Manhattan Miracle (18 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

BOOK: Manhattan Miracle
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~ * * ~

I didn't even have time to absorb what I thought I heard, because simultaneous with Madame and Suzi vanishing, paramedics crashed through the doors pushing two gurneys. They were accompanied by two policemen with guns drawn. The paramedics tended to Ginger and the rest of us for a few minutes, but the police, hearing contradictory stories from everyone and unable to piece together what happened took everyone to the hospital under guard.



Chapter Twenty-one

Brad rode in the ambulance with me. I could tell from the way e
veryone pampered me that I must've looked terrible, but really, I was wide awake, and in full control of all my facilities. On the ride to the hospital, I removed my shoes, then requested, "Please see that Bella gets these shoes I borrowed from her," and handed them to Brad.

As soon as the paramedics wheeled us into the Emergency roo
m, I was shocked to have Bella and Gino rush up to us. After Bella & Gino hugged us, Brad asked them, "How did you know to meet us at the hospital?"

Gino and Bella glanced at each other and Bella
looked back at Brad and answered, "Someone texted me to meet you here about forty-five minutes ago. I just assumed it was you or Ginger."

handed the shoes to Bella who handed them to Gino, who excused himself. He reappeared about two minutes later without the shoes, but dropped something, most likely the recording, in Bella's hand.

Then Amber and Lew showed up and said the same thing—someone texted them. When the nurse rolled me through the big double doors I was glad when Bella and Amber tagged along.

~ * * ~

Not long
after a nurse rolled Ginger away for a sexual assault examination, reporters from various, newspapers, TV networks, magazines and other media outlets showed up. With dozens of media people suddenly there searching for a story, the already busy emergency room took on a surreal circus-like atmosphere. The Bayside Brawl, as media people began to call it, might have been the most widely covered news event of the week. Whether all the notoriety would help or hurt Ginger and me in the long run, there was no doubt in my mind that the mysterious arrival of the media was the work by our magical duo, Carpenter and Soriano.

About twenty minutes after we arrived, two plain clothes detectives showed up to
see if they could find out what the hell happened. I was being interviewed by three or four reporters when a gregarious African-American police sergeant stole me away.

~ * * ~

They took me into a private room where a sexual assault specialist and nurse, put me through tests, took lots of pictures, lifted fingerprints from my neck and elsewhere, and took DNA samples, etc.

The examination took
almost an hour. When it was finished we went into another room, which was already occupied by Brad, and a policeman. Amber was not allowed in, but Bella, as my attorney was. "Hi, I'm Sergeant William Smith, but you can call me Willie."

Willie, a t
all black man had a bright smile and a friendly manner. I liked him immediately. "I'm Ginger Allen. Sorry, I don't usually look this bad."

He chuckled. "Believe
me, it's clear to me that you're a beautiful woman."

I grinned as he continued,
I'm here to fill out a police report and answer any questions you may have. I've already taken a statement from Brad, who I believe is both your roommate and boyfriend."

"That's true."

The police report took another hour. I named and described my attackers and explained everything that happened. Bella gave the sergeant copies of both recordings I made. Willie listened to them and said, "Apparently, your recorder stopped working just as Mr. Fairchild came to your rescue. Would you care to elaborate?"

I realized immediately that
Madame Soriano and Suzi stopped or erased that portion of the recording. "Umm, I don't know what happened. I was unconscious until the paramedics got there." I didn't know what to say so I threw it in Brad's lap.

I could see Brad cringe as
Willie turned to him. "Would you care to fill in the gap, Mr. Fairchild?"

gaze lifted to the ceiling as if he were looking for an answer from above. Finally he said, "I would, but my adrenalin was pumping so hard, it was like I was in a fog. I was all hands and feet knowing that if I stopped it was all over for Ginger and me.  And when it was over Lancaster and Grimes were tied up in those chairs and it almost seemed like somebody else knocked them out and tied them up in those chairs."

, it's pretty obvious that you kicked their butts. I don't make the final judgment, but it appears to be an air-tight case."

Willie stood and picked up the folder, evidence bag and recordings. "Here's m
y card." He handed a card to each of us. "I will keep you informed. If you think of anything else or have any questions, feel free to call me." Willie nodded and left.


The police were finished with us by ten o'clock. When we got to the waiting room, our marketing director, Amber was already giving interviews to the media, who were in a frenzy for information. When Bella, Brad, and I came out, the media went wild. While Brad and Bella were each cornered by a group of reporters, camera crews zoomed in on me, the main victim.

It was
after twelve when Bella, Amber and Brad finally rescued me after answering hundreds of redundant or similar questions. Brad took my arm and led me toward the exit. "Sorry guys, Ms. Allen has answered enough questions for now. She's had a rough day and needs some rest. Don't you agree?"

mumbling ensued, but most agreed and with my friends surrounding me we finally managed to leave. Gino, who thankfully had a car, volunteered to take us all home. Suddenly the enormity of what happened came crashing down on me. I grew so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open. I remembered Bella and Gino stopping, everyone saying goodbye to them and wondering if they were an item, but nothing, not going in our building, no elevator ride, nothing after that until Brad's cheerful voice woke me the next morning, saying, "Breakfast is served."


Brad helped me sit up and set a breakfast tray with bacon and eggs, orange juice and coffee over my lap. Suddenly, I realized I hadn't eaten all day yesterday and was starved. "Thank you, dear. What would I do without you?"

He waggled his brow. "Nothing, I hope."

I snickered and I took a bite of bacon. Brad cupped his chin and stared at me. "What're you looking at?"

. Your sultry new look—I like it."


"You know, the messed up hair, the blue-gray shadow under you eyes, and the puffy split lip. But most of all I like the trendy gray brown ring around your neck."

I grimaced. "You're hilarious. Get the hell out of here, before I put some blue-gray shadow under your eyes."

He dodged the two pillows I threw at him and waved his hands. "Just kidding. Like the sergeant said, even like that, you're beautiful."

I swallowed the bite of egg in my mouth. "Aw, ain't that sweet? I forgive you."

"Good. If you need anything, just yell. I'll be in the living room with Amber."

I snickered. "Just make sure it's the living room and not the bedroom."

"Why Ginger. Are you jealous?"

"I could be. Don't forget what I did to Grimes and Lancaster. I might claw your eyes out."

He sidled up to me. A naughty grin formed on his face as he bent down and kissed me. "Don't worry. I'm a one woman man."

I was about to respond with,
And I'm a one man woman,
when my cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Ms. Allen?"


"Willie Smith here. I just wanted you to know that
Milton Grimes was charged with battery, attempted murder and sexual assault, while Ray Lancaster was charged with battery and sexual assault late last night."

"That's fantastic news. Anything else?"

"Only that they've lawyered up already and we expect them to request bail at their arraignment later today."

"Bail? You mean the men who tried to kill me might get out of jail?"

"I'm afraid so, Ms. Allen. It's the way the Justice system works."

Well, at least they've been charged. That makes my day a little brighter."

"I figured it might. Well, I better go.
Oh wait, one more thing. Both of the defendants swear some invisible spirit fought them off and tied them up. Did you see anything like that?"

"No, like I said, I was unconscious from the time Brad showed up until the paramedics arrived. Brad's right here if you want to ask him."

"No, that's all right. If this spirit was invisible, what could he see? You just get better and don't worry, you'll be the first to know if anything else happens."

When I ended the call, Brad's eyes narrowed. "What's fantastic news? Who was that?"

"I grinned up at him and said, "Ask Amber to come in here. You'll both get a kick out of this."




Chapter Twenty-

All weekend, Brad and Amber waited on me. Then Monday after bringing me breakfast in bed for the third day in a row, Brad asked,
"Honey, do you think you'll be all right here alone? Amber and I want to go to Bayview, introduce ourselves to the employees and get going."

I shrugged. "I got a little beat up
, but I'm a lot better now. I'll be fine."

And so
, Amber and Brad went off to work while I stayed home.

~ * * ~

For the next few days, things happened quickly.

From what Brad and Amber told me, after introducing themselves, the ten employees who attended the introduction presented them with a company overview. In return, Brad outlined a short term plan and indicated he would work with them on a five year plan. Amber got to work on her specialty, finding new customers.

Amber brought Lew up to our offices and before Amber could even form the question, he asked if he could join us at Bayview Equities. That was just what we wanted, but we did ask if he, in the meantime, could remain at Bayside as our eyes and ears as events unfolded that might concern Brad or me.

~ * * ~

About eleven o'clock I got a call from Sergeant Willie Smith, "Hello Ms. Allen, it's Willie."

"Hi Willie. What's up?"

"Just bringing you up to date. About an hour ago your assailants were arraigned. As expected their attorneys requested bail."


"The judge scheduled a bail hearing for Tuesday morning."

"So is he going to grant bail?"

"He's a she and I'd be surprised if she didn't. The only question is how much."

"Hmm. Don't like that much. Thanks for the call. Let me know how the bail hearing comes out, will you?"

"Of course."

~ * * ~

Tuesday morning, Willie called again, "I have some bad news for you and Mr. Fairchild."

's that?"

"The Judge granted both defendants bail
with conditions."

"Conditions? What kind of conditions?"

"The usual, surrender passport, notify authorities before leaving state, not go within a hundred yards of you and so forth."

"How much is the bail?"

"Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for Lancaster and a half million for Grimes."

I was shocked. "That's all?"

"I'm afraid so. The bottom line is both Grimes and Lancaster probably won't be in custody much longer. I doubt if they'll try anything, but you never know, so be extra careful."

In my mind I chuckled.
"Don't worry. I have guardian angels watching over me."

unny. Just don't get careless and be suspicious of anything out of the ordinary."

Later that day, I heard they were out of jail.

~ * * ~

Wednesday morning, Lew informed us that for day to day operations, Raymond Duncan, the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Bayside assumed the CEO duties too.

When I was still
Brad, I'd known Raymond quite well. He was a competent and energetic man, but he was no visionary. The company fortunes would stagnate if he remained in charge.

~ * * ~

Just before noon on Wednesday, Bella called, "Hi Ginger. It's Bella."

"Hi Bella
. How are you?"

sy, busy, busy, but how are you? You're the one who's convalescing."

"Actually, I feel pretty good. I'm just waiting for all these bruises to go away so I can
start work at our new company."

"Speaking of Brad, did you talk with him a lot about when we lived together?"


"Oh, it's nothing important, but
since I've been involved in the ongoing work regarding your purchase of Bayview Equities, we've had several occasions to talk."


"Well, he's bought up some things when you, Amber and I lived together that frankly, even I forgot, so I figured you must talk to him a lot about those times."

Oh oh!
"Yes, of course, I ramble on about college and my friends and Brad has a mind like Velcro—everything sticks to it."

"Yes, I've noticed
, he's exceptionally smart. Well that solves that mystery. I love chatting with you Ginger, but the reason I called was I plan on meeting the Bayside attorneys and layout our case against them before I file suit. I'm hoping they'll want to settle the thing quietly without adverse notoriety."

makes sense."

"Yes, I think that's best. Th
at's why I set up a meeting for tomorrow afternoon and I need you to be there with me."

got distressed. "But why? You know what I look like?"

"Yes and that's why I want you along. I want them to see you with your battle scars first hand before they vanish
completely. I think it would make them more agreeable."

didn't like it, but I agreed to go with Bella. Thank God, except for the nasty bruising on my neck, the injuries were fading and I could cover my neck with a scarf. "Where and when?"

"Meet me at the
Bayside Building at 2:30."


As promised, I met Bella in the Bayside Building lobby and we took the elevator to the 39
floor. Just as the elevator stopped and the doors parted, Bella started to exit, I paused her with a hand to her forearm. "Are you aware that Grimes and Lancaster are out on bail?"

"Yes, I heard


We only spent about twenty five minutes with Thomas Bernstein and his unnamed associate. They listened to the recordings, and asked if they could have copies, but did not comment on what the recordings contained. As Bella explained the offenses for which she would be suing on my and Brad's behalf, they glanced through the photos the hospital had taken, taking extra time to study those photos which showed my bare breasts. They read the statement of the attending physician and the initial police report. When he finished, he looked up. "Supply me with copies of all this." He waved his hand toward the data he'd just reviewed. "And we will present this information to the board members. I think I can talk them into making a settlement of ten to twenty thousand."

Bella scoped up the folder,
audio player and photos. "If you can't do a lot better than that, don't bother."

Thomas blanched. "What do you think i
t's worth?"

"I don't know
, but I'm willing to let a jury decide. Is Bayside? Your President and CEO not only sexually harassed my client he tried to rape and murder her."

Bella unwrapped the scarf around my n
eck and Thomas' eyes bulged out. "Maybe I can get a hundred thousand for her and a severance package for Mr. Fairchild."

Bella's jaw tensed and she looked at her empty water glass. I thought she might throw it at him, but she seemed
to force herself to calm down. "When is your next board meeting?"

We have
board meetings every quarter. We just had one to appoint a temporary Chief Executive, which means the next meeting won't be for thirteen weeks."

"All right. That
'll give me time to prepare the lawsuit and if you aren't able to present a reasonable offer on the board's behalf, I will file the lawsuit with great fanfare the next day for $250 million."

All of a sudden a
greenish tint colored Thomas' skin as he started coughing violently. Quickly filling his glass with water, he gulped it down. When his coughing stopped he looked at me, then Bella. "Would your client's take a million?"

"No! I'll get the requested materials to you." She turned to me. "Are you ready Ms. Allen?"

I nodded and we walked out, but not before I took one last look at the open mouthed attorneys.

In the elevator I hugged Bella and laughed. "Bella
, you were magnificent. I wish I had a recording of that meeting."

Bella reaching into her purse, pulled out a digital recorder similar to the one I used in my first meeting with Grimes and grinned. "It just so happens…"
"I'll email you a copy."

Before we parted, Bella left with this admonishment. "
Girl, I want to know everything that happens to you or that you learn about our case within fifteen minutes. Is that clear?"

I nodded.

If you can't get me, leave a message, text me or send an email. I'll get back with you. Okay?"


~ * * ~

Brad and Amber were in a festive mood after the first week at our new company and they dragged Lew and me for a celebration to Duke's, a Sports Bar type restaurant & lounge which happened to be next door to the building where Bayview Equities was located.

We were all very optimistic.
In only a week, Brad managed to bring some of his best clients from Bayside aboard. Amber had several solid leads of her own after meeting some men on the Bayside list and convincing them to give Bayview a try. She even managed somehow to make a presentation to two men's groups—
being glamorous always helps
. When a few of the men asked if she could be their account executive, she showed them a couple of my modeling pics, and told them, "Sorry, I don't do that, but my best friend Ginger is my investment advisor and she's incredibly gifted."

Amber handed me six
information cards. "Here you go. When you go back to work, you can start with these."

I grinned. "Thanks. That'll be Monday morning and i
t looks like when I finally get to work, I'll have my first official Bayview clients, thanks to you." 

Though we were sitting we hugged each other. "You're welcome. You just keep making money for the clients I bring and I'll keep them coming."

"It's a deal."

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