Beyond (BOOK 1.5)

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Authors: Melissa Pearl

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Beyond (BOOK 1.5)
Pearl, Melissa
Have you ever been so in love with someone, but not had the courage to tell them?
Nicole Tepper is that girl. She loves her boyfriend Dale, but fearing rejection, keeps her feelings buried deep. She can’t even let on how heartbroken she is when Dale begins applying for colleges thousands of miles away from her; never even whispering a word about how much she wishes he would stay close.
But, when Dale is rejected from Columbia University in NYC, due to a police record that follows him wherever he goes, Nicole soon discovers that love can drive her to do things she never thought possible.
There's more than one way to say, I love you and Nicole Tepper is about to prove to Dale that she loves him beyond all common sense.









Betwixt Novella 1.5




Melissa Pearl


Kindle Edition

Copyright 2013 Melissa Pearl


All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


Cover art (copyright) by Eden Crane. All rights reserved.

Eden Crane Design



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Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13




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Betwixt Excerpt




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To all the people who spend their lives putting the needs of others before their own. You make the world a better place.


Thank you.



Chapter 1


Dale's late. I hate that.

I'm never late.

The plan was to meet outside his place at 4 o'clock today. So, where the hell is he?

I tap my foot on the ground in frustration. It hurts a little, but the Doc told me I needed to keep exercising my bad leg. Due to my mondo knee injury, my left leg is now skinnier than my right. Awesome right? It looks ridiculous, and I'm doing everything I can to get my legs looking even again before the summer rolls around. Like hell I'm wearing shorts with odd-shaped legs! So I keep tapping...and checking my watch. Finally after five minutes—which feels more like twenty—Dale's car appears down the road.

I've thought of a few things I can say to him when he gets out of his car. Some of them are sarcastic. Some are just outright annoyed, and there's one sweet funny one, which I'm so not in the mood to say right now. I'm trying to think of which one to take the lead with when I blurt out, "Where's your hair gone?"

I can't help my sharp tone. How am I supposed to hide my horror? My boyfriend cut his gorgeous curls off without even freaking telling me he was going to!

Dale's grin is adorable as usual, taking the steam from my temper.

"You don't like it?" He closes the car door and saunters towards me, lightly resting his hands on my hips once he's close enough.

I'm too annoyed to tell him that it actually looks quite good, so keep my skeptical pout in place while I run my hands through his very short locks. It's not quite the same. I have to admit that in spite of his long curls not being the height of fashion, I really loved them. I used to wind them around my fingers when we were lying on his bed chatting. I won't be able to do that anymore, and it makes me a little sad.

"Come on, Nicky." He nudges my cheek with his nose. "Is it really that bad?"

I give the hairs at the nape of his neck a little tug, making him laugh and wince at the same time.

“I just can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” I try to step out of his grasp, but he won’t let me. His hands move to my waist, holding me steady.

His head tilts to the side, and I see him embarking on one of those persuasive speeches in his soft voice that always wins me over.

I hold up my finger to stop him. "Don't you dare tell me you wanted to surprise me, because you know I hate surprises. And don't say you did it for me, because you thought I'd like it better. I loved your curls, and you know that."

He lets go of me, clearing his throat in that sheepish way he does. Scratching the back of his head, he scuffs the path outside his house with the toe of his Converse.

"I didn't do it for you, Nicky. You have absolutely nothing to do with the state of my hair."

I shouldn't frown. I know the world doesn't revolve around me, although Dale often makes me feel like it does. He's way too good for me.

Swallowing back the thought, I push aside my fears and paste on my steely glare face. "Why'd you do it then?"

He shrugs, looking just a little embarrassed.

"Dale, why?" I snap.

"Because college is not too far off, and I want to be prepared for interviews. I'm getting applications ready, and I need to present myself as best I can."


Damn, I hate that stupid word.

My mouth goes dry like it always does when I think about the next school year. My brain spasms and I close my eyes. Big Bear High without Dale is going to be all kinds of torture. He's basically my only friend. Trent was right, when I publicly dumped him in that hospital bed, I did commit social suicide. My ex-friends now treat me like the dried-up gum you find beneath cafeteria tables. Amber has no qualms about grimacing right in my face. Penny, aka Twitterbug, has no qualms about sending out random tweets about me, involving hashtags like #limpalot, #deadleg and #thebitchlived. It was way harsh and had me in tears almost everyday until Dale forced me to unfollow her and all my old friends. Returning to school after my rehab has been the hardest thing I've ever done, but Dale never left my side. Slowly walking me to each of my classes, holding my hand and telling me it'll be okay. He's still doing that! He's been holding me up and making me strong. Next year however...

I swallow hard.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess you do look a little smarter." I have to concede. I want him to know I support him. He deserves the best. He's smart, a hard worker, and he'll do great at college. I'm just going to miss him. Not that I can say that out loud or anything.

Instead, I push a smile over my face and step into his space. I run my fingers through his new "do" and smile. His hands are back on my hips. Man, I love the feel of his hands on me. He makes me safe, secure. I feel like I can do anything with him by my side.

His expression is going all soft and mushy as the breeze catches my hair and blows it across my face. He gently tucks it back behind my ear. Maybe he knows what I'm thinking. Can he smell my fear about him leaving me? He doesn't say anything though, just pulls me towards him and lifts me up so our lips are in line.

"You know, babe. I couldn't have cut my hair if it wasn't for you."

"Oh yeah," I murmur, slightly confused as our lips brush together.

He pulls back so he can look into my eyes. "I would never have had the courage to flash my scar around like this if I hadn't been dating the most gorgeous girl on the planet."

I roll my eyes, but can't help blushing.

He grins. "I don't need to hide when I'm around you." His voice is so soft and tender, I think my heart is actually melting.

My lips pull into an instant grin as I place my hand on his cheek and kiss him softly. His arms tighten around me as I deepen the kiss. Man, he is good at this. We haven't really talked about our ex-relationships much. We've mentioned them in passing, but never had that serious,
let's get down to details
type of talk. Thankfully! But, I know he must have been with someone who taught him a thing or two about girls. I can tell by the confident way his hands move over my body or the magic his tongue creates whenever we're kissing. I'm certain he's got all the right moves tucked away inside him and man, do I wish he'd show me a few of them...or like
of them.

My insides flush at the thought. Because of my accident, Dale and I have been forced to take things really slow and that suited me just fine, initially. I was so over being mauled by guys who didn't care about me. Being with someone who actually liked spending time with my brain was refreshing. We've connected on this really deep emotional level. I trust him completely. But, now that my limbs are basically behaving themselves, and now that I've been dating Dale for 6 months....I want more.

His tongue sends sizzles down my spine. I'm just considering ripping his shirt off, when he pulls back and gently lowers me to the ground. I give him a disgruntled sigh. He never plays fair. He always stops things before they really get started.

I cross my arms with a half-hearted scowl.

He looks a touch incredulous. "Nicky! We're on a public street! Outside my house!"

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