Bonds of Blood

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Authors: Shauna Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Bonds of Blood
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Bonds of Blood


Shauna Hart




2013 by
Shauna Hart


Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.









Shadows of Ecstasy



“One of those rare books that sucks you in from the first page and keeps you riveted to the last.”

                                                                                    ~Whipped Cream Reviews~


“Ms. Hart has written a compelling story that will keep you glued to the pages as you watch these two dynamic characters fight and struggle to find each other in a sea of opposition and politics.”

                                                                                    ~Coffee Time Romance~


Den of Desire


“What can I say but hot, hot, hot. This is not only a love story with blow your mind sex scenes but a book you can't put down. There is suspense, characters you want to know more about and a fascinating setting. Joe is the man you would love to come home to, and Mara is the woman we women sometimes strive to be. Purchasing this book will leave you wanting to read more from this author. You will not be disappointed.”

                                                                                    ~You Gotta Read Reviews~

“Dynamite is the only word I can think of to describe this book. It will keep you reading with its short chapters and mind blowing sex scenes. The author is at her best with crisp and snappy dialogue from the characters. The suspense of the book makes it thrilling and sexy! By the end of the story I'm not sure who is seduced more, Joe, Mara, or the reader. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good love story with more than satisfying sex scenes.”

                                                                                                  ~The Romance Studio~








Thanks to all of my friends and family

have been so supportive of my work.


To my sons, Anthony and Colton, for

making me smile.


And, as always, thanks to my husband, Willchris,

giving me all of the love and support

keeps me going.






Chapter 1

She didn’t even know he was here.

Each night, he watched her.

To protect.

It was his duty.

She let out a low murmur as she twisted on the bed, the sheets slipping below her waist.  The satin negligee she wore moved against her skin
to reveal the side of her breast.  Full breasts that he wanted to touch, to taste. 

His body went taut. 
Leaning over, his hand hovered over the sheet.  As much as he wanted to take temptation from view, he didn’t trust himself to touch her. 

She was not for him, no matter how much he desired her.  He had been chosen for this task because of his loyalty, and he refused to dishonor that. 
His job was quite clear.  He was a Member of the Vigilate—he was only meant to watch, to protect.

She rolled over, her
long legs slipping out from under the sheet.  He drew in a deep breath.  His hand ached with the need to caress her thigh, to tease the hot center of her.  Each night was like this. 

A lesson in torture.

Each night as she slept, he watched her.  He had to.

A sound outside made his head turn.  The scuffling sound broke through the normal sounds of music and laughter.  The others would come if they found out the truth about her.  He just hoped that he was strong enough to protect her when they did. 

Dawn was approaching.

It was time to disappear.

Standing to leave,
Alec heard rustling in the bed.  With lightning quick movements he slipped out the French doors to the balcony just as she sat up.  Jumping over the edge, he landed on the street.  Standing in the shadows, he watched her look out the small glass panes. 

She was searching.

Searching for him.

Luckily, the
darkness was like a second skin.  It enabled him to disappear.  Still, her senses were developing fast.  Quicker than anyone expected. 

Soon, he wouldn’t be able to hide. 

And then, she would know the truth about him…and herself.


Kat Montague stared out the window into the French Quarter. 

It had happened again.

Each night she woke up with the feeling that someone was there. 

Watching her.

And each night she woke up alone.

The rational part of her brain told her that she was most likely cracking up.  Maybe the grief of losing her mother had finally taken its toll.  After six months, she was finally beginning to move on with her life. 

So, why did she feel this…presence each night?

Even now, she felt like someone was watching her. 

She threw open the French doors to step out onto the balcony.  Below, a couple walked by, the man’s hands roving over the woman’s body as she giggled.  Across the street a man sat outside the entrance to a bar signing a soulful tune.  Despite the strange sensation she couldn’t shake, it was clear that no one even noticed her.  She padded across the wooden floor on bare feet to slide into bed.  Clutching the sheet around her, she lay down.

It wasn’t just the sensation of being watched that bothered her.

Ever since she came back to New Orleans, the dreams had become an unwelcome guest.  Dreams of a man that she knew she belonged to.  Dreams she hadn’t had since she was a child.

Why had they come back now?

She closed her eyes.

But sleep wouldn’t come


The next morning she stepped out onto the street.  The Louisiana heat was so intense that she could see steam rising from the pavement.  She hurried through the throngs of tourists and street performers to glance down at her watch. 


She was going to be late.

If it wasn’t for her addiction to the snooze button, she wouldn’t be in this mess. 

That and the dream.

The dream had been so intense that she didn’t want to wake up.  Maybe she had gone without for too long.  After all,
a year without sex was like seven dog years. 

It was a damned long time.

Maybe that was why her subconscious mind was so fascinated with her mystery dream man.  If she would’ve just gone out and found someone to enjoy, she might be on time today.

Finally, she spotted Mina sitting at a small table at Café du Monde.  The little café had begun long ago and become a fixture in the community.  With its chicory coffee and legendary beignets, it was the perfect place to enjoy a part of the Cajun culture for tourists and locals alike. 

Mina in her black shirt and long billowy skirt definitely did not fit in with the rest of the patrons.  Still, she had to hand it to the girl that she held her head high despite the curious stares.  Mina had agreed to help her get an inside look at the underground vampire scene in New Orleans…for a small fee, of course.  In fact, Kat would bet her last dollar that Mina was not the girl’s given name. 

She would also bet that her gray eyes were courtesy of contacts instead of genetics.   A small gold loop pierced her upper lip.  Despite the harsh glare of the sun, her skin was as pale as a ghost.

“You’re late,” she observed.  The blond roots of her black hair peaked through in the light.  Her black t-shirt was ripped across the midriff, and she wore a fishnet top underneath it that had built-in gloves with the fingers cut out.

Kat took a seat across from her doing her best to bite back an equally sarcastic comment.  As much as she hated to admit it, she couldn’t afford to piss Mina off.  Not until she got into the club.  Besides that, she needed this assignment.  It wasn’t as if freelance reporting was a lucrative profession.  In truth, she wouldn’t have been able to pursue it if it wasn’t for the money her mother left her.  That and the insurance money was enough for her to buy the French Quarter loft and live comfortably for a year. 

When she first came to New Orleans, Kat had been running.  Running from memories she couldn’t bear to face.  Watching her mother die a slow and painful death from cancer had simply been too much. 

After a couple of months, she began to find her calling.  Investigative journalism helped her push past her grief and get on with her life.   And, so far, she’d done pretty well for a
newcomer.  She’d even gotten a couple of pieces published in the
Picayune Times
.  When she proposed a piece on the underground Goth crowd, they had jumped at the idea.  If she didn’t get into the club, she was dead in the water.

That’s why Mina was so important.

The girl had literally fallen into the palm of Kat’s hand when she moved into the lower level of her building.  After a few conversations, Kat had convinced Mina to get her into the club.  According to the girl, it was a who’s who of the local Goth scene. 

Mina’s eyebrows lifted.  “What’s his name?”

Kat shook her head.  “It was nothing like that.  I just had a bad dream.”

The girl’s lips curled up slightly. 
“Must have been pretty bad judging from those bags under your eyes.”

Kat tilted her head to the side.  “Are you always so silver
-tongued this early in the morning?”

Mina let out a harsh laugh.  “No, sometimes I let my fangs show.”

Kat shook her head as the waitress walked up to take her order.  She quickly ordered a cup of coffee and beignets.  The jazz band outside began to play a slow sultry tune. 

“So, when are we going?”

Mina leaned back in her chair, studying her intently.  “Anxious?”

“I like to think of it as interested.”

Mina let out a long sigh.  “I’m still not sure about this.  Are you sure you’re ready?  I mean, no offense, but you seem pretty vanilla to me.  You sure you want to do this?”

her shoulders, Kat did her best not to take offense to the comment.  “Mina, it’s all I’ve thought about for the past three days.  I’m ready.”

eyes narrowed, the tips of her fake vampire teeth peaking over her lips.  “We’ll see.”

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