Millie's Second Chance (23 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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“I need to speak with you. Come on in and take a seat.”

Marco didn’t like the feeling he had. Something was up. Wyatt had been on the phone for quite some time this morning.

He watched as Wyatt closed the office door, ran a hand through his hair, then leaned against the front of his desk. Wyatt stared at Marco.

“You and your brothers making some progress with Millie?”

Marco hadn’t expected that and he gave Wyatt a strange look.

“Well, what I mean to ask is that is she learning to trust y’all? Will she let one of you or whoever stay with her at her cottage?”

“Wyatt, what the hell are you asking this for?”

Wyatt took a deep breath then released it.

“I just got an update from New York.”


“And I’m concerned about Millie’s safety even more. I think she shouldn’t be staying alone in that cottage.”

“Why not? What happened in the case to make you feel this way, Wyatt?”

“Did she tell you about her boyfriend, Stewart Thomas?”

“A little bit. From what she said he was a real asshole. He made her quit martial arts and he put her down all the time. Sounded more like verbal abuse than physical, but I still gathered him to be an asshole.”

“Yeah, well, he also got her fired from her job. Plus Anna and Stacy said he told Millie some nasty things. Anyway, it appeared that Frank found out about Stewart.”

Marco sat forward in his seat.

“And what?”

“Stewart Thomas was found murdered early this morning around 3:00 a.m.”

“What? They think Frank did it?”

“They know Frank did it. He taped it with Dr. Perkin’s cell phone. Detective Flynn received a copy of the video along with shots of Perkins tied to a chair, beaten and bloody.”

“Holy shit, Wyatt. How did they find the body? What about the doctor?”

“Stewart Thomas was found in a motel on the outskirts of Alabama.”

“Alabama! Damn it, Wyatt, he’s headed here. He knows where she’s at.”

“It seems so. They’ve got detectives following the trail, but now the FBI is involved, too. Thomas sent them a copy of the video and apparently he killed a retired agent who happened to be staying in the motel. The investigators believe that the retired agent became suspicious of Frank and went to check him out by asking some questions. Frank must have convinced him that things were fine and the agent believed him. Then Frank returned later, snuck into the guy’s motel room, and killed him. It was really gruesome, Marco.” Wyatt ran his hand over his mouth as if talking about it made him feel sick.

“What? I want to know everything, Wyatt. My brothers and I will need to protect her.”

“Frank tortured Stewart in front of the doctor then cut his heart out. He did the same thing to the retired agent.”

“Holy fuck. This guy is really sick in the head.”

“Which is why I’m very concerned. He’s evaded capture. He’s headed this way. He has to be because even on the video he talks about Millie.”

“I want to see the video.”

“No, you don’t.”

“I sure do. I want to know everything. You can’t keep me out of the loop here just because she’s my woman.”

Wyatt smiled.

“I’m glad that you and your brothers found your woman, but I think knowing all the details and actually seeing the murder on tape will make things worse for you and for Millie. Take this seriously, but also let the woman live her life. We’ll be stepping up security around the ranch. I suggest we go over to Millie right now and break the news then explain the new sleeping arrangements.”

“Oh God, Wyatt. She’s going to take this hard.”

“I’m sure. We’ll explain together.”


* * * *


Millie had been speaking with one of the social workers, Cindy, in the main office. She had expressed concern over one of the new women that arrived last night named Sally.

“So, I think she really doesn’t understand why we have this place. She seems to think that she can kick back for a while, get everything for free, and then leave whenever she wants to. She was also flirting with some of the ranch hands earlier. She shouldn’t even be over toward that side of the ranch,” Cindy stated.

“I’ll go talk to her and explain the rules. If she’s not interested in accepting the terms of the shelter, then she’s gone. Rules are set for a reason.”

“I appreciate it, Millie.”

Millie headed out toward one of the cottages. She noticed Sally leaning over the fence, trying to gain Jeremy’s attention. That just immediately pissed her off, but she pushed those initial feelings aside and went on over to speak with Sally.


The redhead turned around and gave Millie the once-over.

“Who are you?”

“The name is Millie. I’m one of the main people involved with the shelter. I’d like to talk to you.”

“What about? Can’t you see I’m busy checking out the local attractions?”

Millie swallowed her annoyance.

“First of all, you aren’t supposed to be over here flirting with any men. Secondly, I think you and I need to go over the rules.”

“What, are you jealous? Afraid I’ll gather me up a handful of good-looking cowboys and you’ll be left a fat old maid?”

“Now you listen here, Sally. This is not a place for women who are looking to fool around and end up in trouble again. This is a place for women in need of support and shelter after sustaining abuse and neglect.”

“I heard what this place is all about. I can stay if I want to. It’s government-funded anyway. It’s not like you own the place.”

“Actually, it’s not government-funded, and I do own the place along with my sisters. If you can’t abide by our rules, then you’re out of here. Take it or leave it.”

“Hey, Millie. We gonna get together for lunch?” Jeremy asked as he tipped his hat toward Millie then Sally.

Millie felt her cheeks redden as Sally gave her a smirk that said it all. She was busted and now Sally would purposely flirt with Jeremy to get at Millie. Millie needed to talk with Anna and Stacy and get Sally out of there.

“Sure, Jeremy. I was headed back now. I just want to remind Sally that she needs to remain in the designated area of the facility.”

Jeremy must have picked up on Millie’s attitude because he gave Sally the once-over then nodded his head at Millie.

“I’ll meet you out front by the office.”

“So, that’s your boyfriend, huh? How about the other one? You got ahold of him, too? Because if ya don’t, I sure would like to sink my teeth into him. Anthony, I think his name is.”

Millie felt her blood boiling. Damn it, why did this bitch have to come here looking for trouble?

“They’re both mine, and by the way you’re acting, I don’t expect you to be around here for much longer. I’ll send one of the deputies to explain the rules then, honey.” Millie walked away. She could hear Sally cursing her out, but at least she got the last word in.

She also figured maybe Sally was acting so tough and trying to cause a fight because of the trouble she was in. Maybe she would have Cindy speak with her one-on-one again and get to the bottom of things. She personally knew how difficult it was to talk about certain experiences in life. It had taken Millie so long to confide in Anna and Stacy about Frank’s abuse, so long that it nearly cost her her life. As if that hadn’t been enough, Millie didn’t even tell her best friends about Stewart. If she had, she may have wound up in Pearl after Frank’s assault. Millie shook her head as Stewart entered her mind. He was a mean, self-centered, egotistical jerk who didn’t deserve to be respected. People like him destroyed innocent lives on a daily basis.

Millie felt herself getting angry again. She didn’t know why, considering he was thousands of miles away and she would never see him again. It was surprising that she even got involved with him to begin with. Good looks and charm could only go so far before personality kicked in.

She laughed. At least she could chuckle about it now. Weeks ago, she cried her eyes out in despair pathetically when he dumped her. His angry, hurtful words were clear in her mind, yet the weak, foolish woman she was allowed that, him, to get inside of her mind. Never again. She was done being weak. She was finished feeling worthless and out of control of her life and her destiny. She was a good person who loved people. Especially people who needed some extra help.

Millie glanced back over her shoulder and saw Cindy opening the front office door. Millie smiled at her. She was going to ask Cindy to please talk with Sally again. Maybe she was just having a difficult time telling her or anyone else how she wound up in Pearl and the shelter.

“Millie, I just got a call from Deputy Lewis. He needs to meet you up at the main house.”

Millie instantly smiled. She was dating a deputy of Pearl now. Damn, did that do something to her insides.

Millie waved.

“I’ll head back there now,” she said, and instantly thoughts of last night with the Lewis brothers filled her mind. She was living in a fantasy world. Like something from a storybook except erotic romance style, with several handsome, sexy princes and one not-so-perfect princess.

She giggled to herself.
I wonder what Anthony, Jeremy, Dalton, Hank, or even Marco would think about that?

Chapter 16


Marco stood alongside Wyatt as Millie approached from the side of the house. As soon as his eyes locked with hers he felt a little better now that she was in his sight and safe. He wasn’t sure how he was going to handle this situation. He cared for her. In fact, if he wasn’t mistaken, he was in love for the first time in his life.

“Hi, Wyatt. Hi, Marco.” Millie waved as she approached the steps, made her way to Wyatt first, and kissed his cheek. Then she blushed as she smiled toward Marco.

He immediately reached out his hand for her to take it. She did, shyly, and he pulled her closer to him. “Hey, beautiful,” he whispered then leaned down to kiss her softly on the mouth. He made it quick because of Wyatt and the situation, but he sure as hell wasn’t happy about it. He’d like nothing more than to take his woman back to the Lewis ranch and protect her from the world. It was selfish and also unacceptable. Millie would never allow that. He and his brothers had work to do in convincing her she needed their protection now.

“So what’s going on?” she asked.

“Let’s go inside and sit. I think Max is pouring us some sweet tea,” Wyatt stated then opened the screen door. Millie’s facial expression changed as she glanced at both Wyatt and Marco.

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and took a deep breath. “Okay.”

When they walked inside and through to the kitchen, sure enough, Max was pouring ice-cold tea into glasses. He was in uniform and no one else was around.

Millie sat down and Marco sat down beside her despite the fact that his hands shook in anger. Millie was gorgeous with her long brown hair and dark blue eyes. She didn’t deserve this situation. No one did.

“Millie, there’s been an update in the investigation back in New York,” Wyatt began to explain and Millie nodded her head then looked at Marco. He reached over to take her hand and squeezed it before laying it on his thigh. He hoped that she didn’t feel his body shaking. He feared for her life.

“Your facial expression is telling me this is bad. Let’s get on with it,” she whispered, and Wyatt nodded his head.

He began to explain about Stewart disappearing and then turning up murdered.

She pulled her hand away from Marco’s and covered a gasp with her hand. As Wyatt explained the situation without giving too many gory details, yet indicating the danger and seriousness of the situation, Millie began to shake her head, and then she looked at Marco.

“We’re going to protect you. He won’t be able to find you here.”

Millie stood up and walked toward the counter. She gripped the surface and Marco waited for her to do something like cry or scream in frustration, but instead she shocked him as well as Max and Wyatt.

She turned toward them.

“Frank killed Stewart because of me?”


* * * *


Millie felt almost numb. She stared at the three men in the room, not really seeing them at all but instead, images of Stewart. Every good thing he ever did crossed her mind. When they first met, his compliments, his attention to every detail about her appearance and style of clothing. She couldn’t think of any of the insulting, verbally abusive comments at the moment. She felt like shit. She had said such hurtful, mean things about him in her mind. She had hoped that he would suffer. She had said that. She wanted others to know how much of an asshole he was, and now this? Frank found out about Stewart. He killed him because they were lovers and Frank wanted Millie all to himself.

You’re mine and we belong together for eternity.

Frank’s words came crashing into her mind.

She felt someone grab her by the shoulders. Opening her eyes, she looked up and up until she locked gazes with blue eyes.

“I don’t know what thoughts are running through that head of yours, Millie, but this is not your fault. This guy, Frank, is one crazy bastard. He is going to get caught.”

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