hear, no more, no less. You wouldn’t
have drunk the wine if I told you it as drugged and it was imperative
that you drank the wine.” He took a bite of cheese, sipping
from his goblet.

why was it necessary that I be drugged?”

would have been no way in all the heavens that you would have
willingly let me take you in my other form, as a dragon, without a
little herbal assistance.”

me? Take me where?” Eva looked at Evered in alarm. He laughed

‘where’, my dear, but ‘how’. Do you not
remember anything of our time together last night? I am deeply hurt
if you do not.” He smiled at her, the candlelight reflecting in
his dark eyes. Eva blinked; for a brief instant she was certain they
had turned red. But her mind was playing tricks again.

had a dream. I was flying…with the dragon…it was
carrying me. And then…” her voice trailed off and she
felt her face grow hot. She looked down at her hands.

not proper to say what I dreamed of next, sir.”

threw his head back, laughing. “Oh, Eva. Such an innocent. You
weren’t dreaming; that was as real as I am, sitting here with
you now.” He leaned toward her; she pulled back further.

were my virgin sacrifice last night, taken by me in dragon form. Were
you not drugged, you would have never agreed. Or been quite so pliant
at my touch.” He sat back, watching her face.

it were, you tumbled away from me. I caught you, no harm done. But
were you not drugged, you would have been badly frightened, possibly

BOOK: Monster Sex Stories
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