Monster Sex Stories (19 page)

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Authors: Lexi Lane

BOOK: Monster Sex Stories
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gotten up on her hands and knees for a shining white Centaur. He
planted is forelegs on the stone, straddling her body, his cock
finding and taking her from behind. She cried out at this new
sensation, this new stretching and filling of her body. As the white
Centaur pounded into her, she reached between her legs, finding her
clit, rubbing it frantically. She arched her back, crying out as a
sudden and violent orgasm ripped through her body. She fell forward
on the stone, her ass in the air, the white Centaur thrusting into
her rapidly. And then he was filling her with his seed, like the rest
had. Anna felt it flooding into her and then the force of the
Centaur’s cock pushed her forward. She collapsed face down on
the stone as he pulled out of her, and he climbed back off the

lay gasping on the stone, her fingers clutching at the smooth rock.
It suddenly occurred to her this stone must have been used by
centuries of Centaurs, just for this, just to mate with human woman.
wonder it’s as smooth as silk; it’s been worn down by
countless women, on their backs, taking one Centaur cock after
another. And now I’m here, smoothing it down even more.

rolled on to her back. The sun was fading from the sky; blue twilight
filtered through the trees. Therran was standing next to the boulder
now, watching the last Centaur as he prepared to mount Anna. She’d
seen Therran there, all day, watching each Centaur take her, seeing
every reaction from Anna: every cry she made reaching his ears, every
move she made watched by those magic eyes.

reached out now, stroking Therran’s coat, running her fingers
over his flank. She felt him shudder at her touch. He looked down at
her, a smile on his lips. She ran her hand further back, under his
belly, toward his back leg. He shuffled sideways, his body pressed
against the stone.

twisted her head back, watching as Therran’s cock as grew
longer, extending from its sheath, as he watched the last Centaur
move over Anna. As she spread her legs for this chestnut Centaur, she
reached out, running her hand over Therran’s cock, feeling him
twitch at her touch, and hearing him groan softly.

turned, looking down at her and she met his eyes, some magic passing
between them. She held his gaze as she slowly stroked Therran’s
cock, watched as pleasure washed over his features. His eyes grew
dark, heavy lidded with arousal, his lips parted, and breath coming
fast. Anna thought he was the most beautiful creature she had ever

stroked Therran’s cock as the chestnut Centaur slid himself
into Anna. She cried out as he entered her, her hand closing around
Therran’s cock, pulling and tugging him as the chestnut Centaur
thrust himself into Anna’s body.

groaned, his front hooves pawing the ground, moving his body closer
to Anna. She stroked his cock in time to the Centaur’s thrusts
into her body, running her small hand up and down the impressive
length of Therran’s cock, rubbing and stroking, reaching back
to fondle his balls, making him twitch and shudder.

the three of them were all crying out, the chestnut Centaur singing
the song she’d come to know that meant he were coming. Therran
was moaning deep in his throat, more animal than human. And Anna, her
head back, was making sounds she never knew she could make, never
made with Jon.

she was filled once again with the stunning heat of a Centaur’s
orgasm, the sensation filling her completely. And against her hand,
she felt Therran coming.

her head, she watched as his hips twitched forward, his cock growing
rigid as a stream of creamy liquid shot from his cock. His head was
back, face to the sky, arms thrown wide as his hindquarters pushed
forward, as Anna continued stroking him, as he pumped his seed onto
the ground.

chestnut Centaur had pulled away from her. She watched him bow,
leaving the circle. She was alone now with Therran. He stood at her
feet, bowing deeply to her.

knelt on the edge of the stone. Therran moved to stand in front of
her. She ran her hands up his chest, wrapping her arms around his
neck. He looked down at her, his eyes dark, the amber flecks now
almost red in the dying light of the sun.

have done very well, Anna.” He wrapped his arms around her,
pulling her against his torso, her head resting on his shoulder. She
ran her hand down over his powerful shoulder, down the smooth skin of
his chest, her fingers tracing over the warm skin.

inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as his scent filled her mind,
bringing back all the pleasure she’d had from him. It seemed
like a distant memory, from another time. He’d been her first
Centaur, that very morning. Now she’d had the entire herd,
every one of them. She listened to his heart beating, strong against
her naked skin.

now? What happens to me now?” She found a strand of his silky
black hair blowing in the breeze. She caught it, winding it between
her fingers.

I said, we will care for you. We will know very shortly if you’ve
taken.” She felt him tenderly kiss her head.

can live with you?” She looked up at him, running her fingers
down his cheek.

smiled down at her. “It would be hard for us to care for you if
you didn’t live with us. We have a place for you that will be
safe, out of the weather, and we will give you everything you need.”
He tipped her face up to his, brushing her lips with his. She pulled
away, her voice low, tentative.

I yours, Therran? I mean, can I be yours? Even though I mated with
every one of the Centaurs today?” She looked up at his magic
eyes, wishing she could work magic on him, to make him say yes.

do not have just one mate, Anna.” She lowered her eyes. After a
moment he tipped her face up to his again. He kissed her, this kiss
searing, claiming her mouth, and her, with a possessiveness that
belied his words.

you have touched a place in my heart no other human has.” She
looked up at Therran, hope blooming in her heart.

are mine. And I am yours, as much as a Centaur can be anyone’s.”
He laughed, a deep sound that she felt more than heard.

are wild creatures, Anna.” He kissed her again, looking into
her eyes. “But then, I suspect you are too. Come.”

with that, he swung her up on his back, breaking the spell of the
standing stones as he took her deeper into the forest.

The Ogre’s Virgin –
Monster Sex Series
The Ogre’s Virgin © 2013, Lexi Lane

little group huffed and puffed its way up the mountainside. Sturdy
fir trees and aspens crowded next to pines and the occasional scrubby
brush. Boulders rested in huge piles, their gray faces covered by
large patches of velvety lichen. The birds sang and from nearby came
the sound of a small and splashing stream.

was too angry to be tired. Matthew, her boyfriend, walked beside her
and she had to restrain the urge to shove him off the trail. His face
was set in a contrite mask that she knew was just that, a mask. The
reason for her anger walked slightly ahead, her firm ass swaying from
side-to-side and her long legs pumping. Amy couldn’t blame her
though; she had known for quite some time that things were beginning
to unravel between her and Matthew.

stared glumly down at the small pebbles and weeds choking the barely
discernible trail. Matthew had never been the ideal guy for her but
she had been willing to overlook a lot of things simply because he
was so gorgeous.

thing she had not been willing to do, though, was give him her
virginity. She had used every reason in the book but as she climbed
higher along the trail she admitted to herself that real problem
wasn’t that she was trying to get a commitment, which he
refused to give her anyway, out of him by holding sex over his head,
she wasn’t excited by him.

was true. His kisses were limp and his hands were often too soft. He
made jokes about his seductive ways and he did bring flowers and
spend time groping on her and kissing her but she never felt that
spark, that fire that she craved so badly.

the four months since they had begun dating Matthew had lost patience
with her refusals to go further and while he had flirted with other
women before this was the first time he had taken it further. She had
caught him and the gorgeous blonde up ahead in a full out embrace,
lips licked and tongues twisting. She knew Matthew assumed she was
jealous but she wasn’t, she was angered by her the fact that he
had stooped to such petty measures to try to get her to put out.

had to pee. The group was talking and moving along at a fairly slow
pace so she decided then was as good a time as any to take care of
business. She ducked behind a tree and relieved herself then rested
her head on the bark of the tree for a few minutes, trying to relax a
little. After all, tossing him off of the side of the mountain would
not do her any good at all.

slicked her brown hair, held up in a ponytail, back and rubbed her
hazel eyes with the palms of her hands, removing any traces of the
frustrated tears that had risen. Be damned if they would see that
they had hurt her at all. She looked down at her perky breasts and
slim legs, so she wasn’t a gorgeous blonde starlet out on a
hiking trip to keep her body in shape for her next part, she wasn’t
going to let that make her feel badly. Amy had come to grips with her
petite frame and curves long ago, she knew that the ass and tits that
were too stubbornly curved out for some made her figure interesting
and sexy to others. She also knew Matthew would have hit on any woman
at that point, just to make her jealous. It was the pettiness of that
action that had made her so angry and upset.

dug around in her backpack for a small juice container, drank it and
headed back to the trail. Fifty feet later she stopped, confusion
setting in. She couldn’t see the trail. Had she somehow gone
the opposite way after having left the tree? She backtracked but all
of the trees looked alike and she couldn’t recall which one she
had hidden behind. The sun glinted down through the high pines and
she took her cell phone out but the signal was gone as well.

She walked closer to what looked like a trail but it dead ended
halfway into a deeper thicket of trees. She blundered back the other
way, fear beginning to settle across her skin. She couldn’t be
lost, the mountain was huge and thickly forested, she had to find her
fellow hikers.

She screamed. A bird chattered down at her and then took wing,
sending small bits of drying bark down onto her face. “Help!”

echo boomed around her and she shivered, suddenly aware of just how
alone she was, and how vulnerable.

woods echoed back and she shivered, her arms going around her waist.
The bird that had flown away swung back past and she stared at up at
it, envious of its ability to rise above the tall treetops and see
its way out.

she told herself sternly and took a long breath. She was pretty
certain she had come in from the right, she looked around at the
trees, hoping for something familiar to jog her memory but there was
still nothing. Except the moss stuck to the sides of the trees, that
was. She looked at it, trying to remember what it was that was
supposed to tell a person lost in the woods.

sighed and headed to the right, stopping every few steps to bend a
tree limb, hoping that if she had to backtrack that would help her
find her way back to where she was. Which, she admitted, was no less
lost but at least lost in a place where she could start back from.

knew she could not be far from the trail; she had only walked a few
minutes into the woods so when she had counted to five hundred she
turned around and started back. She walked in the opposite direction
and went that failed to take her back to the trail she began walking
in diagonal paths.

the time the sun was going down she was losing hope and in tears. She
had shouted herself hoarse and had fallen down twice, once rolling at
least fifteen feet down a steep section of the mountainside. She had
scrambled back up but the falls had scared her badly and she was
exhausted to boot.

decided to try for the highest point, thinking that perhaps she would
be able to see her way down from there but as she hiked the night
began to close faster, velvety shadows draping the pines and firs and
disguising the large rocks. She fell again, twisting her ankle and
almost toppling off the side of a mesa. She managed not to go over by
grabbing a large shrub and holding on for dear life.

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