Manhattan Miracle (3 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

BOOK: Manhattan Miracle
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Maybe. Don't panic if I am. I won't forget you."

She stood at attention and saluted.
"Yes ma'am."

Soriano frowned and shook her head.
"You're not in the service anymore Carpenter. Angels
do not
salute each other."

Sorry ma'am."

Soriano started to walk away then tuned back to her new helper.
"One more thing, Carpenter."

Yes ma'am."

When they start to do what they're planning to do. Give them some privacy."

Yes ma'am. I intend to."

Soriano smiled.
"You're a good angel, Suzy."

Thank you ma'am."




Chapter Three

The sun barely peek
ed through the blackout drapes when I woke. I sat up. Ginger had been right. Last night had great fun. In fact it had been arguably the best sex of my life. Ooh, the things I did to that beautiful blonde bombshell. Ooh yeah, and the things she had perpetrated on me. How could this dazzling girl with the appearance of an angel be so naughty and wicked in bed?

Ginger had cost me dearly, but I would
've paid double or even triple for what had to be the greatest night of my life. What made it doubly fun was that Ginger, that gorgeous slab of woman flesh seemed to have a fabulous time too.

I draped my legs over the edge of the bed and stretched. I had to pee something fierce, so I padded into the restroom. Naked from the glorious night of frolicking, I lifted the toilet seat and reached for dickie. Hmm. I frowned.
What the f…
There's nothing there. I mean no dick, no pubes, nothing.

I felt around down there a little more and suddenly jumped as if a bolt of lightning struck me. No, it was more like a bolt of pleasure—pure, joyous pleasure. I touched something that felt… I reached down again and rubbed it. God that feels good, but…
"Where's dickie?"

I spun around. I
'd spoke, but the voice I heard was Ginger's. I stomped to the vanity, hit the light switch and glared into the mirror. I wasn't there—Ginger was. I couldn't believe my eyes. I blinked, but Ginger was still there, albeit, with a worried look on her beautiful face and I who stood right in front of the mirror was nowhere to be seen. "What the f…" I said, but she moved her mouth and again it was
voice. I raised my hand to, touch the mirror and felt it, but it was Ginger who raised her hand in the mirror. Suddenly, I realized,
EEK, I'm Her

I am Ginger?
This was damned crazy. I'd become Ginger. I began to shake. My heart raced and I couldn't catch my breath. Christ, what's going on? Was Ginger a witch? A body snatcher? A she-devil?

I ran into the bedroom and flipped on the light. Ginger was in bed, with the covers pulled over her head. I pulled the cover down and was eye to eye with…Brad Fairchild—

What's the matter?" The fake
said, in my missing masculine voice. Suddenly, her eyes rounded and grew to the size of silver dollars. She pointed at me and exclaimed, "You're me!" Then she pulled her hand back and examined the hair on the back of it and her lack of pointed, colored nails.

And you're me!" I shouted, "What the fuck is going on?"

He/she moved a hand around his face.
"I really am…you. How did this happen?"

I held my hands out to the side.
"I wish I knew."

He/she hopped out of bed and looked in the mirrored wardrobe door.
"This is unbelievable. He/she started pacing. "Let's not panic. There has to be some logical explanation for this."

I'm listening."

Maybe it's some freak accident. You got me pretty hot and I know you were hot too."

I waited for her, I mean me, to continue.

When she didn't, I asked, "Yeah. What're you saying?"

I wish I knew. Maybe we got so passionate we entered each other's bodies."

That part about switching bodies is a given, but it doesn't seem possible it happened while we got it on. It happened while we were asleep, not when we were in the throes of passion." I backed off. "At least I think it happened while we were sleeping."

This is so bizarre." His eyes expanded! He grabbed hold of his/her/
dick. Look, can you believe it? I have a

I know—
penis, and I have a vagina—
vagina. Maybe this is a temporary phenomenon."

That would be nice." Seeming to overcome her incredulity and accepting that we'd switched bodies, she postulated, "But not too quickly. If you think about it, in a perverse way this is kind of neat. It could be fun."

My eyes became slits.
"In what way?"

Well for starters, I have ah…your you know what. I always wondered what it felt like to be able to pee standing up and since I have to pee, I'm going to find out."

I followed her into the bathroom, but instead of proceeding to the toilet she paused at the mirror and ran my/her fingers all over my face.
"This is weird all right. I'm actually you." She turned and edged up to the toilet. "You want to watch?"

No, thank you, been there, done that."

I didn
't watch, but I heard the stream hitting the pool of water in the toilet bowl. I also heard her, "This is so cool. They ought to invent an extension for women so they could go standing up."

Yeah, right. I can just see them patenting a universal urinator for women. Aren't you worried about what happened to us and what we're going to do about it?"

Acting like the girl, he really was, he tilted his head, wagged a finger at me and in his deep voice, said,
"Of course I am. What do you think we should do about it? Or more realistically, what do you think we
do about it?"

I shrugged.
"Damned if I know. We don't even know how this happened. What do you think?"

Brad came over and wrapped an arm around me.
"I asked you first." He/she looked at himself in the mirror again and shook his head. "You know what?"


Men are so crazy about blow jobs, I've always wondered why."

Yeah, so?"

He/she grinned mischievously and turned so his/her/
hard male instrument rubbed along my hip. "So, I have a dick now."

I know,

He/she raised a solo eyebrow.
"Possession is nine-tenths of the law. C'mon, let's get back in bed. There're some things I want to try."

I shook my head adamantly.
"No you don't. I'm no, you know."

He/she chuckled.
"I'd hate to guess, how many dicks have been in your mouth."

I sneered.
"Well, I wasn't in possession of your mouth when that happened."

Okay. You don't know what you're missing." He/she laughed.

What's so funny?"

You. It isn't everybody that gets a chance to suck their own dick."

I laughed.
"Good point."

is/her eyes narrowed. "Say, weren't you supposed to have a big meeting with some bigwig today?"

I felt the color leave my face.
"Oh, my God! Mr. Grimes. Shit, I forgot all about him. What time is it?" I ran into the bedroom and stared at the alarm clock. "Phew, it's only seven. My meeting isn't for seven more hours." Then I realized I couldn't do it because I was no longer Brad Fairchild. "I can't go like this."

Brad/Ginger stepped up to me.
"If you prepare me, I could take your place."

My mouth fell open as I turned to look at him/her.
"You would do that for me?"

Sure. Metaphorically you and I are tied at the hip, like Siamese twins." He wiggled his/her bushy eyebrows. "But first you could suck my brand new dick because I
want to see what it feels like—to see why it's such a big deal."

After the meeting with your boss, we could go to my place,
or yours
and I could dine on your brand new vagina, then we could both find out what intercourse feels like to the other sex. Wouldn't that be fun?"

It would be fun.
I stared at his dick, her dick,
What choice do I have?
I grabbed his/her hand and pulled him/her toward the bed. "All right I'll give it a try, but I'm not promising anything."

~ * * ~

Ginger/Brad stared at me. "Well, what'd you think?

That was flat-out amazing."

Good. I really wasn't sure what to do, so I copied what you did last night."

I reflected on the experience. Except
for-you know, where I shot out ejaculate, the orgasmic experience was about the same as when I came as a woman. If there was a difference, it may have been that I felt in charge instead of subservient. It's no wonder men want sex so much. It makes them feel special, maybe even superior—
"I can see now why men love to have their members sucked."

The former me, being the good little courtesan, pulled away, retrieved a towel from the bathroom and wiped the
mess from herself. When she returned, I ran my fingers through her beautiful long blonde hair while she cleaned off the excess material on and around our dick. Soon, it was good as new, though damp and softly swollen. "Did you like it?"

She nodded.
"More than I thought. The idea of sucking on a man's sex object had always creeped me out, but once I got into it, I kinda liked it. Maybe, because it know, my own dick."

I snickered.
"I don't think so. It's because you're a woman now. I have the same aversion when it comes to women."

Really? I love licking a woman's sex." I frowned. "At least I used to, when I was you. We'll see if you still have that dislike when you get done with my meeting with the big boss this afternoon."




Chapter Four

Hi Carpenter. I came as soon as I could. What seems to be the problem?"

Her nose scrunched and she sucked a breath through her teeth.
"I don't know. I may have f… ah, messed up."

Soriano raised a solo eyebrow.
"Oh. Like how? Tell me more."

Well, ma'am, if you remember, we both agreed how Brad and Ginger seemed like they would be happier doing what the other person did."

So we're on a first name basis with our assignments now?"

No, well, yes, I guess maybe, I've gotten a little too interested in the paradox of their lives, especially Ginger. Earth's not like where we live now, where women's greater sensitivity and common sense have allowed us to elevate to positions of authority."

Carpenter, you know our cloud and all the clouds for that matter are genderless."

Yes ma'am, I know, but our personalities carry over. We all know what we were before. That's why I call you ma'am instead of sir."

I answer to either appellation."

I know ma'am. Since so many of the men go to the alternate destination for behavior indoctrination, former women are the majority in the ultimate destination and hence have risen to a position of pre-eminence. I hear even God is a woman."

Okay, I'll grant your first premise, but your second is nonsense. There is no sex, in paradise. Only former humans have ever been
certain sex and God was never a human. So what's your point?"

Well, there is sex on Earth. Having been a woman Marine, I faced gender inequality on a daily basis, just like Ginger does."

Ginger chose and enjoys her profession. She and her colleague live in a Park Avenue apartment, likes what she does and makes a ton of money doing it." 

In all due respect ma'am, that isn't true. Ginger became a prostitute because she couldn't afford college and later when she earned her degree she still couldn't find a job. She makes a lot of money and lives on Park Avenue because she is fortunate enough to be smart and attractive. She likes having money and aspects of her job, but she does not like being a whore."

How do you know that?" Soriano frowned. "How can you be so sure?" Her mouth fell open. "You didn't enter her mind, did you?"

She set her fists on her hips and stuck out her chin.
"So what if I did?"

It's…it's…just not done. It's a…no-no."

Fluttering her wings in obvious irritation, Carpenter demanded,
"Says who? Show me where it says that in our manual."

Soriano shook her head.
"It doesn't. It's just obvious. We don't violate the sanctity of a subject's mind."

Her wings fluttered again.
"You've never entered a subject's mind?"

Suddenly, Soriano felt uncomfortable.
"Yes, but only in emergencies and cases of extreme duress."

Well, to me, it was an emergency."

Soriano was becoming annoyed by this upstart novitiate angel.
"What? There was no emergency when I left. What could have been so important you needed to enter her mind?"

Both minds."

You entered his, too?"

She nodded.
"Ah-huh, and it was very revealing." 

~ * * ~

After Ginger/Brad and I took a shower and got ready, we left the honeymoon suite at nine and caught a cab to my condo.

I wanted to pick up my car and a couple other things, since I
'd probably spend the night at Brad's Williamsburg townhouse. What I didn't want to do, since I now occupied Brad's body, was run into my roommate. For starters, she'd be angry, for bringing Brad to our apartment, so I texted her.

's me. Are you home?

A few seconds later Amber answered,
No today's the day I go to the fitness center. Why.

Oh, nothing. I wanted to talk to you about something, but it can wait.

Thank God, she wasn't home. When we arrived, we took the elevator to the 43
floor and rushed to apartment 4314. Being the woman, Ginger carried my purse so she dug the keys out and unlocked the door and we all stepped in.

This seemed so weird watching myself parade around the apartment. In a way the apartment was both of ours, but Ginger waltzed around like she
's never been there. "Wow, it must be nice. And get a load of that view." Staring at me, she stuck out her hip, rested her fist there and posed her winsome smile. "Excuse the cliché, but I'd live here in a New York minute. What's a place like this set you back?"

You don't want to know. Let's go to my bedroom." I took my gorgeous former self's hand and led her into my bedroom. "Excuse the mess. You have to realize, I never have visitors." A funny thought brought forth a hysterical sounding half yelp, half laugh. "Of course you're not exactly a stranger."

I went into the bathroom, saw Brad
's image in the mirror and wondered if I'd ever get used to being him.

My former self followed me.
"Ginger, baby, we assumed each other's identities so it's going to get awkward for me to keep calling you Ginger and you to keep calling me Brad, even though that's who we really are."

I agree."

She came up beside me and stared at my reflection.
"So would you have a problem if I call you Brad?"

I shrugged.
"Not at all. That's what our friends and cohorts will call us, so we may as well get used to it."

And you can call me Ginger." She snickered. "If we had to switch, I think I got the better of the deal. I'm going to enjoy being a beautiful, glamorous, vivacious—"


Her beautiful blue eyes doubled in size.
"Am I going to have to…"

I nodded.
"Ah-huh. I don't see any way around it if you want to stay in the lifestyle to which I've become accustomed. You told me you said if you were a beautiful woman you'd be a slut. Well you have your ticket to sluts-ville and almost a million a year to boot."

Now her/his pretty mouth opened wide.
"A million a year! I'll do it, but you're going to have to show me the ropes." 

Like I said, we may as well be joined at the hip. We are going to have to work out a lot of things, like where to live."

Are we going to still…you know…have sex."

It's fine with me, but you may not be so interested, once you start sleeping with five or six johns a week."

Ginger shivered and cringed.
"What're we here for?"

I stepped into the closet and stepped out with a good sized suitcase, an overnight case, and a garment bag.
"I don't know what to do about Amber, so for the time being it's best if we lay low at your place and get our bearings. Go through my things and pick out the outfits and undergarments you'd like to wear for at least a week including dressing up for the johns. I'll pack your/my make-up and toiletries in the overnight case."

You mean I'll have to turn tricks right away?"

If you want to make that million you do. In fact I…I mean you…have a date with a councilman tomorrow night."

She gulped.
"I do?"

It's what you wanted."

Ginger nodded.
"I know. Where?"

His apartment. He's a bachelor."


She spent thirty minutes going through my closet, meticulously examining every item of clothing, pulling the items she wanted to bring out and laying them on the bed. She smiled at me "This is fun. You have some very nice clothes. Expensive, unless I miss my guess."

I snickered, when cost isn't a factor, you buy what you like."

She really seemed to enjoy herself, picking out dressy and casual outfits. She took the most time selecting shoes, all but one pair of which were three
and four inch heels.

Are you going to be able to walk in those?"

I hope so. I seem to be doing all right in these." Next Ginger went through lingerie, selecting a mix of practical and sexy. Likewise, with accessories and jewelry.

When everything was packed, she changed into an outfit she
'd set aside—a burgundy sheath with an above knee hem and a low, squared neckline. She cinched it at the waist with a gold linked belt, added warm gray, faux lapis necklace and earrings. She turned to me holding two pairs of shoes, either of which went with her outfit. "Which ones?"

I like the gold, Manolo, high heeled sandals."

She slipped them on and spun around as a model would.
"How do I look?"

I tilted my head and cupped my chin as if studying her.
"I'd say you look like a million bucks…every year or so."

She giggled.
"Ooh, you are naughty." She sighed. "That was fun. So far, I like being a woman. What now?"

I smiled. The new Ginger had done a good job of selecting a wardrobe.  She would make an excellent Ginger Allen.
"I'll take the suitcase and the garment bag, if you can grab the overnight bag and your satchel.

You got a deal."  

Before we left, I
wrote a note for Amber.

Dear Amber,

A problem has cropped up, which I have to work out. I won't be home for the next few days or so. Don't worry, I'm fine, and I'll stay in touch.

Love, Gin

From there we headed to the garage to pick up Ginger's car. "This is your car?" Ginger exclaimed, "A Jaguar convertible. My God, it's flat out gorgeous."

laughed. "You're going to have to learn how speak like a woman and I need to start talking like a guy. Like I told you, when cost isn't a factor you buy what you like. Since we're going to your townhouse, why don't you drive?" 

We didn
't speak much on the drive through Manhattan and across the Williamsburg Bridge to my townhouse. Instead, I gazed out the window, watching the crush of New Yorkers and the skyscrapers ease by. I didn't know if I'd ever get over going to sleep a woman and waking up a man, but there was nothing I could do about it. It's not like I could get a lawyer and sue for my original body back and what a body it was. I did miss it and yet, I didn't. The playing field had been leveled and I had a six-figure job waiting for me with a corner office. I could now do what I was meant to do and for once my co-workers would really be my peers in all ways, including gender.

The fact was, I was ambivalent about my new condition. I wasn
't drop dead gorgeous, like Ginger, but I remember, when I was her, I thought Brad was sexy looking. So Brad, now being me came out a little ahead in the looks department after the transition, but I'm taller, sixty pounds heavier, stronger and I have…a cock. I smiled.
Can you believe it? The original Ginger Allen now wields a cock!
And the new Ginger gave me a blow job. I glanced over and my… What is she? Partner? Girlfriend? Lover? All of the above, I hoped.   

I reflected on my sudden, unexpected attraction to the former me. I always knew I was easy on the eyes, but watching and feeling her luscious lips
and hands doing fantastic things to me, did something—something I didn't quite understand. This woman—
—beguiled me. Perhaps it was the testosterone that lurked in Brad's body, but I found myself captivated by…
I felt like…Narcissus.

~ * * ~

After driving for twenty minutes, Ginger pulled next to what had to be Brad's, I guess now,
Hummer. As we grabbed the clothes from the car, Ginger spoke, "While you get ready, I'll fix brunch, and then after we eat, I'll go over what you need to know and do for this meeting."

Perplexed, I swung the garage/house door open
"Okay, but I don't know any of your co-workers." Allowing her to enter before me, I realized I'd conducted my first gentlemanly act as a man.

She turned around as I followed her into the kitchen.
"That won't matter for now. Grimes' office is among the executive offices on the 40
floor. You work on the 32

But what about Monday, when I go to work with all your co-workers. I may look like you, but I don't know any of them from Adam."

She shrugged.
"I guess we'll have to go over everything this weekend."

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