
Read Declan Online

Authors: Kate Allenton

BOOK: Declan
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Kate Allenton

Copyright © 2015 Kate Allenton

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Published by Coastal Escape Publishing



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Chapter 1



“Who’s your date to the wedding?” The bride to be, Skylar Love, asked her best friend and Maid of Honor, Olivia Parks, as they huddled in quiet conversation on the pool patio at Skylar’s parents’ home. Olivia knew the question was coming. Sunday lunch was part of their weekend routine and lately the time had been filled with wedding plans and preparations.

Olivia glanced toward Sky’s fiancé, Luke and the brothers as they threw the football and tackled each other in the grassy back yard beyond the pool. No Sunday brunch would be complete without the guys playing the game.

Olivia cringed as she watched Flynn take an elbow to the gut as Declan shoved his way to the imaginary end zone. A tinge of sadness overcame her while watching Declan, the oldest out of the bunch and the one she’d crushed on growing up. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he chuckled at something one of the other ones said. 

Declan did his normal victory dance before holding out his hand to Flynn to pull him up from the ground. Declan was a man that got his way in everything he did, and that was one of the things she admired about him. Oliva returned her gaze to Sky, ignoring what she’d never have.

“I don’t have a date, yet.”

Skylar leaned in closer and whispered, “Why don’t you just ask him?”

“Sky, if Declan was interested, he would have asked long before now. I’m tired of waiting for him to grow a pair of balls.”

Skylar let out a full-belly laugh, tossing her head back. Olivia’s cheeks heated as Sky’s brothers glanced in their direction. Luke nudged Declan with his elbow, saying some words Olivia couldn’t hear and then chuckled again.

“Lunch is ready. Time to come in and get cleaned up,” Mary Love, Sky’s mother, announced.

Luke waited on the patio as Sky and Olivia crossed the yard.

“Just remember, he’ll know if you’re lying,” Sky whispered.

“I know. He’s a human lie detector, which just makes my life more miserable,” she answered as they met Luke in front of the double doors into the house.

The entire Love family had unexplainable gifts. Skylar could see colored energy-like auras around everything. Declan was like a human lie detector. Flynn had the gift of precognition, although he’d never had any visions of Olivia, at least not that he’d told her. Reed was a genius without his gift. And poor Landon, the brother that most avoided coming back home, had it the worst with the gift of enhanced senses. He’d joined the military and used his gifts during the secret missions he couldn’t talk about. 

“Are you talking about Declan?”

Sky stood on her tiptoes and kissed her fiancé. “Yep.”

“Let me give you a little advice.” He turned his gaze toward Olivia while tossing his arm over Skylar’s shoulders. “Silence is the key with Declan if you don’t want him knowing your secrets. If he asks, then don’t answer. He won’t have anything to gauge your honesty by.”

Olivia mulled around that information, and her mood lightened. Luke was right. She didn’t have to answer. It might not be polite, but she was past the point of being polite with the stubborn ox. She grinned. “Thanks.”

“Aw, honey, you’re so sweet.” Skylar rested her head on his shoulder. “I love that you gave my best friend advice to ignore my brother. I’ve been trying to tell her that for years.”

He chuckled and led them all inside.

Luke pulled out Sky’s chair and waited for her to sit before doing the same for Olivia.

“Now why can’t you boys be more like Luke?” Sky’s mom said while swatting Flynn and Declan with her hand towel.

Flynn, the jock of the bunch, tossed up his hands. “Dude, you’re giving us a bad name. Stop doing that shit.”

“Flynn.” Martin Love, Sky’s father’s, voice boomed through the dining room. “You know better than to talk like that with ladies present.”

“Sorry, Mom.” Flynn leaned over and kissed his mother’s cheek before taking a seat opposite Luke.

“Have you made the seating arrangements for the reception yet?” Mary asked while dishing herself a small helping of mashed potatoes.

“Not yet, but it’s on my to-do list.”

Luke glanced at Sky. His lips tilted at the corners. “We have a to-do list?”

“Don’t worry, Luke,” Olivia answered while passing the green beans. “I’m helping her tackle most of it.”

“That’s because you’re a good best friend,” Mary chimed in.

“The best,” Sky added.

“So who is the lucky man coming as your date to the wedding? Is he local?”

Stick with the truth,
Olivia thought to herself. Declan would be able to call her out on the lie if she said she had someone lined up. “I haven’t decided.”

She glanced up at Declan from beneath her lashes. His intent gaze held hers while holding his fork of roast inches from his lips.
Sorry, Dec
. She held in her smirk. There was nothing for him to decipher. His face was unreadable as if he were deliberating whether a criminal he was interrogating was lying.

“Well, I’m sure he’ll be one lucky guy,” Mary continued.

“Why not go stag?” Flynn asked. “That’s what I’m going to do. I’m sure there will be plenty of hot chicks to choose from.” His grin grew as he continued, “You know if it doesn’t work out with them, I’ll dance all night with you.”

Declan narrowed his eyes in a scowl in Flynn’s direction. “She’s not like you, Flynn. She’s not after a one-night stand. Are you?” He slowly turned his gaze toward Olivia.

Olivia choked on her water, covering her lips with her hands. Declan watched her, waiting for any telltale sign. One she wouldn’t be giving him. Silence was golden, but how was she going to get out of blatantly ignoring his question?

“Why do you care?” Reed asked. The quieter brother spoke up. He tilted his head as if studying Declan ready to analyze his answer. “It’s not like you’re asking her out.”

“Olivia and I are just friends.”

And there was the answer to the question she’d been unable to ask and tiptoeing around her entire life. Her stomach dipped and rolled as she hid the disappointment seeping into her bones. She’d always known his answer, but hearing it out loud from the horse’s mouth, well, that just sucked hairy balls.
It’s official. He’s a jackass.
She looked up to find Reed watching her, and a look of pity shown in his eyes. She gave him a sad smile.

Skylar pointed her fork in the air. “Who are you bringing, Reed?”

Reed sputtered. “I haven’t decided.”

“Like you have options,” Flynn joked and knocked his brother’s arm.

Thankfully the conversation moved past dates and on to more interesting aspects of the wedding like food, cake, and dresses. A hollow ache bloomed inside of Olivia as she sat quietly through the meal, watching the others while picking at her food. On more than one occasion, she’d caught Declan looking at her in silent question.

After lunch, Sky and Luke helped clean dishes.

“I’m going to head out unless you need help.” Olivia spoke quietly so the others couldn’t hear.

“Don’t let Declan run you off,” Sky answered.

“That would imply he put in effort. Which we both know isn’t happening.” Olivia rolled her eyes.

“Then again, if she runs, he might actually chase.” Luke smiled as he wiped a plate and stuck it in the drainer.

Sky stopped washing and turned to him, her brows dipping. “We’re talking about Declan. He wouldn’t know a good thing if it bit him in the ass.”

Luke nodded. “You’ve got a point.” Luke gestured toward the back door. “I’d go through the backyard if you want to avoid him. I’m sure they’re settled into watching sports in the living room.”

“Thanks.” Oliva plastered a fake smile on her face. “Call me tomorrow, Sky, and we’ll do wedding stuff and check out how the rebuild of our store is going.”

Thinking of the rebuild left a sour taste in Olivia’s mouth. It reminded her of the maniac that had put Luke and Sky through hell. In a weeks’ time he’d managed to burn down Sky and Olivia’s store they’d spent their entire life planning and trying to kill Luke and Sky in the process. The killer had left Olivia fighting nightmares for months to follow.

Olivia made it home without incident and tossed her purse and keys on the foyer in the entryway. Heading straight for the kitchen, she pulled out her favorite chunky monkey ice cream and a large spoon. She needed a date. There was no way in hell she’d be showing up at the wedding without one. She just needed to find a good-looking guy to hang on his arm. That was doable. It wasn’t as if she was homely.
Was she?
She pushed that thought out of her mind. She should be able to find a damn date. She gorged on the creamy goodness as she settled in for the night in front of a sappy movie, eventually letting all thoughts of Declan and his proclamation of being friends slip further from her mind. She fell asleep on the couch.

Waking the next morning, she took her time putting on her makeup and doing her hair. After slipping into a cute sundress, she grabbed her purse and headed to Sky’s house. She had a new goal for the rest of the week. Finding a man was at the top of her list. Even if it wasn’t the one she wanted. Declan wasn’t the only fish in the sea. She just needed to change her bait.





Chapter 2



Olivia met Skylar at the coffee shop on Main Street only a block away from the construction site where their new shop was being built. Locals and tourists alike came through the doors looking for a jolt of caffeine before starting their days.

She watched Luke kiss Sky’s cheek as he took his coffee to go. Olivia wanted a love like that. Hell, she’d just take a date for the wedding. She wasn’t being picky. She left out a long sigh. “Sky?”

“Hmm?” Sky mumbled with her mouth around the coffee lid.

“Do I have loser stamped on my forehead? Why can’t I get a date?”

Sky’s lips twitched as she rested her cup on the table. “I wouldn’t be best friends with a loser.”

“Yes you would because you’re nice like that.”

Sky smiled. “Well okay, I would, but you aren’t a loser. You’re beautiful, smart, and my best friend. There’s nothing’s wrong with you. If this is about Declan…”

“He’s a blind ass, but this isn’t just about him.” She leaned forward to whisper. “I don’t remember the last date I went on. It’s like I checked out of my life or something.”

Well, Declan was partially to blame, but in the big scheme of things, she honestly couldn’t remember the last date she’d had. She’d been so busy at their collectables shop that she hadn’t bothered with the opposite sex.

The bell above the door chimed before Flynn strolled in. The women in the room watched mesmerized as he moved to the counter. He was a looker. Men wanted to be him, and women just wanted an ounce of his attention. Olivia leaned across the table and lowered her voice.

“Guys don’t look at me the way they look at you. Look at Flynn.” Sky glanced over her shoulder before turning back.

“What about Flynn?”

“He walks into a room, and he’s a chick magnet. Women watch him like they want to eat him up.”

Skylar’s brows dipped as she turned in her seat, scanning the room. “Flynn.” She waved him over.

“Sky, don’t. You’ll give him an ever bigger ego.” Olivia’s cheeks heated.

“It’s fine,” she said reassuringly. “If his ego grows I’ll just have to burst it. I’m really good at that.” Sky grinned. “But he’ll be honest with us.”

Olivia’s heart raced with panic as she eyed the door, wondering if she could make a run for it. Did she really want to know what guys though of her?

Flynn sauntered over to the table with a sexy smile and twinkle in his eyes. His athletic body was hard to hide beneath the sport shirt stretched across his muscled chest. His lean, strong legs were in plain view with his track shorts. There was no denying he was sexy to most ladies. But to her, he was simply Flynn. The outrageous sports and fitness fanatic who had picked on her and Sky growing up.


“Pull up a seat. We need your opinion.”

“No, no we don’t.” Olivia’s eyes widened as she furiously shook her head. “I’m sure Flynn’s got a million other places to be.”

Flynn watched the banter before grabbing a chair from a nearby table and straddled it backward. “I’ve got time. What’s up?”

“Olivia thinks she’s a loser and men don’t find her attractive. Tell her she’s wrong.”

“Sky…” Olivia’s mouth parted.

“We need a male opinion,” she said matter-of-factly. “And who better to ask than a guy you won’t date?”

He flipped his gaze to Olivia. “I’m crushed.”

“Stop it. We’re serious.” Sky smacked his arm. “If you were a guy on the street, what would you think of Olivia? Would you ask her out if you didn’t know her?”

“Flynn, you don’t have to answer that.” She narrowed her eyes at Skylar. “You’re putting him on the spot.”

She shrugged. “He’ll be honest. Isn’t that what you want?”

“Well, yes….but…”

Flynn’s brows dipped, his smile slipped as he squeezed his eyes closed and rubbed his temple.

“Is he?” Olivia asked.

Sky nodded. “Yeah. He’s having a premonition.”

Flynn’s eyes slid open before setting his coffee on the table and stood, holding his palm out to Olivia.

“What did you see?” She asked.

“You’ll have to come with me to find out. Did you still want my opinion?”

Olivia hesitated, staring at his hand. Did she want to know what he thought? His words could do more damage than good.

“Olivia?” The humor in his voice was gone, replaced with sincerity. “I won’t bite.”

She slipped her fingers through his.

“We’ll be back. I’m sure she’d like to do this in private.”

“Take your time.” Sky waved them off. “I’ll be here when you get done.”

Flynn kept his fingers laced with hers as he headed down the hallway that led to the back exit. Heat blossomed throughout her body. She couldn’t believe she was doing this…and with him. The only thing worse would be to have Declan sizing her up. She wasn’t a timid weak woman. Since when did she care what other’s thought? This was ridiculous. She was being ridiculous. 

He pushed out the door before releasing his hand, stopping her next to the brick building out of view of any prying eyes. The back entrance opened up to an empty street and field passed that.

Flynn lifted her arms before releasing them to fall by her side. He took his time walking a slow circle around her. His brows dipped in concentration.

“You’re sizing me up like cattle,” she protested.

“That’s because you are. I’m getting a fresh perspective. I’m not looking at you like my sister’s best friend. I’m viewing you as any man passing you on the street. Tight ass, enough for grabbing and holding on to. Nothing wrong there.”

She glanced over her shoulder, watching as he did his visual perusal. He touched her arm. “Skinny arms, but no muscle, I can help you there.”

“I’ll show you skinny arms.” She punched his shoulder as he moved in front of her and bent down, placing his palms on her thighs, feeling her legs through her dress. “You have great legs, but we’re going to tone those puppies up.”

“I’m not a body builder.”

“I know. You’ve got soft curves in all the right places.” He gave her sly grin and rose to meet her gaze. “But I’m going to help you. I know what you need.”

“A vacation?” She smiled.

“A vacation from your reality.” He smirked back.

The thought of Flynn helping her was unimaginable, but desire stirred in her belly. Not for the man but for his potential promise. She unconsciously stepped back, pressing her back against the wall. “You better not make me into a brainless Barbie.”

“Would I do that?” He chuckled. His gaze dipped down to her 34C chest. He tilted his head. “Your breasts are perfect, more than a mouthful. Your lips are plump and would set any man’s imagination into overdrive.” He grinned rested his hand on the wall beside her head. He glanced over his shoulder before returning to look into her eyes.

“You look like the cat that ate the canary?” 

“Let’s just say it’s time for the show. Play along and know that I don’t mean anything by this.”

Her brows dipped as he moved closer, his lips less than an inch from her ear. “Wait for it,” he whispered.

“Flynn?” He held a sensual finger over her lips, silencing her and stealing her question.

“Shh. Three, two…” He never made it to one before he was yanked away.

“What the hell are you doing?” Declan growled deep in his throat.

It took less than a second for Olivia to figure out that this was Flynn’s premonition and knew Declan was coming. What she couldn’t understand was why he was playing the dirty game with his brother.

“What does it look like I’m doing, Dec?”

Declan crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes, surveying them both. “Olivia?”

Silence or the truth? Those were her only options, and she knew it. They were both watching her, waiting for her answer. “He told me I had a nice ass and great legs.”

The words popped out of her mouth before she could stop them. So what, they were true, even if she’d left out the reason why Flynn had told her those things? It had happened. Flynn tried to hide his smile as Declan frowned.

“Is that all it takes, a simple compliment from anyone?”

“I guess you’d never know. You’ve never had a kind word for me.” And the truth of that statement aggravated her more than any game Flynn was playing with Declan. It tore at her, anger and disappointment for wasting so much time on a man that didn’t care one way or the other. Olivia crossed her arms over her chest, pegging him with her glare. “What I do isn’t really any of your business.”

“You know she’s telling the truth,” Flynn said, adding more fuel to the fire. Declan ignored him.

“So it’s like that?” he asked her.

She shrugged. “You and I are friends. Isn’t that what you said last night?” She threw the words right back in his face. Any hope for something more was dashed with his declaration.

“Olivia.” His voice softened.

She didn’t wait around for him to finish his sentence. “Flynn, I’ll be inside with Skylar if you want to finish our conversation.”


Declan watched her leave before grabbing his brother and shoving him against the wall. “Why are you screwing with her?”

Flynn shoved back. “Me? You’re a hypocrite, Dec.” He stepped up into Declan’s face. “What’s the matter? You don’t want her, but no one else can have her either?”

Declan stepped back as if he’d been physically punched in the gut. Olivia hadn’t lied, and now, watching his brother, he knew Flynn was speaking the truth. Declan’s gaze shot to the closed door before returning to his brother’s glare. He unclenched his jaw and rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s free to date whoever she wants.”

“As long as it’s not me?”

His brother wasn’t stupid after all. “Yep.”

Flynn’s brows dipped. “Why? Give me one good reason.”

“Sunday lunch would be awkward.”

Flynn shook his head. “Or a hell of a lot more fun. Your reason isn’t good enough, sorry, bro.” Flynn yanked the door open and left Declan standing on the street.

What the hell was Flynn thinking? Olivia was setting herself up for disaster. Flynn was playing her like he had every girl he’d ever met. She didn’t deserve that. She would be crushed.

“Son of a bitch.” He stormed off in the opposite direction with a headache stinging behind his eyes. Olivia deserved better. She always had. Better than Declan and most certainly better than his playboy brother. He had to stop this before anything started. The only reason he’d even been behind the building was a report of trouble making teens making that area their latest hang out. Teens weren’t causing the issue today, it was his damn brother.

He turned the corner, heading back to his SUV. His mind raced with ways to stop them both.


Flynn stormed down the hall and back to the table and retook his seat. “I’m in. With my help, you’ll be the most desired woman in town.”

Sky’s lips twitched. “She told me about Declan. It pissed you off, didn’t it?”

“That smug son of a bitch.” He leaned in and lowered his voice. “He deserves what’s coming for him. We all know he’s holding back, we just need to guide him to the light.”

“The light being Olivia.” Sky smiled.

Olivia paused with the coffee cup on her lips. “He’s not holding back. You heard him at lunch.”

“Oh please.” Flynn waved her response away as though he hadn’t heard it. “He’s got it bad for you; he just won’t get out of his own way. We all know it. Now it’s just a matter of time to give him a good kick in the ass in the right direction.”

Skylar laughed, and Olivia felt the blood drain from her face. She leaned in.  “This is a bad idea. I’m not sure I want to be a part of it.”

Skylar reached across the table and placed her palm over Olivia’s hand. “Honey, it’s time he either shits or gets off the pot. He’s holding you back. Wouldn’t you like to know if he’s interested once and for all? If nothing more, then so you won’t have any regrets. You can move on free and clear.”

Olivia slid her hand free. “Not like this. Don’t you think this is taking it to the extreme?”

“This is Declan we’re talking about.” Flynn’s smile returned. “Extreme is the only way he’ll see the truth.” He reached for her arm and rubbed. “Don’t worry, Olivia. Everything is going to be fine.”

If that were the case, then why did she feel like a five-pound rock sat in the pit of her stomach? “I’m trusting you.” She held Flynn’s gaze. “But really this isn’t about him. It’s about me.”

“Right.” Flynn took a sip of his coffee. “You need a date for the wedding and I’m going to help you find one.” He nodded.

Flynn rose and leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I won’t let him hurt you anymore.” He took her hand and squeezed. “Meet me at the park at six a.m. in your jogging clothes. Operation Man Hunt has commenced.”

Before she could respond, he was gone.  

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