Manhattan Miracle (4 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

BOOK: Manhattan Miracle
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Tell me, when we first met, you told me you could get me a job as your secretary. Do you think I could get you in as my secretary? It would be a huge help."

Her head lifted as she got visibly excited and then sagged.
"Yeah, it would, but even if you could, there's a problem."

I sighed.

Last night at Libation Station, four of the guys I work with, three actually, since one left, were there and saw you—I mean me—this is so fucking confusing."

I know. Go on."

started to move her hands around as she explained, "They saw me in all my dazzling beauty and they know I left with you."

I tilted my head and cocked an eyebrow.
"Yeah, so? We hit it off."

She opened the refrigerator door.
"Well they had to know, I was a…"

Courtesan?" I prompted

As she removed a package of lunchmeat, she nodded.

Why? Did you tell them?"

Ginger shook her head.
"God, no! I didn't even know myself until just before we left."

I frowned.
"What's the problem, then?"

She set two plates with sandwiches and chips on the snack counter.
"They had to know. You were so stunning and I'm…was, so average. Hurry up and eat, you have to get ready."

I slipped onto the stool next to her and took a bite. After swallowing, I reassured Brad.
"You underestimate your looks. I was pleased with your looks and now that they're my looks, I still am, so there's every reason for your companions to suspect you dazzled me with your looks and charm. And we went and celebrated your promotion." I slipped off stool. "Besides, maybe I was looking to get hired as your secretary."

That's true."

Now, I better get ready. Do you want to show me where your, I mean my, bedroom is and what you would've worn to this meeting if you were actually going instead of me?"

Ginger took my hand and led me to the master bedroom. From there she led me into the bath.
"Here we are."  We eased up to the vanity where she handed me a toothbrush and a razor. "You need to brush your teeth and shave for your big meeting."

She was right. I bushed my teeth then stared at her blankly.


The only thing I've ever shaved is my legs, underarms and in emergencies, genitals. What do I do?"

She laughed.
"And I've never fixed my hair or applied make-up. Since we're in a hurry, because of this meeting, I'll do the man things on you and you can do the woman things on me."

It's a deal. And keep doing, for as long as it takes for me to get the hang of things."  




Chapter Five

Darn, I wished you hadn't done that. We can't change them back until the next solstice."

Carpenter hitched her head forward and lifted her hands out to the side.
"Why change them back at all?"

I flared my nostrils at the audacity of her question.
"It's just not done. Besides I'm sure they're rattled to the core."

They were/are, but seem to be adjusting nicely, so why would you want to rattle them to the core again in four and a half months?"

Because he's a man and she's a woman and that's the way they should stay."

Carpenter stomped her foot and growled.

These marines are a feisty bunch.

She sneered at me.
"How archaic—once a woman always a woman. What about the humans who get sex changes? Are you going to change them back?"

I folded my arms at the absurdity of her question.
"Of course not. It's what those poor misguided people wanted."

And how do you know Brad and Ginger didn't want it?"

Do they?"

Well, by all appearances they're not as upset as you might expect. To find out, I'd have to enter their minds again."

I shook my head adamantly.
"No. Since there's nothing that can be done for several months, we'll just keep an eye on them and when we get close to the solstice, I will visit their minds and determine what our unusual couple really wants.

~ * * ~

Thirty minutes later, the new Ginger and I were on our way to my big meeting, with Mr. Grimes. I would either be promoted to an account executive with a coveted corner office and a beautiful new secretary—Ginger—or I would be unemployed. Should I fail, our only source of income would be Ginger's continuance as a courtesan. With the new owner of my former body being Brad Fairchild—a man with no experience with sex as a woman, that would be problematic, to say the least. Not only did she seem to be unenthused about escort work, her/his only training was a short stint of fellatio on me and absolutely no experience with penetration or pleasing a man.

I wasn
't the only one who would need training. This might prove to be a very interesting weekend.


Milton Grimes looked to be about fifty. He stood five-ten and had a trim body, but was not particularly impressive looking. Though his hairline was receding, he combed his brown hair back giving him a brainy, but seedy look. In addition his slightly oversized features on a narrow face presented an odd look. Though he wasn't ugly, he was far from handsome.

The meeting with
the CEO and company president, Mr. Grimes lasted only eight minutes. If he had any suspicions about my identity it didn't show. After we'd talked for a short while, he shuffled some papers around as if our meeting had ended and addressed me, "Sorry to be so abrupt, but I have another meeting." He sighed. "Sometimes it seems like my workday is one big, long meeting."

After I gave him a courtesy laugh, he continued,
"The head of the clerical pool will call you on Monday, about selecting a secretary." He winked. "A pretty secretary to bring your coffee first thing in the morning can start your day off right."

I'm glad you mentioned that. Is it required that I take a secretary from the pool?"

Mr. Grimes slid around in his seat and furrowed his brow.
"I don't know. Everyone always does, but it's not a requirement. Why?"

I know an excellent secretary who just became available. And Mr. Grimes." I winked back. "She's quite fetching."

He smiled.
"By all means Brad and please, call me Milt. Have her take my card and give it personally to the Director of Human Resources. What's her name?"

Ginger Allen."

Ginger?" He raised his head and took a deep breath. "I like that. It's a bit exotic." He winked.

I waggled my thick brow.
"And spicy."

We laughed. He scribbled something on the back, stood, handed me the card and offered his hand.
"Again, congratulations on your promotion. Keep up the good work."

I shook his hand.
"You can count on it, Milt."

I'll be anxious to see your new secretary."

And I'll be anxious to show her off."


I grinned as I rode the elevator down from the 40
floor to the lobby. The meeting had gone perfect. I was going to be playing with the big boys. I would get the chance to show what a determined woman could do in a man's world. The only trouble was, only I and Brad would know I was really a woman and we couldn't tell anyone. I was tickled and looked forward to proving myself, however I had this nagging feeling. This was the first time I'd met President Milton Grimes and there was something about our meeting that bothered me. Something, I couldn't put my finger on.
Oh well.

With a bounce in my
gait, I headed across the street to the Libation Station. Ginger sat at the bar, looking gorgeous as usual. I veered up to her.

She turned and smiled.
"That was quick. How'd it go?"

I kissed her. She tasted like bourbon. I picked up the mostly empty glass and tasted it. I scrunched my nose and shook my head.
"What're you drinking?"

Maker's Mark on the rocks. Why?"

I slipped onto the empty stool next to her.
"Women don't order straight bourbon on the rocks."

She lifted an eyebrow.

No. You're a lady now. You should order something more ladylike."

Such as?"

Pina Colada, Daiquiri, Flirtini, Victoria's Secret, Mimosa, white wine or if you want something different, ask the bartender for a recommendation."

She pursed her lips.
"I'll keep that in mind. So, how did your meeting go?"

I held her hands.
"Perfect! The only problem I can see—and it's a big one—is   that I don't know anyone. I'm an outsider. I don't know a single one of your co-workers. I can't hide in my office and never talk to anyone."

Don't worry darling, I've collected plenty photos over the years. We'll go over them and I'll tell you who everyone is and what they do."

I kissed her again.
"You're a lifesaver. This is going to be so much fun. Thank you."

She shrugged.
"Hey, I didn't do anything. Actually, you're saving my bacon."

And with your help, we'll pull it off." I pulled out the card Milt gave me. "We need to get you hired as my personal secretary. Take this card across the street and hand it directly to the Human Resources Director, in the Employment department." I kissed her cheek. "Good luck. I'll wait here for you."

The new Ginger took the card, looked it over and read the note on the back aloud,
"Steve, I'm authorizing you to hire, Ginger Allen as Brad Fairchild's secretary, for now." She gazed at me. "For now? What does he mean by for now?"

I shrugged.
"Don't know."

She scrunched her lips and nose.
"Don't know? He's your boss."

"He is now, but he was your boss before."

~ * * ~

Ginger frowned.
"Sorry, I don't know, either. While I've been in meetings with him, I'd never spoken to him." I drank the rest of my drink, and straightened. "Well, I have a sure-thing job waiting for me. I better get going. " I kissed Brad goodbye, grabbed my handbag, and sashayed out the door and down the street.

I purposely swayed my hips as I sauntered
across the intersection. I dug being an attention grabbing female. I may be dubious about Ginger's occupation, but I thrilled in the appreciative glances men and even some women gave me.

Standing in front of the Human Resource Department, I took a deep breath and stepped up to the receptionist, like I owned the place.

"May I help you?"

Yes. Is Steve in?"

Steve Boyd?"


Do you have an appointment?"

Not really, but Mr. Grimes said Steve would hire me." I handed her his card.

She gulped.
"Mr. Milton Grimes, the President?"


The receptionist smiled.
"Please have a seat, Ms.—"

Allen. Ginger Allen."

Have a seat Ms. Allen. I'll get him for you." She rose and walked into the office behind her.

I sat straight with my long legs twinned under a chrome and leather chair. As Steve Boyd, a man I
'd occasionally played poker with, followed the receptionist out of his office, I lifted my chin and pushed my chest out.

Ms. Allen…" glancing up, he stopped cold and his mouth dropped open.


Hi. Ah…please come in my office."

I rose and smiled as I waltzed past the director.
"With pleasure."

Taking a chair fronting Mr. Boyd
's desk, he followed me, and stepped up to introduce himself. "Good afternoon, Ms. Allen, I'm Steven Boyd."

I shook his offered hand.
"Mr. Boyd."

He took a seat behind his desk and held up the president
's card. "I'm curious. Did Mr. Grimes give this card to you?"

No, I got it from Mr. Fairchild, who got it from Mr. Grimes."

I see. Would you mind if I verified that with Mr. Grimes?"

I shrugged.
"Verify away."

Thank you."

Using his speakerphone, Boyd dialed, leaned back in his chair and rested his hands on the back of his head. Shortly, I heard a man
's voice. "Grimes."

Milt, it's Steve Boyd."

Hi Steve. What can I do for you?"

I have a young lady, a Ginger Allen sitting in front of me."

Ah yes, Brad Fairchild's young lady. Is she as fetching as he claimed?”

Boyd, quickly leaned forward, cut the speakerphone off and picked up the handset. Covering his mouth, he spoke softly,
"Oh, yeah. In fact I'd say more like bitchin'."

I overheard him, and bit my lip to keep from smiling.

Removing his hand he began to speak normally, "The reason I'm calling is she gave me one of your cards, with instructions written on the back asking me to hire her. I just wanted to verify that you wrote it.”

He glanced my way and smiled as the president responded.

His attention suddenly drew back to the phone. "Yes sir. I'll do that. Thank you." He glanced at me. "You're hired. You'll start Monday." He rose. "If you will step back outside, Mary will process your application for employment.

Getting hired took a half hour, but I had to wait another fifteen minutes while
Sharon finished the file.

As I left Bayside Securities employment office, I received a phone call. Thinking it was Brad, I answered.

I just got back and found your note. What's going on?"

At first I didn
't know who it was. Then I remembered Ginger's roommate, Amber."

Hi Amber. I'm sorry but I can't talk right now. I'm in the employment office of Bayside Securities."

What are you—"

Can't talk now. I'll call you back. I promise."

I didn
't know what to do about original Ginger's roommate. Hopefully, Brad would.

I left the Bayside Securities high rise and returned to the Libation Station. Brad
's back was to me, so I snuck up to him and put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?"

Hmm. Let me think. Are you blonde?"


About five-seven with beautiful blue eyes."

More like five eight, but yep, my eyes are blue."

You wouldn't be my gorgeous new secretary would you?"

Good guess." I slid onto the empty stool next to Brad. "Hi, sweetheart."

How'd it go?"

I waved my company photo identity, which hung around my neck.
"Like you guessed, I'm your new secretary."

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