Manhattan Miracle (11 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

BOOK: Manhattan Miracle
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Brad shifted in his seat.
"Well of course I'm still getting used to the change. A little bit of me misses being a woman, but so far I'm pleased. There are distinct advantages to being a man. For instance, as Brad, I'm getting to do what I wanted to do, but was denied as a woman."

I giggled.
"And don't forget you get to pee in a urinal."

Brad flushed.
"True, and I don't have to fix my hair and wear make-up."

My jaw muscles tightened.
"I like that. For you it was a chore. For me that's a right and privilege."

Madame Soriano waved her hands.
"We're getting off topic. The reason I wanted to talk with you is that, if you aren't happy with the present situation, we have the ability to change you back, but only until the passing of the solstice. After that nothing can be done—the change becomes permanent."

I crossed my long, shapely, new legs.
"I hate to sound stupid, but when is the solstice?"

Ms. Carpenter answered,
"The winter solstice is December 21
and summer is June 21

Brad leaned forward.
"That's about four and a half months away."

Suzi nodded.

Brad continued,
"What if we're not sure by then?"

You have to be," Madame Soriano, explained, sternly.

I uncrossed my legs and sat up straight.
"What if we don't agree? What if I want to remain Ginger and Brad wants to be Ginger again?"

Then we change you both back. We can't force someone remain in a body they don't want simply because the other doesn't want to give it up."

I didn
't like that answer, at all! "All right, where do we go from here?"

Just follow your normal routine. If you decide you want to change back or have a question you can email me or Ms. Carpenter. My email address is [email protected]. Her address is [email protected]. We'll make sure we see you again before the solstice."

I rose.
"Are we finished?"

Brad stood too.
"Thank you." He grabbed my elbow. "We'll email you if we need you." He led me to the door. He opened it and I screamed. There was nothing there but a thick haze as if we were in a cloud.

jerked me back and slammed the door. We turned around, but Madame Soriano and Suzi Carpenter were no longer recognizable. They'd morphed into some kind of electrical charge—golden electrical sparks—and even that faded. In thirty seconds they were gone and the room, furniture and even the floor began to vaporize. I grabbed Brad. I thought we'd fall, but when the floor had totally disintegrated we started spinning. When the spinning stopped, we found ourselves on the sidewalk in front of the building we'd entered thirty minutes previous. The cocktail lounge and the import store were still there but the door that had been squeezed between them had vanished.

omebody wrenched my arm. It was Brad leading me to a cab he'd flagged. He opened the door and we got in. I turned to Brad. "Where are we going?"

Libation Station. I don't know 'bout you, I need a drink…bad!"

Me too. If anyone told me a story, like what just happened to us, I would think they were ready for the funny farm."

That's why we can never tell anyone."

We already told my roommate."

We probably had to tell her, but she and I are close enough that I was able to convince her. I hope she doesn't say anything to Lew."

I know. One person knowing our secret is enough."




Chapter Fourteen – Lew & Amber

I felt a pang of guilt when, for the second day
in a row, I lied to Wally about being sick. But, hey, this was my dream girl we were talking about.

Arriving at Libation Station at
eleven on the dot, I went in search of the most obscure, least visible booth available. 'Lo and behold', when I found it, dream girl was already there, smiling at me. Images of the beautiful, innocent-appearing Amber having sex with numerous faceless men flashed through my mind, threatening to ruin the moment, when Brad's admonishment came to the rescue.
You can't dwell on it, Bud. It's a done deal. If you don't move past it, it'll flat eat you up.

I planted
a chaste kiss on her ruby lips and as she moved over to make room, I slid in next to her. "Missed you."

Missed you, too."

What're you drinking?"


I grinned.
"Good idea. Would you like something to eat?"

Amber brushed a wayward tuft of her long, straight, beautiful, auburn hair out of her face.
"No thanks, I'm not hungry. Can't eat, can't sleep."

I nodded.
"Me too. Can't eat or sleep."

She snickered.
"Looks like if we want to sleep or eat, we need to be together."

looped my arm over her shoulders. "They say those are signs of love."

Amber frowned and pursed her lips.
"Really…love. In less than twenty-four hours? May I be honest?"

I squeezed her shoulder.
"I would like that. It isn't something you always get from a woman."

Or a man," she mumbled almost inaudibly.


Nothing. Okay, here goes." She took a breath. "The fact that you're here after our short discussion last night, means that despite my means of income you're still interested in me."


She placed a hand on my knee
and squeezed. "And the same goes for me. If you're right for me, and I think you might be, I'm interested in a relationship. That's something I'd given up on and hadn't believed in since my lofty, altruistic days as a college freshman and sophomore."

frowned. "You were altruistic, too? What happened?"

Yes, I was, until reality, in the form of a giant recession set in. First my job went, then government programs and loan cutbacks. Even the occasional modeling jobs dried up. The options were quit school and run back to parents, who were also having financial trouble or…suck it up and become an escort. Recession or not, there's always money floating around for sex."

But that was five or six years ago."

Her lips tightened.
"I know…I know. I've gotten spoiled. I make so much money now and I couldn't earn ten percent of what I make now just starting out somewhere.

Really, how much is that?"

Including the seventy-four thousand dollars, I made modeling and acting I made almost nine hundred thousand last year."

I whistled.
"That's an impressive sum."

And that doesn't even count the eighty grand Ginger made for me in the stock market."

Ginger made money for you in the stock market?"

Ah-huh. She's a wiz at finance. Her major was Business and whenever she has money she dabbles in the market."

I shrugged.
"I don't know what to say."

I know. Listen, I know you have issues with what I do, but can we please put discussing those issues on hold and just have fun for today. I love being with you and I'm in desperate need of having fun."

The corners of my mouth curled up into a big smile.
"I think that's a capital idea. What would you like to do?"

Well for starters, since today is going to be a fun day, all of a sudden I've grown hungry. Could we get something to eat?"

Absolutely. I'm suddenly hungry too. Let me grab a couple menus."


A few minutes after twelve, shortly after we finished our meal, I watched with alarm as some of my Bayside co-workers began to drift in. What was I thinking when I asked Amber to meet me here? Like yesterday, since I'd told Wally I was sick, I couldn't afford to be seen. So I fished forty dollars out of my wallet, grabbed Amber's hand and pulled her out of the booth. "We need to go." Keeping my back to everyone, I explained, "People are coming in from work and I'm supposed to be sick."

Amber nodded.
Like yesterday, she slipped between me and my colleagues and with my face buried in her hair again, she led me out to the street.

e, a woman's voice yelled, "Lew! Amber!"

My heart sank, but when I looked, I grew excited. It was Ginger standing by a Checker Cab, as Brad paid the driver.

We ran over to the cab and hugged Ginger.
"Perfect." I pulled both women into the cab with me and shouted to Brad. "Brad. Let's go to The Bowery. Drinks are on me."

Brad smiled and got in.
"You're buying. What's the occasion? Trying to get in Ambers panties?"

I laughed.
"Of course I'm trying to get in Amber's panties. Can you blame me?"

Brad flashed thumbs up, Amber giggled and Ginger elbowed me.
"C'mon boys do we really have to be so vulgar?"

Sorry. You hot, hot ladies bring out the worst in me." 

~ * * ~

Milton reached over and answered the ringing intercom. "Yes, Grace."

Mr. Lancaster is here to see you."

Send him in."

A minute later a square jawed, square faced
, law enforcement type with a mustache and flattop walked into the office. "Good afternoon, Boss."

Good afternoon, Ray. That was fast. You got something for me on Ginger Allen?"

Depends on what you're after. You were in a hurry so I couldn't take the time I usually do for a thorough background check."

Any photos?" Milton took the offered folder from his security chief. "I want something on that gorgeous, little cock teaser. Something I can use to bend her to my will."

Ray sat in a chair opposite the president
's chair. "Yes, I have photos of her; she is a hot- looking bitch."

grew hopeful. "Any naked?"

Ray grinned.
"Milt, you sneaky devil. Are you going to turn her into your personal assistant whore, like you did Lily, a couple of years or so back, and the others before her? Boy, that was one hot little minx."

"Yeah she was. She was worth every cent she cost me. I made hundreds of millions off her."

"Ya think they'll ever figure out what happened to her or the others?"

Not if you did your job." Milton, opened the folder and began thumbing through the photos. "I don't see any naked pictures in here."

Ray leaned forward.
"Unfortunately, I didn't locate any naked ones, but this is only a preliminary search. I'm sure there are some floating around. There always are. Do you need them?"

I guess not. I was just hoping for a preview."

Ray snickered. A preview. Milt, you sly fox,

leaned forward, resting on his elbows. "Oh, this is good. Our sweet young thing is a high-priced freelance escort-whore. That's how she can live in Central View Condos, a Manhattan luxury hi-rise." Milton looked at Ray and grinned. "I think we have the vivacious little whore right where we want her."

~ * * ~

The Bowery was only two miles away, but it was far enough that people from Bayside seldom ventured there. On the way over, I asked Brad, "How come you and Ginger were in a cab? Didn't you work today?"

We did."

Then where were you coming from?"

Ginger answered,
"We had to check something out."


Brad sighed.
"It's personal."

I shut up. Five minutes later the hostess seated us in a booth at The Bowery. Before we ordered, Ginger whispered to Amber.

Amber nodded and Ginger informed us men, "Amber and I are going to the ladies room."

I raised my forefinger up.
"Hold on. Before you girls leave what would you like to drink?"

Would you order a Victoria's Secret for me, Hon?"

Sure, What about you, Ginger?"

I'll have a Maker's Mark on the rocks. Make it a double."

Got it."

As the dazzling duo waltzed away, I stared at Brad.
"Maker's Mark? That's what you drink."

He grinned.
"Must have tasted mine and liked it."

scrunched my nose. "A beautiful, elegant woman like that wants straight whisky?"

Brad shrugged.
"What can I say? The girl has a mind of her own."

Is that what you're getting?"

He shook his head.
"No, I'm in the mood for a Pink Lady."

~ * * ~

I led Amber into the restroom. As soon as we entered she grabbed my arm. "All right, what's this important thing you need to tell me?"

I glanced around. The restroom looked empty, but I was about to tell Amber something that sounded crazy. Lest anyone hear and think I was Looney Tunes, I checked every stall before turning to her.
"We found out how our bodies got switched."

You did!" Amber's mouth and eyes rounded. "That's fantastic! How?"

This young woman—if that's what she is—with short blonde hair did it."

A woman?" Amber exclaimed, her voice an octave higher than normal, "I would have expected Gandalf or at least Merlin was behind it."

I laughed.
"Me too, but, don't underestimate this girl. She and her partner brought us up a long curving flight of stairs into their office without us ever taking a step. Then she or her partner conjured up a couch and loveseat. After which one of them brought forth a glass of the most delicious orange juice I ever tasted, right before my eyes."

Amber cocked her head.
"She had a partner?"

Ah-huh. Her partner looked more magical. Like a grand old sorceress. They were both dressed in white. Do you think they were white witches?"

's greenish-blue eyes narrowed. "I don't know. Where was this?"

On Canal Street. 222 W, Canal Street, Suite 100." I dug out one of the business cards out of my pocket and handed it to her.

Madame Soriano, Psychic & Fortune Teller Extraordinaire." Amber frowned, then turned the card over. "Hmm. There seems to be something written on the back. Looks like email addresses."

I snatched the card back.
"I need that. Here's another."

This young woman. Did she say why she switched you?"

No, but her partner, the Madame did—sort of. Let me see. How did she put it…?
'Last week you each expressed an interest in changing places with each other.'

Did you?"

Yes, but you know, we just met and we were talking. Anyway, Madame Soriano said,
'Brad liked the idea of being a beautiful, glamorous woman like you, so his personality could flourish through the fashionable clothing he would wear and enjoy the attention of men'.

Then she said,
'Ginger on the other hand, longed to become what she has a gift for and had trained for in college—to be, a successful investment banker.'”

That's when she paused and said,
'My associate, being new, took you at your word and without permission, switched your bodies.'"

Do you believe them?"

I frowned and nodded vigorously.
"Are you kidding? They were
ordinary people—if they were even people. They exuded power. There was a magnetic charge about them. I fact when our meeting ended, they glowed. Then they morphed into some kind of golden electrical charge—lightning and sparks revolving around them—and even that faded. In thirty seconds, they were gone and the room, furniture and even the floor began to vaporize."

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