MasonsRule-ARe (23 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

BOOK: MasonsRule-ARe
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“I’m sure you’re familiar with the saying, be careful what you wish for.” He let that statement sink in while he dropped to his knees to grant her wish. First he gently pulled on the beads.

She swayed slightly.

“Feel good?”


He tugged a little more and then released the clamp and pocketed the clip and beads.

“Ahhhh. It hurts.”

“Aww, poor baby. Let me see if I can help you with that.” He stroked between her legs, sliding one finger inside her. “Better?”

“Yes, Sir. Much better.”

It was a joy to watch her start to squirm as he worked his finger in and out of her sucking flesh. Before long, she was dragging in breath after breath as he continued to fondle her.

Her thighs quivered.

“You want to come, baby?”

“Yes, Sir. Please.



Her eyes popped open and looked down on him. “No?”

“You don’t think I know how to have fun, but I do. Like this, for example. I’m having lots of fun working you up knowing I’m going to deny your orgasm.”

“What?” Her question bordered on hysterical. “That’s not what I meant at all.”

“That’s the fun of it though isn’t it?” He leaned forward and sucked her swollen clit into his mouth, circling it with his tongue before biting down with steady pressure.

“Ohhh. Seriously, Sir. Can’t. Not. Come.”

Abruptly he released her tight bud and slid from her sheath. “You can hold it. I know you can.” He stood and adjusted his pants, pressing down on his insistent erection.

She grabbed his arm to steady herself while taking long, slow breaths to calm her racing heart. “How long?”

“That’ll be up to you. You can let your fun meter be the judge.” He tugged her dress back into place and swiped his hands down her hips to smooth out the wrinkles. The frustration stamped across her face warmed his heart. By the end of the night, she would be so far out on the edge, he’d enjoy shoving her over.

“Why are you punishing me? I couldn’t resist buying the clamp when Maggie and I were shopping today.”

“It’s not punishment, sweetheart. Only a lesson in control and a way for me to poke at you for calling me not fun.” And a way for him to keep his dick out of her cunt long enough to show her a different kind of good time.

They were on vacation in the perfect city and it was obvious if a day long shopping trip with a woman she barely knew meant that much to her, she was starving for more good times.

“By the way.” He kissed a trail from her shoulder to the top swell of her breasts. “I love the new jewelry.”


Rebecca studied the man officiating the wedding between Tucker and Maggie. He looked so damned familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on how or why. He certainly wasn’t what she expected a preacher to look like in his expensive tailored suit, well-manicured nails and drop dead gorgeous face.

She and Mason were the only guests at the private candlelight ceremony and that didn’t seem to faze anyone. It was probably that kind of privacy that made it easy for Maggie to wear her chosen dress. The full-length gown was made almost completely with see through lace, showing off her beautiful figure.

“You help her pick out that dress?” Mason whispered.

“I did. It’s gorgeous isn’t it?”

“Indeed it is. It certainly turns up the heat at an event that isn’t always fun to attend.”

“You don’t like weddings?”

“Not particularly. Happily ever after sounds like some trumped up ideal most people can’t live up to.”

She turned and looked at him. “That’s really cynical. And surprising. As much as you seem to honor family, I would have thought a wedding would be a natural extension for you.”

“Definitely not for me. Don’t get me wrong. I’m really happy for Tucker and Maggie. But as far as I’m concerned, the night he put the collar on meant a whole hell of a lot more than this wedding.”

Rebecca nodded. With that she couldn’t completely disagree. A collar seemed like a more powerful symbol than any ring. “Don’t people break their promise with a collar as much as they do with a ring though?”

“No,” he said. “Relationships of any variety don’t always work out. But a couple with a collar between them seems to have a lot more respect for each other than those without.”

Rebecca thought about that. It certainly took the vow to obey to a different level.

“You may now remove her dress.”

Rebecca turned suddenly back to the couple at the altar in time to see Tucker unzip Maggie’s dress and helped her step out of it. She had nothing on underneath. In the soft glow of candlelight, Maggie’s skin glowed. Tucker placed his hand on her shoulder and she gracefully knelt in front of him.

Rebecca was on the verge of tears at the beautiful turn in the ceremony. She never dreamed of anything quite so exquisite.

“It’s not always like this. Often times the wedding takes place with family members not in the lifestyle and these elements are reserved for a separate collaring ceremony.”

For the first time in a long time, she didn’t know what to say. When she was a little girl, she and Cyndi used to throw pretend weddings in their bedroom when a rainy day prevented them from going outside. The details were sketchy after all these years, but she remembered wanting to grow up and find a man she could marry. Someone beautiful and kind who would protect her against all the dragons and wicked witches of the world.

Then that kind of happiness wasn’t possible…

And yet, Tucker and Maggie, amid scandal and rough times, were taking vows to love and cherish each other forever. Next Tucker presented Maggie with a wide blooming red rose. It represented his constant Dominance and passion to protect her at all costs and signified his readiness to accept her as his one. In turn, she presented him with a tight white rose bud not yet open and said it represented the submission she offered him and that she wanted to continue to learn and grow from his mastery.

At this point in the ceremony, tears were running down Rebecca’s face. She never witnessed anything so moving before. Mason’s arm wrapped around her waist and his hand settled on her hip. She leaned into his shoulder, letting him take some of her weight.

To end the ceremony, the two joined their hands and the officiate bound them with rope and pronounced them husband and wife, Dominant and submissive.

Tucker pulled Maggie to her feet and kissed her long and hard. When they broke apart he placed his hand on her stomach and whispered in her ear. She nodded her head. Whatever it was made Maggie very happy.

Once Tucker got her dress back in place and growled something about spanking her later, Maggie was back to the bouncing, bubbly woman she’d been all day.

“This calls for a toast.” Mason motioned for the waiter standing by to come forward with five flutes, four with champagne and one with milk.

“Too funny,” Maggie giggled as she took the one with milk from the tray.

Mason held up his glass and took the lead. “To the bride and groom. May you have a long happy life together, a beautiful and healthy child, and the peace you’ve both been waiting for.”

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them together, expressing their congratulations.

“Now can we go party?” Everyone laughed at Mason’s question, but they all started inside the penthouse.

The rest of the night went by in a blur of different casinos, an upscale gentleman’s club, the club Mason had taken her to the night before, and a lot of alcohol. Everywhere they went, someone offered them some unique beverage they had to try. Since Maggie couldn’t drink, Tucker kept it light and she and Mason took up their slack.

Halfway through the night, Mason gave into her begging and gave her the first of many orgasms, in a hidden alcove less than a hundred feet away from a roulette table that Tucker had made his bitch.

Three quarters of the way through the night, she told everyone in their group Mason did actually know how to have real fun.

And when the sun began peeking over the horizon, she passed out on the big orgy bed tucked against Mason’s warm body where her last conscious thought was that she was irrevocably in love with Mason Sinclair.

Chapter Twenty-One

“Don’t you think they make the perfect couple?” Maggie nodded toward Mason and Rebecca.

“Please don’t get any ideas, sugar. Mason is a hardass when it comes to his subs.

“But look at them. Have you ever seen him like that?”

Tucker turned and studied the couple whispering to each other at the blackjack table.

“It’s true. I’ve never seen him act this way before, but you can’t get attached to her because she’ll be gone soon enough. It's what he does.”

“People change all the time. Maybe he’s changing.”

Tucker snorted. “My brother never changes. He worries. He bulldozes people. And he takes care of what needs to be done. What he doesn’t do is bend or change. Trust me.”

“I think you’re underestimating the power of love.”

“And I think you’re overestimating the situation. They’re fucking. And enjoying it from what I can tell. But fucking isn’t love and we both know that.”

She remembered all too well the hard road she and Tucker endured to get to this point. Their first kiss as teenagers had knocked her socks off, but it wasn’t enough to set their course. They both went through many hard years as adults before they found their way back together again.

“I just think Mason needs her. I know you don’t spend a lot of time with him, but you have to know he seems lonely.”

Tucker tucked her hair behind her ear and pressed a kiss to her mouth. “I know, sugar. We’ve all been where Mason is now. But he has to find his own way. Nothing you or I can do to force something to happen. It either will it or won’t. Let nature take its course.”

She frowned. “You really think it will ever happen for him at his own hand? I fear he doesn’t think he deserves what you and I have. Or what Levi and Tori share…"

“Your heart is too soft, Maggie. Although I happen to love that about you. Your need to educate and help is a big draw.”

“I thought it was my tits.”

Tucker laughed. “Oh it definitely is, sugar. The tits, the ass, the belly.”

“All of those things are about to get bigger.” She rubbed her still flat tummy imagining the peanut sized baby inside.

“I’m looking forward to it.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and settled his hands over her breasts. “You grow as big as that baby needs and I’ll enjoy the side benefits. He thumbed across both nipples sending a zing of electricity to her sex.

“Tucker. This is a night club not a sex club, you know,” she whispered.

“You’re the one who brought up your tits. And wore this dress.”

God she did love the dress. So much so she insisted on wearing it the rest of the night. If she only got to wear it one time, she planned to enjoy it.

“I love you, sugar.”   

Maggie let her head fall back on his chest. “I love you too, Master.”

“Mmm. Unless you want me to take advantage of you here, we should probably find out way back to the hotel.”

“If you don’t want to wait, I bet we could get a room right here.”

“Damn woman, where have you been all my life? Let’s go. I can’t wait to fuck you in this dress.”

“What about Mason and Becca?” She glanced over at the two still huddled together.

“Mason is a big boy. He doesn’t need any help from us when it comes to his submissive. Up you go.” He lifted her from his lap and smacked her ass a lot harder than she expected. Her nerves sizzled as pent up sexual energy from a whole day of anticipation culminated.

Before she had a chance to say or do anything he picked her up and settled her back into the booth they shared. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her heart was racing as she watched him disappear into the lobby. It still amazed her how lucky she was. She was so happy. It was hard not to want to spread that around if she could.

Mason and Becca were so into each other. It was obvious to anyone who spent five minutes with them. But Mason was obsessed with things like contracts and avoiding strings at all cost. He needed something to shake him up and turn his world upside down to make him realize what he had right in front of him.

There had to be something she could do. They were in Las Vegas, for Christ’s sake. This city had a reputation for making people do things they’d never do in an ordinary day.

Like get married. Maggie smiled, her chest swelling. She looked down at her new gold band. Being married to Tucker felt incredible. Being collared by him even better. And she was about to have wild, dirty sex in her ultra-sexy wedding gown in a strange hotel room because neither of them could wait.

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