Lust Quest (14 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Lust Quest
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Suddenly realizing what I'd done, as if waking from a dream as I sucked out the last of Alan's spunk, I sat upright and clambered to my feet. Jackie gazed at me, disbelief mirrored in her sparkling eyes as I sat on the sofa. I didn't know why I'd behaved like that, I reflected as I looked at Alan. His face and hair drenched, the panties emerging from his mouth soaked, I couldn't think why I'd done it. Jackie said nothing as I reclined on the sofa and closed my eyes. She was obviously too stunned by my crudity to speak.


Hearing movements, I watched Jackie through my eyelashes as she slipped the carrot out of Alan's rectum. Pulling the wet panties out of his mouth, she turned and looked at me. Pretending to sleep, I listened as she asked Alan whether he was all right. He asked her to untie him, and she again looked at me. I couldn't allow that, I mused. I hadn't finished with him. I hadn't fucked him or pushed my open vaginal crack hard against his mouth and ordered him to tongue-fuck my cunt.


“I don't know what's come over her,” Alan whispered.

“Neither do I,” Jackie rejoined. “She was always such a prude. Did you ... Did you enjoy what she did?”


“Yes,” he chuckled softly. “I must admit that no one's ever done that to me before, but I quite liked it. I also liked it when you slipped my cock into your cunt, Jackie. We must meet up somewhere. Don’t tell her, though.”

“I'd better release you before she wakes up.”

“I'll do that,” I grinned, leaping to my feet. “Alan will be staying the night, so I'll release him when you've gone.”

“Gone?” Jackie echoed. “But it's early. We haven't had a drink yet. And I haven't shown you the surprise I brought.”

“Another time,” I said, grabbing her panties and passing them to her. “Alan and I have to talk, don't we, Alan?”

“Er ... Yes,” he replied hesitantly. “But I'd rather you untie me before Jackie leaves.”

“No, we'll wait until she's gone.”


Seeing Jackie to the door, I told her that I'd ring her in the morning. She looked puzzled as she turned and asked whether I was feeling all right. Reassuring her, I opened the door and told her not to worry. After all, she had nothing to worry about. But Alan did. Returning to the lounge, I stood over his naked body and looked down at him. He had that same puzzled look as he gazed up at me. The same look he’d had the last time he’d been tied up in my lounge.


“What's the matter?” I asked.

“I was just wondering what all this is about,” he replied. “Are you going to release me now?”

“No, not yet. Did you enjoy fucking Jackie?”


“Well, I ... Yes, I did.”

“And did you enjoy fucking Angela?”

“No, she ...”

“What about Crystal Marshall?”


“Crystal Marshall. Did you enjoy fucking her?”

“Crystal was ...”

“I know what she was, Alan. Did you enjoy fucking her?”

“Jade, what's all this about?”

“Did you know that she's dead?” I asked, grabbing a cushion from the sofa and pushing it beneath his head.

“I know that she's gone missing, but ... Wait a minute. Surely you don't think that I ...”

“We'll talk about it in the morning, Alan,” I smiled, walking to the door. “I need an early night. Sleep well.”



Chapter Seven

woke the following morning with an aching back. I hadn't slept at all well.

I Dreams had haunted me. Dreams of Crystal's naked body dumped in the woods, her wide eyes glazed, staring at the trees high above her. Was it a dream? Climbing out of bed, I suddenly remembered that Alan was in the lounge. I couldn't for the life of me think why I'd left him there as I raced through the hall. I must have been out of my mind. Either that or ... Possessed?


“For Christ's sake, let me go,” he hissed as I walked into the lounge. “Jade, what the hell do you think you're playing at? Leaving me here all bloody night and ...”

“Shut up, Alan,” I hissed. “Just shut up. Now, listen to me. You were screwing around when we were together. You cheated on Angela and were quite happy to have Jackie suck you off after telling me that you wanted us to get back together. And to top it all, you'd been visiting a prostitute.”



been to a prostitute,” he returned indignantly.

“Crystal Marshall was a bloody prostitute.”

“Crystal? Of course she wasn't.”

“Jackie said that she was into prostitution.”

“I don't care what Jackie said. The police said that it was a possibility seeing as the neighbours reckoned that she had a lot of male visitors.”

“Have you been to the police?”

“No, why should I? I hardly ever saw her.”

“When were you last there? And how come you knew her?”


“I haven't been to see her for several weeks. I met her at party and, before you ask, we were only friends.”

“I don't believe you,” I snapped. “You can't have females as friends. You have to fuck them.”

“I don't give a toss what you believe. Just release me and let me get out of here.”

“No, I won't,” I stormed, leaving the room.


I thought that I must be going mad as I wandered into the kitchen. Crystal probably had nothing to do with prostitution, and no one had said that she was dead.

She might have gone anywhere, gone away for a couple of weeks to think about her writing. I'd lost my senses thinking that she was a whore and one of her clients had abducted and murdered her. Gazing through the kitchen window at the bushes down the garden, I was sure that she was dead. It all added up. The cottage with the laburnum tree and the well, the girl's face in the bushes, my book and ... If Crystal Marshall was alive and kicking, then who or what was getting to me?


“Will you shut up!” I screamed, bursting into the lounge as Alan repeatedly called me.

“For Christ's sake, Jade. Let me go!”

“That should keep you quiet,” I grinned, stuffing the soaked panties into his mouth. “I don't like shouting at the best of times, and certainly not early in the morning.”



I didn't know what the hell was going on as I flopped onto the sofa. What had I been thinking? What had I done? Alan tied up on the floor with my urine-soaked panties stuffed in his mouth, his pubic hairs shaved off ... What had happened to my life? Ghosts, faces in the bushes, Jackie fucking Alan, me pissing over him ... I had to take control, I knew as Alan writhed and struggled to break free. I had to backtrack and return to normality. That wouldn't be so difficult, I mused. Let Alan go, forget the dirty book and lesbian sex with Jackie ... Realizing that I was naked, I looked down at my firm breasts. What Alan thought of me, I had no idea. I doubted that I'd ever see him again. Which probably wasn't a bad thing.


This is your chance
. Jumping as my mind whispered to me, I really did think that I was going crazy. I'd been working too hard, I concluded. Staring at the computer screen day in and day out had made me tired and muddled my thinking.

Eyeing Alan's flaccid penis, I pondered on my uncharacteristic thoughts. My last chance? Yes, it was. Once I'd released Alan, he'd run like hell and never come back. I couldn't let him go, not yet, not before I'd ...


“I want you to come in my mouth,” I said huskily, leaving the sofa and sitting by his side. “No, I have a better idea.” Toying with his flaccid penis, I retracted his foreskin and stroked his glistening knob. This was my last chance. I'd not seen musician Alan for a while and once Alan the ex had gone I'd be manless. There was Jackie, of course. But returning to normality didn't mean having a sexual relationship with my best girlfriend.



Pulling my panties out of his mouth, I squatted over his face and ordered him to lick my bottom-hole. I felt embarrassed as I yanked my firm buttocks apart and exposed my small brown ring. But I had to feel a tongue there, licking, tantalising, teasing my delicate anal tissue. My anal sphincter muscles tightening as his tongue licked my private hole, I closed my eyes. The sensation was heavenly. His wet tongue lapping, tasting me there, I breathed deeply and began to tremble as my sex juices oozed between the splayed lips of my young pussy. My fingers within my anal crease, I pulled my bottom-hole wide open and ordered Alan to push his tongue deep into my bum. Shuddering as he complied, the wet warmth of his tongue delving into my sensitive rectal duct, I let out little gasps of debased pleasure.


Another first, I reflected as he tongue-fucked my bottom. From prude to experienced in crude sex, I was changing fast. But there was another act that I needed to experience before I gave Alan his freedom. Anal intercourse. Would my anus stretch enough to allow his bulbous knob entry to my inner duct? Would my rectum be able to accommodate his huge shaft? My private hole well lubricated with saliva, I moved down his naked body and positioned myself over the swollen glans of his erect cock.


“Jade,” he murmured as I pushed the swollen knob of his penis against my anal inlet. Closing my eyes and trying to relax my muscles, I managed to force his purple globe past my tight ring and into the heat of my anal canal. So far so good, I mused, slowly lowering my naked body. His solid shaft driving into my tight canal, the stretching and bloating sensations were heavenly. My juices of desire coursing 130

from my open pussy hole, my clitoris painfully swelling, I completely impaled myself on his rock-hard cock.


I wanted to feel his spunk gushing into my bowels, filling me to the brim as he fucked my arse. I was desperate for the sensation of sperm swirling within my tight anal duct, lubricating his pistoning shaft. I felt decadent, crude in the extreme as I gently bounced up and down, fucking my tight arsehole with his beautiful cock. My firm buttocks repeatedly meeting his naked balls with loud slaps, his knob massaging the velveteen walls of my tightening rectum, I felt my clitoris swell and pulsate as my arousal went through the roof. Never had I known such beautiful sensations as his cock pistoned my anal cylinder, the walls of my burning sheath rhythmically expanding and contracting.


His gasps growing louder, I knew that he was about to come. Bouncing up and down faster, the sensitive tissue of my anus sending electrifying sensations of crude sex deep into my quivering pelvis, I slipped my fingers between the swell of my vaginal lips and massaged my erect clitoris. Our orgasms exploding, I felt his sperm gushing into my rectum, lubricating the illicit union as my climax sent heavenly tremors of debased sex coursing through my naked body.


“Yes,” I breathed, massaging my clitoris faster and sustaining my mind-blowing orgasm as my anal duct filled with sperm. The lubricating liquid oozing from my inflamed bottom-hole, squelching as I bobbed up and down on Alan's huge cock, I reached such incredible heights of sexual ecstasy that I felt that I'd lost my mind.

Swirling colours engulfed me as sparks of orgasm showered my very being. I was 131

floating, drifting through purple clouds of sex in another world. My very soul in the grip of sexual euphoria, I became oblivious to my surroundings.


I bounced up and down, again and again bouncing, fucking my arse, spunking my hot bowels. The delicious sound of squelching sperm filling my head, gasps, low moans of pleasure, buttocks slapping balls, heavy breathing ... My orgasm peaking, I threw my head back, my nostrils flaring, my eyes rolling as I rode the crest of sexual ecstasy. My neglected vaginal sheath yeaning for my massaging fingers, I imagined that there was another huge penis fucking my cunt. Two fleshy shafts thrusting in and out of my inflamed sex holes, the sensations blowing my mind away on the wind of pure debauched lust.


Finally drifting down from my sexual heaven, I hung my head, gasping and panting for breath as my anal canal gripped Alan's deflating cock. Two penises? I pondered. That was something that I had to experience, I knew as my trembling body rolled to one side and Alan's cock left my inflamed arsehole with a loud sucking sound. Quivering on the floor, sperm oozing from the burning eye of my gaping anus, I lay in a warm pool of debased sex.


“Christ,” Alan murmured as I searched through the mist of sex and found my mind. “You really are something else.” Releasing his ankles, I untied his wrists and clambered to my feet. Moving to the door as he dragged his naked body off the floor, I left him to dress. I didn't want to speak to him, there was nothing to say. There were no words. I'd used him to further my sexual experience, which was all I'd wanted from him.



After a shower, I emerged from the bathroom to find him gone. That was that, I reflected. Another encounter, another experience, another chapter for my erotic book. Dressing in a miniskirt and loose-fitting blouse, I flopped in my swivel chair and switched the computer on. Sperm oozed from my bottom-hole, my arsehole, and seeped into my tight panties. A stark reminder of my debauched act. I didn't want to think about Alan or Jackie or Crystal. I needed to work with a clear mind, concentrate on my writing. Would my sperm-oozing bottom allow me to concentrate? Arse-fuck.



The phone had rung a dozen times during the day. I'd stopped for nothing, ignoring the phone and the doorbell and even going without lunch. By four o'clock, I'd written chapter seven and printed the book. The first seven chapters would be more than enough for David, I mused, parcelling the manuscript. I should have read the book so far, but knew that I'd only spend several days rewriting it. Grabbing my bag, the manuscript under my arm, I walked down the road to the post office.


That was that. It was posted. There was no turning back now. Whatever thoughts and ideas I had for the book, it was too late. Walking home, I wished that I'd done this and that to the manuscript. Should I have changed Crystal's name? Perhaps she should have lived in a flat rather than a cottage. But no. I'd wasted three years writing my romantic novel and didn't intend to waste another three years on my dirty book.

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