Millie's Second Chance (21 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Was this the Frank guy?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“Another guy? Why would he ask that of you?”

“Because he was a control freak. He thought that it wasn’t ladylike. But ya know what? After he got me fired from my job, I wish I had the opportunity to use some martial arts moves on him. The jerk.”

“He got you fired from your job?”

“Yeah, because he dumped me and then got mad at me for wearing a sexy dress to the gala event and getting attention. He insulted me, told me men would only want me for a quick fuck. Things like that,” she rambled on then tried to get off of him.

“What the hell! My God, Millie, that’s terrible.”

“Hey, it is what it is. My track record with men isn’t really good.”

“Well, my brothers and I aren’t like that. We would never put you down or hurt you like that.”

“Really?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at him.

“Yeah, really,” he stated firmly and as if he were surprised that she could question their sincerity or respect of women or of her.

“Oh, so then why can’t I touch you when we’re making love? How come you kept this T-shirt on?” she pushed, and he appeared shocked.

“That’s different.”

“How so?”

“I’m not ready to discuss it.”

“Well, I didn’t want to hang out all of my dirty laundry but oops…it’s too late now, isn’t it? Fess up, Dalton.”

“You are a pushy little thing.”

“And you’re trying to avoid this conversation.”

“I need some time, Millie. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a woman.”

“Some woman hurt you? She cheat on you or something?”

“No. It’s nothing like that. I have some issues to work out.”

She was silent a moment as she sensed his upset with her. He really had some personal struggles going on. Well, that fact made her feel like less of the odd one out.

“Okay. I’ll give you some time, but know that I want to touch you. I like you. I like the attraction I feel for you and your brothers. I feel safe in your arms. Ah, forget it. I don’t want you to think I’m crazy or clingy.”

He pulled her against him and hugged her tight.

“Never feel that way. You feel great in my arms, too, sweetness.” He kissed her shoulder then stood with her still in his arms.

“Ready for some supper?”

“I think I need some clothes first.”

“What for? You won’t be wearing them long,” he teased, and she gave him a light slap on his arm.

He lowered her to her feet and smiled.

“You get dressed. The bathroom is that way if you need to freshen up and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

“Okay,” she stated as he grabbed his clothes and headed out of the room.

Millie took a deep breath and smiled. That was some serious lovemaking. She would never be the same again.


* * * *


“I hope you like your steak rare, darling, ’cause that’s the only way Anthony knows how to cook them,” Jeremy told Millie as they gathered around the table on the screened-in back porch. She had watched Jeremy and Anthony cooking on the outdoor kitchen grill while she, Hank, and Dalton set the table. Marco was getting the beers and lighting some candles.

Anthony placed the platter onto the table.

“What the hell is up with the candles, Marco?” Anthony asked.

“Hey, it’s romantic,” he replied.

Anthony was about to say something, but then he looked at Millie and she smiled as she lowered her head to stifle her laugh. Marco took a seat next to her as he placed a platter of roasted potatoes onto the table.

Anthony blew out the candles. “Save the romance for one on one. I’m not sitting by candlelight with all of you in a romantic setting,” he snapped.

She looked up wide eyed and surprised at his macho, male attitude toward the candles. But before she could say anything, she felt Marco’s hand on her knee slowly moving up her thigh and under her dress. He leaned into her neck and kissed along her skin. “Candlelight is good ambience for making out with my woman at the dinner table.”

She closed her eyes, absorbing the scent of his cologne and the feel of his fingertips that were about to reach her mound. When his fingertips touched her bare pussy, he paused and pulled slightly away so he could look into her eyes. At that same moment Dalton sat beside her.

“What’s wrong?” Hank asked from across the table.

Dalton held her gaze and Millie felt her cheeks warm.

“Baby, you’re not wearing any panties,” Marco stated.

Millie heard forks drop and then Dalton chuckle. She glanced around the table and all the men stared at her, looking very sexy.

“I couldn’t find them. They seemed to have disappeared,” she told them. She had a feeling one of the men hid them from her on purpose. She just wasn’t sure who because they were all more than capable of such a trick.

Anthony nibbled his bottom lip then picked his fork back up to slice into one very thick, large, juicy steak.

“I think I like where this is going. As a matter of fact, I think we should start setting some rules for our woman, what do y’all think?” Anthony asked then brought a piece of steak up to his mouth and took a bite. The others began to do the same and she felt Marco press a finger to her clit then pull her earlobe into his mouth. His warm breath and firm touch to her most sensitive flesh had her pussy weeping for more.

“First rule, baby, is never wear panties around us.”

Oh Lord, he didn’t just say that.

Dalton leaned over to caress her other thigh then slowly move his hand between her legs where Marco now vacated so he could eat his steak.

“We want this pussy accessible at all times. It belongs to us. Every part of you does,” Dalton told her then brushed his finger across her already swollen clit. His Texas accent added magnetism to his demand.

Millie moaned.

“I think you should eat up, Millie. You’re going to need your energy,” Jeremy chimed in and Dalton pulled his hand slowly from under her dress.

Millie was strung tight as a bow and these five men sat there looking smug and content as they ate their monstrous-looking steaks. She wouldn’t beg for another one of their fingers to press up into her needy cunt. No. She was stronger than this. Instead, she shrugged her shoulders, picked up her fork and knife, and began to eat her steak even though all she wanted to do was come.


* * * *


Anthony listened as his brothers talked about their family and establishing their individual businesses. He was impressed with how ladylike and sweet Millie was. Every so often she would dab her napkin against her mouth or smile shyly toward one of his brothers’ comments. She was listening intently and adding her thoughts here and there. Conversation ran smoothly and as if they had known her for a long time. It interested him that she could be so feminine and delicate, yet she was practically a black belt in martial arts.

“So, Millie, what did you do when you worked in New York?” Jeremy asked her.

“I was a fundraising coordinator for a large firm.”

“What kind of projects did you work on?” Hank asked.

“I was working on one to raise money for a women’s shelter. I actually succeeded and we were celebrating a few nights before I had to leave. It is going to be a great shelter where women can go for a fresh start. They can even get help with training and education so they can work and support their families if they have any.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Dalton added.

“What made you get into that?” Marco asked.

“I needed a better job. I make my own jewelry and worked in a jewelry store for a while, hoping that the owner would come through on his promise to display my stuff, but it never happened. It was frustrating and I needed a better-paying job. I was doing the self-defense classes at the time and they were costly. I had volunteered a lot at the local women’s shelter and then met a woman who worked for the company that financially supported them. One thing led to another and I got a job interview.”

“So you’ve always volunteered?” Anthony asked, and he watched as Millie placed her hands on her lap and took a deep breath. When she looked up he thought she looked like an angel.

“I started volunteering at the family shelter to offer support to women who were battered or raped. It was difficult, but I felt I could offer some sort of support since I was a survivor. You see, after the attack by Frank, I was hospitalized for some time and that time alone, healing made me see that I was given a second chance at life. I wanted to continue to help, but I wanted to make that help more accessible, and I also wanted to follow my dream of selling my homemade jewelry.”

“That’s great, Millie. I bet the boutique in town would display your stuff and sell it for you on commission,” Jeremy added.

She smiled.

“I should go in to talk with them. I brought a lot of my things, but some of my tools are still in New York. I guess eventually I’ll have to go back there to gather my stuff.”

“No. You’re not going back there. Not until Frank is captured,” Marco stated firmly. She turned toward him and Anthony felt the same words on his lips. He wouldn’t let her leave Pearl. He wasn’t going to take a chance of losing her nor letting that psycho ex-boyfriend of hers find her.

“Marco, I left in a hurry. I had no choice and I’ll need my things.”

“You’ll work it out another way. Don’t think about that now. You’re staying here and that’s not up for discussion,” Marco replied.

“Don’t do that.”

Marco stared at her. “Don’t do what?”

“Tell me what to do or not to do.”

“I will tell you what to do because you’re part of me now and part of us,” he replied.

Millie stared at Marco and Anthony thought she was going to hit him or cry. He wasn’t sure.

“Don’t say things like that,” she whispered and it made him wonder just how badly those two men from her past had hurt her.

“I speak the truth. You belong to the Lewis brothers now. We’re going to take care of you and protect you. That includes guiding you in decisions that threaten what we’re trying to protect.”

“Marco, please. This is going so fast. I mean the sex was incredible. Really,
.” She took a deep breath. Anthony had to hide his chuckle, but he felt a little tinge of fear. He hoped it meant more to her than just sex. It sure as hell did to him and his brothers. He’d never seen Marco so forward like this, or Dalton, for that matter.

“Glad you enjoyed it, baby, because it’s only gonna get better,” Marco replied and Millie smiled then lowered her eyes. They were all silent a moment.


* * * *


Hey, Millie, were you looking for these?” Jeremy asked with a smile as he pushed his chair back and sat there holding her sexy black thong with one finger in the air twirling it.


He winked. Damn, she made him so fucking hot. Her attitude, her desire for a better life, and the need to be protected turned him on like nothing ever had before.

“Come here and get them if ya want them.”

Millie took a deep breath but rose to the occasion.

That’s my girl.

She sashayed that lovely body of hers around the table to where he sat with his legs wide and her thong on his finger. When she reached for it, he pulled it away.

“How much do you like these here panties, baby?”

She smiled at him as if she knew where he was headed. Damn, he was filled with erotic fantasies about Millie. One was going to be achieved right now.

“I like them a lot.”

He could see out of the corner of his eye his brothers moving dishes and items off of the table and out of the way. Perhaps he wasn’t the only one with this fantasy of spreading Millie over the table and fucking her from behind. She had an ass that was to die for. Jeremy reigned in his excitement and pulled Millie in.

“I think you should give me something I really like so you can get back what you really like.”

“And that would be?” she asked.

“That pretty little pink pussy you’re hiding under that blue dress, darling.”

Her cheeks turned a shade of pink and he knew she wanted it, too.

“Just for my panties?” she asked.

“And of course for your pleasure.”

“My pleasure?” she questioned, and he reached for her, pulling her between his legs. His hand went immediately up her dress and squeezed her ass to him.

“Fuck yeah, your pleasure. All of ours, baby. I want you and I want you now.”

Millie closed her eyes and squeezed his shoulders. He kneaded her ass cheeks with his hands then ran a finger over the crevice of her ass. Millie’s cheeks tightened and then he moved farther down to press a digit to her already wet cunt.

“Fuck yeah, you’re wet already. Do you know how I want you?” he asked as he rotated his finger and thrust in and out of her pussy. She parted her legs to give him better access and his dick swelled up in his jeans.

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