Read Millie's Second Chance Online

Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

Millie's Second Chance (22 page)

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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“How?” she asked in a somewhat quivering voice. Her vaginal muscles gripped his finger. She was ready to come.

“I want to bend you over that table and fuck this sweet, wet pussy from behind while my brothers watch.”

She was silent, her breathing rapid as she began to move her hips against his hand.

“Can’t they join in?” she asked, shocking them all.

“Hell yeah!” Marco stated and the sound of chairs moving filled the air.

Jeremy pulled his fingers from her then lifted her dress up over her head. She was completely bare to them. He stood up, towering over her small frame, and drew her body against his own. He leaned down to cover her mouth as she moaned against him.

It was a rush to try and devour her with his kisses and let her know how hot and turned on she made him.

He pulled her mouth from his, turned her around, and pressed her body over the table.

“Spread your legs,” he ordered, and she did.

There she was, bent over the handmade mahogany table with her ass in the air, her thighs spread, juices dripping down from her pussy and her palms flat on the table.

He unzipped his pants and pushed them down, whipping out his cock. One look at his brothers and he saw they were doing the same thing.

Millie’s face was by the right edge of the table where Marco now stood just a few inches from her.

Jeremy ran the show and he was all fired up about it.

He pressed the palm of his hands on Millie’s ass and began to massage her cheeks.

“Open that mouth up wide, baby, I think Marco has something for you.”

Millie did as she was told and opened her mouth, causing her breasts to fully lay out on the table. Dalton, Anthony, and Hank sat there looking stunned.

“Fuck, baby, that’s it. You can take it all,” Marco whispered as his cock disappeared inside her mouth.

“I love this ass, Millie. One day real soon we’re all going to fuck this ass,” Jeremy told her as he rubbed the tip of his penis over her pussy, wetting it with her cum before pushing slightly against the puckered hole.

“Oh, sweet Jesus!” Anthony stated holding his cock in his hand. Jeremy smiled.

“Would you like that, baby? Maybe a little taste right now?” he asked and she pushed her ass back against his cock as she moaned against Marco’s cock.

“Shit, her mouth is amazing. I’m about to come already,” Marco stated.

Jeremy proceeded to rub the tip of his cock against her pussy. The sounds she was making were killing his intention to go slow. She was moving back and forth over Marco’s cock and Jeremy couldn’t take it.

“Fuck, baby, you are something else.”

He lined his cock up with her pussy from behind and pushed in, filling her to the hilt. The table rocked with every thrust and stroke he took banging into her from behind. Marco screamed his release, calling Millie’s name, but Jeremy was lost in a rhythm and his own desire to claim his woman.

Jeremy saw Marco move and then Anthony take his place, but he wasn’t certain. He was beginning to lose his own focus with each thrust as he tried to hold off exploding.

“Fuck, baby, I can’t take it. I’m coming, Millie!” Jeremy thrust into her, grabbing her hips hard. In and out he stroked her multiple times then exploded, pouring into her then pressing his body against hers.

When she moaned, he quickly stood up, pulling his cock from her in the process. She was eagerly sucking on Anthony’s cock and now Hank took Jeremy’s position.


* * * *


Hank knew he wasn’t going to last long. Staring at Millie’s breasts pressed hard against the table while she sucked on Marco then Anthony as Jeremy fucked her from behind was too damn amazing. Quickly, he leaned down to kiss her spine, but his cock was ready to explode.

“Damn!” He hurriedly pressed into her pussy from behind and thrust into her. She pushed her ass back and actually countered each of his thrusts while she sucked on Anthony.

Anthony held her hair with his hand and began to thrust his hips slowly against her mouth.

“Oh, for crying out loud, I can’t take her mouth.” Anthony moaned then thrust again and again before he exploded.

It was too much for Hank and he followed suit, thrusting into Millie then losing his fight to hold off any longer. He exploded, pouring into her then hugging her tight.


* * * *


Millie was out of breath and she felt satiated. She never felt like this before. She was in love with these men, absolutely in love.

Then suddenly, she felt herself being turned around. It was Dalton and he looked fierce.

“I know you’re probably tired,” he began to say and she jumped up into his arms, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and kissed him. He pressed her to the table again and ravaged her mouth. Her pussy clenched then moistened, ready for another round of sex. Dalton didn’t have any pants on, but his shirt remained in place. She thought she could possibly touch him this time, but as if he read her mind he instantly grabbed her wrists and placed them above her head.

Her breasts pushed forward as he pulled his mouth from hers and began to suck on her right nipple.

He ass was over the edge of the table, her back flat on the hard surface of the table, and for crying out loud all she could think about was Dalton’s thick, hard cock fucking her hard.

“Please, Dalton,” she begged and then he began to lick and suck her left nipple, pulling and teasing her mercilessly.

“Oh!” she moaned and rolled her head side to side, but she kept her hands above her head as she was told to do.

His tongue moved along her cleavage to her belly as he used his hands to spread her thighs wider.

“So delicious. Eating on this table will never be the same again.”

She felt the tip of his cock against her clit and then he pressed into her. She gasped, knowing how thick and large he was and that her poor pussy would certainly be sore tomorrow, but she didn’t care. She was entirely turned on right now.

“Mine,” he stated then thrust deeply into her. He held himself there a moment, his hands on her hips, his thumbs slightly pressing into her flesh.

“Fuck me, Dalton. Don’t go slow. I need fast and hard,” she told him, and he growled then pulled back and thrust in hard like she asked for. He was relentless with his strokes. She was finding it too difficult to keep her hands back and away from him.

“Oh God, Dalton, please let me touch you.”

“No. Stay still, Millie, I’m almost there, baby, please.” He increased his thrusts until the table squeaked and he no longer could hold back.

“Millie!” he yelled then poured himself into her, thrusting three more times until he couldn’t move. He clung to her and she wanted so desperately to touch him. She felt tears in her eyes.

“Please, Dalton,” she whispered, and he looked up toward her from her chest and nodded his head.

She ran her hands along his blond hair then to his shoulders. She wished he wasn’t wearing the shirt. But she wouldn’t push. He said he had his reasons and one day he would share them with her.

“So perfect,” he said then kissed her sweetly on the lips before helping her to sit up.

Marco walked closer to her and helped her put on her dress. When she was standing before all five of them, she felt content and alive.

“You’re a dream come true, Millie. The Lewis brothers’ prayers have been answered,” Marco whispered then took her hand and led her out of the room.


* * * *


Millie woke up feeling content and a bit sore. She had a wonderful time with Dalton, Hank, Anthony, Jeremy, and Marco last night. The dinner was excellent, the conversation fun, and dessert had been just as good the second time around as it had been the first. She smiled as she thought about them. Never in her wildest imagination did she think that she would end up in a ménage relationship. It was funny how she pushed Stacy when she first arrived in Pearl. Now she understood Stacy’s reservations when she had first come to Pearl just like Anna’s and, of course, Lena’s.

Slowly, she got out of bed and stretched her muscles. Parts that hadn’t been used so thoroughly in a long time ached, but she couldn’t help but feel content. She also couldn’t wait to see the guys, starting with Jeremy and Anthony over at the Triple C this morning. As a matter of fact, she never did get those panties back.

She chuckled.

She also wanted to meet the two new women that arrived yesterday. She hadn’t met them yet and wanted them to feel welcome. Millie made her way to the bathroom and started the water in the shower.


* * * *


“Good morning, sexy,” Jeremy whispered, sneaking up behind Millie and wrapping an arm around her waist. Millie gasped as she was caught off guard.

“Jeremy, quit sneaking up on me.”

“Hey, now why would I do that when I get such a pleasant reaction from you?” he teased as he gave her breast a squeeze, and she felt her cheeks warm with embarrassment. She quickly glanced around to be sure no one had seen and there stood Anthony, arms crossed and a huge smile on his face.

“Quit teasing her, Jeremy. Can’t you see she’s embarrassed by your show of public affection?” Anthony approached them.

“Hey, I am not. I don’t mind a kiss or hug, but to cop a feel in public is a different story.”

Jeremy squeezed the arm around her midsection tighter and kissed her neck.

“As I recall, you kind of enjoyed a little public exhibition last night.” He thrust his cock slightly against her rear and Millie gasped.

“She sure did, didn’t ya, sweetness?” Anthony asked as he cupped her cheeks then leaned down to kiss her deeply on the lips. Of course she weakened in their arms, and before long, Jeremy was reaching between her and Anthony to pull and tease her nipples. She pulled her mouth from Anthony.

“Someone might see. Stop, Jeremy. It isn’t fair.” She practically moaned.

“No one is coming into the rec center now. They’re all meeting by the main office.”

“Oh God, I was supposed to be there, too. What time is it?” she blurted out and tried to get out of Jeremy’s hold.

“Oh, about time we check to make sure you’re following rule number one.”

“What?” she asked and then she felt Jeremy’s hands caress over her breast, down her belly, to the button on her jeans.

She pretended to be concerned, but the truth was she decided that not wearing underwear, as the men demanded, turned her on. So much that just thinking about it had her rubbing her finger over the V
between her legs, liking the sensation the jeans caused.

“Hot damn, baby. Anthony, she isn’t wearing any panties.”

Anthony cupped her cheeks again as Jeremy worked the button and zipper to her jeans.

“Good girls get rewarded, darling,” Anthony whispered and his dark brown eyes sparkled with mischief.

“What are you—”

Before she could ask, Anthony was kissing her again as Jeremy pressed his fingers down her jeans to her pussy. He hummed against her ear and she tightened her body, trying to hold off from coming like this. But Jeremy was on a mission. A single digit turned into two and soon she was begging for release. Anthony devoured her moans while Jeremy brought her to release. Two more pumps and then he pressed hard on her clit and Millie moaned against Anthony’s mouth. Jeremy didn’t stop despite the fact that Millie just came so hard from his ministrations. Her hips were still rocking against his fingers and his cock felt awfully hard and thick against her ass.

“Oh fuck, Millie.”

She couldn’t believe it. Jeremy was going to come. She helped him get there by reaching back as she thrust her ass back against his cock and leaned forward a little. The move caused Anthony to release her lips, but it also got the results she was looking for.

“You naughty little witch.” Jeremy grunted then came in his pants with his hand still cupping her mound and a digit still inserted in her.

“Now that was fucking hot. I can’t wait to tell the others that Millie made you come in your pants,” Anthony teased and Jeremy released his hold on Millie then tried to shift his legs.

“Ah hell, give me the keys to the truck.”

“What for?” Anthony asked as Millie fixed her jeans.

“I need to go back home real quick.”

Anthony laughed as he tossed the truck keys to Jeremy.

Jeremy kissed Millie then headed out. As Millie began to head out, too, Anthony wrapped an arm around her waist and held her against him, her back to his chest.

He whispered softly against her ear, “You’re amazing, Millie. I’ll see you tonight.”

He tapped her on the ass then sent her on the way.

She turned and winked at him. “You betcha, cowboy.”


* * * *


“Marco, I need you in here,” Wyatt yelled as he was walking back to the desk in the sheriff’s department. Marco was in a damn good mood this morning and it had everything to do with a certain brown-haired bombshell.

“What’s going on, Wyatt?’ Marco asked as he approached the sheriff by his office door.

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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