Millie's Second Chance (17 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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Millie was touched by Lena’s words and she didn’t know what else to do but pull her into a bear hug. Then she felt Anna and Stacy join in the hugging and they all giggled.

“Hey, what’s going on in here? I want to be part of a group hug,” they heard Sage state and then a moment later Sage was trying to wrap her arms around them, too.

Millie felt Lena’s words to her heart. Everything was going to be okay. This was her new start and she needed to move on from her past. It wasn’t like Frank would be out of her mind. She would always remain on guard as long as he was out there as a free man. But she had a life, and he wouldn’t take that from her without a fight.


* * * *


Millie walked out toward the back of the building to find a broom so she could sweep up the mess she and the ladies had made inside. She was smiling and looking down to the ground thinking about Lena’s words. Did all five of the Lewis brothers find Millie attractive? Were they all interested? The thought made her belly quiver and a giddy feeling fill her. As she rounded the corner rather quickly, she walked right into a brick wall.

“Oh God!” she squealed then grabbed on to the man she nearly plowed over.

Anthony chuckled as he turned around and held Millie.

Millie looked up and up until she locked gazes with Anthony and his sparkling brown eyes.

His chiseled features and hard lines by his eyes, combined with the tan complexion, made him appear mature and in charge. She knew he was the manager of the company. Anna had informed her.

“I’m so sorry. I was looking down instead of up.” She took a step back. His eyes never left hers.

“Darlin’, you can bump into me any time you like,” he teased then winked, and damn it, did her belly just do a series of somersaults.

She lowered her eyes and then looked around for the broom.

“Can I help you find something?” He slowly took a step toward her. He looked her over with hungry eyes, then damn it his tongue peeked out to lick his lower lip and she almost moaned. There was a magnetic feeling surrounding her body, and as she hit the wall of the building behind her, Anthony made his move.

In a flash, she felt Anthony’s hand on her waist and the other over her shoulder, palm against the wall. She smelled his cologne, felt his masculine presence, and she was everything but scared. Utterly turned on was more like it. She was in tune with his body just like she had been with Dalton’s and Hank’s. His tool belt slightly pressed against her waist and his eyes held hers while his thumb rubbed gently back and forth across her hip bone.

“Don’t be scared of me,” he whispered, and it sounded more like a plea than a demand. Was he worried that he might scare her?

“I’m not afraid of you,” she replied with more oomph than she intended, and Anthony raised one eyebrow then smirked.

“I’m going to kiss you, sweet Millie. Your lips have been calling to me for days,” he whispered then swallowed hard. He appeared as nervous as she felt.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? I kissed Dalton and Hank, too. They might get upset.”

She didn’t know why she rambled on or even said the words. She figured somewhere deep inside she needed Anthony to condone this fact and state that it was fine.

“Honey, that fucking turns me on like you wouldn’t believe.”

She felt the hand that was against the wall move to her neck as he stepped closer, nearly pinning her against the wall. Not that she wanted to move. She watched his lips with anticipation of how they would feel against her lips.

“My brothers and I have a good relationship. We like to share.” He moved closer and then his lips touched hers, devouring any words of response.

He kissed her tenderly and so slowly, as if he was savoring her like she was a delicacy. She found herself leaning into him and then he pressed her back against the wall and suddenly that kiss deepened. He had waited for her response, and because she showed her need for him to take her lips more deeply, he complied.

God, these Lewis men could kiss well. She was lost in his possession of her mouth. The feel of his strong fingers, holding her head in place as his tongue explored her mouth, took her breath away and filled her heart with such desire she moaned into his mouth.

A moment later, his other arm wrapped around her waist and hoisted her up against his body. God, she was on fire with such need. She rubbed her pelvis against him and he moaned into her mouth.

She felt Anthony’s body tense a moment and then he was turning her away from the wall but remained making love to her mouth. Suddenly, she felt another set of hands on her from behind. She froze as those hands rubbed slowly up her back to her shoulders and then the utility belt rubbed against her spine.

“So sweet and beautiful, Millie. I want to feel those lips of yours, too. I can’t let my brother have all the fun.”


Millie’s body seemed to react in a totally surprising way as both men caressed and pet her. As Anthony slowly released her lips, trailing kisses along her neck, she turned to the side only to have Jeremy cup her cheeks between his hands and smile at her.

“You are gorgeous, woman. I need to feel your lips against mine, darling. I’ve waited too long.”

He winked at her and she felt as if his aura hugged her. He was a flirt, a jokester, and his brown eyes sparkled with mischief right before he lowered his mouth to hers. On cue, Anthony relinquished his hold on her to his brother and now Jeremy was kissing her, exploring her mouth as his hands firmly traveled along the curves of her body. She kissed him back, absorbing the differences between Jeremy and Anthony. They were similar in height and in body type, but as her hands pressed against his back she felt her fingers reach his hair. She envisioned how he always kept it tied back neatly and it looked shiny and soft.

Slowly, Jeremy released her lips and pressed soft kisses against her mouth and cheeks before he locked gazes with her.

“Way better than I fantasized about,” he admitted, and she felt her cheeks blush. Then Anthony gently rubbed his knuckles along her other cheek and she looked toward him and he smiled.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, and she shyly lowered her eyes then stepped from Jeremy’s embrace.

“Hey, did you get lost? Ohhh.” Anna smiled wide. “I’m sorry to interrupt. I’ll just leave you three to what you were doing.” She back stepped toward the other side of the building.

“I’m coming.” Millie reached for the broom and began to follow Anna. Then she felt a strong, large hand against her upper arm stop her from exiting.

“Wait,” Jeremy stated.

She looked at both Jeremy and Anthony. They appeared uncertain and almost desperate for her to remain there.

“Don’t go. We’d like to talk to you, get to know you better, and make some plans. Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?” Jeremy asked her. She nibbled her bottom lip. Dinner at the Lewis brothers’ place with possibly all five of them?
Oh shit!

As if sensing her anxiety, Anthony stepped forward, locking gazes with her as he took her other hand. Now both men were touching her again, and damn it, did her body betray her mind’s warning to take things slow.

“Just dinner, Millie. We really do want to get to know you better. And maybe fool around a little more. Your kisses are going to be addicting, I can tell already,” Jeremy teased, and she chuckled.

What the hell did she have to lose? It was just dinner and getting to know five sexy, intimidating cowboys.


Both men smiled wide.

“I’ll pick you up at seven. Is that good?” Anthony asked.

She nodded her head.

“We’ll pick you up at seven,” Jeremy chimed in then winked, and she laughed before taking the broom she had in a death grip with her and back toward the rec center.

Chapter 14


Millie looked at herself in the mirror. She had chosen a turquoise, A-line sundress that flared slightly above her knees. It accentuated her breasts with scalloped trim along the bustline and straps. She thought she looked really good in it and it was versatile, too. She decided on a pair of white, strappy sandals that had a slight heel.

After showering and blowing her hair straight, it now appeared long and shiny as it silhouetted down her back to nearly her rear.

Looking through her jewelry box, she pulled out a pair of earrings and matching necklace that she had handmade herself. It contained light blue stones and matched her outfit perfectly. She sniffed the air, absorbing the smell of her light perfume before twirling around to get a better look at her appearance. In her mind, she thought about everything all at once, but what really stood out were Stewart’s insults. He would frown upon her wearing such a simple dress. He hated the color blue when she loved it.

Stewart filtered through her mind, nearly bursting her bubble of excitement about tonight’s dinner with the brothers. She swallowed hard. She couldn’t help but think that this was a mistake. She was asking for trouble times five. It could end up disastrous and then what? She liked it here in Pearl. She didn’t want to leave. As a matter of fact, subconsciously it seemed she had made the decision to stay. She forced Stewart’s words out of her mind. She hated him. She hoped that he was miserable right now and that people told him how much of a jerk he was for getting her fired. She looked into the mirror again and smiled.
No more thoughts of Stewart or men like him.
That was behind her. Tonight was about starting with a clean slate and getting to know the Lewis brothers as individuals and fellow residents of Pearl.

The sound of a truck pulling up outside made her heart race. This was it. She was going to do this.


* * * *


Anthony gave Jeremy an exasperated expression as they climbed the front porch to pick up Millie for dinner.

Jeremy was getting on Anthony’s nerves. He had been tapping his hands on his lap and fidgeting the entire way over in the truck and Anthony was fed up.

“Will you calm down?”

“What?” Jeremy asked with confusion.

“You’re fidgeting and hopping around like spit in a hot skillet. I can’t take it. It’s not like you’ve never been on a date before.”

“This is different. Millie is different. I know this.”

Just then the front door opened and Millie appeared.

One look at their goddess and Anthony was speechless and felt so damn nervous he should have never reprimanded Jeremy.

“Hi.” Millie stared at him and Jeremy as if they were crazy or something. He was tongue-tied and so was Jeremy. Millie looked stunning in a blue dress that accentuated her feminine curves like nothing she had ever worn before. The woman looked sexy in a pair of blue jeans and T-shirt, but damn did she look piping hot in a dress.

“You’re gorgeous,” Jeremy stated then pulled the door open and smiled wide. He leaned forward to press a kiss to her cheek and she blushed.

“Absolutely gorgeous. Are you ready?” Anthony chimed in then leaned forward to kiss her on the other cheek. She shyly nodded then turned toward the door to lock it, placing the key into her purse she held in one hand.

They both took an arm and led her down the stairs to the truck.

“You sit up front with Anthony. I’ll sit in the back seat,” Jeremy told her as he helped her step up into the truck. When the material of her dress parted and showed off her tan, muscular thigh, Anthony felt his cock grow hard and tight. This was going to be a hell of a night trying to keep his lust reigned in. She was perfect.


* * * *


The ride over had been pleasant and Jeremy talked a mile a minute, making it easy on Millie as to not force words from her trembling lips. She took the opportunity to absorb the men’s attire, which only added to her oversensitive body. She partly listened as Jeremy spoke.

“So it looks like the construction is going well with all the cottages. We heard a few more women showed up yesterday looking for a safe place to stay. I think this was a great idea you all came up with,” Jeremy told her from the back seat.

Anthony looked like he had just stepped out of a men’s fashion catalog. He wore a crisp, white button-down shirt that he hadn’t buttoned fully and exposed some of his tanned, muscular chest. His dark jeans were designer and his boots black and shiny. He looked edible. Millie felt her heart rate increase and then she looked away as Anthony caught her drooling.

“It’s got to be difficult, being on your own without anyone to help you, never mind if you have children,” Anthony piped in.

“It is difficult. I’ve seen it many times before in New York. That was one of the main ideas I had for the women’s shelter I raised funds for. It was also to provide guidance and support so eventually the women, and if they had children, the family, could get back out on their own. It’s not an easy process.” Millie looked back toward Jeremy since it seemed Anthony kept glancing at her instead of the road ahead of him.

Jeremy was dressed in a dark blue button-down shirt, black jeans, and he also had on designer boots. His belt buckle showed off the fact that he had ridden a bull and at one point in time won a medal for his bravery or maybe stupidity. She never understood why anyone would find joy in riding on top of a wild, uncontrollable beast weighing anywhere from one thousand to two thousand pounds of angry muscle. But for some strange reason, the thought turned her on. It was sexy and manly even if she thought it was crazy.

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