Mind-Body Workbook for PTSD (16 page)

BOOK: Mind-Body Workbook for PTSD
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Body Tension:



  1. Is your mind cluttered or clear?


  2. Is your body tense or relaxed?


  3. Identify your requirements:


  4. In this mind-body state, how do you act?


3. Do another map, writing the same situation in the next oval. Before you continue writing, listen to background sounds, feel your body’s pressure on your seat, sense your feet on the floor, and feel the pen in your hand. Once you’re settled, keep feeling the pen in your hand and start writing thoughts that come to mind. Watch the ink go onto the paper and listen to background sounds.

Situation Map with Bridging

  1. Is your mind cluttered or clear?



  2. Is your body tense or relaxed?



  3. Notice the difference between the two maps:
  1. Do you now know firsthand that it’s your I-System, not the event, that’s causing your distress? Yes ____ No ____
  2. Do you feel confident in your mind-body bridging skills? Yes ____ No ____ If not, go back and review the tools you practiced on Day Two of this chapter.

Day Six     Date:____________

Today, recognize and defuse your requirements as they come up.

1. Describe which mind-body bridging practices worked and which didn’t.




2. List the requirements you were able to defuse today and those you were
able to successfully defuse.

3. Do a How My World Would Look If My Requirements Were Met map. Be as specific as possible; for example,
My spouse would always take care of me
Jason would not be an ass
My neighbor would mind his own business
My coworkers would do their jobs
. It may be helpful to refer to the “Could Not Defuse” list you just made.





Even if your spouse, boss, friend, or neighbor met all your requirements, you would always have more left unfulfilled because your I-System always says,
Enough is never enough
. Defusing requirements is a skill that will help you throughout your life.

Day Seven     Date:____________

1. Do a map about a situation that upset you today. Write the situation in the oval, and scatter your thoughts about it around the oval. Describe your body tension at the bottom of the map.

Situation Map

Body Tension:



  1. How did you handle that situation?



  2. What are your requirements?



    Slowly go over the items on your map and your requirements while using your favorite bridging awareness practice and thought labeling. Notice what happens. Are you now in a better position to defuse your requirements and face a similar situation in the future without getting distressed? Yes ____ No ____

2. Do a What Will Happen If I Let Go of All My Requirements for Others map. Scatter your thoughts around the next oval for several minutes.

  1. Does your I-System’s commotion machine leave you feeling weak and fearful, and believing you will lose control of your life? Yes ____ No ____
  2. Write your level of body tension by each item, using Ø for none, + for minimal, ++ for moderate, or +++ for severe. See the sample map that follows. Next list any items that come with body tension and their underlying requirements:

Sample No requirement Map

3. Do the map again, this time using your bridging awareness practices. Before you start writing, listen to background sounds, feel your body’s pressure on your seat, sense your feet on the floor, and feel the pen in your hand. Once you’re settled, keep feeling the pen in your hand, and start writing your thoughts. Watch the ink go onto the paper, and listen to background sounds.

What are the differences between the two maps?




Is it becoming clearer that having requirements is destructive to you and your world? Requirements paralyze your ability to heal your PTSD and deal effectively with other people and situations. When you befriend your I-System, your true self can respond actively, attentively, and assertively in your relationships and situations. You’ll be able to face each moment while having full access to your own wellspring of healing, goodness, and wisdom.

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