Manhattan Miracle (7 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

BOOK: Manhattan Miracle
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I know. I don't fault you for it. I had a bitch of a time at first, but my back was against the wall. It was either do it or don't finish school. Once I'd finished school, it wasn't that hard to go back to doing it." It didn't matter, but I asked anyway, "What did you tell him?"

Nothing. When I stepped inside, we both got undressed and I started visibly shaking. He asked if was sick. When I nodded he sent me away and said we could do this another time."

She wiped her eyes with the side of her hand.
"I don't think I'll be able to do this. I just hope I didn't screw things up with your client."

I snickered.
"He's your client now. I'm a man. I'm you, remember?"

I remember. You make me feel real good." She leaned over the console and kissed me. "Let's go home. I want to have sex with a

I chuckled.
"Can we leave your boots and collar on?"

If you like. You can do anything you like to me. I just need a good schtuping, right now."




Chapter Eight

After a wonderful night of s
ex, I let Ginger sleep in. We hadn't eaten since noon the previous day, so, while she slept, I made two ham and cheese omelets with hash browns and dark roast coffee.

At eleven, I woke her.
"I brought you an omelet."

She yawned and sat up.
"Oh thank you, I'm starved."

I set the breakfast tray over her lap.

"It smells delicious." She broke a piece off with her fork put it in her mouth. "Mmm, it is delicious."

After a round of sex in the shower, Gin
ger and I drove to her condo for our one o'clock meeting with Amber.

After Ginger pulled her Jag into her space in the Central View high rise condominium parking garage, we took the elevator up to the 43
floor, and sauntered to apartment 4314. It was obvious from Amber's joyful reaction at the sight of Ginger that she cared deeply for her roommate. She practically leaped in her arms and hugged Ginger for a long time. "It's so good to see you—to know you're all right. She glanced at me and offered her hand. "I remember you. Brad, right?"

Yes." I shook her hand and then Amber looked back at Ginger. She took her hand. "Come in please, both of you."

entered the flat and Amber motioned us to sit down in the living room. A surprised look formed on her face when I sat on the couch and Ginger chose to sit right next to me and hold my hand.

I made some fresh coffee. Would anyone like some? Or would you prefer wine?"

Coffee is fine."

Ginger nodded her agreement.
"Yes, coffee sounds perfect."

Amber turned on her heel and entered the kitchen. Minutes later she bounded back into the room and set a large tray holding a
carafe, three mugs, cream, sweeteners, a plate of mini sandwiches, a plate of mini pastries and three small plates on the coffee table. "It's near lunchtime, so I brought out snacks too." She poured coffee, added cream and placed two each of the sandwiches and pastries on a plate for herself, then sat on the loveseat, directly across the coffee table from us.

Taking a deep breath, Amber sighed and said to no one in general,
"Well, it seems things have changed. Are you romantically involved?"

Pouring coffee for both of us, I answered her,
"We are involved in every way you can think of."

Half laughing, Ginger quipped.
"We couldn't more involved if we were in each other's bodies."  

Amber set her coffee down and took a bite of a sandwich.
"So Ginger, what's this big mysterious thing that happened to you?"

Her laugh this time was almost hysterical as she blurted.
"I'm going to let Brad answer, because despite his appearance, he's really me."

Amber blanched. She turned to me and stared.
"Brad? Has my best friend gone mad?"

I wish Ginger hadn
't said that.
I had wanted to ease into our crazy situation. Now it was a matter of damage control. "No, I really am your best friend. Let me start at the beginning."

By the time I finished, Amber
's eyes had rounded wide open and her jaw hung so low, it looked dislocated. "That is the wackiest, most cockamamie story, I've ever heard."

I know, but it's true."

Then prove it. Brad since you claim to be Ginger, what's my birthday?"

February 27
1984. Amber is your middle name. Your real name is Dorothy Sinclair and you're from –"

Amber waved her hands.
"Hold on, would you? Ginger could have told you all that. Let me ask the questions. Where did we meet?"

At Rutgers on Orientation Day. We hit it off so we rented an apartment off campus together. We've lived together off and on ever since."

Amber asked a half dozen more questions, all of which I answered, then she asked,
"Where do my parents live?"

Nowhere. They were killed when you were three, by a drunk driver. Your maternal Uncle Ted and his wife Emily raised you. They live in Trenton. I have met them and their two boys. Nice family."

Amber rose.
"All right, you've convinced me." She went to the liquor cabinet, returned with a bottle of Amaretto and poured it in her mostly empty coffee mug. She held the bottle up. "Anyone else?"

Ginger held her mug out.
"Yeah, sure, I'll have some."

I held my cup out too and she filled them both. 

She held her coffee mug up before taking a drink and said, "You have to realize this is a hard story to swallow."

But it's true. I didn't know the answer to any of the questions you asked Brad."

Amber turned to Brad.
"What I can't understand is why you don't seem to be upset? If something like you say happened to you and Ginger, happened to me, I'd be bouncing off the walls."

I know it's hard, but remember behind this façade of Brad, I'm Ginger and Ginger is really Brad. If you want to think of us the way we look, that's fine, but when you're talking to me, you
talking to Ginger. As for being upset we were at first—very upset—but what could we do about it? After we'd calmed somewhat we grew curious about our new bodies and what it was like to be the other sex like almost everyone else who ever lived."

Ginger gestured with her hands.
"Yes, it was like a whole new world opened up for us. We would be able to find out those things about the opposite sex that we always wondered about."

I laughed.
"Yes. I couldn't wait to pee standing up."

Amber chirped a hysterical laugh.
"Sorry, how was it?"

It was great. So was the BJ Ginger gave me."

Ginger waggled her eyebrows.
"It was like sucking on myself."

I'll bet, dining on Ginger was like eating myself and I loved it."

Amber laughed again.
"Sounds like you're getting plenty of sex."

Ginger answered.
"Yeah we have sex, but we enjoy doing other things with each other too."      

That's right. Yesterday, Ginger and I played basketball and we went shopping."

Amber dipped her head toward Ginger.
"Is that right? Who won?"

Ginger, she won two out of three, but don't forget Ginger is Brad, who plays basketball for exercise."

Amber gazed at Ginger.
"Do you?"

I used to. I may take up more feminine forms of exercise. Brad says I have to keep my body in perfect shape in case he get's it back. He doesn't have to worry though. I love my new body, I would never do anything to hurt it."

Considering what's just happened, you both seem accepting and contented."

I know, Brad loves being Ginger and I don't mind being Brad. Being Brad is going to give me the investment banking opportunity, I've been denied. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I assume Brad's corner office at Bayside Securities."

Ginger leaned forward.
"Yes, isn't it odd how all this worked out. It's like a magic genie entered our minds and switched our bodies deciding
you belong over there
she belongs here."


There was so much to talk about—so many questions and so many answers—that we stayed there for hours. We covered Ginger's new job as me and my job as Ginger including how we would merge our salaries.

We discussed Ginger
's failed attempt at continuing her courtesan life and whether she should try again. Since I said I was against it, the girls tabled that idea.

We covered how we would handle our finances, switching our net worth as we
'd switched bodies. Then we covered how best to cover our living together with friends and family.

Amber gestured with her hands to make her point.
"The obvious answer is for Brad to keep his townhouse for show, but live here."

Ginger nodded.
"Yes, I'd be worried about you being here alone. A man would provide some protection. Besides how would you be able to pay the rent, if I moved out?"

I like that idea. Bayside is less than a mile away. Ginger and I could walk to work when the weather is nice or take a cab if the weather is crappy."

It's settled then. Brad will be our new roommate."

Ginger rose and bounced on the balls of her feet.
"Ooh, this is exciting, let's go get a few of your things now so you can spend the night. I used to lie in bed and wonder what it would feel like to make love to someone special, with that magnificent view right there and now I can."

Amber frowned.
"Not fair, I've wondered the same thing."

Ginger wrapped her arm with mine.
"So bring a man up here and make love in your bedroom. Only just not this one."




Chapter Nine – The Big Day

I woke at sunrise, got up showered and dressed in my new suit and tie before Ginger woke. I walked into the living area and was surprised and pleased to find Amber sitting at the breakfast table sipping coffee and reading the New York Times.
"Good morning, beautiful."

She looked up and smiled,
"Hi Brad, Just made coffee. Grab some."

Thanks, I think I will."

I poured my coffee and took a seat across from Amber.
"You're up early. Do you always get up this early?"

No. I couldn't sleep."

Do you always have trouble sleeping?"

Not usually. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that my gorgeous best friend is now a big, good looking, strapping guy, who pees standing up."

Can't blame you. I still have my moments."

Amber leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table.
"Are you all right with what went on?"

Ah-huh. I find it exciting."

I'll bet. What about the sex. Is it different for a man?"

A little. The biggest difference for a man is the short lived pumping sensation while ejaculating. Then, of course, I no longer have the ability to have multiple climaxes. Like most men I'm limited to one or two."

She spoke under her breath,
"I heard you last night."

I tried not to smile.
"Did you now?"

Ah-huh, or rather I heard Ginger. She had seven orgasms. You must be quite a cocksman."

I shrugged.
"She has a sensual body, Brad has good equipment and I, as a former woman know what pleases women."

Hi everybody." I glanced up and there was Ginger, bright and cheery. She was dressed modestly in a beige suit, with only a smidgen of makeup and her hair back. She kissed Amber on the cheek, then she gave me an open mouthed, tongue filled, 'thanks for the seven orgasm kiss. She winked. "Are you ready for the big day?"

I can't wait. How about you?"

Me either." She backed up and spun around. "I didn't overdo the business look, did I?"

Maybe a little, but that's good at first. We can work up to the sexier you."

Well, I'm ready whenever you are."

I rose.
"Let's go."


We turned to Amber.

"Can we meet for lunch? I'd like to hear how things are going."

Ginger looked at me. I nodded and she said,
"Fine. Is Libation Station all right?"

Amber shrugged.
"Fine with me."

We'll see you at noon at the Station."

I wrapped an arm around Ginger and we strode to the front door.

Holding the door open, Ginger stepped through the doorway and waited for me. I looped my arm around her again and we headed toward the elevators. "I wish we would have spent more time going over the bios and photos of your fellow workers. You do have the file, don't you?"

Ginger tapped her Prada handbag.
"Right here. I wish we had, too. We could have, if you hadn't been such a sex-crazed lunatic."

As we arrived at the elevator bank, Ginger pushed the down button.

I frowned. "Don't you mean if
hadn't been such sex-crazed lunatics?"

I know, lover-boy. I was only kidding."

A ding and a light announced the impending arrival of elevator three. We edged over and the doors parted. Ginger stepped in and pushed the lobby button. As I entered and stood beside her she added,
"Besides, we should get to the office before everyone else does, so we can lock ourselves in your office and go over all the file information, until you're comfortable."

Ginger and I stepped into the lobby from the elevator, and after a brisk ten-minute walk, we w
alked into the Bayside building. Bayside Securities occupied the top twenty floors. We took the elevator to our floor and walked into the office at 7:32.

Ginger whispered in my ear,
"Your new office is to the right, in the corner. Oh shit!"

What's the matter?"

Wally my…I mean your former boss is already here along with four or five other traders. Damn, he sees us."

Yeah, I see him."

Wearing a smile, Wally came out of his office and up to us.
"Hi Brad. Here early I see. Who have we here?"

Morning Wally, I'd like you to meet my new secretary, Ginger Allen. Ginger this is my
boss, Wally Moore."

Holding her hand Wally
's gaze wandered from Ginger's beautiful face, down her trim form and back. "I'm very pleased to meet you. Say weren't—"

Sensing what Wally was going to ask, I grasped Ginger
's hand. "Sorry Wally. We'll talk later. We have to go. Ginger, let me show you my new office and your workplace."

Ginger glanced back as we walked away.
"Nice to meet you, Wally."

He waved as we entered my corner office. I turned to Ginger and asked
sotto voce,
"You don't like Wally much, do you?"

He's all right." I think he was going to ask me about Libation Station."

I think so too. I saw the recognition in his eyes. It's going to come out. You may as well—"

It is her!" We turned and a youngish, good looking man stood there gaping at my secretary. "Wally said your secretary was the knock-out from Libation Station. I can't believe it, you sly fox. How did you manage—"

Ginger frowned.
"Excuse us; I need to say something to my new boss." She pulled me to the far corner of the office and whispered, "This is Lew Caruso, my former and now
best friend. We need to be extra careful around him. If anyone can spot something wrong, it'd be Lew, so try not to be around him without me being there. Got it?"

Got it." I dragged Ginger back to Lew. "Yeah, Lew. It's her all right. Lew, this is Ginger Allen. Ginger, this is my friend, Lew."

Ginger took his offered hand, but instead of shaking
her hand, he leaned down and kissed it. "I'm speechless. Up close in person you are a goddess. Sweetheart, you give new meaning to the term ‘sexytary’."

's eyes sparkled with mirth. "Thank you, Lew. I'm looking forward to getting to know you. Now, if you don't mind, Brad has some things to go over with me."

Lew stood there admiring my girlfriend as if he hadn
't heard, then suddenly, he said, "Yes, of course. Can we do lunch?"

Ginger said,
"We'd love to, but not today.

I elaborated,
"I'm afraid we're already meeting someone for lunch."

~ * * ~

Once Brad and I were alone, I went over his duties with him. It didn't take long before I realized an exceptional lady inhabited my body. Though she was a complete novice, she was unbelievably competent, absorbed information like a sponge, had a talent for organization and an instinctive sense of procedure.

Later sitting at my desk, I turned and glanced at him.

He saw me and winked.

I smiled.
We make a great team in business and a fantastic team in bed.

Around ten-thirty, I realized there
'd been a stream of guys and some gals, many whom I'd never seen before, strolling by every ten or twelve minutes. Apparently, word went out that there was a gorgeous new secretary on the 34

Brad must
've noticed too, because he called on the intercom.


He chuckled.
"How's my celebrity secretary?"

Very funny."

A few of the men that scoped you out are vice presidents and department heads."

Is that right? I figured I would draw some attention, but I never thought I'd become the office curiosity."

Now, you know what I used to go through. Anyway, that's not why I called."

Oh. What then?"

I came across the name of one of your clients who used to be one of my regulars."

I sat up.
"You had
with one of

Don't act so shocked, it's what I did."

I didn
't like to think about what Ginger did—how many men she'd been with. "Yeah, I guess that's expected."

That's right, baby. Except for out of town visitors, three quarters of my clients were Wall Street big shots or Wall Street investors—Amber's too."

I played with a lock of my new, long, blonde hair.
"What's his name?"

Gregory Carlson."

I'll be damned. I wonder if there are any more."

So do I. That's why I called. Is there a list of all your clients somewhere?"

Yes, I have a list somewhere. I'll find it and give it to you."

Thanks. Do you happen to know if there's a list of all of Bayside's clients?"

I shrugged.
"Beats me, but it shouldn't be too hard to put one together if there isn't one. Why do you want that?"

Just curious, besides it might come in handy sometime."

I'll get on it after lunch."

Thank you."

Back at my desk, fifteen minutes later, a
fter a score of men and a half dozen women had checked me out, it was lunch time. I knew Amber would be waiting so I grabbed my handbag and went into Brad's office.

Brad was talking on the phone and when he saw me, he held up a finger.
"Yes sir, I'll get right on it and get right back to you."

After hanging up the phone, he leaned forward on his desk and smiled.
"Yes, baby?"

It's five after twelve and Amber is meeting us for lunch."

He glanced at his wristwatch.
"So it is. I have something to wrap up first. Why don't you go ahead? I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

I nodded.
"Try not to be too long."


When I arrived, Amber was already in a booth, nursing an iced tea. She waved. "So tell me, how's the new job going?"

I slid in and opened one of the menus left by the hostess.
"It's going great. Brad will be few minutes late. What did you order?"

Greek Salad."

That's right, women always get salads."

She chuckled.
"Correction, women who care about their figures tend to eat salads, but still have to go easy on the dressing. I get the dressing on the side. You can eat other things besides salads though."

Like what?"

She cocked her head and smiled.
"I like salmon or trout. I also like chicken and lean beef. They have great burgers here. Get a burger without the bun and fresh fruit or cottage cheese, instead of fries."

I closed my menu.
"That'll work." 

Before Brad get's here, can I ask a couple questions?"

I glanced around.
"I guess. What do you want to know?"

You said you love being Ginger. Do you really love being a woman?"

The waitress stepped up and set a large bowl in front of Amber.
"Here's your Greek salad. Can I get you anything else?"

More iced tea."

Coming right up." She picked up my menu. "Did you decide?"

I did. I'll have the 'Half Pound Station Burger' with lettuce leaves instead of a bun and fruit instead of fries."

Half pounder with lettuce leaves and fruit. Anything to drink?"

Iced tea."

After the waitress left, I answered Amber
's question. "It's not just being a woman. I love being a glamorous woman. I adore being Ginger. I love being gorgeous and dressing up. Men are forced to conform to a standard, but women are free to be themselves, to let their personality show in their clothes, makeup, hair, even shoes. If given the option, I would never change back."

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