Monster Sex Stories (21 page)

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Authors: Lexi Lane

BOOK: Monster Sex Stories
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morning. I caught fish.”

shook her head. “There was an ogre,” she said in a small
and confused voice and his shoulders stiffened but then he turned
back to the fish he was preparing for the skillet that rested in the
hot coals of the fireplace.


wasn’t a dream. I didn’t confuse you with a…a…”

monster?” His voice was deceptively light.

Her face went scarlet. “I…I mean…”

got lost on the trail did you?”

I found this cabin and fell asleep and when I woke up there was an
ogre in here. I’m telling you..” she realized she was
naked and snatched the covers to her breasts. Then she realized he
was naked. His lean body rippled with muscle and health. He had a
broad chest lightly furred with black curls, broad shoulders and a
taut abdomen with ridges of muscle that reminded her of corrugated
iron. She couldn’t think of anything else to say so she offered
up, “I’m Amy.”

fish went into the skillet and an appetizing smell filled the cabin.
She didn’t know what else to do so she asked, very politely, if
there were facilities and he opened the door and pointed to the

wrapped a cover around her body and headed out into the glorious
morning. She was confused, without a doubt, but she wasn’t
scared. She dropped the cover, waded into the stream and washed a bit
before heading back to the cabin.

delicious smells curling form around the open door made her belly
growl loudly. She peeked shyly around the door and her host waved a
hand at her, inviting her in. She entered and he put the metal plates
on the hand carved and very rudimentary table. She had a whole fish,
minus head and tail, split open to reveal flaky white flesh as well
as some sort of starchy looking root and a pile of fresh grapes and
dandelion greens.

was no silverware. She touched the fish, burned her fingers and ate
the grapes and the greens, which had been lightly seared in the
skillet with a touch of wild onions. She reached for the fish a
second time and, finding it cool enough, she ate it with gusto,
licking her fingers greedily between bites.

is good,” she got out. “Thank you.”

welcome.” His eyes were amused and she couldn’t help but
notice that he kept looking at the bite marks on her breasts.

need to get back; my boyfriend was with me and some other people.
They’re probably looking for me.”

weren’t hiking with a guide.”

blinked, how had he known that? “No, my boyfriend works as a
set designer on a small budget film and a few of the people from
there decided to come out for the day so we did.”

likely they figured you were just pissed off and walking back.”

swallowed a hunk of fish and asked, “Were you following us?
What’s going on?”

bit into a grape and she saw the gold ring on his finger. She stood
up so fast her knees clattered against the table. “Who are
you?” she demanded. “What do you want with me?”

name’s Lucas. I saw you hiking yesterday and I also saw your
buddies all laughing and talking as they got into their cars and
drove away. I followed them for a little while when I saw you were
headed up this way, although to be honest if you hadn’t found
the place I would have come and found you.”

Her mouth was incredibly dry and she grabbed the small cup of
steaming tea and drank a large gulp of it, her fingers trembled on
the metal surface of the cup so hard it rattled against her teeth.

you were just what I was looking for. Your getting lost saved me a
lot of trouble, kidnapping is so tricky.”

stared then laughed, it was ludicrous. “Are you crazy? I swear
I …I was…”

by an ogre?” Amusement curved the corners of Lucas’ lips
upward. “Yes. I know. It’s an old family curse. Tonight,
when the moon is full I’ll transform once more. It happens once
a month actually.”

a month,” she said numbly. “So, so tonight…”

your luscious little ass will have a hard cock in it, yes.”

words were deliberately harsh. Her reaction was immediate and
shameful. She came. She gawked down at her crotch, incredulity
filling her face. “Maybe I don’t want to stay here.”

not your choice. It’s breeding season and I have never birthed
an heir.”


generally the way it is most effective.”

leaving,” she announced. “I’m not having anyone’s
kid and you can’t make me.’

got three feet from the door before he grabbed her and swung her over
his shoulder. She sucked in air as she went flying through the air
and landed, hard, on the bed. All her air went right back out in a
heavy exhale. Her pussy ached with a keening need and Lucas levered
himself over her, his handsome face inches from her own.

in charge here, do you understand? This is not a request; you’re
going to have my child. After that you can leave.”

expect me to stay here for a whole year?” She yelled, “Are
you nuts? I have a job and a family…”

not a year for us.” His voice went low and quiet. “You’ll
be okay and I’ll make sure you don’t suffer monetarily.
You’re perfect, everything about you and while I wish you would
chose to stay the truth is I can and will force you to because I

got up and she immediately missed the warmth of his body. He turned
and headed for the door, saying over his shoulder, “I’m
going out for a swim and to sunbathe a bit. You’re welcome to
join me if you like.”

got out of the bed slowly, her legs shaking with anger and
anticipation. She walked to the door and watched him toss himself
into the stream and began to stroke along the narrow channel. “Just
my luck,” she said to the sky. “I find a guy I could love
and he’s a monster.”

grinned and headed for the stream, deliberately rolling her hips.

spouted water out of his mouth and stood up. His body shed water like
a sheet and she looked at his slightly turgid cock as she asked, “So
how come we have to wait for tonight?”

says we do?” Lucas asked and she smiled as he walked out of the
stream and toward her.

to my fairytale,” she murmured as he pushed her to her knees
and rested the head of his cock on her lips until she opened her
mouth to accept it. Instantly her mouth was filled with his cock, he
shifted his hips to go deeper and she had to stretch her lips widely.
She had been a virgin until the night before but she had sucked cock
before and it showed in her expertise, she licked at the engorged
head and swirled her tongue down his shaft, using her hand to apply
even more pressure, squeezing hard as she neared the head and then
releasing. He sucked in a long breath to express his pleasure and she
worked harder and faster, her head bobbing and bouncing.

knees were pressed into soft grass and the sun shone down on her bare
body. Wanton abandonment filled her and she worked harder, licking
and sucking at the tiny and slightly salty drop of pre-come that
dripped from the tiny slit in his cock head before ducking her head
to lick at his balls.

grabbed her hair and slammed his hips into her face as she suckled
his balls, both of them resting inside her mouth at once. He could
feel an orgasm nearing and he knew he had to take her so he pushed
her away, she landed flat on her back in the grass, legs slightly
akimbo, which was perfect.

entered her without any warm-up. Her pussy was wet and willing though
and it only took a few thrusts for both of them to begin crying out
in ecstasy. Their cries drifted on the small breeze and they lay
there, wrapped in each other’s arms.

am looking forward to tonight,” Amy said as she nibbled Lucas’

too.” He swatted her ass and stood up, a few last drops of come
slid out of his cock and rested on his strong thigh and she stared at
it, wanting more but instead he took her berry picking.


moon shown down and the fire burned high. Amy writhed against the
ropes that Lucas had tied her to the kitchen table with before he had
left. The door opened and she looked up and then she burst into
hysterical laughter.

ogres, one of them obviously Lucas, strode into the room. The other
was blonde and younger but obviously aroused.

wiggled her ass as they came closer, a clear invitation. And one they
understood quite clearly.

By The Minotaur
Virgin Breeding Erotica

knew her days were numbered. The kingdom where she lived demanded a
yearly sacrifice of a virgin maiden, and her birthday fell during the
time that a virgin was to be chosen. This year, she was the only girl
who would be of the right age, at the right time.
perhaps more accurately: the wrong age at the wrong time.

mother had told her not to give up hope, that something may happen
that would make it possible to spare her, but they both knew she was
the only virgin who could be sacrificed and that the kingdom wouldn’t
hesitate to give her up, to hand her over to the beast who needed to
be satisfied. She’d resigned herself to her fate, but as the
day drew closer, her anxiety rose and panic fluttered in her heart,
wrapping itself around her in a tight bear hug, threatening to choke
the life from her.

one met her eyes when she shopped in the market. They all knew she
was the one, the virgin who would be sacrificed to the Minotaur in
the labyrinth. They owed her their lives, but no one had the courage
to even say thank you.

the morning the announcement was made, she was awake early; walking
one more time though her lush garden, spending a moment in the barn
with the animals who kept their eyes locked onto the troughs of food,
refusing to look up and greet her, as if they too knew that the time
was near. The royal courier soon found her there, reluctantly handing
her a small white scroll, not meeting her eyes either. He was a
little older than Lisandra; they’d known each other before he’d
gone to court, but his name escaped her now. No matter. She sighed
and opened the heavy scroll.

was no reprieve, there was no other option presented to her. She
simply went to her mother, kissed her good-bye and left with the
courier, riding in the small carriage with him to the castle. It was
a silent ride and one that she felt powerless to fight.

thought about Galen, the love of her life. He’d offered to take
her virginity, more than once, to avoid this situation from ever
taking place. But they both knew that would be worse. She’d be
shunned by the villagers; he’d be blacklisted from any
appointment to the court and ultimately, they would both be hung
until half dead before being drawn and quartered for going against
the order of the kingdom without permission, especially at a time
where virgins were few and far between. Instead, they’d
satisfied themselves in many other ways, clinging to each other,
anxious to find pleasure in each other’s arms.

said her good-byes to Galen many days before. It had become far too
tempting to let him have his way with her and she dared not allow
herself the thought of what she wished for him to do. As it was, the
last time they’d been together, she’d been dearly tempted
to have him take her virginity, just to avoid the sacrifice.

had met her in the ash grove, the same place they’d been
meeting for many months. He held her a long time, running his fingers
though her long hair, undoing the braid she wore, pulling the strands
free until it hung down her back in an ebony wave. He told her over
and over how much he loved her, how he’d miss her, how he’d
never forget her. And, as always, he’d asked again if she was
certain that she did not want him to take her virginity, to spare her
from the Minotaur.

would be a quick thing. I would be gentle; it would only hurt for a
moment,” he murmured, his lips brushing against her neck, warm
against her young, tender skin. His hands were roaming over her curvy
body, palms on her heavy breasts, sliding down her sides, reaching
behind her to cup her ass. When he pressed her against him, she could
feel this erection, hard and hot, forced against her stomach.

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