Manhattan Miracle (6 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

BOOK: Manhattan Miracle
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Three thousand for an hour?
"All right, I'll see how it goes. Any more dates coming up?"

Brad shook his head.
"Only regulars. I have about a dozen regulars."

My jaw dropped, when the image of a dozen naked men flashed through my mind.
"A dozen regulars? How do you squeeze a dozen guys into one week?"

They're not all weekly. We'll go over that later; right now, I'm worried about telling Amber about us."

Hmm. How about Sunday afternoon?"

Brad nodded.
"That'll work. Set it up."

Good, I'll call her right now." Amber was the first name on my call list so I pushed her name, send and examined my nails as I waited.

She answered on the fourth ring.

Amber, it's me."

Ginger, where are you? What're you doing? Are you in trouble? I've been so worried about you."

Don't worry, I'm fine. So much has happened. Too much to explain over the phone. We need to talk in person. Are you free Sunday afternoon?"

Yes, why?"

Brad and I will come to the condo at one and explain everything."

Baby, what are you talking about?  Who's Brad? You know we don't bring men here."

He was my date last night, and he's already seen our condo."


'll explain everything to you on Sunday." I ended the call and smiled at Brad. "It's all set."

~ * * ~

The next morning, Brad shook me. "Wake up. Wake up!" Until I woke up.

Wha-a-a?" I glanced at the alarm clock. It read 6:10. "Are you crazy? There's no work today. It's Saturday."

I know, but I didn't get that body.” He poked me in the ribs. "You're so fond of, by sleeping in. Since there's still a possibility I might get it back and I'm fond of it too, I'm not going to let you trash it."

I'm not going to trash your…uh, my body."

I looked him up and down. He wore a gray, Gold
's Gym T-shirt, black shorts and some sort of gym shoes. Apparently, sensing what I was thinking, he ran a hand across his outfit and scrunched his mouth. "This is all I could find." He held up black glide shorts, a white sports bra and white sports shoes. "I did bring these from my condo for you, though."

My breasts flopped out from under the sheets as I sat up and wrapped my arms around my knees.
"Just what is it you want me to do?"

Your choice, run or exercise."

I raised an eyebrow.
"Exercise where?"

Brad stuck his arms out and shrugged.
"Your fitness center. Where else?"

I don't belong to a fitness center."

His brow dipped low.


He stretched out his arms and turned a three sixty.
"But this body of yours is trim and in great shape."

Yeah I know." I waggled my eyebrows. "I know from all the wicked, strenuous things you did to me last night." I took his hand, pulled him down and kissed him. "Thank you."

Not the mention the things you did to me, using this body, the previous night. I exercise all right. But I believe in enjoying my exercise. I play basketball at the 'Y'."

Well, you can't do that anymore."

Says who?"

Me. You're a woman and though you're gorgeous, you don't have the equipment to be a good basketball player."

I crossed my arms under my naked breasts.
"Humph! I could whip your sorry ass."

His nostrils flared.
"If you were still in this body, I'd agree, but I've played a little basketball and I have a six inch height advantage on you."

Big deal. Let's go to the Y and play. I'll run circles around your flabby ass."

Thought I was trim and in great shape?"

That was before you said you could beat me in basketball."

~ * * ~

I must have touched a nerve because Ginger was a whirling dervish as she jumped out of bed dressed, grabbed my hand and jerked me through the house and into the garage.

We'll take the Jag."

Where is this place?"

In Brooklyn near Prospect Park."

Twenty minutes later we were on the court at the Y. It was early enough
that we had the court to ourselves.

With my bulk and height advantage, I figured it would be no contest. However, after she faked a jump shot and zipped around me for an uncontested layup, it was obvious, Brad was no slouch. He was a pretty good basketball player and being in my lean former body had probably picked up a step or two, to boot.

I felt a little better when after barreling to the basket and missing an easy shot, I put the rebound in over her outstretched hands.

However, that relief was short lived. When Ginger faked left, stopped on a dime and sailed a three pointer through the hoop as pretty as you please, I knew I was in for a battle.

When Ginger won the first game, I demanded on a rematch. When I won the rematch, she insisted on best two out of three. When she won the match and refused to play again, she hugged me.
"I really enjoyed that. We'll do it again, but I'm starving. Can we go somewhere to eat? I'll buy."

I laughed.
"I had a great time and I too, am hungry. Where would you like to go?"

There's a great little breakfast and burger place about two miles from here."

Sounds good. Let's go." 

It was a quarter after eleven when we arrived at Happy Days Diner. Ginger/Brad told me the name had nothing to do with the TV show; that the founder was a big FDR fan and borrowed his slogan for the name of the diner.

Ginger led us to a booth and held my hand as she slid in. "Sit next to me, sweetheart."

I slid in next to her and opened the menu. Not knowing whether I wanted breakfast or lunch I asked her,
"What's good here?"

She snuggled up to me.

I ordered a French Dip and Iced Tea. Ginger ordered steak and eggs and coffee. "You know what, baby?"


I love being you. Do you think switching bodies was some sort of providence?"

I thought about it.
I can't say I love being a man, but I really look forward to having a corner office in the investment banking industry.
Not to mention a beautiful new secretary, with whom I have sleeping privileges.
"I wish I knew, but so far I'm enjoying the ride and the biggest reason for that is you're on the ride with me."

Aw, that's sweet." She nestled in closer and kissed my cheek. "I hope we never change back."

I laughed.
"Well, let's see if you feel the same after you've been with Councilman Warren, tonight."

She pulled back some.
"Why, is he mean? Does he mistreat you?"

I shook my head.
"No, no. It's nothing like that. Jim Warren is kind and gentle. It's not the clientele. It's the life."

The life? I thought you liked the life?"

I thought so too, but now, from here, it's not looking as good."

A warm smile formed on her pretty face.
"Well, it sounds exciting, almost romantic. I get to sleep with whomever I choose and get paid tons of money for it. Tell me, if we did switch back, would you go back to being a courtesan?"

gulped. "Probably."

Her beautiful blue orbs narrowed.
"Why? You could still work at Bayside."

If you let me, I'd continue working there, but…"

Her long pony tail trailed behind as she shook her head.
"Don't worry about that. Even if we went back to the way we were, I'd want you to be part of my life."

Thanks, that's nice to know. I was saying, I saw what they're paying you, and while it's good for a secretary, I'm afraid I'm spoiled. I'm used to making and spending a lot more money."

That's true. If I wasn't going to continue as a courtesan, we'd have to pool our money. Tell me more about our 'john'.

I laughed.
"Picking up the street lingo, are we?"

She blushed,
"Guess I'm trying to get in the mood. What's he like?"

Jim Warren is a submissive. He wants to be dominated by beautiful women, so you will to be in charge. He'll call you
and you are to call him
Unless you direct otherwise he will crawl on his hands and knees. For the first half hour he'll want you to treat him rough and punish him if he misbehaves by spanking or paddling him. Ask him often to lick your sweetness and suck your nips. For the last half hour he'll expect you to order him to screw you."

Wow. Sounds like fun. I wonder, have you ever been a submissive for a client?"

No and I'm glad. I don't think I'd like subjugating myself to a client."

~ * * ~

The clothes we'd brought from Ginger and Amber's condo were beautiful and I loved them, but I didn't pick them out. I wanted the thrill of picking out women's clothes, make-up and undergarments as a woman. So after we left the Diner, and got back in the Jag, I asked Brad, if we could go shopping, "You can tag along, or I could drop you off at the townhouse."

I wouldn't mind getting a couple things myself, so I'll come along."

Pleased, I drove into
Manhattan. Together holding hands, we visited many of the trendy stores along Fifth Avenue and elsewhere. Dutifully and without complaint, Brad went everywhere I went as I visited Lord and Taylor, Pucci, Cache, and Prada. By the time I called it quits, I'd spent over three thousand bucks, on feminine trappings from provocative cocktail dress and four inch high heeled sandals, to sexy underwear.
At least it's, the same amount I'll get from Councilman Warren.

It was Brad
's turn to shop and I accompanied him to Abercrombie and Brooks Brothers, where he bought two suits and some casual wear. It was 4:30 when we finished. We had to hurry home so I could get ready for my date with the councilman. 

It was five o
'clock when we got there and Brad urged, "You need to get ready."

At the townhouse, I headed straight for the closet. Brad followed.
"I thought I'd wear this sexy red bra and panties set, under this short, fiery red dress and matching red, Jimmy Cho pumps, I just bought. That ought to turn him on, right?"

Brad waggled his eyebrows.
"You would think so. It would turn me on."  Then he shook his head. "But Jim has special tastes and needs." He lifted up a pair of thigh high, black leather, spiked heel boots. "You're to wear these boots and nothing else except a leather collar with spikes." Then he pulled out a tan trench coat. "This coat will hide your nudity coming and going."

After donning the required costume, I had to admit Ginger looked sexy in thigh high boots and nothing else. But then again, Ginger would look good wearing a paper bag.

~ * * ~

It was obvious Ginger was anxious
, so I drove her to the councilman's Queens bungalow and waited in the car. Ironically, the idea of Ginger doing what I had done annoyed me. When I was Ginger, I looked at my profession as a job, but now that I was free of my call girl body and someone I was fond of took my place, I didn't like it. From everything Brad told me he loved being a woman—being me—but I doubt that included whoring. 

I parked across the street from the councilman
's home, watched her cross the street, ring the doorbell and when the door opened, go in. Ginger had only been in the house five or six minutes when the front door opened and she stepped out, wearing a tight-lipped frown. She smiled when she saw me, but her expression grew serious quickly and she scuttled down the stairs. She dashed across the street so fast her coat came open and trailed behind, revealing her unclothed body to anyone who happened to be around. Realizing what happened she paused in the middle of the street, long enough to gather the coat, then holding it together, she continued to the Hummer.

She slid into the passenger seat. I waited for her to explain what happened, but said nothing except,
"Let's go."

I started the car and took off. After we
'd traveled a couple blocks, looking straight ahead, she said, "I couldn't do it! Sorry, I thought I could." She angled toward me. "When I said I would sleep around, I just meant, I'd play the field, pick the men who interested me, go out with them, get warmed up, then—if I felt like it, go to bed with them. Having sex cold with someone I don't even know is harder than I thought." I glanced at her. Tears had welled in her eyes.

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