Lust Quest (5 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Lust Quest
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“He was scruffy, but clean,” she returned. “You're such a snob, Jade. That's why you never have any fun. You're too haughty to mix with normal people and enjoy life. What do you think you've got in your knickers? Some sort of priceless treasure to be kept secret from the world? We've all got cunts, Jade. Whether you like it or not, all women have cunts.”

“I know that. What I meant was ... Anyway, I'm not a snob. It's just that I don't agree with screwing around. And I don’t like the word ... The C word.”

“You won't even write about sex, let alone do it.”

“As it happens, I ... I gave Alan a blowjob.”

“You sucked him off?” she shrieked, holding her hand to her mouth.

“Yes, I did. So you can forget about snobbery and my never having any fun.”

“Good God. Jade-the-prude sucking a bloke's knob on the first night. Did he fuck you?”

“No, he didn't. I don't want to talk about it, Jackie.”


“But you'll write about it?”




Wishing that I'd kept my mouth shut, with both Jackie and Alan, I sat at the table and toyed with my coffee cup. Hanging my head, I felt embarrassed. Jackie was gazing at me, I could feel her stare burning into me. Was I a snob? I wondered. I'd always had a thing about clean clothes, noticed what people were wearing and whether they'd washed or not, but that wasn't snobbish. Perhaps my attitude towards sex was prudish, but that didn't make me a snob.


Turning my thoughts to erotic fiction, I gazed at the swell of Jackie's breasts exposed by her partially open blouse. I wanted to see her nipples, compare her breasts with mine. Pondering on her sex crack, I took a deep breath. Why was I thinking like that? I mused as Jackie leaned forward, revealing her lacy bra. Reckoning that she knew what I was thinking, I sipped my coffee and talked about the hot weather we'd been having.


“It's the middle of June,” she laughed. “That's why it's been so hot. Getting back to the blowjob, did he come in your mouth?”

“Jackie, I don't want to talk about it,” I snapped.

“Did you swallow?”

“For God's sake. Yes he came in my mouth and, yes, I swallowed. OK?”

“Great! Was he big?”

“Yes ... Oh, I don't know. I'm beginning to wish that you'd been there. You could have seen for yourself.”


“I wish I had. I watched my sister suck her boyfriend off once.”

“You watched Christine suck her boyfriend?” I gasped in disbelief.

“Our parents were out and we were mucking about in the bedroom. Christine got Mike's cock out and sucked him off.”

“You never cease to amaze me,” I frowned.



sucked him.”

“You sucked him while your sister ...”

“It was a laugh, Jade. We were having some fun, that was all. I don't know what this thing is that you have about sex. It seems to me that you look upon sex as some kind of sacred act. That's why I've never talked to you about it.”

“Not sacred, exactly. But it is something to be shared with one you love.”

“Oh, so you love Alan now?”

“No, of course ... OK, you win,” I conceded.

“I'll tell you what we'll do. You get Alan round here again and I'll join in. It'll be fun.”

“No, Jackie! Certainly not!”

“Come on, Jade. Climb down from your pedestal and live for once. Besides, if you're going to write about sex, then you'll need all the experience you can get. We'll wank him, take turns to wank him and watch his spunk shoot out.”

“Jackie, I am
going to take part in ... in a threesome.”

“It's not a threesome. We'll have some fun with his dick, that's all.”


Shaking my head as she left the room to go to the loo, I wondered what Alan would think if Jackie arrived and joined in. He'd think us a couple of sluts. Take turns to wank him and watch his spunk shoot out? I'd thought I'd known Jackie well, I 40

reflected. Obviously not. Was it
attitude towards sex that was abnormal, or mine?

Was a penis merely something to enjoy and have fun with? My strait-laced upbringing had suppressed my sexual feelings and desires, I knew. But was my outlook really that odd?


“My panties are soaked with spunk,” Jackie complained unashamedly as she returned and sat at the table.

“I don't think I want to know about the state of your panties,” I said, shaking my head.

“At least you swallowed the stuff,” she grinned. “Fancy giving a bloke a blowjob on the first night. I can't believe it.”

“Jackie, will you please stop going on about it.”

“I’ll ask you one more thing, and then I'll shut up. How many cocks have you sucked?”

“That was my first. And don't laugh or call me a prude. I've just been a little slower than you.”

“Slower? Bloody hell, you've been standing still. Anyway, how about the thing with this Alan bloke? Shall we have some fun with his dick?”


I must admit that I was in two minds over her proposition. It wasn't so much that I wanted to have some fun with Alan's dick or experience the sordid act to help me with the book. I think that I was intrigued rather than anything else. The thought of Jackie and me wanking Alan, playing with his cock and making him come, grabbed my fascination. But I didn't think Alan was the sort of person to ... I didn't know what 41

sort of person he was. He'd not thought it a good idea for me to write about sex. There again, he might jump at the chance of having two attractive girls wank him off.


“No,” I finally replied. “Anyway, I doubt that I'll be seeing him again.”

“That's a shame,” she sighed. “It would have been great to share a bloke.”

“Share a bloke? For goodness sake, Jackie. The very notion is ... It's awful.”

“Where's the harm in having a laugh? Sex should be fun. Not a serious act solely for the purpose of having kids. If you do see him again, get him round here and we'll have some fun. Anyway, I'd better be going.”

“And I'd better get to bed. I'll ring you some time.”

“Ring me when you've lured Alan here, OK?”

“I doubt that I'll see him again.”

“If you do, ring me. Right, I'll see you soon.”


When she'd gone, I wandered into my bedroom and slipped beneath the quilt.

Pondering on Jackie's disgusting proposition, I was sure that the sordid episode would lead to group sex. I couldn't see Jackie playing with Alan's dick without wanting him to slip it into her pussy. And then he'd screw me and then Jackie would touch me and expect me to ... My imagination was running away with me. All she wanted was to have some fun with his dick, not my pussy. Didn't she?



Chapter Three

o my surprise, Alan rang at ten the following morning. Ex-Alan, not musician T Alan. After a year without any contact, he suddenly announced that he wanted us to get back together. The tart had found someone else and he should never have left me and wished he could turn the clock back and had realized just how much he loved me and ... I listened to his drivel until boredom set in and I finally interrupted him.


“I've got someone else,” I announced proudly.

?” he gasped surprisedly. “You've been seeing someone else?”

“Of course. Surely, you didn't expect me to stay celibate.”

“Who is he? I mean, where did you meet him? How long has this been going on?”

“Alan. The pub. And for about two months.”


“Ironic, isn't it?”

“Jade ... Are you busy today?”

“I'm working on my new book.”

“I've got the day off. I'll call round, if that's OK?”

“Well ... I'm not seeing Alan until this evening so you can come round for coffee, if you so wish. Not for long, though. I have a lot of work to do.”

“And we have a lot of talking to do.”

“Talking?” I echoed with a giggle. “What about?”

“Us ... I mean ... I'll be about an hour.”

“Whenever,” I said dismissively, and hung up.



That was a turn up for the books, I mused as I showered and dressed. I’d been alone for over a year, and within twelve hours I'd sucked a man off and Alan wanted us to get back together.
Things always happen in threes
, I mused. What was the third surprise? Another cock to suck? No, I wasn't going to play the field. I had my writing to get on with. The last thing I needed was men disrupting life. Love brought pain, I recalled sadly. And, inevitably, desolation. Perhaps Jackie's thinking made sense after all. No love, no commitments - just raw sex.


Although guilty, I felt proud of myself. Sucking Alan to orgasm and drinking his sperm had been like passing my driving test. I'd done it. I'd actually done it. I'd pulled a young man in the pub, taken him home, hauled his cock out and wanked and sucked him until he'd spermed in my mouth. A triumph, a first, a pioneering leap forward ... Realizing that I was being stupid, I bashed away at the keyboard until the doorbell rang.


“Hi,” I said as Alan stepped into the hall. “How are things?” I hoped that they were really bad. He deserved a taste of loneliness and desolation.

“I'm dossing on a friend's sofa,” he murmured dolefully. Did he want sympathy? “Angela said that ... The flat’s in her name so I've had to leave.”

“How sad for you,” I grinned sarcastically as he followed me into the kitchen.

“Still, there are plenty of other slags around.” Was I a slag?

“It's good to see you again, Jade.”

“Is it?” He was a two-faced, cheating liar.



He leaned against the worktop as I filled the kettle. Looking him up and down from the corner of my eye, I thought that he didn't look too bad. He'd shaved and was wearing a clean shirt and pressed trousers. His hair was neat and I reckoned that he'd at least been looking after himself since the tart had evicted him. It seemed strange having him in the flat after all that time. He’d been sleeping in her bed, fucking her and coming in her cunt ... We were like strangers, I mused. Musician Alan and I had been strangers until ...


“So, who's this bloke?” Alan asked. I detected a hint of jealousy as he hung his head.

“I told you, his name's Alan.”

“Serious, is it?”

“Serious enough,” I lied. Was it a lie? “He's a musician. So, you and the tart are no longer.” I had to rub it in. “Finished, split up ...”

“I should never have left you,” he sighed. “Jade, I ...”

“What's done is done,” I broke in. Including sucking the sperm from a stranger's cock. “We can't turn the clock back, Alan. Not that I'd want to.”

“So, you wouldn't consider us getting back together?”

“I was no good in bed. You said that Angela was into oral sex and just about everything else, unlike me. Besides, my Alan thinks that I'm brilliant in bed. What was it with Angela? Did she find someone who was better than you in bed?”

“No, it wasn't that. Perhaps we could have a drink or a meal some time.”


This really was ironic. He'd devastated me with his cruel words and was now almost begging me to take him back. It wasn't in my nature to be heartless, but I 45

pondered on playing games with him. Perhaps I wanted revenge? I didn't know what I wanted. But I did know that, for the first time in a year, I felt good inside. I had the musician after me, and now ex-Alan. The dirty book constantly on my mind, I decided to have some fun with him. I wanted to show him that I'd changed, that I was no longer the prude. Did I want to shock him? More than likely.


“It's strange that you said I was no good in bed,” I persisted, pouring the coffee. “Angela has dumped you for another man, and I've got a man who reckons that I'm a nymphomaniac. You seem to be the common denominator when it comes to being no good in bed.”

“It wasn't that,” he returned irritably. “She was looking for something. I don't know what she wants and I don't think she does. But I do know that I don't want

My biggest mistake was leaving you. I said things at the time that I didn't mean.”

Passing him a cup of coffee, I frowned. “Didn't mean?” I echoed, feigning astonishment. “If my memory serves me correctly, you said that I was asexual. You also informed me that I had no idea how to please a man and you were delighted because you'd found a proper woman at last.”

“Yes, but I didn't mean ...”

“It was a year ago, Alan,” I broke in dismissively. “Let's not drag up crap from the past. So, you're dossing on a friend's sofa? What plans do you have? Are you still working for the insurance company?”

“Yes, I am. As for plans, well ... I'd thought that we might give it another go.”

“I've had a dozen or more men since you dumped me, Alan.”

“What? But you were never ...”


“I've been living. I'm enjoying life now I'm free of the constrictions of a possessive, jealous and dominant man who has no idea how to treat a woman.”


Standing before him, I rubbed the crotch of his trousers, feeling his penis through the tight material. He stared at me as if in a state of shock as I massaged his rising organ. I didn't know why I was behaving like that. I supposed it was part of my plan for revenge. Plan? I had no plan. I didn't know what I was thinking as I pondered on pulling his cock out and wanking him. But I was enjoying the game. Dangerous games, I mused as his cock became fully erect. Dangerous games, dangerous pleasure.


Recalling the tart in the book, I realized how easy it was to seduce men. I could have had Alan eating out of my hand, if I'd wanted to. Both Alans, in fact. I wanted to show ex-Alan that I'd not only changed, but was enjoying life to the full without him. He’d always thought I’d needed him, couldn’t survive without him.

He’d been wrong. I didn't want him to think me a tart, but ... Perhaps I did. Perhaps I wanted him to think me a common slag.
Revenge is sweet
, I reflected, slowly pulling his zip down. From angelic innocence to carnal lust, I was turning.


His eyes widening as my hand delved into his trousers and squeezed the warm shaft of his penis, I wondered what he was thinking. I knew what
was thinking as I pulled his solid cock out. I was thinking that I needed experience to write my dirty book. Feeling the fleshy shaft of his penis, I recalled the first time it had entered me, driven into the virginal shaft of my pussy and spermed me.
Those were the days
, I reflected.
Days of innocence and naivety, trust and stupidity.

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